Abbildungen der Seite
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If owners fail, vestry, &c., to cause the work to be
done at their expense

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105. Provisions for paving new streets
106. Vestry or board may declare their intention of repair-
ing any street, not being a highway.-Proviso

107. Act not to authorize the making any thoroughfare with-

out the consent of the proprietor of the estate

108. Vestries and district boards may place fences, &c., to


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taken up

110. Streets not to be broken up, except under the super-
intendence of vestry or board.-Streets broken up to
be reinstated without delay

111. Penalty on persons taking up pavements neglecting to

reinstate them, and to place lights during the night-

time to prevent accidents

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112. Vestry or district board to direct pavements injured by
water or gas pipes to be repaired by company.-Pen-
alty for neglect

113. Company opening the ground to repair a pipe dis-
covered to belong to another company, to give notice
to such company, and to be reimbursed expenses

114. Power to vestry or district board to reinstate pave-

ment, and charge the expenses to the parties

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128. Owners or occupiers to pay scavengers for removal of

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133. Appointment of inspectors of nuisances
134. Vestries and district boards to be the local authorities
to execute the Nuisances Removal Acts

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Auxiliary Powers common to the Metropolitan Board of

Works, and to Vestries and District Boards.

149. Power to boards and vestries to enter into contracts for
carrying Act into execution.-Power to compound
for penalties in respect of breach of contracts

150. Power to boards and vestries to purchase lands, &c.,

for the purposes of this Act

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161. Overseers to collect the rate in the same manner as the

poor rate

162. Public buildings and void spaces now rateable (except
churches and burial grounds) to continue rateable

163. Certain land to be rated to the sewers rate at one-fourth

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Provisions for defraying Expenses of Metropolitan Board.

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173. Payment of sums assessed upon the city

174. Payment by vestries and district boards of sums assessed

by metropolitan board

175. Provision for assessing and levying rates in places where
there is no poor rate.-Mode of making the assess-
ment.-Allowance to assessors
176. Places in Schedule (C.) not now under rating for
sewers not to be rated except for intercepting sewers

177. When assessment is made, notice thereof to be given,

and all persons included in the assessment to have

liberty to inspect it, &c.-Penalty for refusing in-


178. As to the collection of the rate charged in such assess-


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