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Laurence Sterne was one of those few authors who have anticipated the labours of the biographer, and left to the world what they desired should be known of their family and, their life:

"Roger Sterne (says this narrative) grandson to Archbishop Sterne, Lieutenant in Handaside regiment, was married to Agnes Hebert, widow of a Captain of a good family... I was born November 24, 1713, at Clonmel, in the south of Ireland, a few days after my mother arrived from Dunkirk. My birth - day was ominous to my poor father, who was, the day of our arrival with many other brave officers, broke and sent adrift in the wide world, with a wife and two children. He left Ireland as soon as I was able to be carried, with the rest of his family, and came to the family seat, at Elvington, near York, where his

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