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32D CONG.....3d Sess.


Special Session-Clayton-Bulwer Treaty.

mend to Congress such measures as he should
deem expedient, he said, in his message to the two
Houses: "We owe it to ourselves to declare,"
&c.; that is, he recommended to Congress (in virtue
of the right to recommend given him by the Con-
stitution) to make this declaration in some resolu-
tion or other proper form, and he was pledged by
it to nothing more than this: that, if Congress
shaped such a resolution, or made such a declara-
in it to any Power on earth but his own country-
tion, he would approve it. There was no pledge
men in Congress assembled. The American Gov-
ernment could be committed only by the vote of
both Houses of Congress, approved by the Pres-
ident. The proposition recommended by Mr.
Monroe was warmly opposed by the very Con-
gress to which it was submitted. No such decla-
ration was made or attempted to be made by Con-

the neutrality of Panama went into operation till
the present time, and during the whole succeeding
period of five years not a murmur of disapproba-
tion escaped his lips. He complains that, under
the treaty negotiated by the Administration of
General Taylor, we could not fortify in Central
America, while the British can fortify at Jamaica;
yet he has always been perfectly satisfied with the
treaty of Mr. Polk, which deprives us of the power
to fortify in any part of the province of Panama,
while the British can fortify in British Guiana.
He is shocked that we cannot annex the Central
American Republics to the United States; yet he
himself professes, almost in the same breath, to be
opposed to the annexation. He cannot under-
stand the reason why the Government of Nicar-
agua refused to ratify the treaty made by her Com-
missioner, Señor Selva, with Mr. Hise; yet he
has seen that treaty which cedes away the juris-gress; but Mr. Clay, who was an ardent supporter
diction of the State and her public domain to an
enormous extent, and reduces her to a complete
stage of vassalage; and, because he cannot under-
stand this, he attributes her refusal to ratify that
treaty to the influence of Mr. Squier and to my
instructions. He amuses us with the assertion
that the treaty of the 19th of April, 1850, is a
negation of the Monroe doctrine in every particu-
lar; yet in the next breath he asserts that the
treaty and the Monroe doctrine are so identical
that a violation of one is a violation of both. And
he urges us to make an issue with the British
Government about the colony of the Bay Islands,
which he says is a striking infraction of the treaty
as well as the Monroe doctrine, and presents a
very pretty quarrel as it stands. He is a great
advocate of the Monroe doctrine, yet refuses to
vote for that doctrine when asserted in a resolu-
tion presented by one of his own party.

As he declared that his reason for opposing the negatreaty of the 19th of April, 1850, was its " tion of the Monroe doctrine," I propose to examine the history of that doctrine, with a view to show not only that his assertion is unfounded, but that, while the policy indicated by the treaty has been the established policy of this Government for more than twenty years, the Monroe doctrine never has been established as a principle to regulate the action of this Government, and has been repudiated as often as an effort has been made in Congress to sustain it. In saying this, I do not mean to be understood that the Executive branch of the Government has not recommended it to Congress for effect or to attain a special object, nor do I mean to censure any President for doing so, but the President does not constitute the Government; and I mean to say that neither the President and Senate, by any treaty, nor Congress, by any vote or resolution, have ever sustained it.

Mr. Monroe's declaration was made in his seventh annual message to Congress, on the 2d of December, 1823:

"We owe it," said he, "to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the United States and the European Powers, to DECLARE that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. With the existing colonies and dependencies of any European Power we have not interfered and shall not interfere. But with the Governments which have declared their independence and maintained it, and whose independence we have, on great considerations and just principles, acknowledged, we could not view any interposition, for the purpose of oppressing them, or of controlling in any other manner their destiny, by a European Power, in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition towards the United States."

This celebrated declaration, which is often quoted
as a pledge to go to war with any European nation
which shall attempt to colonize any part of this
hemisphere, is not a declaration by the President
to a foreign country, but a mere recommendation
to Congress, to declare, first, that we think any
attempt to extend the European system, that is,
to make a European colony in this hemisphere,
would be dangerous to our peace and safety; and,
secondly, that any European interposition to con-
trol the destiny of an established American Gov-
ernment would be viewed by us as a manifestation
of an unfriendly disposition towards the United
States. Congress utterly refused to adopt the rec-
ommendation at the time, and has ever since re-
fused to make any such declaration. Mr. Monroe
made no declaration himself; but, in pursuance of
the power given him by the Constitution to recom-

of Mr. Monroe's administration, did, at the time,
propose a resolution to the House of Representa-
tives, which was intended to approach the declara-
tion, but even that failed. His resolution was," that
'the people of these States would not see, without
'serious inquietude, any forcible interposition by the
'allied Powers of Europe, in the behalf of Spain, to
'reduce to their former subjection those parts of the
'continent of America which have proclaimed and
'established for themselves, respectively, independ-
ent governments, and which have been solemnly
' recognized by the United States." Even had this
passed, it was but a poor response to the recom-
mendation. It did not adopt Mr. Monroe's lan-
guage or its equivalent, and it restricted" the se-
rious inquietude" we should feel to the case of a
forcible interposition by the allied Powers to aid
Spain! But Mr. Clay's resolution, even when
thus diluted, backed by all the influence which he
and Mr. Webster exerted on the occasion, never
passed the House of Representatives. The Hon.
James K. Polk, during the debate on the Panama
mission, tells us the fate of Mr. Clay's resolution,
and of Mr. Webster's kindred Greek resolution,
which was defeated by a large majority at the same
session. As Mr. Polk is often cited as an advo-
cate of the opinion that Mr. Monroe's presidential
message had pledged the nation to adopt the policy
which Mr. Monroe merely recommended, I beg
to quote the following passage from his speech on
the Panama mission, in 1826, as not only showing
that he did not consider such recommendations as
he and Mr. Monroe gaye to Congress as in any
sense binding upon this Government, without the
consent of Congress, but also to show the fate of
Mr. Clay's resolution:

"Before he concluded, Mr. Polk said he would say a
word in relation to the pledge which it was said the nation
had given in relation to our South American policy. When
the message of the late President (Monroe) of the United
States was communicated to Congress, it was viewed, as
it should have been, as the mere expression of opinion of
the Executive, submitted to the consideration and delibera-
tion of Congress; and designed, probably, to produce an
effect upon the councils of the Holy Alliance, in relation to
their supposed intention to interfere in the war between
Spain and her former colonies. That effect it probably had
an agency in producing; and, if so, IT HAD PERFORMED
The President had no power to bind the na-
tion by such a pledge. The sound and sober judgment of
the people of the United States had not been brought up to
the conclusion that we could, in any event, make common
cause with the Republics of the South, or involve ourselves
in the calamities of war in their behalf; all our sympathies,
all our good feelings were with them; we wished them suc-
cess; but self-preservation is the first law of nature and of
nations; we were then, as he hoped we still were, unpre-
pared to depart from our settled policy. As a strong evi-
dence of what the opinion of this House then was, the
present Secretary of State, (Mr. Clay,) then a member of
the House, had submitted a resolution responding to the
sentiments of the message of the President. The Greek
resolution was submitted, too, at the same session, by the
honorable member from Massachusetts; the fever was up;
we seemed to be then, if we ever had been, prepared to go
on a political crusade in behalf of others. The sober judg-
ment of the House interposed; the Greek resolution shared
its fate, and sleeps upon the table. Mr. Clay saw clearly
that the same fate inevitably awaited his South American
resolution, with only this difference, that it would probably
have been negatived by a much more overwhelming ma-
jority. It was not called up. He, however, effected one
object; he prevented any expression of opinion. By sub-
mitting his resolution, others were induced not to do so,
with an expectation of having an opportunity of voting on
his. And now it is said the national honor is pledged to
For himself, he
act up to the declaration of that message.
did not so consider it; and for one, he never could agree to
endanger the peace of the country by sending ministers to
the consultative assembly at Panama."

In the same celebrated debate on the Panama
mission, Mr. Buchanan opposed the mission on


the same grounds: Speaking of the Monroe dec-
laration, he said:

"It answered the purpose for which it was intended, and
the danger which then threatened the Southern Republics
has since passed away. This declaration contained no
pledge to any foreign Government. It left us perfectly
free, but it has since been converted into such a pledge by
Mr. Adams's administration; and, although they have not
framed formal alliances with the Southern Republics, yet
they have committed the country in honor to an alarming
"Mr. Clay has gone to such extremities in the
cause of these Republics, that in this particular prudent
men would feel disposed to compliment his heart at the ex-
pense of his understanding."

Mr. Buchanan's complaint against Mr. Clay,
which, he thought, went to show the weakness of
Mr. Clay's head, was this: that he had instructed
Mr. Poinsett to bring to the notice of the Mexican
Government the message of Mr. Monroe, and that
Mr. Poinsett had said to the Mexican Govern-
ment that "the United States had pledged them-
'selve not to permit any other Power to interfere
'with the independence or form of government of
'the Spanish American Republics" I know it is
claimed that in Mr. Buchanan's instructions to
Mr. Hise, he asserted the Monroe doctrine; but
on a careful examination of his language it will be
found that he did not instruct Mr. Hise to make
any such declaration, and only said that European
interference with the domestic concerns of the
American republics would "jeopard their inde-
pendence and ruin their interests," and in the very
next sentence he assigns a reason why the United
States decline to resist such interference. In the
same instructions he tells Mr. Hise that "it is
our intention to maintain our established policy
of non-intervention in the concerns of foreign

Such are the words of Mr. Polk and Mr. Buchanan. Their acts or omissions to act were still more significant of their opinion of the binding The letters of force of the Monroe doctrine. Buitrago, the Secretary of State of Nicaragua, to Mr. Buchanan, of the 12th of November, 1847, and of Guerrero, the President or Supreme Director of that State, to President Polk, on the 15th of November, 1847, implore the enforcement of the Monroe doctrine. Not one word of reply-not any kind of notice was ever given by either of them to Nicaragua that such letters were received. The most impassioned eloquence, urging again and again that Nicaragua was about to fall a victim to British aggression, and entreating the United States to interfere on the very principles advanced by Mr. Polk himself, in his message at the first session of the Twenty-ninth Congress, and reiterated in his Yucatan message, was of no avail. The solicitations of Salinas and Castellon, and the warnings of Mr. Livingston, our consul at Leon, were equally ineffectual. There seemed to be no chord in the bosom of that Administration which vibrated to the touch of those who kneeled and begged for succor in this dark hour of their distress. The Monroe doctrine was laid aside; the President's own recommendation to Congress had, we must suppose, also, like Mr. Monroe's, The British, in their "performed its office." Juan river without even a remonstrance from our ships of war Alarm and Vixen, entered the San Government, on the 8th of January, 1848, and while Mr. Polk and Mr. Buchanan slumbered over all these forewarnings of the fate of Nicaragua, took the town of San Juan, and changed its name to "Greytown," stormed the fort of Serapaqui, and in the Island of Cuba, in the midst of the magnificent lake of Nicaragua, dictated their own terms as conquerors to the unhappy people who, relying upon our supposed promises of help contained in the President's previous publicavowal of the Monroe doctrine, had dared to wage war and expend their blood in defense of their native land. The documents before Congress exhibit on the part of our Government the most cold and contemptuous silence-a perfect indifference to all the appeals of our weak sister Republic, and her letters were never answered until they were answered by Zachary Taylor, who has been so much abused for not carrying out the Monroe doctrine! His letter to the President and mine to the Secretary of the State of Nicaragua, are among the published documents before you; and how fully they refute the calumnies which for three years have filled a portion of the party press of this country and disgraced its character for veracity, all men are now

[blocks in formation]

SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the communications which your Excellency addressed to this Department, under dates the 12th November, 1847, and 6th March, 1848, relative to the seizure by the British of the port of San Juan de Nicaragua. These communications have been read with painful interest, and have led to a determination on the part of the President of the United States to accede to the request of the Government of Nicaragua for the interposition of the good offices of this Government, in a friendly manner and spirit towards both Great Britain and Nicaragua, for the purpose of adjusting the controversy with reference to the Mosquito shore. Instructions have accordingly been transmitted to the Minister of the United States at London, which it is hoped may be instrumental towards inducing the British Government to respect the just rights of Nicaragua, and towards effecting a satisfactory accommodation of all the matters in dispute. I avail myself of this occasion to offer to your Excellency assurances of my most distinguished consideration. JOHN M. CLAYTON. His Excellency the MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS of the Republic of Nicaragua.


DEAR AND GOOD FRIEND: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 15th December, 1847, which has been read with lively and painful interest. The Secretary of State of the United States has this day addressed a note to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua, expressing the sympathy of this Government for the injuries which that State believes she has received in consequence of the forcible occupation of the port of San Juan by British authorities, and mentioning the friendly steps which have been taken by us with a view to obtain redress therefor. Your Excellency may be assured that our efforts to this end, in an amicable spirit and manner towards both Nicaragua and Great Britain, will be cordial and zealous, and will be animated by the desire, which we sincerely cherish, that the just territorial rights of Nicaragua may be respected by all nations, and that she may advance in prosperity and happiness.

Your good friend,


To his Excellency the DIRECTOR OF THE STATE OF NIC


By the President:

JOHN M. CLAYTON, Secretary of State. During the administration of Mr. Polk, the British aggressions in Central America were constantly increasing. The attack in 1848 was made just six days after the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, by which we acquired California. It blocked up our passage to the Pacific. The war with Mexico was ended-the army of Taylor was unemployed. If it were desirable to prove the truth of the Monroe doctrine to the British, a few philosophers could have been selected from the "army of occupation" that would have been most convincing in their arguments. Thackeray says there is nothing like a good rattling article from the throat of a nine-pounder to carry conviction in such cases. Why not act upon the idea of Louis Napoleon, and "throw the sword of Brennus into the scale of civilization?" The answer is, Mr. Polk preferred to adhere to the doctrine of his speech on the Panama mission, and did not regard this Government as bound by his recommendations of the Monroe doctrine to Congress because Congress had not adopted them.

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Another instance in which Mr. Polk disregarded these recommendations made by himself, was on the occasion of the Oregon treaty. He was elected on the platform of the whole of Oregon or none. "Fifty-four forty, or fight," was the euphonious alliteration-the war-cry; the very shibboleth of his party. He recommended to Congress the Monroe doctrine again, and yet we know, from authentic evidence, he did not intend to act upon his own recommendation. He sent Mr. McLane to England to negotiate the Oregon treaty, and Mr. McLane on his return, at a public dinner in New York, informed us that "a divis


ion of the country (i. e. Oregon) upon that principle, (a compromise on the 49th parallel of latitude,) with a reasonable regard to rights grown up under the joint possession, always appeared to me (him) to afford a just and practicable basis for an amicable and honorable adjustment of the subject. Such, also, I was satisfied, were the views of our Government at the time I engaged in my recent mission; and in earnestly and steadily laboring to ef'fect a settlement upon that basis, I was but representing the policy of my own Government, AND FAITH


THE PRESIDENT!" Here, again, Mr. Polk gave evidence of the practical abnegation of the Mon

Special Session-Clayton-Bulwer Treaty.

roe doctrine asserted in his messages, and again adhered to the doctrines of his speech on the Panama mission. "Fifty-four forty" was given up without the promised "fight," and the doctrine of Washington triumphed again over the Monroe doctrine by the ratification of the Oregon treaty. The statement of Mr. McLane enables us to understand now why it was that the resolutions introduced into the Senate by Mr. Allen, of Ohio, on the 14th of January, 1846, were stifled and effectually voted down by the Democratic Senate of that year. The friends who really understood Mr. Polk were all opposed to that resolution, which affirmed the same doctrines publicly espoused by the President and his party organ; and while every Democratic newspaper in the United States was filled with the Monroe doctrine, and with "fiftyfour forty, or fight;" while the Senators from Michigan [Mr. CASS] and from Ohio [Mr. ALLEN] and from Indiana, [Mr. HANNEGAN,] with many others of the same party, were deceived by the public opinion of the Executive head, others secretly knew and acted upon the private opinion of Mr. Polk, and these were the men who suppressed the resolution and voted down the Monroe doctrine. This was another memorable instance in which that doctrine was practically repudiated. I was not deceived by the Executive message, or by the party press, or by the "civium ardor prava jubentium," which distinguished that crisis.

Among those who were the most ardent for "fifty-four forty" was the Senator from Illinois, [Mr. DOUGLAS.] He was not in the Senate. He supposed the Monroe doctrine was popular, and that his party meant to sustain it. He was easily duped, and still complains of it.

Indulge me in a few more words to close the history of the Monroe doctrine. On the 20th of April, 1826, the House of Representatives adopted an amendment to a resolution declaring it expedient to appropriate the funds necessary to enable the President to send ministers to Panama, which amendment was indeed a complete negation of the whole Monroe doctrine. This amendment was carried by a party vote, all the leading men then belonging to the Jackson party voting against the Monroe declaration and in favor of the amendment, and all the leading men supporting Mr. Adams's administration voting against the amendment. This amendment, which was a complete stifler of the whole Monroe declaration, obtained ninety-nine votes, among which were those of Messrs. BUCHANAN, Forsyth, Houston, Ingham, McDuffie, McLane, and POLK! It is very remarkable that the Democracy, at the very origin of their present party, totally repudiated the whole declaration, and came into power on the principle of Washington's doctrine of non-intervention. It has been often said, and there is much reason to believe, that Mr. Adams, who was Secretary of State at the time Mr. Monroe proposed the doctrine, was entitled to the paternity of it. Mr. Calhoun once intimated so much in the Senate. It was the principal topic of discussion in Congress during the administration of Mr. Adams, and it was generally believed at the time that the reassertion of the Monroe principle in Mr. Poinsett's instructions, and in the course adopted by the advocates of Mr. Adams in favor of the Panama mission, drove Mr. Adams from power and secured the election of President Jackson, whose party, shortly after his election, assumed the name of the Democratic party. Among his most ardent advocates was Mr. Van Buren, the great Coryphæus of that party, who, in a speech in the Senate, opposing the Panama mission and the Monroe doctrine, said:

"I will venture to affirm that there is not a member on this floor who will avow his willingness to enter into a stipulation to resist attempts by the European Powers to colonize any portion of this continent. If mistaken," said Mr. Van Buren, I desire to be corrected. No; I am not. No; thank Heaven, a policy so opposite to all the feelings of the American people, so adverse, as I firmly believe it to be, to its true interests, has no friend, at least no advo

cate, on this floor."

This speech was pronounced the ablest delivered in Congress since Mr. Pinkney's reply to Mr. King. I could fill volumes from the speeches of Mr. Hayne, Mr. Rives, Mr. McLane, Mr. Calhoun, and all the ancient leaders of the Democratic party against this Monroe doctrine. But I will not longer, and in this manner, trespass upon



your patience by the introduction of their opinThe Senator from Michigan [Mr. CASS] was perfectly correct when he said that this declaration of Mr. Monroe had lain, ever since its origin, a dead letter on our records. His recent attempt to revive it by his resolution at the last session, closes the history of the Monroe doctrines. That resolution met with such violent opposition from his own party as to give us the assurance that no President who should undertake to act upon it could be sustained. With all similar resolutions, recommendations, and declarations, it was consigned to "that same ancient vault where all the kindred of the Capulets lie."

With this history before us, I would leave the Senator from Illinois the full benefit of his objection to the treaty of the 19th April, 1850, if I could. He said, and repeatedly said, that every article of that treaty is predicated upon a negation and repudiation of the Monroe declaration in relation to European colonization on this continent. If that were true, it ought to be the greatest recommendation of the treaty to one who assumes to belong to the Democratic party, and to be a follower of the principles of Jackson. He would have been, if true to his present principles, a thorough-going Adams man in 1826, and ought to have been heard in favor of the Panama mission and the instructions of Mr. Clay to Mr. Poinsett. The Senator does not understand the distinction between an alliance for political purposes and a compact to carry out a commercial enterprise. Every word of objection which he made to this treaty was equally applicable to Mr. Polk's treaty with New Granada to protect the province of Panama, and to Mr. Buchanan's proposition to Mr. Crampton to invite not only Great Britain, but France and other commercial Powers, to enter into the same treaty stipulations which we had contracted in regard to a canal or railroad at Panama, and his opposition is founded on principles which would overthrow every commercial treaty we ever made.

But, notwithstanding his assertion that the treaty is a negation of the Monroe doctrine in every particular, I must tell him that it presents the only instance in which an European Power, which had attempted to colonize a portion of this hemisphere, and to extend the European system here, has been induced by the action of this Government to abandon the attempt. Impartial history will distinguish between such action and that mere noisy declamation to frighten the vulture from his victim, which has generally carried more consternation into the ranks of friends at home than of foes abroad.

The Senator from Michigan [Mr. Cass] very correctly answered the gentleman when he said that after all attempts to adopt the Monroe doctrine had failed, and it had remained a dead letter for a quarter of a century, the treaty" was the best thing we could do." We could not (said he) get a Congressional sanction of the Monroe doctrine;" and the Senator from Illinois, at this day, is not willing to join in giving it. I repeat, what had we to do under these circumstances? Why, it was manifestly our policy to agree with England to keep hands off. If we had not done so, England must now have been and would have been in the undisturbed possession of all the Central American States upon which she desired to fix her grasp.

Before I leave this part of the subject, permit me to allude briefly to the reason why I did not vote on the treaty with New Granada in 1847. 1 was at that time a member of the Senate, and did highly approve of the general provisions of the treaty, but was opposed to so much of it only as guarantied the sovereignty of New Granada in her own territory. No such guarantee is to be found in the treaty of 1850. The treaty with Nicaragua, which Mr. Squier negotiated, was no entangling alliance, but only recognized the title of that State, without any guarantee of that title; and as that treaty provided for the protection of the canal by the local government as well as ourselves, I thought it essential to the completion of the enterprise. President Taylor submitted that treaty to the Senate with an assurance that, should the Senate concur with him, he would ratify it, and recommended only such alterations in it as would make it fully in accordance with the British treaty. I placed

32D CONG.....3D SESS.

the amendments which would have effected that object in the hands of the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations, leaving it to the discretion and judgment of the Senate to decide whether they would or would not recognize the Nicaragua title, which the President was willing to do. Spain had, by treaty, recognized that title. In a few days after I resigned the office of Secretary of State, which I had been anxious to do long before, on account of private considerations. The President had refused to accept my resignation; but his untimely death, on the 9th of July, 1850, released me from the obligations under which I felt bound to remain in office; and after my retirement I never learned the reason for the omission of the Senate to act upon the treaty with Nicaragua. In my judgment that treaty should be revived, or some similar treaty negotiated without delay, to prevent the local government from ever attempting to confiscate the canal in the event of its construction. The failure of this treaty was much regretted by me.

As to the British protection in Central America, it was of course disarmed by the treaty. Its terms are too plain to be misunderstood by any one. Great Britain cannot place an armed soldier on the territory without violating the treaty. She cannot protect the Indians with a view to obtain possession of the country, nor can she occupy or assume any dominion for the purpose of protection. There is nothing undefined in the treaty on this subject. All British dominion in the whole of Central America, extending as it does by the line of the sea-coast nearly one thousand miles, is abandoned. The member from Illinois says that Great Britain has not abandoned any part of the country. I do not place much reliance on any statement he makes on this subject. The British Minister assures us that his Government has observed the treaty, and means to observe it faithfully; and the Secretary of State informs us that San Juan de Nicaragua is no longer in possession of Great Britain, but is really governed by American citizens who reside there. But if the treaty has not been respected, it is not my fault.

It was of no importance to me or my country to expel the miserable savages from their fishing or hunting grounds. Humanity dictated to us that they should not be butchered by those who had been their bitter foes while Great Britain was striving to obtain possession of the country, and was exercising in their name absolute dominion in Central America. We had no justifiable motive for preventing Great Britain from interceding in a friendly way with any one of the Central American Republics to save them from destruction. There are not, I learn, at this time more than five hundred of these wretched Mosquito Indians in existence. They are, like all their race, rapidly disappearing from the earth, and in a very few years will cease to exist, notwithstanding all the care that humanity can bestow upon them. The leprosy and other loathsome diseases have thinned their numbers to a mere shadow of a tribe, and the Minister to Central America tells us, in one of his dispatches, that by the laws of the country the penalty of death is imposed upon any one who shall intermarry with them. The protectorate through which Great Britain intended to assume dominion over all this region, as she had done through other protectorates in India, is already abolished so far as we had any object to abolish it. Stat nominis umbra. She cannot " occupy" to protect these Indians; that is, she cannot either "take or keep possession" to effect that object. She cannot "colonize" with a view to such an object; she cannot "fortify" to do it; she cannot "assume" or exercise any dominion whatsoever with a view to do it. What more do you want of her? Do you desire that she shall not send food to the half-starved savages? May she not send the Bible among them? Do you wish to prevent that? May she not mediate with the local government within whose limits they exist, to prevent them from being massacred by their hereditary enemies? May she not ask those Governments, without offense to you, to act by them as we have done by all Indians within our borders, and extinguish the Indian title, which is nothing more than the mere right of occupancy till the white man wants the land and gives them a pittance to support them when deprived of it? President Taylor went as

Special Session-Coal for the Navy.

far in abolishing the British protectorate as the dictates of humanity demanded. In no treaty which Great Britain has ever made has she abandoned her allies to the mercy of their enemies. The British settlers in Oregon south of the 49th parallel of latitude were provided for by her in a treaty when she relinquished the country south of that parallel. But, in this treaty of 1850, she reserved to herself no power to protect by arms or force. I understand from undoubted authority,

half of the Indians, to cede their whole claim; in other words, to extinguish their Indian title, for fifty thousand dollars-a sum much less than we have been accustomed to give in our Indian treaties for the cession of far less territory. The adjustment of the boundary between Costa Rica and Nicaragua is a more difficult matter.

Mr. President, I have now considered the principal topics upon which I desired to address the Senate, to vindicate the policy of the lamented Chief Magistrate under whom I served the public as a negotiator; but there are others to which, after hearing all that can be said in reply, I may wish to speak. I thank the Senate for their indulgence, and have done.


will be required to pay for such of the coal as may be pur chased in England.

That the Secretary be also required to inform the Senate whether offers were made by other parties than Messrs. Howland & Aspinwall to supply the above-named squadron with coal, by delivering the same at such places as might be designated in the Chinese seas; the prices per ton at which these parties proposed to deliver it, stating particularly the rates at which anthracite, American bituminous, and English bituminous were respectively offered; and whether, after these offers had been made, a contract at higher prices was not entered into with Messrs. Howland & Aspinwall for English coal. &

That the Secretary be further required to inform the Senate whether, previous to the time of contracting for the supply of the said squadron with coal, the Government had not regularly-authorized agents employed for the express purpose of purchasing and inspecting all coal necessary for the supply of the Navy, and what commission the said agents received by way of compensation for their services. That he be required further to inform the Senate whether Messrs. Howland & Aspinwall were not appointed agents to purchase and inspect the whole, or a great part of the coal necessary for the supply of the Japan squadron; whether the commissions allowed them are not double the amount of those allowed and paid to the regular purchasing and inspecting agents; whether the said commissions are not counted on the gross price of the coal, namely: on the price, with freight, exchange, and insurance added. That he be required also to inform the Senate what quantity of coal it is estimated will be required for the supply of the said squadron annually, and what kind principally will be used; what amount of demurrage has been paid, and for what quantity of coal, for what length of time, and to whom; also, what rate of demurrage is to be paid hereafter.

Mr. President, the object of the resolution which has been proposed is to ascertain, if practicable, something in relation to the supply of fuel for the squadron which has been ordered into the Chinese seas for the purpose of opening commercial and other relations with the Japanese empire. It is known, Mr. President, to the Senate that the Government some time ago appointed two agents for the purpose of purchasing and supplying coal for the use of the Navy; one of these agents being appointed for the purpose of purchasing and inspecting anthracite, and the other for the purpose of purchasing and inspecting bituminous coal. It is their duty, by virtue of their office, to supply and inspect the coal, not only for the Navy proper, but likewise all that is used in the dock-yards and

Mr. DOUGLAS. I was unavoidably absent during the early part of the Senator's speech this morning, but I presume I understand that part of it from an intimation given yesterday at the conclusion of his remarks at that time. I desire to reply to so much of the Senator's speech only as relates to some topics of discussion introduced by myself some two or three weeks ago. I shall not enter into the question that he has made between the Committee on Foreign Relations and himself with regard to the report, I having been unavoidably absent and thus prevented from concurring in the report of the committee, or even reading it. I do not desire to enter into any controversy with regard to what has grown up relating to British Honduras. I only desire to confine myself to the points at issue in my own speech to which the Senator has alluded. I therefore move to post-shops belonging to the Government; and as a compone the further consideration of the subject until


The motion was agreed to.


Mr. JAMES presented resolutions passed by the Legislature of Rhode Island in regard to the imprisonment in Cuba of James H. West, a citizen of Rhode Island; which were read, referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be printed.

Mr. MASON. My honorable friend from Rhode Island did me the honor of communicating that memorial to me before he presented it to the Senate; and at his suggestion, I thought it was proper that I should offer a resolution on the subject. I have not had an opportunity of submitting it to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and will now submit it on my own part, calling upon the Executive for information with respect to the matter. The resolution is as follows:

Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested (if in his opinion not incompatible with the public interest) to communicate to the Senate copies of any correspondence relating to the imprisonment or detention in custody of James H. West, a citizen of the United States, at Sagua le Grande, in the Island of Cuba, and of the seizure of his property by the authorities of said island, together with all information connected therewith.

The resolution was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to.

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THURSDAY, March 10, 1853. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. C. M. BUTLER. Mr. COOPER. I submit the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, required to communicate to the Senate the contract entered into with Messrs. Howland & Aspinwall for supplying the Japan squadron with coal, the price per ton which the said coal will cost delivered in the Chinese seas, the amount of commissions and insurance, respectively, together with the rate of exchange which the Government

pensation for their services they have received a commission of five per cent. on the amount furnished. When the squadron was about to sail, or rather previous to the period of its sailing, these agents offered to supply coal upon certain terms; that is, they offered to supply both anthracite and bituminous, and to deliver it at such ports as should be indicated in the Chinese seas, at a price not exceeding fifteen dollars per ton. I think the offer was to supply anthracite at $14 50 per ton, and Cumberland bituminous at $14 90 per ton. At any rate, neither the one nor the other was to exceed fifteen dollars per ton, with a commission of five per cent. added.

It seems, however, that neither of these offers was accepted, and that Messrs. Howland and Aspinwall were appointed inspectors and authorized to purchase the coal for the supply of the squadron. They purchased a few thousand tons of American anthracite and bituminous coal; but have relied mainly upon English coal for the supply of the squadron; and they have purchased it, as I am informed, at a much higher price than either the American anthracite or bituminous were offered for, although the latter are greatly superior, according to tests made on various occasions, and in various ways. I have been informed, and I have no doubt of the fact, that the coal, delivered in the Chinese seas, will cost a fourth more; that is, the English coal which these parties are to deliver will cost one fourth more than American coal which is so much superior in character. And instead of a commission of five per cent. which has been allowed to the regularly-authorized agents of the Government, Howland & Aspinwall are to receive ten per cent. They also pay ten-and-a-half per cent. by way of exchange upon all the coal that they purchase abroad.

Now, if this be so, it is a wrong committed against important domestic interests, and my object is to ascertain the facts. I have been informed that during the period which it is anticipated the squadron will remain upon that station, or rather in those seas, some eighty or a hundred thousand tons of coal will be required for its consumption. These men receive ten per cent. commission; and if the price should be $20 per ton they will receive by

32D CONG....3D SESS.

way of commissions $160,000; and the Government will have to pay besides, by way of exchange, more than $160,000. This is benefiting foreigners at the expense of our own citizens, who, as I am informed, offered to supply the Government at $15 per ton, delivered where the article was needed. I do not intend, in what I have said, to reflect upon the Secretary of the Navy at all. The late Secretary of the Navy, as I understand, had nothing to do with it. Nor had his predecessor in office. I wish to be understood here, and that I do not intend to reflect upon either of those officers in the slightest degree. I believe both of them are men of the purest integrity, and eminently qualified for the discharge of the duties of their high position. I understand these contracts are made by the Bureau of Construction and Supply, at the instance of the commander of the squadron, who probably preferred English to American coal. All I desire is the facts, and for that purpose I have offered the resolution; and I hope, as it is a matter of inquiry merely, that it may be considered now.

The resolution was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to.

COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS. Mr. SEBASTIAN. I submit the following resolution, and ask for its consideration now:

Resolved, That all business heretofore referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and not reported on, or otherwise definitively disposed of, be again referred to said committee, with like power and authority possessed by them at the late session.

Mr. MASON. I submit to the Senator from Arkansas that the Senate at this session is not competent to enter upon any business of a legislative character, which, of course, requires the concurrence of the House of Representatives. The scope of the resolution would appear to confer on the committee the same powers which it had during the late session. If there are any special matters which should be referred to the committee, and which would not require the concurrence of the House, I have no objection to it.

Mr. SEBASTIAN. I am aware of the fact suggested by the Senator. This resolution is to extend to the committee the powers in reference to special subjects which it had during the late session. I allude particularly to the matter of the inquiry into the conduct of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Minnesota.

The PRESIDENT. The Chair would suggest to the Senator to modify his resolution so as to make it refer to that subject.

Mr. WELLER. There is another committee which I should like to have continued with the same powers that it had at the late session. I allude to the Committee in relation to the Mexican Boundary Commission. It has been unable to report; and for the purpose of giving it an opportunity to report, I should like to have that resolution so modified as to include it.

The PRESIDENT. The Senator from California can move to amend the resolution.

Mr. WELLER. After it is disposed of, I can offer one providing for the committee to which I allude.

Mr. SEBASTIAN. I will modify the resolution by inserting in it after "Committee on Indian Affairs," the words "and pertaining to the business of the Executive session."

The PRESIDENT. The Chair will suggest to the Senator that it had better be offered in Executive session.

Mr. SEBASTIAN. The object of the resolution is to continue the duties of the committee in reference to the investigation of the charges against the Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Minnesota; and that was brought before us in open session.

The resolution was then adopted.


Mr. SEBASTIAN submitted the following resolution; which was considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to:

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Interior be directed to furnish a statement of the amounts paid as annuities under the different treaties with the Choctaw tribe of Indians, specifying the amount and date of each payment, and in

cluding the interest on investments under the treaty of 1837; together with a statement in detail of the expenditures under the various treaty provisions for education. NEW SERIES.-No. 17.

Special Session-Clayton-Bulwer Treaty.


Resolved, That the clerk to the Committee on Claims be continued as heretofore, until otherwise ordered by the Senate, to be employed in completing and keeping up the index and digest of the reports of the committee authorized by the resolution of March, 1851, and in such other duties as the committee may require.


ation of the Senate. The first is, that it was con

Mr. BRODHEAD. I submit the following cluded by Mr. Hise without the authority of this resolution: Government. That may be true, but it is the first time I have ever heard it urged as a valid reason for withholding from the consideration of the Senate a treaty the objects and provisions of which were desirable. The treaty with New Granada, which he so warmly commends in his speech, was made by Mr. Bidlack without authority. President Polk stated this fact in his message communicating the treaty to the Senate, and the Senator from Delaware has read that message and incorporated it into his speech. He therefore knew that fact when he gave as a reason for withholding the Hise treaty, that it was made without authority.

I presume there can be no objection to the resolution. In 1850, the Senate, on the motion of the

Senator from New Hampshire, adopted a resolution continuing this clerk for the purpose of making a classified index of the proceedings of the Senate on claims. The index will be completed by the meeting of the next Congress. I understand it is

about three fourths done. The Committee on Claims has unanimously instructed me to submit this resolution to the Senate, and ask for its consideration now.

consent, and agreed to. The resolution was considered by unanimous

The treaty of peace with Mexico, to the provisions of which the Senator has also referred on another point, was entered into by Mr. Trist, not only without authority, but in bold defiance of the instructions of our Government to the contrary. The administration of President Polk did not feel at liberty to withhold these two treaties from the Mr. BADGER submitted the following resolu- Senate, merely because they were made withouttion for consideration:


Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate have published in the Daily National Intelligencer, the full debates and proceedings of the Senate for the late legislative session, and pay the same compensation therefor as is allowed to the Union and Globe, and pro rata for what has been reported and published in the Intelligencer during the present Congress.


Mr. CHASE submitted the following resolution for consideration; which was referred to the Committee on Printing:

Resolved, That two thousand additional copies of the report of Captain R. B. Marcy, of his exploration of the waters of the Red river, ordered to be printed by the resoJution of the Senate of the 4th of February last, be printed for the use of the Senate; two hundred copies of which to be furnished to Captain Marcy; and that two hundred copies of the report of Captain Sitgreaves, ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate, be furnished to Captain Sitgreaves.


The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolutions submitted on Monday by Mr. CLAY


Mr. DOUGLAS. I have nothing to do with the controversy which has arisen between the Senator from Delaware [Mr. CLAYTON] and my venerable friend from Michigan, [Mr. CASS,] who is now absent in consequence of the severe illness of one nearest and dearest to him. We all know enough of that Senator to be assured that when he shall be in his place, he will be prompt to respond to any calls that may be made upon him. Neither have I anything to do with the dispute which has grown up among Senators in respect to the bound ary of Central America, and the position of the British settlement at the Balize. I leave that in the hands of those who have made themselves parties to the controversy. Nor shall I become a party to the discussion upon the issue between the Senator from Delaware and the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations, in their report on that question. Not having been present when the committee made their report, and not yet having had the opportunity of reading it, I leave the chairman of the committee to vindicate his positions, as I doubt not he will prove himself abundantly able to do. I have, therefore, only to ask the attention of the Senate to such points as the Senator from Delaware has chosen to make against a speech delivered by me a few weeks ago in this Chamber.

authority or in defiance of instructions, for the reason that the objects intended to be accomplished by the treaty were desirable, and the provisions could be so modified by the Senate as to make the details conform to the objects in view. It may not be amiss for me to remind the Senator from Delaware, that he was a member of the Senate at the time the Mexican treaty was submitted for ratification, and that he voted for it, notwithstanding it was concluded in opposition to the instructions of our Government. If, therefore, the Senator has any respect for the practice of the Government heretofore, or for his own votes recorded upon the very point in controversy, he is not at liberty to object to the treaty upon the ground that it was concluded by our diplomatic agent without authority.

I understand the rule to be this: whenever the treaty is made in pursuance of instructions, the Executive is under an implied obligation to submit it to the Senate for ratification. But if it be entered into without authority, or in violation of instructions, the Administration are at liberty to reject it unconditionally, or to send it to the Senate for advice, amendment, ratification, or rejection, according to their judgment of its merits. Whether the Hise treaty was perfect in all its provisions, or contained obnoxious features, is not the question. It furnished conclusive evidence that the Government of Nicaragua was willing and anxious to confer upon the United States the exclusive and perpetual privilege of controlling the canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, instead of a partnership between us and the European Powers. The Senator from Delaware (then Secretary of State) had the opportunity of securing to his own country that inestimable privilege, either by submitting the Hise treaty to the Senate, with the recommendation that it be so modified as to obviate all the objections which he deemed to exist to some of its provisions, or by making a new treaty which should embrace the principle of an exclusive and perpetual privilege without any of the obnoxious provisions. He did not do either. He suppressed the treaty-refused to accept of an exclusive privilege to his own country-and caused a new treaty to be made, which should lay the foundation of a partnership between the United States and Great Britain and the other European Powers.

The next reason assigned for withholding the Hise treaty from the Senate is, that it has not been approved by Nicaragua. It is true that Nicaragua did not ratify that tre did she fail to do so? I showed ce which the Senator w proval was in conseq Secretary of State, d'affaires to Nicara

The Senator seems to complain that I should have questioned the propriety of withholding from the consideration of the Senate what is known as the Hise treaty, and the substitution of the Clayton and Bulwer treaty in its place. Those two treaties presented a distinct issue of great public concern to the country; and it was a difference of opinion between him and me as to which system of policy should prevail. I advocated that system which would secure to the United States the sole and exclusive privilege of controlling the communication between the two oceans. He substituted that other policy which opened the privilege to a partnership between the United States and Great Britain. The Senator has assigned various reasons for withholding the Hise treaty from the consider-stand the Senator.

influence of the repr in that country to approval of the His agua. Sir, it is not pressing the treaty, ratified by the othe tion was produced this Government i Mr. CLAYTON

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Mr. CLAYTON. Now will the Senator submit the proof to substantiate that assertion? I know of no such instruction.

Mr. DOUGLAS. I will do that with a great deal of pleasure. Mr. Hise was sent to the Central American States by Mr. Polk. He negotiated a treaty with the State of Nicaragua-the treaty in question on the 21st of June, 1849. Prior to that time he had been recalled, and Mr. Squier had been appointed by the Administration which succeeded that of President Polk. Mr. Hise had received no knowledge of his removal; no instructions from the new Administration at the time when he made the treaty. In the instructions which the Secretary of State gave to Mr. Squier on the 2d of May, 1849, when he was about to proceed to Central America to supersede Mr. Hise, you will find that he was directed to "claim no peculiar privilege; no exclusive right; no monopoly of commercial intercourse" for the United States. I will read from the letter of instructions:

"We should naturally be proud of such an achievement as an American work; but if European aid be necessary to accomplish it, why should we repudiate it, seeing that our object is as honest as it is openly avowed, TO CLAIM NO PECULIAR PRIVILEGE; NO EXCLUSIVE RIGHT; NO MONOPOLY OF COMMERCIAL INTERCOURSE, but to see that the work is dedicated to the benefit of mankind, to be used by all on the same terms with us, and consecrated to the enjoyment and diffusion of the unnumbered and inestimable blessings which must flow from it to all the civilized world?"

Then, sir, after having instructed Mr. Squier as to the character of the treaty which he was to form-a treaty which was to open the canal to the world-a treaty which was to give us no peculiar privilege, and secure to us no exclusive right, after giving that instruction, the Secretary in the concluding paragraph says:

"If a charter or grant of the right of way shall have been INCAUTIOUSLY OR INCONSIDERATELY made before your arrival in that country, SEEK TO HAVE IT PROPERLY MODIFIED TO ANSWER THE ENDS WE HAVE IN VIEW."

Mr. CLAYTON. Is that the passage? Mr. DOUGLAS. That and the other together. Mr. CLAYTON. I endeavored to correct the misapprehension of the honorable Senator yesterday in reference to that. That is not an instruction to the minister to Central America in regard to the treaty made by Mr. Hise, or any other treaty. It is a direction to the minister to Central America to see that any contract which had been made by the local government should be so made as not to be assignable. If the gentleman will read the context, he will see at once that that does not allude to a treaty. It is merely, I say again, an instruction to the minister in that country to look to it, that the capitalists who were about to construct the canal should not speculate upon the work. There is nothing there touching a treaty; nothing whatever. The gentleman is entirely mistaken. The whole instruction is in reference to the character of the contract or charter.

Mr. DOUGLAS. I will read the preceding sentence, and we will see then who is mistaken:

"If they do not agree to GRANT US PASSAGE on reasonable and proper terms, refuse our protection and our countenance to procure the contract from Nicaragua”——

Mr. CLAYTON. If the gentleman will look at the context which goes before, he will see that the word "they" refers to the capitalists. Mr. DOUGLAS. I will read what goes be


"See that it is not assignable to others; that no exclusive privileges are granted to ANY NATION that will not agree to the same treaty stipulations with Nicaragua; that the tolls to be demanded by the owners are not unreasonable or oppressive; that no power be reserved to the proprietors of the canal or their successors to extort at any time bereafter, or unjustly to obstruct or embarrass the right of passage. This will require all your vigilance and skill. If they do not agree to grant us passage on reasonable and proper terms, refuse our protection and our countenance to procure the contract from Nicaragua. If a charter or grant of the right of way shall have been incautiously or inconsiderately made before your arrival in that country, seek to have it properly modified to answer the ends we have in view."

Mr. CLAYTON. The honorable Senator will observe that that does not refer to a treaty. The grant of the right of way was a different thing. It

Special Session-Clayton-Bulwer Treaty.

was a contract between the local government and the capitalists. Not a treaty at all.

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Mr. DOUGLAS. The Senator's explanation is doubtless satisfactory to himself. He may imagine that it will suit his present purposes to place upon his instructions the construction for which he now contends; but it is wholly unwarranted by the language he employed. His instructions speak of securing the right of way to US. To whom did he allude in the word "us?" Did he refer to the capitalists, proprietors, and speculators, who should become the owners of the charter? Was he one of the company, and therefore authorized to use the word "us," when speaking of the rights and privileges to be acquired of a foreign nation through his agency as Secretary of State? I have supposed that Mr. Squier was sent to Central America to represent the United States and to protect our rights and interests as a nation. I have always done the Senator from Delaware the justice to believe that when he gave those instructions to Mr. Squier he was acting on behalf of his country to secure the right of way for a canal to the UNITED STATES, and not to a few capitalists and speculators under the title of "us." For the honor of our country I will still do him that justice, notwithstanding his disclaimer. His instructions also speak of the right of way to "nations," and caution Mr. Squier to see "that no exclusive privileges are granted to any nation," &c.

It is plain, therefore, that in the instructions relative to the securing the right of way for a canal to the nations of the earth, Mr. Squier was directed to see that no exclusive privilege was granted to any other nation, and not to claim any peculiar advantages for our own. Then follows the concluding paragraph which has been read:

"If a charter or grant of the right of way shall have been incautiously or inconsiderately made before your arrival in the country, seek to have it properly modified to answer the ends we have in view."

Modified how? If before the arrival of Mr. Squier in the country, Mr. Hise shall have acquired a charter or grant which shall secure peculiar privileges or exclusive rights for this country, he was to seek to have it so modified as to open the same rights and privileges to all other nations on equal terms. This is what I understand to be the meaning of those instructions, and it is clear that Mr. Squier understood them in the same way, for when Mr. Squier arrived in Nicaragua, and discovered by a statement in a newspaper of the Isthmus that Mr. Hise was about making a treaty for a canal, without knowing what its terms were, without waiting to ascertain its provisions, he sent at once a notice to the Government of Nicaragua, that Mr. Hise was not authorized to treat-that he did not understand the policy and views of the new Administration-that he had been recalled, and that any treaty he might make must be considered and treated as an unofficial act. He communicated this protest to the Secretary of State on the same day, and then proceeded to his point of destination, where he made a treaty for the right of way for a canal to all nations on the partnership plan in pursuance of his instructions. These two treaties-the Hise treaty and the Squier treaty-were in the Department of State at the same time-the one having arrived about the middle of September, and the other about the first of October. It then became the duty of the Senator from Delaware, as Secretary of State, to decide between them: in other words, to determine whether he would accept of an exclusive privilege to his own country, or enter into partnership with the monarchies of Europe. He did determine that question, and his decision was in favor of the partnership, and against his own country having the exclusive control of the canal.

Then, sir, I think I was authorized to say what I did say, that the non-ratification of the Hise treaty by the Government of Nicaragua was procured by the agent of General Taylor's administration in that country, and that the agent acted under the authority of this Government. He certainly acted in obedience to what he understood to be his instruction, and that is, the instruction, that if such a charter had been incautiously granted to seek to have it modified to conform to the ends had in view, as stated in the instruction.

Mr. CLAYTON. Will the Senator allow me to interrupt him? It is not a very material point,


still it is better to have it right than wrong. If the Senator will only read the last paragraph, he will see that the charter or grant of the right of way which Mr. Squier was instructed to see was not incautiously made, was a very different thing, indeed, from the treaty; and he will see that that is the thing which I directed the minister to look to, as I stated, and endeavored to be understood yesterday, and as I was anxious to be understood by the gentleman on this point-what I instructed the minister to look to was that the contract of these capitalists should not be such as would enable them to extort from persons using the canal. The last sentence of the instruction applies, if he will look at it, exclusively to the case of the contract, and not to that of the treaty.

One remark more: How is it possible for the gentleman to reconcile the fact, that the State Department could know or imagine that Mr. Hise had made a treaty on the 2d of May, 1850, when those instructions were given, when, in point of fact, Mr. Hise was not heard from until June afterwards? How could I imagine any such thing? And again: how could I possibly suppose that Mr. Hise had made a treaty, or was going to make a treaty, when the records of the State Department showed me the instructions given to him by Mr. Buchanan, in which he tells Mr. Hise to make no treaty whatever with Nicaragua? If the gentleman can reconcile these things, I should be happy to hear him.

Mr. DOUGLAS. I will have less difficulty in reconciling these things with my views of his instructions than he will with his construction of them. I have already shown that the instructions related to the right of way to nations and not to individuals; that they were in favor of equal rights to all nations, and opposed to any peculiar privileges to our own country. Is it not as reasonable to suppose that the instructions meant what they said, as it is to conceive that our minister was directed to procure the modification of contracts previously entered into with individuals, and for the observance of which Nicaragua was supposed to have pledged her faith as a nation? Was our minister sent there to represent individuals in their schemes of procuring charters and contracts on private account, or to interfere with and prevent the faithful observance of such contracts as that Government might previously have made with our own citizens or others? While this supposition might extricate the Senator from his present difficulty on this point, it would not tend to elevate the character of our diplomacy during his administration of the State Department. I think I do the Senator more justice by the construction I have put upon his conduct than he does by his own explanation.

But, sir, I wish to know whether I understand the Senator now? Does he wish now to be understood as saying that he preferred an exclusive privilege to his own country to a partnership with England?

Mr. CLAYTON. No, sir.

Mr. DOUGLAS. Ah! then as he did not prefer the exclusive privilege to a partnership with the European Powers, does he wish the Senate to understand that he did not mean to convey his true idea in his instructions? If he preferred the partnership to the exclusive privilege, was it not his duty to make known that wish in his instructions? Why should he complain when I show that by his instruction he said precisely what he now avows to be his policy upon that subject? Why, sir, I am defending the consistency of his own opinions, according to his present views, by showing that his instructions embraced what he says now was his true policy-in favor of a partnership with other nations, instead of an exclusive privilege to our own country.

But, sir, whatever may have been his meaning in those instructions, it is undeniable that Mr. Squier understood them as I now do, and acted upon them accordingly. Hence, as I have already remarked, before he arrived upon the theater of his operations, and upon the mere authority of a newspaper paragraph, that Mr. Hise was about making such a treaty, he sent ahead a messenger to inform the Government of Nicaragua that Mr. Hise had no authority to treat upon the subjectthat he had been recalled-that he was not informed of the views and purposes of the new Ad

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