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thém. Several of the people who were tried, said, in their defence, that they were ordered by Mr. Deacle to go to certain places to get money. The Judges too stated that there were farmers who instigated the people, and deserved to be tried more than the misled peasantry. The people themselves were much aggrieved, and perhaps no class deserved more pity than the agricultural labourers. They had no criminality in their minds. They were goaded on by others. The verdict was good evidence, and it acquitted all the magistrates, exccept Mr. Bingham Baring, and he was only condemned because he was said to have struck

but if it were supposed that by such taunts he would be deterred from raising his voice on behalf of the injured and oppressed in that House, those who used such taunts would find themselves grossly mistaken. As long as he had a seat in that House, he would always be ready to raise his voice in behalf of the poor, however much such conduct might displease those gentlemen whose arithmetic was puzzled in counting their millions, and whose immense fortunes were accumulated at the expense, and almost by the destruction of, their poorer fellow-countrymen. He would not vote for a committee, if Government would point out any other mode of inquiry into the circuma blow. The verdict of the jury was the safest stances of this case. He had not yet heard guide for the House. It was not the magisthat the Home Secretary had offered to receive trates who accused Mr. Deacle's witnesses of depositions upon oath, from both parties on perjury, but Mr. Deacle himself. He wished this subject. If the Home Secretary would do it to be made out, according to his petition, that, truth might yet be elicited, and justice that the witnesses had not deposed to the done between both parties. If some such truth. The hon. Member also animadverted measure were not grauted, he should be com- on the contradiction between the statements of pelled to vote for a committee of inquiry, in Mr. Deacle's own witnesses and his own petispite of the inconvenience to which such com- tion. Mr. Bingham Baring, at a time of great mittees generally gave rise. He concluded danger, exerted himself more than any other by stating, that if such a committee were magistrate, and nearly lost his life by an atgranted, he should enter upon its duties with tempt to resist a mob. That fact, which was a mind open to conviction, and influenced by much to his credit, had been laid hold of by a no other feeling than a wish to do justice im powerful writer who circulated his slanderous partially between the two parties. attacks throughout the land, who had for many Mr. BARING had had no intention of im-years spread poison throughout the country. puting any improper motives to the hon. Mem- This man had stated that he would ruin the ber for Middlesex; and he was sorry that the Barings; and to effect that object he continuhon. Gentleman should have imagined that he ally brought forward the case of that unhappy had done so. He admitted that he felt young man who lost his life for making an atstrongly on this question, and he certainly tempt on that of Mr. Bingham Baring. The had no pretensions for saying he was able to hon. Member also quoted the testimony of Mr. form an impartial opinion upon it: perhaps Justice Alderson in favour of Mr. Bingham he might be allowed to say, that he felt still Baring, to show that his conduct had been more strongly on the subject, from the im- what it ought to be. The choice of the cart pression that the late prosecution which had was the act of the constable. The magistrates been instituted against this young person went to arrest the people who were suspected, (Mr. Bingham Baring) took its origin not because there were no military in the county. from his own demerits, but from the line of It was proved that Mr. Bingham Baring could politics which he (Mr. Baring) had adopted. know nothing of the Deacles, by his asking of (Hear, hear.) At the time that these transac- the constable who they were. It was impostions were taking place, there were 400 per-sible that Mr Bingham Baring could have sous confined in the jail at Winchester, and he been on the spot when the handcuffs were put on thought that when that circumstance was Mrs. Deacle; they were not put on either by taken into consideration, it would in some Mr. Francis Baring. It was the general rule measure account for the confusion and excite- at that time to handcuff the prisoners who ment which had prevailed in the country. were sent to Winchester jail; and it was in But the case had been misstated with respect compliance with that rule that the handcuffs to the Deacles. They (the Barings) did not were used. It was physically impossible that accuse the Deacles-it was the Deacles that the order to handcuff Mrs. Deacle could have accused them; and the whole extent to which been given by Mr. Bingham Baring. He adthey (the Barings) went was to show that the mitted, with reference to the fact of who carstatements of the Deacles were not founded in ried Mrs. Deacle, that a mistake as to the fact; with this addition certainly, that there person was of no consequence. Mrs. Deacle, were prima facie grounds for taking up the however, was carried carefully across the dirt, Deacles, and for instituting proceedings and thanked Mr. F. Baring for his care. against them. He came down unprepared for the arrival of Mr. Deacle at Winchester, he the discussion, expecting that the Committee too thanked Mr. Francis Baring, and said he would be granted. He could only refer, hoped Mr. Baring would call again to-morrow. therefore, to the various depositions given be-He believed, too, that there was no intention fore the magistrates, to show that there was of rescuing the Deacles; but, looking at the good reason to apprehend Mr. and Mrs. state of insurrection in the village, it was very Deacle. The magistrates would have neg-natural that the magistrates should fear a lected their duty if they had not apprehended rescue. That was the reason for making so


the right hon. Baronet, the Member for Tam-
worth. He considered that the case had been
entirely set at rest, as far as the parties were
concerned, by the verdict of a Jury. He could
not believe the charge against Mr. Bingham
Baring of having struck Deacle a blow. Still
he should have wished the case to have been
investigated by Parliament, but not consider.
ing that there were grounds for such inquiry,
he must, though with great reluctance, oppose
the motion.

Colonel EVANS said a few words in reply,
and pressed his motion to a division.
For the motion............ 31
Against it


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Majority.... -47


much haste. As to the blow, Mr. Deacle had put his hand upon the reins, and Mr. Baring, seeing that, had ridden up to the cart from behind, and did put the riding-stick he had in his hands upon Mr. Deacle. All the gentle men who had been with Mr. Baring were made co-defenders, and were unable to give their evidence that they did not see the blow, though they were about, and would most probably have seen it if a blow had been inflicted. They never heard even of any blow, and yet, if a blow bad been given, that would have been the first thing complained of. Mr. Bingham Baring knew nothing of the aggravated circumstances that were related on the trial till they came before the court, and he accordingly left his case entirely in the hands of the attorney, who The other orders of the day were then diswas the clerk of the peace. Under the cir-posed of, and at a quarter before three o'clock cumstances of the county, the young magis- the House adjourned. trate who acted so rigorously deserved praise. As to not going for a new trial, the reason was, that it could not be done without giving the plaintiff an entirely new trial, and without, at the same time, obtaining the advantage of separating the defenders. The verdict, however, when translated into English, only meant that the magistrates were acquitted of all the other charges except the blow. He had his doubts whether going for a new trial would benefit the defenders, because the gentlemen had not seen the blow, and their denial would not weigh against the assertion of other men, who said that it had been given.

Mr. O'CONNELL said that the mode of refusing the inquiry would afford new arguments for the support of those slanders, if slanders they were, and contended that the King's Government would act more wisely if they calmed the popular agitation by at once enabling the country to pronounce the Barings innocent, or the Deacles injured.

I shall content myself for the present with just observing that the reporter has here put forth, in this his publication, a mass of the most atrocious lies that ever were put upon paper. All the stuff which he publishes under the name of MILDMAY, under that of TRENCH, under under that of CAMPBELL, under that of ALTHORP, and the sweet stuff that he publishes under the name of LEFEVRE; the pretty stuff that he puts forth under the name of ALTHORP, and of EBRINGTON, the patriot of Devonshire; the very soft and quiet matter that he puts forth under the name of the ATTORNEY, GENERAL, and the hackering, stammering, silly stuff that he has the audacity Sir R. PEEL was sorry to refuse that inquiry to put into the mouth of "Alexander which he believed the parties ardently desired, the Great," shall all be noticed in but his main reason for refusing it was, that Twopenny Trash. At present, look at he thought the parties thoroughly innocent. He the thing, reader, as it now stands, and knew that a Committee was any-thing but a competent tribunal, and he would not there- see what it is. Mr. and Mrs. DEACLE fore, for that reason among others, consent to are arrested and treated in the manner, the motion. If he had a lurking suspicion as they assert, as described in their petithat the powers of one magistrate had been tion. After being manacled and dragged abused, he might act otherwise; but believing in a coal-cart, and then put into a postthem innocent, and that the administration of justice would not suffer by leaving all parties to seek for relief from the Courts of Law, he should take the same view of the question as the noble Lord, and vote against the motion. If he were a Grand Juror, he should feel himself bound to act in this manner on the evidence he had heard; and he did not think, therefore, that he was bound to grant a new trial to those he believed to be innocent merely because they desired it.

Mr. GOULBURN thought that the proposed appointment of a Committee would be most inconvenient and inexpedient.

Sir F. BURDETT said, his original impression was to vote for the inquiry, but what had occurred in the debate had altered his determination. He entirely concurred in opinion with

chaise with a common jailer, after being taken to a jail and treated as malefactors, they are both left to go at large; Mrs. DEACLE upon bail, to answer which she has never been called, Mr. DEACLE without bail, but held to bail afterwards, when he had threatened to prosecute the magistrates. Now, mark, he is then accused of a misdemeanor, and after being manacled and treated as next assizes, and then he is honourably a felon, they bring him to trial at the acquitted, without producing any evi dence on his own side, and in conse



of further legal proceedings, intended by the BARINGS. But, this would not do; for the people would have insisted that the further legal proceedings should take place, and that was what the BARINGS never intended. Now, then, came ALEXANDER BARING's declaration, that the family had consulted lawyers, and had resolved that no further legal proceedings should take place on their part. Upon this, Colonel EVANS gave notice of motion for a Committee, to be made on Tuesday, it being understood

quence of the witnesses against him less something were done. Still there having, on their cross-examination, was a hankering, a lagging, on account confessed that they had been tampered with to give evidence against him! At the summer assizes he brings his action on to trial, and gets a verdict against BINGHAM BARING, at any rate, who was one of the magistrates. There he is, after all this, doing nothing, saying nothing; but quietly leaving public opinion to work its way. Public opinion compels the press to raise a storm in his favour; and the cry is spreading all over the country against the magistrates, and particularly against BINGHAM BARING. A Member of Parliament that no opposition was to be made to (Colonel EVANS), without consulting Mr. the motion, seeing that the BARINGS So DEACLE; without any communication anxiously desired the inquiry. On Tueswith him, brings the matter before Par- day night, accordingly, the 27th inst., liament, in consequence of which the another petition from Mr. and Mrs. publishers of newspapers, particularly DEACLE having first been presented the Morning Chronicle, under a colour (though not printed in this report), of publishing a report of a debate, pours Colonel EVANS made his motion for the out upon him and Mrs. DEACLE a string Committee, which was rejected by of the most atrocious lies, pretending seventy-eight votes against thirty-one; that those lies were uttered by FRANCIS and, if you read the reasons for rejectT. BARING, and by WILDE, who was ing this motion, you will find that every one of the Judges on the Special Com-one of them is a reason for the motion. mission. The filthy paper of JACOB and But only look, here is MILDMAY with a JOHNSON, at Winchester, spreads these petition got up at Winchester and the infamous lies all over the county, and neighbourhood, which prays for a Comall about the neighbourhod of Mr.mittee; here are the BARINGS, and DEACLE, of course. Mr. and Mrs. MILDMAY himself asking for a ComDEACLE then, and not till then, come mittee; here are the DEACLES, and all before Parliament with a petition in that are on their side, and all the peotheir own defence, state all the par-ple all over the country praying for the ticulars of the transaction, pledge them- Committee, and here is Lord ALTHORP, selves to prove the truth of their allega- the patriot Lord EBRINGTON, the ATtions, and pray the House to receive TORNEY-GENERAL, PEEL, GOULBOURN, the proof in one way or another. Many and precious BURDETT, all opposing the 'members call for the appointment of Committee; and because they think the a Committee, and EVANS gives it to be BARINGS innocent! Mr. O'CONNELL understood that he will move for one. well described them; beautifully deAfter considerable time doing nothing, scribed them. No man with one grain he merely moves for the printing of the of sense in his skull can fail clearly to petition, which had already been printed understand why this Committee is rein all the newspapers. The country, fused. Here is a Magistrate and a perceiving now that the House intended Lord of the Treasury, who is also a to do nothing, began to bestir itself, and relation, by marriage, of Lord GREY; petitions came tumbling in, from Nor- here is BINGHAM BARING, the son of thumberland to Sussex, and from-East the great ALEXANDER, brother-in-law Kent to the middle of Devonshire. of the heir of the Marquis of Barn, and Now, then, the subject was stirred again. brother-in-law, by marriage, of MELLISH It was seen that the people were not the butcher. Lord GREY must wish, satisfied and would not be satisfied un-one would think, to see the lofty blood

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of the order of the GREYS cleared of can; and shall again call upon the peothe hand-cuffing imputation; and, if ple never to cease their demands till an he think the Lord of the Treasury inno- inquiry be obtained into these transaccent of this charge, how can he be so tions. The parties are innocent! Well, wanting to his kin, as well as to his then, in GoD's name, why does the Go"order," as to prevent an inquiry which vernment, who calls them their honourwould make the innocence of the Lord of able friends, who is continually praising the Treasury manifest? Now, I put them, and who expresses a wish to see this question to each of my readers indi- their innocence made appear to all the vidually I ask him to view the thing world, why does the Government set its as it lies before him, and then to say, face against this inquiry? Once more whether he really believe that the Lord I call upon the people to petition, and of the Treasury does wish for the in- to forward their petitions as quickly as quiry; and whether he believe Lord possible, WM. COBBETT. ALTHORP, in opposing the Committee, P. S. Since writing the above, I have pledged his word as a man of honour, received a letter from Winchester dated asserted" upon his honour, as a gentle- on the 27th, It came with the seal man, that he opposed the motion with broken and the letter open; but it came great unwillingness, because he in due time, and that is all that I want, "thought that his opposition might though I have never given any-body "have the effect of preventing the leave to break open letters directed to "Member for Portsmouth (FRANCIS T. me, but my own letters which I send to "BARING) from SETTING HIMSELF others, requesting, at the same time, "RIGHT IN THE ESTIMATION that they may not be detained. It is "OF THE PUBLIC." He declared my delight to communicate information, this upon his honour as a GEN- and this is one of the ways of making TLEMAN! Being reminded that he the communication as wide as possible. voted for a motion for inquiring into the This letter from Winchester tells me conduct of the Manchester magistrates, that a meeting was held there on Tueswhen he was out of office, he said there day to petition the House of Lords to was no parallel in the cases. In the pass the Reform Bill; that none of the case of the petitioners, he said that BARINGS appeared at it; that " one blame was imputed only to a single SEAGRIM," who is so often mentioned magistrate, whereas, in the case of Man- in the petitions of Mr. and Mrs. DEACLE, chester there were several. This man made a motion upon the occasion, and never could say this. He is not liar and that he was famously saluted by the fool enough to say this: this is the crowd with, " Handcuff a lady!" Before work of some liar and fool of a reporter, the meeting separated, they gave three who was, I dare say, fishing for some-cheers "for Deacle," the friends of the thing that I will not name, and smelling strong of gin when he wrote it. Single magistrate! Why, Mr. and Mrs. DEACLE petition against the two BARINGS and LONG, and three are not one! Oh, no! Lord ALTHORP never could say this, and especially as a (6 man of honour and a gentleman!"

BARINGS had the prudence not to mention their names. I will explain in Two-penny Trash how the petition presented by Mr. MILDMAY was got up at Winchester.


However, the rejection of inquiry is Ar Morpeth, in addition to the places only according to the old practice of the that I mentioned before, and I believe Whigs. They did just the same in at Brighton, this letter has been pubevery case brought before them during lished and circulated in a hand-bill, on the fifteen months that they were in the people perceiving the glum silence power in 1806 and 1807. In the Two-of the base part of the country newspenny Trash, I shall state the whole papers, which are under the same sort matter neatly as I can, clearly as I of regimen as that of the paper of Jacob

and Johnson at Winchester.

I have not I have received some good specimens room to insert a letter from Brighton of corn this week; particularly some

upon the subject, and the resolution of thanks to Lord RADNOR which has been passed there; but I will do this in my



THE Post-Office have not been able as yet to discover my lost letter, though it had ten pages of MS., written on one side only of the paper. They appear to be very diligent in their search, and we shall see how it will end!


THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL will receive, with my compliments, the third edition of his and my Trial, which took place in Guildhall, on the seventh of July last; and if the BARINGS had not so much money and I so little, I would send them one too. The Examiner, the Ballot, and some other weekly newspapers in London, not excepting the Handkerchief news, have done their duty with regard to this Trial, and with regard to me; and, what is more, with regard to the case of Mr. and Mrs. DEACLE and the conduct of the magistrates in Hampshire. As for me and my affairs, they are dust in the balance compared with the proceedings and consequences of the Special Commission in Hampshire, which, as Mr. HARVEY so well said, have awakened thoughts in the people which must lead to interesting consequences. Mr. MILDMAY, who presented the petition in favour of the BARINGS from Winchester, will soon see another petition which will bring him nearer home; and I myself promise him, that he shall have ample opportunity of conning that petition over before-hand. COBBETT'S Spelling-Book;

(Price 28.)

Containing, besides all the usual matter of such a book, a clear and concise INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH GRAMMAR.

This I have written by way of A Stepping Stone to my own Grammar; Such a thing having been frequently suggested to me by Teachers as necessary.

from Paisley, which I regret that I can not mention this week at length; but which I will do in my next Register.

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EMERY, T., Newport, Monmouthshire, cornmerchant.

LEATHES, N. L. S., and T. Bradshaw, Min-
KEBBY, S., Bath, umbrella-maker.
cing-lane, wine-merchants.
LEES, J., Alton, Staffordshire, inkeeper.
MALDEN, I. and J., Caroline-place, Welling-
ton-street, Blackfriars-road, bakers.
NORTH, J., Southampton, grocer.
PEERS, W., Cornwall-rd., Lambeth, cooper.
SHAW, J., Huddersfield, grocer.
WARD, J., Coventry, grocer.
WEAVER, S., and B. Hickman, Ludlow,
Shropshire, mercers.
WRIGHT, D., Birmingham, lamp-manufac.
ZACHARIAH, L., and G. Novra, High-Hol-
born, dealer in German and French toys.

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SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION. WATSON, W., Hawkhill of Dundee, manusr.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1831. MASKERY, F., Birmingham, linen-draper. SPIER, J., Berkeley, Gloucestershire, winemerchant. WEBSTER, T. H., Stafford, builder.


ALDERSON, R., Crawford-street, St. Marylebone, linen-draper.

BANKRUPTS. CROFTS, Rev. J. D., Wells-next-the-Sea, CASTINE, R., Devereux-ct., Strand, tailor. Norfolk, ship-owner. DAWSON, J., Pimlico, victualler. ELY, C. and B. Treacher, Swansea, merchts. GIBSON, J., Manchester, commission-agent. HOSKIN, R., Holdsworthy, Devons., HUME, W., Manchester, timber-merchant. KING, W., Beech-street, Barbican, victualler. QUARTON, F. and S. Radford, Lenton, Nottinghamshire, lace-machine-makers. SALMON, T., Stoke-Ferry, Norfolk, mercht. SINGLETON, J., Rugeley,Staffords.,chemist. WOOD, J., Liverpool, livery-stable-keeper,

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