Die Voelker des oestlichen Asien: Bd. Die Geschichte der IndochinesenO. Wigand, 1866 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
Aera Ahom alten Aracan Assam Ayuthia Ayuthia's bemerkt Berge Birmanen born Brahmanen Bruder Buddha Buddha's Buddhismus Buddhisten Ceylon Chao China Chinesen Chunlosakkharat Cochinchinesen Dorfe Dynastie Elephanten erbaut Erde Eremiten erobert ersten erzählt fand Farang Fluss folgte früher Fürsten Gautama's genannt Gesandte Gesandtschaft Geschichte Geschlecht Gott Gouverneur grossen Hauptstadt heiligen heisst herrschte Himaphan Himmel Hinterindien Hongsawaddi Hülfe indess Indien Jahre jetzt Juen Kaiser Kambodia Kambodia's kambodischen Karen Khamen Kloster König Königin Königreich Kriege Krischna Land Laos Lawek lichen liess Makatho Martaban Myang Naga Nakh Namen Narai Pagan Pagode Palast Pegu Pegu's peguanischen Phaya Phaya Krek Phitsanulok Phra Ruang Phrachao Priester Prince Princess Prinzen Prinzessin Prome Provinz Rangun regierte Reich Reliquien Residenz sagt Schan schickte Siam Siamesen Sohn Somdet später Stadt Stämme Tagoung Talein Tavoy Tempel Tenasserim Thatung Thay Theil Thron Titel Tochter Tode Tongu Tonquin Tonquin's Tribut Udong Verehrung Volk Walde Wasser wieder Xiengmai Yázá zurück zwei
Beliebte Passagen
Seite 69 - White strangers of the west fastened a quarrel upon the Lord of the Golden Palace. They landed at Rangoon, took that place and Prome, and were permitted to advance as far as Yandabo; for the King, from motives of piety and regard to life, made no preparation whatever to oppose them.
Seite 196 - They will put me to death as if I were not a man,' — that is, according to Sayana's commentary, founded upon a text of the Veda which he cites, but which is not easily verified, when the assistants had circumambulated the person bound to the stake, they set him free without any detriment, and substituted an animal (a goat) in his place. Hence Mr.
Seite 68 - In the years 1186 and 87, the Kula-pyu, or white strangers of the West, fastened a quarrel upon the Lord of the Golden Palace. They landed at Rangoon, took that place and Prome, and were permitted to advance as far as Yandabo; for the King from motives of piety and regard to life, made no effort whatever to oppose them.
Seite 69 - Q. How were you treated in prison ? — A. At first, the whole of the prisoners had a long bamboo passed between the legs, over the fetters ; so that one leg rested on the bamboo, and the other on the platform on which we lay. We had no mats or pillows to lie on. Our food was not allowed to be brought into the gaol to us by our servants, without paying a bribe at the door. The head-gaoler informed us, that we might be released from this state by paying among us, to the best of my...
Seite 459 - Ddsyas, which had gained ground in the "foreign countries," such as Yona and Kamboja : — " Assalayana what thinkest thou of this ? Hast thou (not) heard that in Yona and Kamboja, and in other foreign countries, there are various Ayyas (superiors) and ddsas (inferiors) ; that superiors become inferiors, and inferiors superiors?" Whilst the authority above quoted satisfactorily explains the reason why, as in the Hero and the Nymph, Kalidasa has applied the term Yavana to "menial females/' it also...
Seite 166 - ... goats, sheep, deer, buffaloes, rhinoceros, fowls, and ducks — not beef — nor dogs, nor cats, nor frogs, nor snakes. They use tobacco and beer, but reject opium and hemp. They eat no tame animal without offering it to God (the gods), and consider that he who is least restrained is most exalted, allowing the Garos to be their superiors, because the Garos may eat beef.
Seite 468 - ... homme habillé, ils se moquent de lui. Ils ne font usage ni de sel ni de fer, et ils tuent les oiseaux et les autres animaux avec des arbalètes faites de bambou. (i) Depuis 627 jusqu'en 698. La ........ année khaï-youan (i) du règne de Youan-tsoung,' le pays de Tchin-la fut partage en deux états, le Tchin-la d'eau et celui de terre.
Seite 468 - ... peuples étrangers qui est jointe à celle de la dynastie Ming, le Tchin-la est situé au midi de la Cochinchine , et on peut y aller de ce dernier pays en trois jours et trois nuits, si on a un vent favorable. Ce pays a payé le tribut sous les Souï, sous les Thang et sous les Soung. Dans les années khing-youan des Soung, le roi de Tchin-la subjugua la Cochinchine et la réunit à ses états; et, à cause de cet événement, le nom du pays fut changé en Tchan-la 4 : sous les Youan , l'ancien...
Seite 466 - La treizième année taï-nieï (617), les gens de ce pays envoyèrent un tribut et des ambassadeurs. Yang-ti combla ces derniers d'honneurs ; mais néanmoins le commerce fut ensuite interrompu. Sous les Thang. La... 2 année wou-te du règne de Kao-tsou , les habitans de Tchin-la envoyèrent des ambassadeurs avec un tribut. On ne trouve pas ce fait dans l'histoire des Thang, à l'article de la vie...
Seite 513 - Sakdri, and established the era which still bears his name, beginning in 57 BC But if the prince who founded this era was a contemporary of Pravarasena, Raja of Kashmir, and of the poet Kalidasa, as well as of the Astronomer Varaha Mihira, as there seems good reason to believe, it is quite certain that he cannot be dated earlier than the beginning of the sixth century of the Christian era. This conclusion is supported by the strong testimony of Abu...