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Their Most Faithful and Britannic Majesties, having resolved, in consideration of the present circumstances of Europe, to substantiate by means of a Treaty adapted to those circumstances, Their intimate and mutual confidence, as well as the friendship and good understanding which have been to happily established between Their August Predecessors, and which they are always desirous more and more to confirm and improve; have named for that purpose, viz. Her Most Faithful Majesty, the most Illustrious and most Excellent Lord Don John d'Almeida de Mello e Castro, Member of the Council of Her Most Faithful Majesty, and Counsellor in Her Council of Finances, Knight of the Order of Christ, Commander of port Ancho in the Order of S. James, and Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from Her said Most Faithful Majesty to His Britannic Majesty; and His Britannic Majesty, the most Illustrious and most Excellent Lord William Wyndham, Baron Grenville of Wotton, one of His Majesty's most Honorable Privy Council, and Her Principal Secretary of State for the Department of Foreign Affairs; who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, have agreed upon the following Articles:


Their Most Faithful and Britannic Majesties will employ Their utmost attention, to reestablish the public tranquillity upon solid and permanent foundations, and to maintain Their common interests and the security of Their respective Dominions. And Their Majesties engage to act in concert,

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accordo, e com a mais intima confiança, para conseguir o complemento d'estes saudaveis fins.


Havendo as pessoas que em França têem exercido os poderes do Governo, declarado a Sua Magestade Britannica uma injusta e não provocada guerra, Sua Magestade Fidelissima confirma a obrigação que Portugal tem contrahido pelos Tratados anteriores, de concorrer para a defeza reciproca, e se obriga a fornecer como Potencia auxiliar e alliada de Sua Magestade Britannica todos os soccorros que forem compativeis com a sua propria situação e segurança, a fim de que obrem estes á inteira disposição de Sua Magestade Britannica.


Em consequencia do que fica estipulado pelo Artigo precedente, e para que os vassallos portuguezes e britannicos sejam mutuamente protegidos durante a presente guerra, assim em sua navegação, como nos portos das duas Altas Partes Contratantes, Suas Magestades Fidelissima e Britannica têem estabelecido e convindo entre Si, que as Suas esquadras e navios de guerra darão comboio indistinctamente aos navios mercantes de ambas as nações alliadas, do mesmo modo que se acha determinado para com os navios das suas proprias nações, quanto o houverem de permittir as circumstancias; e que outrosim tanto as embarcações de guerra como os navios mercantes serão admittidos e protegidos nos seus respectivos portos, e providos pelo preço corrente do paiz de todos aquelles soccorros de que elles houverem mister.


Sua Magestade Fidelissima promette fechar todos os Seus portos aos navios de guerra, armadores e corsarios francezes, durante todo o tempo em que a França estiver em guerra com Sua Magestade Britannica. Sua Magestade Fidelissima prohibirá aos seus vassallos exportar dos Seus portos para os de França, ou levar aos de França de qualquer outro porto que seja, munição alguma de guerra ou naval, ou ainda mesmo grãos, carnes salgadas ou outra alguma provisão de bôca. Sua dita Magestade Fidelissima se obriga outrosim a

and in the most intimate confidence, for the accomplishment of these salutary ends.


The persons who have exercised the powers of Government in France, having declared against His Britannic Majesty an unjust and unprovoked war, Her Most Faithful Majesty confirms the obligation which Portugal has contracted by former Treaties, for concurring in mutual defence, and engages to furnish as an auxiliary Power and an Ally of His Britannic Majesty, all the succours which shall be compatible with Her own situation and security, in order that they may act at the absolute disposal of His Britannic Majesty.


In consequence of what is stipulated in the preceeding Article, and in order that the portuguese and british vessels (1) may be mutually protected during the present war, as well in their navigation as in the ports of the two High Contracting Parties, Their Most Faithful and Britannic Majesties have stipulated and agreed with each other that Their esquadrons and ships of war shall convoy without distinction the trading vessels of the Two Nations, in the same manner as is established for those of their own Nations, as far as circumstances may permit; and that both Their ships of war and trading vessels shall be admitted and protected in Their respective ports, and shall be furnished with all the succours of which they may stand in need, at the current prices of the country.


Her Most Faithful Majesty promises to shut all Her ports against the french ships of war and privateers, during all the time that France shall be at war with His Britannic Majesty. Her Most Faithful Majesty will prohibit Her subjects, from exporting from Her said ports for those of France, or from carrying to the ports of France from any other port whatsoever, any military or naval stores, or

(1) Deve ser subjects.

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não dar nem consentir que deem os Seus vassallos protecção alguma, qualquer que esta seja, quer directa quer indirecta, ao commercio ou aos bens dos Francezes, sobre o mar ou nos portos de França; e a respeito do que se acha declarado n'este Artigo, tomará Sua Magestade Fidelissima as medidas as mais severas, a fim de manter em todo o seu vigor a sobredita prohibição.


Se uma ou outra das duas Altas Partes Contratantes vier a ser atacada, molestada ou inquietada em alguns dos Seus Estados, direitos, posses ou interesses, em qualquer tempo, ou de qualquer modo que ser possa, quer por mar quer por terra, em consequencia ou em odio dos Artigos ou das estipulações contidas no presente Tratado, ou das medidas que se houverem de tomar pelas duas Altas Partes Contratantes em virtude d'este Tratado, a outra Parte Contratante se obriga a soccorre-la e a fazer com ella causa commum, pelo modo que fica estipulado pelos sobreditos Artigos.


Em consequencia das estipulações dos Tratados já subsistentes entre Suas Magestades, assim como das que n'este se contêem, se obrigam Ellas reciprocamente a que, no caso de que durante a presente guerra a França, ou pela rasão acima mencionada, ou por qualquer outra causa, viesse a atacar os Estados de Sua Magestade Fidelissima ou as Suas embarcações, assim de guerra como mercantes, ou a commetter quaesquer outras hostilidades, não só fariam ambas Suas Magestades causa commum entre Si na dita guerra, e dariam mutuamente uma á outra todos os soccorros possiveis, em conformidade dos mesmos Tratados, mas tambem na dita guerra fecharão Ellas os Seus portos a todos os navios francezes, quaesquer que estes fossem, e não deporiam as armas (a não ser por commum accordo), sem haverem primeiro obtido a satisfação competente, e a restituição de todos os Estados, territorios e possessões que a uma ou a outra Potencia tivessem pertencido antes do principio da guerra, e de que se houvesse apoderado o inimigo no decurso das hostilidades.

even corn, salted meat, or any other provisions. Her said Majesty also engages not to give, nor permit to Her subjects to give any protection whatsoever, either directly or indirectly, to the trade or property of the French on the sea or in the ports of France, and will take, in consequence of what is declared in this Article, the most severe measures in order to maintain the above-mentioned prohibition in its full force.


If either of the High Contracting Parties should be attacked, molested or disturbed in any of their Dominions, rights, possessions or interests, at any time, or in any manner whatsoever, by sea or land, in consequence or in hatred of the Articles or stipulations contained in the present Treaty, or of the measures to be taken by the said Contracting Parties in virtue of this Treaty, the other Contracting Party engages to assist and to make common cause in the manner stipulated by the aforesaid Articles.

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Their Majesties, in consequence of the stipulations of the Treaties now subsisting between them, as of those contained in this Treaty, mutually engage that in case, during the present war, either for the reason above-mentioned, or for any other cause, France should attack the Dominions of Her Most Faithful Majesty, or Her ships of war or trading vessels, or should commit any hostilities whatever, They will not only make common cause in the said war, and afford to each other all possible succours, conformably to the said Treaties, but also that during the said war They will shut Their ports to all french ships whatsoever; and that They will not lay down their arms (unless by common consent), without having obtained a due satisfaction, as well as restitution of all the Dominions, territories, islands or possessions, which shall have belonged to either Power before the commencement of the war, and of which the enemy may have taken possession during the course of hostilities.

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