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d: as I am at Versailles, thought I, 1 mint as e a view of the town; so I pulled the ad, and the coachman to drive round some a' streets.-I suppose the town is not reby -The eachra begged pardon for sett..

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I told m it wavy se pob, ad tuat na!Lhe first dukes and marqises and counts bad The Count de B-- of whom the books iler Quai de Conti bad spoke so handsomely the re, came instantly into my mind.-And why



not go, thought I, to the Count de B---

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high an ic a of Inglish books and Englishnd tell him my story? So I changed my mind de. In trih, it was the third; for I had that day for Madame de R-, in the Rae and had devoutly scor her word by her fille that I would assuredly wait upon ber;—but er d by circumstances;--I & not govern secing a man standing with a basket on t of the street, as if he had something to sell, I ur go up to him, and inquire for the Count's

ur returned a littic pale; and rold me it was a de St. Louis selling patés -It is impossi le, , said I.--La Fleur cound no mox accéɩut for menon than myself; bat puristed in his

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BEFORE I had got half-way down the street, I changed my mind as I am at Versailles, thought I, I might as well take a view of the town; so I pulled the cord, and ordered the coachman to drive round some of the principal streets.-I suppose the town is not very large, said I.-The coachman begged pardon for setting me right, and told me it was very superb; and that numbers of the first dukes and marquises and counts had hotels. The Count de B, of whom the bookseller at the Quai de Conti had spoke so handsomely the night before, came instantly into my mind.-And why should I not go, thought I, to the Count de B, who has so high an idea of English books and Englishmen,—and tell him my story? So I changed my mind a second time. In truth, it was the third; for I had intended that day for Madame de R, in the Rue St. Pierre, and had devoutly sent her word by her fille de chambre that I would assuredly wait upon her;-but I am governed by circumstances;-I cannot govern them so seeing a man standing with a basket on the other side of the street, as if he had something to sell, I bid La Fleur go up to him, and inquire for the Count's hotel.

La Fleur returned a little pale; and told me it was a Chevalier de St. Louis selling patés.—It is impossible, La Fleur, said I.—La Fleur could no more account for the phenomenon than myself; but persisted in his

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