And earth's base built on stubble. But come, let's on. Against the opposing will and arm of heaven 600 But for that damn'd magician, let him be girt Harpies and Hydras, or all the monstrous forms SPIR. Alas! good vent'rous Youth, 610 Be those that quell the might of hellish charms: He with his bare wand can unthread thy joints, And crumble all thy sinews. 1 BR. Why prithee, Shepherd, How durst thou then thyself approach so near, As to make this relation? SPIR. Care and utmost shifts 615 620 How to secure the Lady from surprisal, 604 sooty fiag] P. Fletcher's Locusts, p. 58. (1627.) All hell run out, and sooty flagges display. Todd. Would sit, and hearken e'en to ecstasy, 625 And show me simples of a thousand names, 630 Bore a bright golden flow'r, but not in this soil: He call'd it hæmony, and gave it me, I purs'd it up, but little reck'ning made, 636 moly] Golding's Ovid's Met. B. xiv. p. 170, Faire flowre, whose roote is blacke, and of the Gods it moly hyght. Assurde by this, and heavenly hestes, he entred Circe's bowre,' &c. See Plin. N. Hist. xxv. c. 8, 4. Valen. viii. de fac. Simpl. Med. p. 129. Sylvester's Du Bartas, p. 83. 637 wise] Valiant Welshman, by R. A. 1615. -This precious soveraign herbe That Mercury to wise Ulysses gave.' Todd. 650 Till now that this extremity compell'd: 655 The Scene changes to a stately palace, set out with all manner of deliciousness; soft music, tables spread with all dainties. Comus appears with his rabble, and the LADY set in an inchanted chair, to whom he offers his glass, which she puts by, and goes about to rise. Сом. Nay, Lady, sit; if I but wave this wand, Your nerves are all chain'd up in alabaster, 660 And you a statue, or as Daphne was 651 rush] Ov. Metam. xiv. 293. Ulysses rushes on Circe. Intrat Ille domum Circes, et ad insidiosa vocatus Warton. Root-bound, that fled Apollo. LAD. Fool, do not boast, Thou canst not touch the freedom of my mind With all thy charms, although this corporal rind Thou hast immanacled, while heav'n sees good. Сом. Why are you vext, Lady? why do you frown? Here dwell no frowns, nor anger; from these gates 671 Sorrow flies far: See, here be all the pleasures 672 julep] Llewellyn's Poems, p. iii. There no cold Julep can relieve Those who in eternal fevers grieve.' Sylvester's Du Bartas, p. 83. 'I'll fetch a Julep for to cool your blood.' 679 cruel] Shaksp. Son. i. 'Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self so cruel.' Todd. That have been tir'd all day without repast, And timely rest have wanted; but, fair Virgin, This will restore all soon. LAD. 'Twill not, false traitor, 690 'Twill not restore the truth and honesty That thou hast banish'd from thy tongue with lies. Was this the Cottage, and the safe abode Thou toldst me of? What grim aspects are these, These ugly-headed monsters? Mercy guard me! Hence with thy brew'd inchantments, foul de ceiver; 700 Hast thou betray'd my credulous innocence 705 ears |