ENGLISH POEMS. A PARAPHRASE ON PSALM CXIV. This and the following Psalm were done by the author at fifteen years old. WHEN the blest seed of Terah's faithful son After long toil their liberty had won, ΙΟ And passed from Pharian fields to Canaan-land, 126 PSALM CXXXVI. PARAPHRASED. PSALM CXXXVI. LET us with a gladsome mind Let us blaze his name abroad, O let us his praises tell, Who doth the wrathful tyrants quell; For his, etc. Who with his miracles doth make Who by his wisdom did create The painted heavens so full of state ; For his, etc. Who did the solid earth ordain To rise above the watery plain ; Who, by his all-commanding might, And caused the golden-tressèd sun For his, etc. ΙΟ 19 30 The hornèd moon to shine by night He, with his thunder-clasping hand, And, in despite of Pharao fell, He brought from thence his Israel; The ruddy waves he cleft in twain Of the Erythræan main; For his, etc. The floods stood still, like walls of glass, For his, etc. But full soon they did devour The tawny king with all his power; His chosen people he did bless For his, etc. In bloody battle he brought down He foiled bold Seon and his host, For his, etc. And large-limbed Og he did subdue, For his, etc. 39 50 59 70 And to his servant Israel He gave their land, therein to dwell; He hath, with a piteous eye, And freed us from the slavery For his, etc. All living creatures he doth feed, Let us, therefore, warble forth That his mansion hath on high, ON THE DEATH OF A FAIR INFANT DYING OF A COUGH. Anno ætatis 17. I. O FAIREST flower, no sooner blown but blasted, Summer's chief honour, if thou hadst outlasted That did thy cheek envermeil, thought to kiss, 90 |