Abbildungen der Seite

2d. That whenever the summit of the mountains which extend in a direction parallel to the coast, from the 56th degree of north latitude to the point of intersection of the 141st degree of west longitude shall prove to be at the distance of more than 10 marine leagues from the ocean, the limit between the British possessions and the line of coast which is to belong to Russia, as above mentioned, shall be formed by a line parallel to the windings of the Coast, and which shall never exceed the distance of 10 marine leagues therefrom.

V. It is moreover agreed, that no establishment shall be formed by either of the two parties within the limits assigned by the two preceding Articles to the possessions of the other; consequently, British subjects shall not form any establishment either upon the coast, or upon the border of the continent comprised within the limits of the Russian possessions, as designated in the two preceding Articles; and, in like manner, no establishment shall be formed by Russian subjects beyond the said limits.

VI. It is understood that the subjects of His Britannic Majesty, from whatever quarter they may arrive, whether from the ocean, or from the interior of the continent, shall for ever enjoy the right of navigating freely, and without any hindrance whatever, all the rivers and streams which, in their course towards the Pacific Ocean, may cross the line of demarcation upon the line of coast described in Article III. of the present Convention.

VII. It is also understood, that, for the space of 10 years from the signature of the present Convention, the vessels of the two Powers, or those belonging to their respective subjects, shall mutually be at liberty to frequent, without any hindrance whatever, all the inland seas, the gulfs, havens, and creeks on the coast mentioned in Article III. for the purposes of fishing and of trading with the natives.

VIII. The port of Sitka, or Novo Archangelsk, shall be open to the commerce and vessels of British subjects for the space of 10 years from the date of the exchange of the ratifications of the present Convention. In the event of an extension of this term of 10 years being granted to any other Power, the like extension shall be granted also to Great Britain.

IX. The abovementioned liberty of commerce shall not apply to the trade in spirituous liquors, in fire arms, or other arms, gunpowder or other warlike stores; the High Contracting Parties reciprocally engaging not to permit the abovementioned articles to be sold or delivered, in any manner whatever, to the natives of the country.

X. Every British or Russian Vessel navigating the Pacific Ocean, which may be compelled by storms or by accident, to take shelter in the ports of the respective Parties, shall be at liberty to refit therein, to provide itself with all necessary stores, and to put to sea again, without paying any other than port and light-house dues, which shall be the same as those paid by national vessels. In case, however, the master of such vessel should be under the necessity of disposing of a part of his merchandize in order to de

fray his expences, he shall conform himself to the regulations and tariffs of the place where he may have landed.

XI. In every case of complaint on account of an infraction of the Arti cles of the present Convention, the civil and military authorities of The High Contracting Parties, without previously acting or taking any forcible measure, shall make an exact and circumstantial report of the matter to their respective Courts, who engage to settle the same, in a friendly manner, and according to the principles of justice.

XII. The present Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at London, within the space of 6 weeks, or sooner if possible. In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms.

Done at St. Petersburgh, the 28th day of February, in the year of our Lord, 1825.


No 21.

Treaty between Russia and Turkey. Convention explanatory of the Treaty of Bucharest. Signed at Akerman, Oct. 25, 1826.


ART. 7. The reparation of damages caused to the subjects and merchants of the Imperial Court of Russia, by the corsairs of the regencies of Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli; and the full and entire execution of the stip ulations of the treaty of commerce and of the 7th article of the treaty of Jassy, being strictly obligatory upon the Sublime Porte, in virtue of the express clauses of the 12th article of the treaty of Bucharest, which, conjointly with the 3d article, renew and confirm all the anterior transactions-the Sublime Porte solemnly reiterates the promise to fulfil hereafter, with the most scrupulous fidelity, all its engagements in that respect. In conse


1st. The Sublime Porte will use all its endeavours to prevent the corsairs of the Regencies of Barbary, under any pretext whatever, from disturbing the commerce and navigation of Russia ; and in case of depredations on their part, of which the Porte shall have been informed, it engages to cause restitution to be made without delay, of all the prizes made by the said corsairs, to indemnify the Russian subjects for the losses they may have sustained; to address for that purpose a rigorous firman to the Regencies of Barbary, in a manner that will not render it necessary to repeat it a second time; and in case the said firman should not have been executed,to pay the amount of the indemnity from the Imperial treasure, within the term of two months, as specified in the 7th article of the Treaty of Jassy, from the day of the reclamation which shall have been made of the property, by the Russian Minister, with the verification which shall have been taken.

2d. The Sublime Porte promises to observe rigorously, all the conditions of the said Treaty of Commerce, to remove all the prohibitions con

trary to the express tenor of its stipulations, to place no other shackles. upon the free navigation of vessels under the Russian flag, in all the seas and waters of the Ottoman Empire, without any exception. In a word, to permit the merchants, captains, and all the subjects of Russia in general, to enjoy the advantages and prerogatives, as well as the entire liberty of commerce, which are formerly stipulated by the treaties existing between the two Empires.

Sd. Conformably to the 1st article of the Treaty of Commerce, which stipulates in favour of all the subjects of Russia in general, the liberty of navigation and commerce in all the States of the Sublime Porte, either by land or sea, and above all, where navigation and commerce may be convenient to Russian subjects; and in virtue of the clauses of the 31st and 35th arti cles of the said treaty, which assure the free passage, by the canal of Con stantinople, of Russian merchant ships, loaded with provisions and other merchandises and productions of Russia, or of other countries not subject to the Ottoman Empire, as well as the free disposition of their provisions, merchandises and productions, the Sublime Porte promises to oppose no obstacle nor prevention to Russian vessels, laden with wheat or other provisions, at their arrival in the canal of Constantinople, where they may reship their cargoes into other vessels whether Russian, or those of other foreign nations, to be transported out of the States of the Sublime Porte.

4th The Sublime Porte accepts the good offices of the Imperial Court of Russia for the purpose of according, after former examples, the entry of the Black Sea to the vessels of Powers friendly to the Ottoman Government, who have not yet obtained that privilege, in such a manner that the Russian commerce of importation may not, by the means of those vessels, and their exportation of Russian products, suffer any injury.

No. 22. Treaty for the Settlement of Greece. Signed at London, July 6, 1827.

In the Name of the Most Holy Undivided Trinity.

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, his Majesty the King of France and Navarre, and his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, penetrated with the necessity of putting an end to the sanguinary contest which by delivering up the Greek provinces and the isles of the Archipelago to all the disorders of anarchy, produces daily fresh impediments to the commerce of the European States, and gives occasion to piracies which not only expose the subjects of the high contracting parties to considerable losses, but besides render necessary burdensome measures of protection and repression; his Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and his Majesty the King of France and Navarre, having besides received, on the part of the Greeks, a pressing request to interpose their mediation with the Ottoman Porte, and being, as well as his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, animated by the desire of stopping the effusion of blood, and of arresting the evils of all kinds which might arise

from the continuance of such a state of things, have resolved to unite their efforts, and to regulate the operations thereof by a formal Treaty, with a view of re-establishing peace between the contending parties by means of an arrangement which is called for as much by humanity as by the interest of the repose of Europe.

Wherefore they have nominated their Plenipotentiaries to discuss, agree upon, and sign the said Treaty

Who, after having communicated their full powers, and found the same in good and due form, agreed upon the following articles :

ART. 1. The contracting powers will offer to the Ottoman Porte their mediation, with the view of bringing about a reconciliation between it and the Greeks.

This offer of mediation shall be made to this power immediately after the ratification of the treaty, by means of a collective declaration signed by the Plenipotentiaries of the allied Courts at Constantinople; and there shall be made at the same time, to the two contending parties, a demand of an immediate armistice between them, as a preliminary condition indispen sible to the opening of any negotiation.


ART. 2. The arrangement to be proposed to the Ottoman Porte, shall rest on the following bases :-The Greeks shall hold of the Sultan as of a superior lord; and in consequence of this superiority, they shall pay to the Ottoman Empire an annual tribute (relief.) the amount of which shall be fixed once for all, by a common agreement. They shall be governed by the authorities whom they shall themselves choose and nominate, but in the nomination of whom the Porte shall have a determined voice.

To bring about a complete separation between the individuals of the two nations, and to prevent the collisions which are the inevitable consequence of so long a struggle, the Greeks shall enter upon the possession of the Turkish property situated either on the continent or in the isles of Greece, on the condition of indemnifying the former proprietors, either by the payment of an annual sum, to be added to the tribute which is to be paid to the Porte, or by some other transaction of the same mature.

ART. 3. The details of this arrangement, as well as the limits of the terriritory on the continent, and the designation of the islands of the Archipelago to which it shall be applicable, shall be settled in a subsequent negotiation between the high powers and the two contending parties.

ART. 4. The contracting powers engage to follow up the salutary work of the pacification of Greece on the bases laid down in the preceding articles, and to furnish without the least delay their representatives at Constantinople with all the instructions which are necessary for the execution of the treaty now signed.

ART. 5. The contracting powers will not seek in these arrangements any augmentation of territory, any exclusive influence, any commercial * Suzerain is the term used, it belongs to the feudal law, and signifies Lord Paramount.

advantage for their subjects, which the subjects of any other nation may not equally obrain.

ART. 6. The arrangements of reconciliation and peace, which shall be definitively agreed upon between the contending parties, shall be guaranteed by such of the signing powers as shall judge it useful or possible to contract the obligation: the mode of the effects of this guarantee shall become the object of subsequent stipulations between the high powers.

ART. 7. The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in two months, or sooner if possible.

In faith whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed, and sealed it with their arms.

Done at London, July, 6, 1827.





In case that the Ottoman Porte does not accept, within the space of one month, the mediation which shall be proposed, the high contracting parties agree upon the following measure:

1. It shall be declared, by their representatives at Constantinople to the Porte, that the inconveniences and evils pointed out in the public treaty as inseparable from the state of things subsisting in the East for the last six years, and the termination of which, through the means at the disposal of the Sublime Porte, appears still remote, impose upon the high contracting parties the necessity of taking immediate measures for an approximation with the Greeks.

It is to be understood that this approximation shall be brought about by establishing commercial relations with the Greeks, by sending to them for that purpose and receiving from them, Consular agents, so long as there shall exist among them authorities capable of maintaining such relations.

2. If within the said term of one month, the Porte do not accept the armistice proposed in the first article of the public treaty, or if the Greeks refuse to execute it, the high contracting powers shall declare to that one of the two contending parties which shall wish to continue hostilities, or to both if such become necessary, that the said high contracting powers intend to exert all the means which circumstances may suggest to their prudence to obtain the immediate effects of the armistice, the execution of which they, desire, by preventing, in as far as may be in their power, all collision between the contending parties, and, in fact, immediately after the aforesaid declaration, the high contracting powers will conjointly employ all their means in the accomplishment of the object thereof, without, however, taking any part in the hostilities between the two contending parties.

In consequence, the high contracting powers will. immediately after the signature of the present additional and secret article, transmit eventua!

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