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Lor, the riding, parts, of omitted from such register; and the Select division of the county of or the city Committee appointed for the trial of such peor borough of as the case may be], tition shall alter the poll taken at such elec. and that you still have the same qualification tion according to the truth of the case, and for which your name was inserted in the said shall report their determinatiou thereupon to register, that is to say [specifying in each the house, and the house shall thereupon case the nature of the qualification as de- carry such determination into effect, and the scribed in the register], and that you have not return shall be amended, or the election debefore voted either here or elsewhere at theclared void, as the case may be, and the represent election for the said county [or, for the said riding, parts, or division of the said county, or for the said city or borough, as the case may be].

gister corrected accordingly, or such other order shall be made as to the house shall seem proper, and in case of corruption, partiality, or wilful misconduct on the part of such barrister, the said committee may order such sum to be paid by him to the petitioner as such committee shall think reasonable.

And be it enacted, that the sheriffs of Yorkshire and Lidcolnshire, and the sheriffs of the counties divided by this Act, shall duly cause proclamation to be made of the several days fixed for the election of a knight or knights of the shire for the several ridings, parts, and divisions of their respective counties, and shall preside at the same by themselves or their lawful deputies.

"So help you God." And no elector shall hereafter, at any such election, be required to take any oath or affirmation, except as aforesaid, in proof of his freehold, residence, age, or other his qualification or right to vote, any law or statute, local or general, to the contrary notwithstanding; and no person claiming to vote at auy such election shall be excluded from voting thereat, except by reason of its appearing to the returning officer or his respective deputy that the person so claiming to vote is not the same person whose name appears in such reAnd be it enacted, that at every contested gister, or that such person's qualification for election of a knight or knights to serve in any voting does not still continue, or that such future Parliament for any county, or for any person has previously polled at the same elec-riding, parts or division of a county, the poll tion, or by reason of such person refusing to take the said oath, or make the said affirmation, or to take any other oath, or make any other affirmation required by any other Act, and not hereby dispensed with; and no scrutiny shall hereafter be allowed by or before any returning officer, with regard to any votes given or tendered at any election of a member or members to serve in any future Parliament; any law, statute, usage to the contrary, notwithstanding.

Provided always, and be it enacted, that any person, whose name shall have been omitted from any register of voters in consequence of the decision of the barrister who shall have revised the lists from which such registers shall have been formed, may tender his vote at any election at which such register shall be in force, stating, at the same time, the name or names of the candidate or candidates for whom be tendered such vote; and the returning officer, or his deputy, shall enter upon the poll-book every vote so tendered, distinguishing the same from the votes admitted and allowed at such election.

Provided also, and be it enacted, that, upon petition to the House of Commons, complaining of an undue election or return of any member or members to serve in Parliament, any petitioner shall be at liberty to impeach the correctness of the register of voters in force at the time of such election, by proving that, in consequence of the decision of the barrister who shall have revised the list of voters from which such register shall have been formed, the name of any person who voted at such election was improperly inserted or retained in such register, or the name of any person who tendered his vote at such election, improperly

ing shall commence at nine o'clock in the forenoon of the next day but two after the day fixed for the election, unless such next day but two shall be Saturday or Sunday, and then on the Monday following, at the principal place of election, and also at the several places to be appointed as hereinafter directed for taking polls; and such polling shall continue for two days only, such two days being succes sive days; (that is to say) for seven hours on the first day of polling, and for eight hours on the second day of polling; and no poll shall be kept open later than four o'clock in the afternoon of the second day, any statute to the contrary notwithstanding.

And be it enacted, that the justices of the peace for every county in England and Wales, assembled at the quarter sessions to be holden next after the passing of this Act, or at some special sessions to be appointed by them so assembled as aforesaid (and of which there shall be given, at least, ten days' public notice), shall divide their respective counties, aud ridings, parts and divisions of counties, into convenient districts for polling, and shall' appoint in each district a convenient place for taking the poll at all elections of a knight or knights of the shire to serve in any future Parliament, in such manuer that no person shall have to travel more than fifteen miles from the property in respect of which he claims to vote; provided that no county, or riding, parts or division of county, shall have more than fifteen districts and respective places ap pointed for taking the poll for such county, riding, parts or division, and that the justices of the peace for every county in Eugland and Wales at the quarter sessions assembled, shall have power to appoiut (if they shall so think

fit) other and different districts and places for one after the close of the poll, unless such polling at the end of every two years from the next day but one shall be Sunday, and then on respective preceding appointment to be made the Monday following, when he shall openly for that purpose; and that a list of the dis-break the seals thereon, aud cast up the numtricts and places for polling, pamed in the first ber of votes as they appear on the said several and each succeeding appointment under this books, and shall openly declare the state of the Act shall be lodged with the clerk of the peace poll, and shall make proclamation of the of each county, who shall forthwith cause co- member or members chosen not later than two pies of such list to be printed, and to be fixed fo'clock in the afternoon of the said day. On or near the doors of the churches and chapels within each county, or the ridings, parts or divisions of each county, according to the last appointment; and the polls at every election shall be taken within such districts and at such places as shall have been named for that purpose in the appointment in force at the time of such electious.

And be it enacted, that at every contested election for any county or riding, parts, or division of a county, the sheriff, under-sheriff, or sheriff's deputy, shall, if required thereto by or on behalf of any candidate on the day fixed for the election, and if not so required, may, if it shall appear to him expedient, cause to be erected a reasonable number of booths for taking the poll at the principal place of election, and also at each of the polling places so to be appointed as aforesaid, and shall cause to be affixed on the most conspicuous part of each of the said booths the names of the several parishes, townships, and places, for which such booth is respectively allotted; and no person shall be admitted to vote at any such election in respect of any property situate in any parish, township, or place, for which any booth is allotted, except at the booth so allotted; and in case any parish, township, or place shall happen not to be included in any of the districts to be appointed by the justices of the peace as aforesaid, the votes in respect of property situate in any parish, township, or place so omitted, shall be taken at the principal place of election for the county or riding, parts or division of the county, as the case may be.

And be it enacted, that the sheriff shall have power to appoint deputies to preside, and clerks to take the poll at the principal place of election, and also at the several places appointed for taking the poll for any county, or any riding, parts, or division of a county; and that the poll-clerks employed at those several places shall at the close of each day's poll inclose and seal their several books, and shall publicly deliver them, so inclosed and sealed, to the sheriff, under-sheriff, or sheriff's deputy, presiding at such poll, who shall give a receipt | for the same, and shall, on the commencement of the pull on the second day, deliver them back, so inclosed and sealed, to the persons from whom he shall have received them; and on the final close of the poll, every such deputy who shall have received any such pollbooks shall forthwith deliver or transmit the same, so inclosed and sealed, to the sheriff, or his under-sheriff, who shall receive and keep all the poll-books unopened until the reassembling of the court on the day next but

And be it enacted, that at every contested election of a member or members to serve in any future Parliament for any city or borough in England, except the borough of Monmouth, the poll shall commence on the day fixed for the election, or on the day next following, or at the latest on the third day, unless any of the said days be Saturday or Sunday, and then on the Monday following, the particular day for the commencement of the poll to be fixed by the returning officer, and such polling shall continue for two days only, such two days being successive days; (that is to say), for seven hours on the first day of polling, and for eight hours on the second day of pulling; and that the poll shall on no account be kept open later than four o'clock in the afternoon of such second day; any statute to the con trary notwithstanding.

And be it enacted, that at every contested election of a member or members to serve in any future Parliament for any city or borough in England, except the borough of Monmouth, the returning officer shall, if required thereto by or on behalf of any candidate, on the day fixed for the election, and if not so required, may, if it shall appear to him expedient, cause to be erected for taking the poll at such election different booths for different parishes, districts, or parts of such city or borough, which booths may be situated either in one place or in several places, and shall be so divided and allotted into compartments as to the returning officer shall seem most convenient, so that no greater number than six hundred shall be required to poll at any one compartment; and the returning officer shall appoint a clerk to take the poll at each compartment, and shall cause to be affixed on the inost conspicuous part of each of the said booths the naines of the several parishes, districts, and parts for which such booth is re specivtely allotted; and no person shall be admitted to vote at any such election except at the booth allotted for the parish, district, or part wherein the property may be situate in respect of which he claims to vote, or wherein his place of abode as described in the register may be; but in case no booth shall happen to be provided for any particular parish, district, or part as aforesaid, the votes of persons voting in respect of property situate in any parish, district, or part so omitted, or having their places of abode therein, may be taken at any of the said booths; and the votes of freemen residing out of the limits of the city or borough, but within seven statute miles thereof, may be taken at any of the said booths; public notice of the situation, division, and


allotment of the different booths shall be And be it enacted, that nothing in this Act given two days before the commencement of contained shall prevent any sheriff or other the poll, by the returning officer; and in case returning officer, or the lawful deputy of any the booths shall be situated in different places, returning officer, from closing the poll previous the returning officer may appoint a deputy to to the expiration of the time fixed by this Act, preside at each place; aud at every such elec-in any case where the same might have been tion the poll-clerks at the close of cach day's lawfully closed before the passing of this Act; poll shall enclose and seal their several poll- and that where the proceedings at any election books, and shall publicly deliver them so en- shall be interrupted or obstructed by any riot closed and sealed to the returning officer or or open violence, the sheriff or other returning his deputy, who shall give a receipt for the officer, or the lawful deputy of any returning same, and shall, on the commencement of the officer, shall not for such cause finally close poll on the second day, deliver them back so the poll, but shall adjourn the same until the enclosed and sealed, to the persons from following day, or for some other convenient whom he shall have received the same; and time, as the occasion may require, and, if neevery deputy so receiving any such poll-books, cessary, shall further adjourn the same until on the final close of the poll, shall forthwith such interruption or obstruction shall have deliver or transmit the same, so enclosed and ceased, when the returning officer or his sealed, to the returning officer, who shall re- deputy shall again proceed to take the poll: ceive and keep all the poll-books unopened and any day whereon the poll shall have been until the following day, unless such day be so adjourned shall not be reckoned one of the Sunday, and then till the Monday following, two days of polling at such election within the when he shall openly break the seals thereon, meaning of this Act. and cast up the number of votes as they appear on the said several books, and shall openly declare the state of the poll, and make proclamation of the member or members chosen not later than two o'clock in the afternoon of the said day; provided always, that the returning officer, or his lawful deputy, may, if he think fit, declare the final state of the poll, and proceed to make the return immediately after the poll shall have been lawfully closed: provided also, that no nomination shall be made, or election holden, of any member for any city or borough, in any church, chapel, or other place of public worship.

And be it enacted, that from and after the end of this present Parliament, all booths erected for the convenience of taking polls shall be erected at the joint and equal expense of the several candidates, and the same shall be erected by contract with the candidates, if they shall think fit to make such contract, or if they shall not make such contract, then the same shall be erected by the sheriff or other returning officer, at the expense of the several candidates as aforesaid; and that all deputies appointed by the sheriff or other returning officer shall be paid each two guineas by the day, and all clerks employed in taking the Provided always, and be it enacted, that so poll shall be paid each one guinea by the day, far as relates to the several boroughs of New at the expense of the candidates at such elecShoreham, Cricklade, Aylesbury, and East tion: provided always, that if any person shall Retford, the justices of the peace of the several be proposed without his consent, then the counties in which the said boroughs are re-person so proposing him shall be liable to despectively situate, at the quarter sessions to be holden next after the passing of this Act, shall divide the said several boroughs into convenient districts for polling, and shall appoint in each district a convenient place for taking the poll at all elections for members to serve in any future Parliament for each of the said boroughs; and that the justices of the peace for each of the said counties, assembled at the quarter sessions, shall have power to appoint (if they shall so think fit) other and different districts and places for polling at the end of every two years from the respective preceding appointment to be made for that purpose; and that a list of the districts and places for polling named in the first and in each succeeding appointment shall be lodged with the clerk of the peace of the respective county, who shall forthwith cause copies of such list to be print- And be it enacted, that every deputy of a ed, and to be fixed on the doors of the several sheriff or other returning officer shall have churches and chapels within the respective the same power of administering the oaths and boroughs; and the polls at every election for affirmations required by law, and of appointeach of the said boroughs shall be taken ing commissiouers for administering such within such districts and at such places re- oaths and affirmations as may by law be adspectively as shall be named in the appoint-ministered by commissioners, as the sheriff ment in force at the time of such election. or other returning officer has by virtue of this

fray his share of the said expenses in like manner as if he had been a candidate: provided also, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the candidates or any sheriff or other returning officer from using or hiring any one or more houses or other buildings for the purpose of taking the poll therein, subject always to the same regulations, provisions, and liabilities in every respect as hereinbefore mentioned with regard to booths for taking the poll.

And be it enacted, that the sheriff or other returning officer shall, before the day fixed for the election, cause to be inade for the use of each booth or other polling place at such election, a true copy of the register of voters, and shall under his hand certify every such copy to be true.

or any other Act, and subject to the same regulations and provisions in every respect as such sheriff or other returning officer.

towns of Lougher, Neath, Aberaven, and Ken-fig, and shall in like manner cause to be made, and to be delivered to every such depuAnd be it enacted, that from and after the ty, a true and certified copy of the register of end of this present Parliament, every person voters for the borough composed of the said who shall have a right to vote in the election five towns; and the respective deputies for of a Member for the borough of Monmouth, Newport and Usk, and for the respective in respect of the towns of Newport or Usk, shall | places named in the first column of the give his vote at Newport or Usk respectively, said schedule F, as well as for the towns of before the deputy for each of such towns, Lougher, Neath, Aberaven and Ken-fig, shall whom the returning officer of the borough of respectively take, and conduct the poll, and Monmouth is hereby authorised and required deliver or transmit the poll-books in the same to appoint; and every person who shall have a manner as the deputies of the returning officers right to vote in the election of a Member for of the cities and boroughs in England are hereany shire, town or borough, in respect of any inbefore directed to do, and shall have the place named in the first column of the sche- the same powers, and perform the same dudule marked F to this Act annexed, shall ties in every respect, as are respectively congive his vote at such place before the deputy ferred and imposed on the said deputies by for such place, whom the returning officer of this Act. the shire, town or borough, is hereby autho- And be it enacted, that all laws, statutes, rised and required to appoint; and every per- and usages now in force respecting the elec son who shall have a right to vote in the election of members to serve in Parliament for tion of a Member for the borough composed that part of the United Kingdom called Eng. of the towns of Swansea, Lougher, Neath, land and Wales, shall be and remain, and are Aberaven, and Ken-fig, shall give his vote at hereby declared to be and remain in full force, the town in respect of which he shall be en- and shall apply to the election of members to titled to vote; (that is to say), at Swansea be- serve in Parliament for all the places hereby fore the portreeve of Swansea, and at each of empowered to return Members, as fully and the other towns before the deputy for such effectually as if those places had heretofore town, whom the said portreeve is hereby au- returned members, except so far as any of the thorised and required to appoint; and at every said laws, statutes, or usages are repealed or contested election for the borough of Mon-altered by this Act, or are inconsistent with mouth, or for any shire, town or borough the provisions thereof. named in the second column of the said sche- And be it enacted, that if any sheriff, redule F, or for the borough composed of the turning officer, barrister, overseer, or any said five towns, the polling shall commence person whatsoever, shall wilfully contravene on the day fixed for the respective election, or disobey the provisions of this Act, or any of as well at Monmouth as at Newport and Usk them, with respect to any matter or thing respectively, and as well at the shire town or which such sheriff, returning officer, barrister, borough as at each of the places sharing in overseer, or other person is hereby required the election therewith respectively, and as well to do, he shall for such his offence be liable to at Swansea, as at each of the four other be sued in an action of debt in any of his towns respectively; and such polling shall Majesty's courts of record at Westminster, for continue for two days only, such two days be the penal sum of five hundred pounds, and the ing successive days, except where Sunday shall Jury before whom such action shall be tried intervene; (that is to say), for seven hours may find their verdict for the full sum of five on the first day of polling, and for eight hours hundred pounds, or for any less sum which the on the second day of polling, and that the poll- said Jury shall think it just that he should pay ing shall on no account be kept open later for such offence; and the defendant in such than four o'clock in the afternoon of such se-action being convicted shall pay such penal cond day; and the returning officer of the borough of Monmouth shall give to the deputies for Newport and Usk respectively, and the returning officer of every shire town or borough named in the second column of the said schedule F, shall give to the deputy for each of the places sharing in the election for such shire town or borough, notice of the day fixed for such respective election, and shall, before the day fixed for such respective élec-force. tion, cause to be made, and to be delivered to every such deputy, a true copy of the register of voters for the borough of Monmouth, or for such shire, town or borough, as the case may be, and shall under his hand certify every such copy to be true; and the portreeve of the town of Swansea shall give notice of the day of election to the deputy for each of the

sum so awarded, with full costs of suit, to any party who may sue for the same; without prejudice, however, to the right of any party grieved by the same misconduct of such she riff, returning officer, barrister, overseer, or other person, to `recover such damages in an action on the case, for a false return or any other grievance, as he may be entitled to at common law, or by virue of any statute now in

And be it enacted, that if any person named in any register required to be made under this Act, but who at the time of any election shall be in the enjoyment of any office by law dis qualifying him from giving his vote in the election of members to serve in Parliament, shall presume to vote in such election, he shall be liable to all penalties and forfeitures

to which he would be subject for the said of- And be it enacted, that throughout this Act, fence by any law in force at the time of such wherever the words "city or borough," election, in case this Act had not been passed;" cities or boroughs," may occur, those words and in case of a petition to the House of Com-shall be construed to include, except there be mons for altering the return or setting aside something in the subject or context manifestly the election in which such person shall have repugnant to such construction, all towns cor voted, his vote shall be struck off by the com-porate, cinque ports, districts, or places within mittee, and such sum shall be by him paid to England and Wales, which shall be entitled, any petitioner as to such committee shall seem after this Act shall have passed, to return a just. member or members to serve in Parliament, other than counties at large, and ridings, parts and divisions of counties at large, and shall also include the town of Berwick-uponTweed; and the words "returning officer " shall apply to any person or persons to whom, by virtue of his or their office, either under the present Act, or under any former law, custom, or statute, the execution of any writ or precept doth or shall belong for the election of a member or members to serve in Parliament, by whatever name or title such person or persons may be called; and the words parish or township' " shall extend to every parish, township, vill, hamlet, district or place maintaining its own poor; and the words overseers of the poor" shall extend to all persons who by virtue of any office or appointment shall execute the duties of overseers of the poor, by whatever name or title such persons may be called, and in whatsoever manner they may be appointed; and that all provisions in this Act relative to any matters to be done by or with regard to justices of the peace for counties, or sessions of the peace for counties, or clerks of the peace for counties, or treasurers of counties, shall extend to the justices, sessions, clerks of the peace, and treasurers of the several Ridings of Yorkshire and parts of Lincolnshire; and that all the said respective justices, sessions, and clerks of the peace shall have power to do the several matters re

And be it enacted, that if any person shall falsely and deceitfully assume the name or character of any other person whose name shall be inserted in any register required to be made under this Act, and shall thereby vote or attempt to vote as and for such other person in the election of any member to serve in Parliament; or if any person, after having voted at any election shall, again vote or attempt again to vote at the same election, every person so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanour, and being convicted thereof, shall be for ever afterwards disqualified from voting in any election whatever of any member to serve in Parliament, and shall be liable to such fine, not exceeding fifty pounds, or to such imprisonment not exceeding six months, as the court before whom he shall be convicted shall think fit; and in case of a petition to the House of Commons for altering the return or setting aside the election in which such person shall have voted, his vote shall be struck off by the committee, and such sum shall be by him paid to any petitioner as to such committee shall seem just.


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And be it enacted, that where the committee appointed to try the merits of any petition complaining of an undue election or returu of a member or members to serve in Parliament, shall award any sum to be paid in any of the cases mentioned in this Act, such sum shall be recovered in the same manner as costs are di-quired by this Act, as well within places of rected to be recovered by virtue of the Act passed in the ninth year of the reign of King George the Fourth, intituled, "An Act to Consolidate and Amend the Laws relating to the trial of controverted Elections, or Returns of Member to serve in Parliament."

And be it enacted, that all writs to be issued for the election of members to serve in all future Parliaments, and all mandates, precepts, instruments, proceedings, and notices consequent upon such writs, shall be and the same are hereby authorised to be framed and expressed in such manner and form as may be necessary for the carrying the provisions of this act into effect, any law, statute, or usage, to the contrary notwithstanding.

Provided always, and be it enacted, that nothing in this act contained shall extend to or in any wise affect the election of members to serve in Parliament for the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, or shall entitle any person to vote in the election of members to serve in Parliament for the city of Oxford or town of Cambridge, in respect of the occupation of any chambers or premises in any of the colleges or halls of the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge.

exclusive jurisdiction as without; and that no misnomer or inaccurate description of any person or place named or described in any schedule to this Act annexed, or in any list or register of voters, or in any notice required by this Act, shall in any wise prevent or abridge the operation of this Act, with respect to such person or place, provided that such person or place shall be so designated in such schedule, list, register, or notice, as to be commonly understood.

Provided always, and be it enacted, that if a dissolution of the present Parliament shall take place after the passing of this Act, and before the day of in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, in such case such persons shall be entitled to vote in the election of members to serve in a new Parliament for any county, or for any riding, parts or division of a county, or for any city or borough, as would be entitled to be inserted in the respective lists of voters for the same, directed to be made under this Act, if the day of election had been the day for making out such respective lists; and such persons shall be entitled to vote in such elec

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