Abbildungen der Seite

in each of the following branches; Divinity, Law, Theory and Practice of Medicine, Anatomy and Surgery, Chemistry and Mineralogy, the Greek language, Greek literature, Latin language and literature, French and Spanish languages and literature, Hebrew and other oriental languages, Natural History, Mathematics and Natural and Experimental Philosophy, Intellectual Philosophy, Natural Religion, Moral Philosophy and Civil Polity, Rhetorick and Oratory, Belles Lettres, the Rumford Professor on the application of the Mathematical and Physical sciences to the useful arts, a Lecturer on Sacred Criticism, on Ecclesiastical history and polity, on Materia Medica, on Obstetricks, two Tutors in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, a Librarian, Instructer in French and Spanish, Regent, Proctors and Registrar.


New European Publications -The following work is announced as shortly to appear in Russia, viz. The History of Russia, in 8 vols. by Mr. Karamsin, Historiographer of the empire.

A new edition is now publishing at Paris of the Tableaux Historiques de la Revolution Francaise, with important additions and alterations. The new edition will be contained in 2 vols. folio, with 220 splendid portraits, and sold at 400 francs.

A Dictionary of the Medical Sciences is now publishing in Paris, by a Society of Physicians and Surgeons. The work has advanced to the 20th volume, in 8vo. In connection with it is published the Medical Flora, each number of which consists of four engraved and coloured plates of plants, with a description, and an account of the uses of each. The plates are executed with great exactness and elegance.

A second and improved edition in French, of Simond's Travels in England, has been published at Paris, with 15 plates and 13 vignettes.

There are now publishing in Paris two editions of the whole works of Voltaire-one by M. Desoer, in 12 vols. 8vo, and the other by Madame Perronneau, in 50 vols. 12mo. The edition of Kehl is in 66 vols.

There is now publishing at Paris, a Dictionary of the Natural Sciences, to be completed in 30 vols. 8vo, by several Professors of the Principal Schools at Paris. The eighth volume, which is the last published, contains many articles by Cuvier, and other distinguished naturalists.

M. Schoel, Counsellor of the Prussian Embassy in France, is publishing at Paris, an abridged History of the Treaties of Peace between the powers of Europe, from the peace of Westphalia to the treaty of Paris, of November 20th, 1815. This work was com

menced by the late M. Koch, Professor of Publick Law at the University of Strasburgh; but has been remodelled and continued by the present editor. It is to be completed in 12 vols. 8vo, seven of which coming down to the year 1815, are already published.

New Editions of Foreign Works, published in the United States during the last four months.

Elegant Extract, vol. i. and ii. to be completed in 12 vols. from Sharp's edition, 12mo New York.

Lectures on the Duties and Qualifications of a Physician, Philadelphia.

Biographical Sketches of the Literary Life of S. T. Coleridge, by himself, 12no. $1,25, New York.

The Welsh Mountaineers, a novel, by Catherine Hunter, 2 vols. 12mo. 82, Philadelphia.

An Original collection of the Poems of Ossian, Orann, Ullin, &c. Notes on a Journey in America, from Virginia to the Illinois, &c. by Morris Birkbeck, 12mo. 81, Philadelphia.

The Speeches of Charles Phillips, Esq. Edited by himself, second American edition, $1,25, Philadelphia.

Outline of the Revolution in South America, by a South American, 12mo. $1, New York.

La Coalition et la France, Georgetown, Col.

Sketch of the Military and Political Power of Russia, reputed to be by Sir Robert Wilson, New York.

France, by Lady Morgan, third edition, with plates, 8vo. Philadelphia.

Gethsemane, or thoughts on the sufferings of Christ, 874 cents, Baltimore.

The Remains of the Rev Richard Cecil, 75 cents, New York. Cœlebs Deceived, a novel, 75 cents, New York.

The Modern Practice of Physick, by Robert Thomas, abridged by Drs. Currie and Candie of Philadelphia, 83, Philadelphia. Hume's Philosophical Essays, with Campbell on Miracles, edited by Thomas Ewell, M. D. 8vo. 2 vols. 87, Georgetown. Aunt Mary's Tales, 75 cents, New York.

The Devotions of Bishop Andrews, translated from the Greek, by Dean Stanhope.

Nicholson's Encyclopædia, or Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 8vo. 6 vols. with 160 engravings, 824, Philadelphia

Orfila's Toxicology, or Treatise on Poisons, abridged and partly translated by Joseph G. Nancrede, M. D. Philadelphia. The Balance of Comfort, a novel, by Mrs Ross, author of Paired, not Matched, 2 vols. 12mo. $1,75, Philadelphia.

Memoirs of the Duke de Sully, 5 vols. 8vo. $11, Philadelphia. Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz, 3 vols. 8vo. $10. Philadelphia. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. Claudius Buchanan, D. D. late Vice Provost of the College of Fort William in Bengal, by the Rev H. Pearson. 8vo. 82,75, Philadelphia.

A Treatise on the Blood, Inflammation and Gun-shot wounds, by John Hunter, Philadelphia.

Journal of Science and the Arts. Nos. 1, 2, and 3, $1,50, each number, New York

The Knight of St. John, a romance, by Miss Anna Maria Porter, 2 vols 12m0.82, Philadelphia.

Another Edition of the same work, New York.

Memoirs and Remains of the Rev. Charles Buck, by John Stiles, D D. 81,15, Philadelphia.

The Principles and Practice of the High Court of Chancery, by Henry Maddock, Esq. New York.

The New Cyclopædia, or Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, by Abraham Rees, D. D. F. R S. vol. xxxvi. Part II. 4to. $4 each half volume to subscribers, Philadelphia.

Remarks on Antiquities, Arts and Letters, during an Excursion in Italy, in the years 1802 and 1805, by Joseph Forsyth, Esq 8vo. $2,50, Boston.

A Dictionary of Select and Popular Quotations, by D. E. Macdonnel, second American Edition, with additions, Philadelphia. The White Cottage, a tale, 12mo. 81, Philadelphia.

The Itinerant, or Memoirs of an Actor, Part Second, by S. W. Ryley, 12mo. 3 vols. 85, Philadelphia.

Pious Lectures, on the Principles of the Cotholick Religion, translated froin Lhomond, by James Appleton, 12mo $1,50, Philad. 81,50, Philad Useful knowledge, by Rev. William Bingley, 3 vols. 12mo. bound, 85, Philadelphia.

A Guide to Health, by S. Solomons, M. D. 81, Philadelphia. The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul, by Philip Doddridge, D. D. third New York edition, sterotype, $1,25.

Letters from the Cape of Good Hope, in Reply to Mr. Warden, 12mo. 75 cents, New York.

A Journal of the proceedings of the Embassy to China, under Lord Amherst, by Henry Ellis, Esq. with a map of the country. 8vo $2,50, Philadelphia.

Mandeville, a tale of the Seventeenth Century, by William Godwin, 12mo. 2 vols. $1,75, Philadelphia.

The Chemical Catechism, by Samuel Parkes, from the sixth London Edition, Philadelphia.

An Outline of Mineralogy and Geology, by William Phillips, Philadelphia. Thompson's Chemistry, a new edition, 8vo. 4 vols. $17, Philad.

Zion's Pilgrim, by Dr Hawker, 75 cents, Baltimore.
Memoirs of the Life of David Garrick, by T. Davies, 12mo. 2

vols. $2,50, Boston.

Characters of Shakspeare's Plays, by William Hazlitt, 12mo. $1,25, Boston.

Rosabella, or a Mother's Marriage, a novel, by the author of the Romance of the Pyrennes &c. 3 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia.

Publication proposed.

Wilson's Ornithology, a new edition with additions, in ten numbers, at $8 per number, Philadelphia.

American Works published during the last two months.


Memoirs of Alexander, Emperour of all the Russias, by Edward Gibson, with an appendix, by Paul Allen, Esq. 874 cents, Balti


Geography and Topography.

A Geographical Dictionary, or Universal Gazetteer, Ancient and Modern, by J. E. Worcester, A. M. 2 vols. royal 8vo. pp. 1924, 88, Salem.

A Topographical and Historical Description of Boston, by Charles Shaw, Esq. 12mo. pp. 312, $1,25, Boston.

A new Map of the State of Indiana, by the Hon. C. Harrison, with the Surveys of the Illinois Territory, by Gen. Mansfield, 82, Philadelphia.

Natural History.

Florula Ludoviciana, or Flora of Louisiana, translated, revised, and improved, from the French of C. C. Robin, by C. S. Rafinesque, $1, New York.

A View of the Cultivation of Fruit Trees, with 200 engravings of fruits, by William Coxe, Esq. of Burlington, N. J. 8vo. $3,25, Philadelphia.

Index to the Geology of the Northern States, with a transverse section from Catskill mountain to the Atlantick, by Amos Eaton, A. M. 8vo. 75 cents, Leicester.


A Compendium of the Theory and Practice of Midwifery, by Samuel Bard, M. D. L. L. D. 8vo. 83, New York.

Pharmacopeia Chirurgica, or Manual of Chemical Pharmacy, by J. Wilson, with translations, notes, and illustrations, by William Meade, M. D. 12mo. $1,25, Philadelphia.

Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases of the Mind, by Benjamin Rush, M. D. &c. 2d Edition, 8vo. Philadelphia.

A Treatise on Surgical Diseases and the Operations suited to them, by Baron Boyer, translated from the French, by Alexander H. Stevens, M. D with notes and an appendix, by the Translator, 4 vols. in 2, $6, New York.

The Aphorisms of Hippocrates, with a translation, by Elias Marks, M. D. 75 cents, New York.


The Constitutions of all the States, a new edition, $1,50, Lexington, Ken.

The Opinion of the Supreme Court of New Hampshire, in the case of the Trustees of Dartmouth College vs. Wm. H. Woodward, Esq. Pronounced at the November Term, Grafton, 1817; 17 cents, Concord.

Reports of Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, with some select cases at Nisi Prius, by the Hon. Jasper Yates, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, vol. ii. 8vo. Philadelphia.

Practice of the High Court of Chancery, by John Newland, with notes, &c adapted to the Court of Chancery of the State of New York, 8vo. Albany.

The Laws of the State of Vermont, to the year 1816, vol. iii. 8vo. Burlington,


Theology Explained and Defended, in a series of Sermons, by Timothy Dwight, D. D. L. L. D. late President of Yale College, with a Momoir of the Life of the Author, in 5 vols. vol. i. 8vo. New Haven.

A Concise View of the principal points in controversy, between the Protestant and Roman Churches, by Dr. Wharton, of Burlington, N. J. Philadelphia.


A Treatise on Surveying, containing the Theory and Practice, by John Gummere, Second Edition, improved, Philadelphia.

The Christian Orator, a collection of Speeches before Benevolent Societies, 12mo. $1,25, Charlestown.

The Essence of English Grammar, by Samuel Houston, A. B. Principal of Rural Valley Seminary, Rockbridge, Vir. 12mo. pp. 48, Harrisonburgh.

An Easy Grammar of Geography, with an Atlas of seven Maps, by Jacob Willets, Fourth Edition, 75 cents, Hartford

A Balance Chart, exhibiting the Balance of a Merchant's Ledger, by James Bennett, New York.

An Introduction to the Elements of Algebra, designed for the use of those who are acquainted only with first principles of Arithmetick, selected from the Algebra of Euler, 8vo. pp. 216, Cambridge, Hilliard & Metcalf.

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