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that, therefore, he could not wish to be tent to a distant prison, if he must be sent so some prison or other. However, let us suppose, that, with regard to his health, at any rate, the Judges wished to be merciful to him; and this is the notion clearly conveyed, and, indeed, expressed by MR. RYDER, for, he says, that, on account of his health and at his own request he was sent to Lincoln, that being one of the most wholesome prisons in England. Well, now, if this be true; if the Judges did send him to Lincoln for the sake of his health; if they did send him there, because he represented that close imprisonment would be a sentence of death under the name of imprisonment; if they did send him there because he represented to them that it would be more merciful to shoot him, as Buonaparté was said to have done with Palm, than to send him to waste away in close imprisonment; if it was with this view, if it was that he might not be thus killed, that they sent him to Lincoln, how has their view been accomplished? He has been kept in close confinement; he was put into a felon's cell; he was denied the access of friends; he was allowed less time for air even than the felons themselves; and, to crown the whole, the dark and gloomy place in which he was confined, was constantly noisome, foul, stinking, to a degree sufficient to ruin the health of a man of constitution the most robust. This is the way in which have been fulfilled the benevolent intentions, upon which, as Mr. Ryder says, the Judges acted in regard to Mr. Finnerty's health! He was, under a sentence said, as to the locality of the prison, to have proceeded from the Judge's mercy as to his health; he was, under this sentence dying in that very close imprisonment, which, as he had represented to them, would be the certain cause of his death! Who, then, was the cause of this close imprisonment? Who was it that contravened this object of the place of imprisonment? And, above all, who was it that was the cause of making the imprisonment so intolerably severe Who made it, in short, what it is represented in the Petition, at which, I must say for the Honourable House, every one appears to have been struck with horror?

-Mr. RYDER took occasion to introduce the name of LORD CASTLEREAGH upon this occasion, and to say, that, as soon as that Lord heard of the way in which Mr. FINNERTY was treated, he hastened to declare, that he by no means wished the

punishment to be rendered unusually seDETE, If I had not read this in two or three papers, I should not have believed the words to have been uttered. What! Is it thus then in England? What ! when a man is in prison has the prosecutor still a power over him! What! is the prosecutor still to be consulted as to how the man shall be treated! And this in this fine free country too!-No, no, no. It is not so. Mr. Ryder does not appear to have said this. No: he does not say, that Lord Castlereagh has still a power over Mr. Finnerty, and that that gentleman is liable to be treated in any way that Lord Castlereagh pleases. No: he does not say that. But, what does he say, then? What does he say; and why does he bring in Castlereagh's name? If Castlereagh has no power over Mr. Finnerty, either directly or indirectly, if he has and can have no influence as to that gentleman's treatment; if Mr. Finnerty is now completely out of his clutches and in the hands of impartial and invariable law and justice; if this be the case, why mention Castlereagh's wishes upon the subject; why state what Castlereagh wished to be done or left undone ; why make any statement about Castlereagh's wishes any more than about the wishes of Redding or any body else? What! Is Mr. Finnerty to hear upon being taken out of his stinking cell, that Custlereagh does not wish him to remain there? Mr. Finnerty knows his man; he knows well what value to set upon this declaration of Castlereagh's wishes; and, if I know any thing of his character, he would rather end his days in his cell, than he would owe his release from it to those wishes. Indeed the manly, the excellent, outset of his petition proves this. He there re-asserts the substance of what he had said before, and what he may say again, in another form, and in a situation and under circumstances very different from the present. That change I live in hopes of seeing; and if I did not confidently expect to see that day, I should not, as far as politics are concerned, care a straw if I never saw another. Here I must stop for the present; but, I shall not fail to resume the subject in my next, the treatment of Finnerty being an object as much more important to us than the battles of Lord Talavera, as our own rights, liberties, and lives are more important to us than the question of who shall be masters of Spain and Portugal.

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therefore he had a motion made in the Court of King's Bench, for the postponement of the said trial, which motion was rejected; contrary, as he understands, to the usual practice of that Court. Peti tioner being unable to establish any defence in the absence of his witnesses, thought it expedient to let judgment go by default, without, however, any consciousness of guilt, being, as he offered, when brought up for judgment, ready to prove by the most irrefragable testi

DEBATE in the HOUSE of COMMONS on pre-mony, the truth of his allegations; par senting the PETITION of MR. FINNERTY.

-June 22, 1811.

ticularly with respect to the infliction of torture in Ireland in the months of May and June, 1798. That Petitioner was, notwithstanding, sentenced to 18 months imprisonment in Lincoln Castle, where he has experienced, and continues to experience, a degree of rigour unprecedented in modern times-unauthorised by the terms of his sentence-and in direct hos tility to the mild and merciful character of the British Constitution.

MR. WHITBREAD said, he had a Petition in his hand from a person confined in the Castle of Lincoln, complaining the treatment he there met with, as not warranted by the judgment of the Court which had sent him there. It was from a gentleman pretty well known in the House, Mr. Finnerty, who had been found guilty of a libel. He had read it through, and as he perceived nothing improper in "That upon the night of his arrival at it, and as it was accompanied by certifi- this castle in the month of February, cates of ill health, and the opinions of his Petitioner, although evidently in a bad medical advisers that a less rigorous mode state of health, was committed to a felons' of confinement was essential to his recoapartment, where he is still compelled to very, he could feel no hesitation in pre- remain. That finding his appeal to the senting it. He had in the first instance jailor's consideration quite ineffectual, Perecommended to Mr. Finnerty to petititioner had a remonstrance presented to tion the Prince Regent, through the Secretary of State for the Home Department. He had accordingly done so, and "I am confined upon a ground floor, in the Right Honourable Gentleman had a cold gloomy apartment, the door of written to the High Sheriff of the County which is nearly opposite to my bed, and to procure information; but within these opens into a yard about twenty-five feet few hours no answer had been received.-square, enclosed by, a wall about thirty Under these circumstances he had ap-feet high-so high, indeed, as to exclude proved of submitting the Petition to the House, and it was precisely the same as that intended to be laid before the Prince. The Petition was then brought up, and read as follows:

the visiting magistrates of the prison, of which the following is an abstract :

the free current of air. In the centre of this yard is a grate, from whence issues the most offensive smell, owing, as I understand, to the common-sewer of the debtors' prison, which runs underneath, and which smell annoys me even in my "To the Hon. the House of Commons cell. By this smell I am prevented takof Great Britain and Ireland, in Par-ing any exercise in that yard, while I am liament assembled, the Petition of denied the opportunity of enjoying air Peter Finnerty shewethand exercise in the area which surrounds "That in consequence of a letter pub- the prison, and to which all the other prilished in the Morning Chronicle, com- soners are admitted throughout the day, plaining of grievous injury sustained by excepting only the common felons and Petitioner and by his countrymen in Ire- myself. Of this privation I have the more land, Petitioner was indicted for a libel at reason to complain, because from the state the prosecution of Lord Viscount Castle-of my health, being subject to indigestion reagh. That upon receiving notice of trial for the said libel, Petitioner found that the witnesses most material to his defence were absent from England, and

and violent spasmodic affections in the stomach, I have been uniformly advised by all Medical men whom I have had oc casion to consult, to seek the enjoyment

of fresh air, and to take as much exercise as I could bear. Such has been the opinions of Doctors Lipscomb, Wright, and Stanton, whom I have consulted in London; and such also is the opinion of the Physicians to whom I have had occasion to resort since my arrival here, and whose certificate is annexed. Such treatment as I complain of is, I am persuaded, as contrary to the intention of the Judges by whom I have been sent here, as it is, I submit, inconsistent with that to which any man committed for a misdemeanor, ought to be subjected."

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"That about a week after the Petitioner's arrival here, he was, in consequence of this remonstrance, visited by the magistrates, one of whom, in the course of conversation, observed, that they (the magistrates) could not compel the jailor to accommodate Petitioner with rooms in the front of the prison; adding, that he understood another person confined for a libel (whom he named) paid three guineas a-week for his accommodation in another prison. To this observation Petitioner said, that he could not afford to pay so much; upon which another of the Magistrates observed, that his (Petitioner's) subscriptions were likely to be considerable." In a few days after this visit, Petitioner was allowed to take exercise for three hours each day, which, according to his request, was fixed at from eight to nine in the morning, from one till two in the afternoon, and from five till six in the evening. But this arrangement was soon after altered, and an order issued, that such Petitioner should take exercise for 3 hours in succession, namely, from eleven till two o'clock. Against this order Petitioner again remonstrated; but the orders respecting the treatment of Petitioner have throughout varied in such a manner, as to justify Petitioner in stating, that they are dictated by a spirit of oppression. "That, for a period of nearly five weeks, Petitioner was not allowed to go into the area for the enjoyment of air and exercise at all, in consequence of which his health suffered so severely, that the medical Gentleman who usually attended him, thought it necessary to call in another physician; and Petitioner despairing of any redress from the Magistrates, had the certificates of these two Gentlemen transmitted to the Sheriff, copies of which certificates are hereunto annexed. The Sheriff in reply, as Petitioner understands, communicated his opinion to the Magis

trates, that Petitioner should be allowed the air and exercise recommended by the Physician, but still Petitioner has been allowed only one hour each day, namely, from one until two o'clock; and if it rain at that period he is not permitted to go out at any other hour, his application to that effect having been peremptorily refused. Upon one occasion, indeed, Petitioner being severely afflicted by a headaehe, to which he has been subject for some time back, sent a request to the gaoler that he might, in consequence of his illness, be allowed to go into the air of the Castle-yard, even for half an hour, in lieu of the hour from one till two o'clock, but this request was rejected. That this allowance of air and exercise granted to him, Petitioner most sensibly feels, and his medical attendant has so represented it, but in vain.

"That there are various other instances of oppression and injustice, of which Petitioner has to complain, but by the repetition of which he does not think it right to trespass upon the patience of your Honourable House. Your Petitioner, however, cannot overlook this circumstance: that about a fortnight after his arrival here, a person who came from London to attend him in his illness, was excluded from the prison, and a prisoner appointed to attend him, whose integrity he has cause to suspect; but whom, nevertheless, he cannot dismiss, because no other per son will be admitted, even the person who dresses his victuals being refused admittance. That under such circumstances Petitioner appeals to your Honourable House for relief, trusting that you will not sanction such severity as cannot be justified by the sentence passed upon him, such as he presumes to assert was not in the contemplation of the judges by whom that sentence was passed, such as is wholly unusual in this country.-Petitioner particularly and earnestly requests that your Honourable House, in consideration of the very weak state of his health, and the aggravation of his complaints, by the mode in which he has been hitherto treated, and which, if continued, must terminate in incurable disease, will be graciously pleased to take such steps that Petitioner may be forthwith removed into an airy apartment, and allowed the air and exercise necessary for the re-establishment and preservation of his healththat such apartment may be easily af forded him, as there is room amply suf

ficient in the front of the jail, the jailer having set apart 13 rooms for his own use, while his family consists of only three persons..

"Petitioner begs leave to represent to your Honourable House, that on or about the 27th of May last, a Petition, couched in terms such as Petitioner hopes were respectful, and signed by your Petitioner, was transmitted through the Secretary of State to his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, representing the situation of Petitioner.

"That Petitioner has waited in the humble hope of meeting redress, through the clemency of his Royal Highness; but having this day heard that the Secretary of State for the Home Department, owing to some delay, which to your Petitioner, suffering under such privations, appears extraordinary, has not yet been able to obtain the information which he professed it his duty to seek, previously to his offering his advice to the Regent upon the Petition presented. Petitioner therefore fear ing the speedy prorogation of Parliament, has submitted his case to the consideration of your Honourable House, not from any doubt of the justice or clemency of his Royal Highness the Prince, upon whose liberality he has the utmost confidence; but from the impatience of a man unjustly oppressed, and suffering under the pains of disease, brought on by the treatment he has received.

"All that Petioner requires, is an airy apartment, with the opportunity for air and exercise, which the prison yard affords. "And Petitioner will ever pray,


"Lincoln Castle, June 16, 1811.

A Copy of Dr. Charlesworth's first Testimony to the Magistrates of the County of Lincoln. Being professionally consulted by Mr. Finnerty, I am called upon to state my opinion, that his health already much impaired, must materially suffer from the confinement to which he is now subjected, and from the alleged coldness of his room; and that a warm room and every possible advantage of fresh air and exercise are indispensibly necessary, not only for the chance of his recovery, but even for the preservation of his present state of health. -I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your most obedient Servant,

(Signed) E. P. CHARLESWORTH, M. D. March 1, 1911.

Copy of Dr. Faussett's Testimony.

Being called upon, in my professional capacity, to visit Mr. Peter Finnerty, in the Castle of Lincoln, I found him affected with many severe complaints, arising from disease of the digestive organs, with which, from his own testimony, he has at different times before, when deprived of the oppor tunity of air and exercise, been in a slighter degree affected. From the testimony, also, of Dr. Charlesworth, who has attended Mr. Finnerty during the greater part of the time he has been here, these complaints existed to a considerable degree of severity in his first coming, but almost entirely went off, on his being allowed a freer air, and more extended place of exercise. Within the last three weeks, since he has been again more closely confined, they have returned in a much aggravated form.-It is my opinion that there is little or no chance of his health being restored, without a freer allowance of air and exercise than the confined court to which he is at present restricted, will admit of, but, on the contrary, every prospect of his complaints going on increasing. (Signed) JOHN FAUSSETT, M. D. Lincoln, April 29, 1811.

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A Copy of Dr. Charlesworth's second Testi



After presenting, as addressed, the subjoined testimony, Mr. Finnerty was permitted to walk three hours a day in the area surrounding his prison; and in a week or ten days after that time, was so far recovered from his complaints as to render a continuance of my visits unnecessary.Immediately upon his return to close confinement, my professional assistance was again required, and in the course of three weeks, I find all his former symptoms not only returned, but greatly aggravated.Under these circumstances, it is my opinion that the same or a stronger necessity of fresh air and exercise exists than did at the time of my former application, of which the following is a copy. (Signed) E. P. CHARLESWORTH, M. D. Lincoln, April 29, 1811.

Mr. RYDER stated, that he had that day received a letter from the High Sheriff, the delay of which was owing to his having been in town, and having left directions behind him, under the expectation of an immediate return, that his letters should not be sent after him. It informed

believe he stated that a friend of his had been denied access to Mr. Finnertyer

Mr. HUTCHINSON thought that the allegations contained in the Petition were of a nature that required an answer very different from that which had been as yet given. There could be no doubt that Mr. Finnerty had entered the prison in which he was now confined in a state of health much impaired-a circumstance which in itself ought to have been sufficient to have ensured Mr. Finnerty every possible

him (Mr. Ryder,) that Mr. Finnerty had at first enjoyed only one hour of exercise in the open air, which period was afterwards extended to three. This indulgence, however, it was found necessary to withhold, in consequence of the extreme irregularity and impropriety of his conduct, and which was stated to be of a description not more inconsistent with decorum than with the rules and discipline of the prison. He was in possession also of certificates contrary to those mentioned by the Hon. Gentleman. He had, how-indulgence consistent with his situation. ever, no objection to make every further inquiry necessary to prove whether it was possible to relieve the inconvenience complained of. His Noble Friend (Lord Castlereagh) had, it was but just to say, manifested every desire to render the confinement of Mr. Finnerty as mild as was compatible with the sentence.

Mr. WHITBREAD said, he knew not what Mr. Finnerty's conduct might have been; but the charge rested entirely on the authority of the letter received by the Right Honourable Gentleman. But even if this was the case, he could not see why he should be denied airy apartments. The certificates which he had received were signed by three very respectable Physicians (we believe Drs. Lipscombe, Charlesworth, and Taylor,) and were therefore entitled to belief. The observations of the Magistrates, as recorded in the Petition, were under any circumstances highly improper (Hear!); nor was a want of money a just reason for adding to the riCours and severity of the punishment of any offence. The conduct of the Sheriff likewise was very indiscreet.

Indeed, he thought that this might have been rendered without any very extraor dinary exercise of humanity. But instead of this, it appeared that he had been treated with downright cruelty. It was, indeed, a statement of cruelty so excessive, that in his opinion it would be to the disgrace of the House if they suffered it to rėmain upon their Table uncontradicted and unremedied. There were some parts of the Petition to which the Right Honourable Secretary had given no answer one espe cially, which appeared to him to require the fullest explanation, if indeed it could admit of any-and that was, that the gaoler, with but three in family, monopolized to himself the exclusive use of thirteen separate rooms; while Mr. Finnerty, at the manifest risk of his life, was to continue for eighteen months confined in a damp and noisome cell. He would ask, was this to be endured?—(Hear!) Was it to be endured that a gaoler was thus to assume the power of making an infinite difference between punishments which the Courts of Law originally meant to be the same. (Hear!) Upon what ground did this Sir FRANCIS BURDETT did not know what gaoler take it upon him to refuse Mr. Finpowers were vested in the Magistrates or nerty's friends access to him? Was this a Gaoler to convert the Prison into a House part of his sentence? and were they to of Correction, and inflict solitary confine- leave Mr. Finnerty in such a precarious ment at their discretion. This appeared state of health as he then was, to the disto have been done in this instance, and an cretion of a man who seemed so capriacquaintance of his had informed him, ciously and cruelly to have abused his that in passing through Lincoln, he had trust? He felt himself bound to entreat, wished to see Mr. Finnerty, but was re- from the Right Honourable Secretary, fused admittance. It likewise seemed to some distinct declaration upon this part of him that the Secretary of State was not a the subject, pledging himself to interpose proper person to be appealed to, or any of his authority, in the remedying what apthe executive Ministers of the Crown.-peared to be a system of oppression. AnoEnough had certainly been said to induce the House to take the Petition into full consideration, and extend to the Prisoner all the relief and accommodation that was consistent with the nature of the sentence. Mr. BABINGTON said a few words, but in a tone inaudible in the Gallery. We

ther circumstance, not very satisfactorily explained, was the great lapse of time that had intervened between the time of the letter of the Secretary of State to the Sheriff, and the receipt of the Sheriff's answer; such delay might have been of fatal consequences in cases where the

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