The VOL. VI. No. 64. NEW YORK JANUARY 1899. World MONTHLY EDITION. 88202 The World Almanac AND Encyclopedia 1899 w ISSUED BY THE PRESS PUBLISHING CO., NEW YORK WORLD. NEW YORK. 12 Points 12 The perfect Life Insurance Policy has twelve points of advantage. They are as follows: 1. No Restriction upon occupation, when issued upon men who are not engaged in hazardous occupations, and who have no intention of changing their occupation to one more hazardous. 2. No Restrictions upon residence and travel, when issued upon men residing in healthy localities, and who have no intention when they insure of visiting unhealthy localities. 3. No Restrictions as to manner of death. 4. No Restrictions as to military or naval service, when issued in time of peace to men engaged in peaceful occupations, and who have no intention of entering the military or naval service. 5. It allows a reasonable grace in the payment of premiums. 6. It provides for re-instatement upon reasonable conditions, in case of lapse. 7. It provides for cash loans after the insured has acquired an equity in the policy. 8. It is automatically non-forfeitable after a certain time. 9. It allows a choice between extended, or paid-up, insurance. 10. It is incontestable after a reasonable time. 11. It provides for prompt payment at maturity. 12. It provides for a choice between cash value and continued insurance, after being in force during a stipulated period. THE NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY'S Accumulation Policy combines these twelve points of advantage; no other policy has them all. The NEW YORK LIFE furnishes "The Best of Every Thing in Life Insurance." Secretaries of... PAGE 230 Bell Time on Shipboard. .115 Benzine Statistics.. .229 Bible Society, American.. 50 Billiards Records .357, 376 Bishops of Religious Denomi- .357, 363 Blast Furnace Capacity. ..374 Blind, Persons in U. S. of States and Territories..387 Boat-Racing Records Alabama Election Returns. of 1898. PAGE 25 313 ..193 ..326 260, 261 .249 .320, 321 193 .233 York.495 .244-246 .362 272 ..195 ..362 239 .132 ..191 .270,271 357 .192 .487 338 .342, 350, 366 " แ Courts of Law. 365 .279 64 279 66 of U. S., Distribution of.... 73 Diplomatic Intercourse...367 Dukes ..368 .395 Pay Table. 399 .365 Rank of Officers. 326 .365 66 Navy. .343, 344, 350, 366 Parliament. .368 Population. 369 132 Asphalt Production.. .195 Royal Family. .358, 364 66 Tariff. .169 .234 327 Recruiting Requirements.400 .279 Art Galleries & Schools, N. Y...483 Empire, Statistics of...357,363 Measures and Weights....142 .279 Assembly Districts, N. Y. City.533 .372,385 .155 CAB FARES, NEW YORK CITY. 500 .280 66 B Philological Association..280 BACON, PRODUCTION of. Philosophical Society. .280 Banking Statistics.... Psychological Association.280 Banks in N. Y. City. Revolution Society. Oriental Society logical Society. 66 Ornithologist Union Turf 66 66 66 66 34 Calendar, Battles of Republic.. 85 ..357 23 66 Jewish, for 1899 36 330 66 Mohammedan, for 1899. 36 "Ready Reference 34 Ritualistic 36 Wheat Harvest. .185 35 .11,181-183 Calendars for 1899-1900. Union 325 California Election Returns...431 .333 Baptist Young People's Tract Society.. Unitarian Association.. N. Y. City 280 Barley, Production of... 235-237 Baths, Public, N. Y. City. .185 Cancer, Deaths from. .51 Cannon, Army, U.S. .240-242 Canoeing.. .488 Capital Punishment. .323 Battle Calendar of Republic.85-94 Capitals of States 95 Foreign.. .222 234 353 248 .232 ..387 .357,374,377 266-268 Battle-ships of the World..343-350 Capitol at Washington, D. C...386 Whist League. 402 Cardinals, College of. .320 .192 Catholic Benevolent Legion...313 35 Belgium, Army and Navy of. 342 66 Catholics, Number of.. PAGE PAGE Catholic Summer School.......307 Continents, Area of.. Central America, U. S. of.. ..373 Copper Production...... 50 Dollar, Silver, Value...... 116-124 Dukes, Table of British FAGE .177 263 .313 ...368 50 .354 Duties on Imports..........170, 171 .191 Council Districts, N. Y. City....531 Charities and Correction, N. Y. 478 Countries of the World......11, 357 EARTH, FACTS ABOUT THE.... 50 269 234 State (see each State Elec- .. Table of Dates 32 26 .349, 351 Empire of.. .357 "of New York State. .422, 423 Education, Board of, N. Y. 478, 496 .307 "J. F. Slater Fund..........272 .478 .287,288 .357, 376 132 .478 .429 "and European Powers.....372 Cows, Milch, Value of, U. "and Japan Mails.. Peabody Fund. Chinese Population in U.S..... 382 Creeds, Population of Earth by 317 Egypt, Area, etc.. Christian & Mission. Alliance..324 Crime & Pauperism, Statistics..232 .480 College Commencements...294-299] Debt of United States, Public..167 Endowments......... "Fraternities.... ...304 Debts of Nations.... 61 "Population. Reference Marks.. "Tuition Fees .304 of United States Cities.....385 Executions in United States....233 ..304 Defective Classes Committees, Political ......127-129 Comets, Periodic.. Commodores, U. S.... .401 64 276-278 278 190 on Railroads .23, 24 .389-392 ..476 Confederacy, U'ted Daughters. 339 Dingley Tariff..... 234 ..352 ..413-416 .417-420 .177-183 392 Financial Statistics..... 234 Dock Department, N. Y.478 Fisheries of United States......184 General Index-Continued. PAGE .175 PAGE PAGE K Floriculture in the U. S... Foreign Coins, Value of.. in Consuls in N. Y. City.. .381 .412 Holidays, Church 411 Holland Dames.. 58, 62 Home Circle, Order of.... 23,33 341 of St. John and Malta.. L 314 LABOR INFORMATION.. .356 Homes and Asylums in N.Y.C.482 "Missions, American Board 325 "Moneys. Shipping.. .177 Homestead Laws. Trade of the U. S......108, 109 Homoeopathy, American Foresters, Order of.... .313 Horse-Racing Records. 46 77 Lacrosse Records. 16 175 Ladies' Catholic Benev. Ass'n. 314 Forestry Statistics Founders & Patriots, America.330 357, 376 Hunting, Open Seasons for.264, 265 Funnel Marks of Steamers.. .308 281 362 228 .173 281 Legations, Foreign, in U. S.....411 395 382 Legislatures. (See Each State Geographic Names, U.S. Board. 138 Georgia Election Returns. .165 Legislatures, State, When Next .233 .196, 197 Leprosy in India.. Railway Liberty Party, National .388 .388 23 .234 .131 .501,523 50 .283 Inspection of Steam Vessels.... 105 Lent in 1899.. U. S., in Circulation.. National Organizations...331 London Officials & Population..369 66 Grain Production of U. S. Grand Army of the Republic...336 .131 Gravity, Acceleration of.. 29 " Specific 51 Great Britain, see "British. Greek Calendar for 1899.. J JAPAN, ARMY AND NAVY.349, 251 Lutherans, Number of.....317, 318 Letter College Societies...304 Jewish Calendar for 1899. Royal Family. Guns, Heavy. H 360 Era 354 Jews, Number of HACK AND CAB FARES, N. Y.500 Boat Races Hawaii. Hay, Production of Judgments. When Outlawed. .143 Mails, Domestic and Foreign.59-63 " of States. (See Each State 258 Jupiter, Planet.. Maine Election Returns. 66 .193 79 .547 8! 96, 98, 357 Jury Duty, New York City.478, 494 Manufactures in U. S. Headquarters of Regiments...400! Court Since 1700. Long Island. Porto Rico.. |