T PREFACE PE51 A1276 1927 HE Editors have again made certain alterations in classification in the hope that these will facilitate reference to the Bibliography. In view of the amount of work being done on American English at the present time, the items in Section VIII (Subsidiary Forms of English) have been reclassified into (a) English Dialects, (b) Vulgar English, Slang, Cant, (c) American English (including Slang). A third sub-section, Philosophy and Science, has been added in the section entitled Old and Middle English: Subsidiary. Fifteenth Century Literature, hitherto classed indiscriminately with Middle English, has now been given a separate section under Modern English. This has necessitated the re-numbering of the sections containing the later centuries. The bewilderingly long list of Shakespeare items has been subdivided into Editions, General Criticism and Criticism of individual works. The Editors have to thank Professor L. N. Broughton and Dr R. W. Zandvoort for many of the items in the regrettably long list of Corrigenda. Several of the regular contributors responsible for the British material have been unable to help this year owing to pressure of work or ill-health, but new helpers have willingly come forward and given valuable assistance. The complete list of contributors to whom the Editors are indebted for material is as follows: Professor L. N. Broughton (America); Miss Serjeantson, D.Phil., Miss Walker, Ph.D., Miss Savage, M.A., Miss Senior, M.A., Miss Lea, M.A., Miss Giffin, A.M., Miss I. Evans, B.A., Miss Constable, B.A. (Britain and Ireland); Dr L. Grootaers, Leuven (Belgium); Professor V. Mathesius, Prague (Czecho-Slovakia); Professor E. Pons, Strasbourg (France); Dr R. W. Zandvoort, Nijmegen (Holland); Professor P. Rébora, Manchester (Italy); Dr Egon Mühlbach, Leipzig (Germany); Professor Eilert Ekwall, Lund (Sweden); Dr G. Hjört and Candmag. Torsten Dahl, Copenhagen (Denmark); C33110 Professor U. Lindelöf, Helsingfors (Finland); Professor Trampe Bødtker, Oslo (Norway). The Association owes most grateful thanks to all these for the time and thought they have so generously given, and again special thanks are due to Professor Broughton who is as unsparing of interest and encouragement as he is of time. The staff of the Cambridge University Press have shown the care and skill on which the Editors have come to rely and for which they gladly record their thanks. September, 1928 |