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Though for no friendly intent. I am of Gath,
Men call me Harapha, of stock renown'd
As Og, or Anak, and the Emims old
That Kiriathaim held; thou know'st me now
If thou at all art known. Much I have heard
Of thy prodigious might and feats perform'd,
Incredible to me, in this displeas'd,
That I was never present on the place
Of those encounters, where we might have tried
Each other's force in camp or listed field:
And now am come to see of whom such noise
Hath walk'd about, and each limb to survey,
If thy appearance answer loud report.



SAMS. The way to know were not to see but


HAR. Dost thou already single me? I thought Gyves and the mill had tam'd thee. O that for


Had brought me to the field where thou art fam'd
To have wrought such wonders with an ass's jaw!
I should have forc'd thee soon with other arms,
Or left thy carcass where the ass lay thrown;
So had the glory of prowess been recover'd
To Palestine, won by a Philistine
From the unforeskinn'd race, of whom thou bear'st
The highest name for valiant acts: that honour
Certain to have won by mortal duel from thee,
I lose, prevented by thy eyes put out.


SAMS. Boast not of what thou would'st have done, but do

What then thou wouldst, thou see'st it in thy



HAR. To combat with a blind man I disdain,

✓ And thou hast need much washing to be touch'd.

SAMS. Such usage as your honourable lords Afford me assassinated and betray'd, Who durst notwith their whole united powers 1110 In fight withstand me single and unarm'd, Nor in the house with chamber ambushes Close-banded durst attack me, no not sleeping, Till they had hir'd a woman with their gold, Breaking her marriage faith to circumvent me. Therefore without feign'd shifts let be assign'd Some narrow place inclos'd, where sight may

give thee,

Or rather flight, no great advantage on me; Then put on all thy gorgeous arms, thy helmet And brigandine of brass, thy broad habergeon, Vant-brass and greves, and gauntlet, add thy



A weaver's beam, and seven-times-folded shield,
I only with an oaken staff will meet thee,
And raise such outcries on thy clatter'd iron,
Which long shall not withhold me from thy head,
That in a little time, while breath remains thee,
Thou oft shalt wish thyself at Gath to boast
Again in safety what thou wouldst have done

1121 vant-brass] Fairfax's Tasso, B. xx. st. 139.
'His shield was pierc'd, his vant-brace cleft and split.'

[blocks in formation]

To Samson, but shall never see Gath more.
HAR. Thou durst not thus disparage glorious



Which greatest heroes have in battle worn,
Their ornament and safety, had not spells
And black enchantment, some magician's art,
Arm'd thee, or charm'd thee strong, which thou

from heav'n

Feign'dst at thy birth was giv'n thee in thy hair, Where strength can least abide, tho' all thy hairs Were bristles rang'd like those that ridge the back Of chaf'd wild boars or ruffled porcupines.

SAMS. I know no spells, use no forbidden arts;
My trust is in the living God, who gave me 1140
At my nativity this strength, diffus'd
No less through all my sinews, joints, and bones,
Than thine, while I preserv'd these locks unshorn,

The pledge of my unviolated vow.
For proof hereof, if Dagon be thy god,
Go to his temple, invocate his aid
With solemnest devotion, spread before him
How highly it concerns his glory now
To frustrate and dissolve these magic spells,
Which I to be the power of Israel's God



Avow, and challenge Dagon to the test,
Off'ring to combat thee his champion bold,
With th' utmost of his godhead seconded :
Then thou shalt see, or rather to thy sorrow
Soon feel, whose God is strongest, thine or mine.
HAR. Presume not on thy God, whate'er he be,

Thee he regards not, owns not, hath cut off
Quite from his people, and deliver'd up
Into thy enemies' hand, permitted them
To put out both thine eyes, and fetter'd send thee
Into the common prison, there to grind
Among the slaves and asses, thy comrades,
As good for nothing else, no better service
With those thy boist'rous locks, no worthy match
For valour to assail, nor by the sword
Of noble warrior, so to stain his honour,
But by the barber's razor best subdued.
SAMS. All these indignities, for such they are
From thine, these evils I deserve and more,
Acknowledge them from God inflicted on me 1170
Justly, yet despair not of his final pardon


Whose ear is ever open, and his eye

Gracious to readmit the suppliant;

In confidence whereof I once again
Defy thee to the trial of mortal fight,
By combat to decide whose God is God,


Thine, or whom I with Israel's sons adore.

HAR. Fair honour that thou dost thy God, in

He will accept thee to defend his cause,
A murderer, a revolter, and a robber.


SAMS. Tongue-doughty giant, how dost thou prove me these?

HAR. Is not thy nation subject to our lords? 1162 comrades.] Hen. IV. part 1. act. iv. sc. 2. And his comrades that daft the world aside.' Newton,

Their magistrates confess'd it, when they took thee
As a league-breaker, and deliver'd bound
Into our hands; for hadst thou not committed
Notorious murder on those thirty men
At Ascalon, who never did thee harm,
Then like a robber stripp'dst them of their robes ?
The Philistines, when thou hadst broke the league,
Went up with armed powers thee only seeking,
To others did no violence nor spoil.

SAMS. Among the daughters of the Philistines I chose a wife, which argued me no foe; And in your city held my nuptial feast: But your ill meaning politician lords,


Under pretence of bridal friends and guests,

Appointed to await me thirty spies,

Who threat'ning cruel death constrain'd the bride To wring from me and tell to them my secret, That solv'd the riddle which I had propos'd. 1200

When I perceiv'd all set on enmity,
As on my enemies, wherever chanc'd,

I us'd hostility, and took their spoil
To pay my underminers in their coin.
My nation was subjected to your lords.
It was the force of conquest; force with force
Is well ejected when the conquer'd can.


But I a private person, whom my country
As a league-breaker gave up bound, presum'd

Single rebellion, and did hostile acts.


I was no private, but a person rais'd

With strength sufficient and command from heav'n

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