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about to depart to its celestial abode, he | WILLIAM SMITH, Esq. M. P. in the Chair, observed, in contemplating the existing state of the country, whose welfare and happiness was the only care of his life, that his Noble Relative (Lord WellingTON) was one of those Officers to whom his successors might look with confidence for services calculated to produce permanent advantage to the State. (Great and reiterated applause.):

A new song upon our late victories was now finely sung by Mr. Taylor.

TOAST" Marshal Beresford, and the brave Portuguese Army"-with three times three. Warm, universal, and reiterated applause.

"General Graham and the heroes of Barrosa," with three times three-Drank with enthusiastic applause.

"General Blake, and the gallant Army of Spain,"-Universal and reiterated applause.

Song-Britons strike home. TOAST-"The immortal memory of the Hero, whose glorious efforts in the service of his Country were called into action by Mr. Pitt-Lord Nelson."-In solemn silence.

Song-Briton's best Bulwark.

Toast The health of the Chairman," proposed by the Lord Chancellor, in a neat speech, and drank with the most unbounded applause, and long continued


Mr. LASCELLES returned thanks in a very elegant speech, which was rapturously applauded.


"The PITT CLUB, and success, prosperity, and permanent continuance to it,' proposed by Mr. Perceval, and drank with enthusiasm and ecstatic acclamations. A Member returned thanks in an appropriate speech.


At a General Meeting of the Deputies appointed for protecting the civil rights of the Protestant Dissenters, held at the King's Head Tavern, in the Poultry, London, the 28th of May, 1811.

proceedings of the Committee upon Lord The Chairman made a report of the Sidmouth's Bill, lately brought into the House of Lords, intituled, "An Act to exActs of the first year of the reign of King plain and render more effectual certain William and Queen Mary, and of the 19th year of the reign of his present Majesty, senting Ministers." so far as the same relate to Protestant Dis

formity with the deep interest which they Resolved, That this Deputation; in con must always feel in every question affecting the civil and religious concerns of the those by whom they are deputed; offer to Protestant Dissenters, do, in the names of their brethren throughout the kingdom, tion of the abovementioned Bill; and es their sincere congratulations on the rejec pecially as connected with the opinion so generally expressed in the House of Lords, fringing on the liberty of the subject in of the inexpediency and injustice of inreligious matters.

putation be gratefully offered to the Mar Resolved, That the thanks of this Dequis of Lansdowne, to Earl Stanhope, Earl to Lord Erskine, for their able and distinMoira, Earl Grey; to Lord Holland, and guished support of the cause of the Disprinciples of Religious Liberty, in the Desenters, and of the great and important bate on the Bill lately introduced by Lord Sidmouth into the House of Lords.

Resolved, That the thanks of this Dethat Right Honourable House, who coputation be given to all those Members of operated in rejecting the said Bill.


tremely happy in the opportunity of exResolved, That this Deputation are es pressing their high satisfaction, at the just and liberal sentiments respecting the right of private judgment in religious matters, delivered in that debate by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury.

testant Dissenters of England and Wales, Resolved, That an Address to the Pronow read, be approved.

signed by the Chairman, and printed for Resolved, That the said Address be general circulation.

(To be continued.)

Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent Garden :-Sold also by J. BUDD, Pall-Mali,

LONDON :-Printed by T: C. Hansard, Peterborough-Court, Fleet-Street,


VOL. XIX. No. 45.]


[Price 18.

"We have reason to believe, that the alarms had been excited and inflamed for the special purpose of checking the disposition of the country in favour of reform, and of calumniating the characters "of those who promoted it."- -Address from the FRIENDS OF THE PEOPLE, 25th May, 1793.



[1378 ble 11th of May, 1809, together with the SUMMARY OF POLITICS. decision of the House upon the motion PARLIAMENTARY REFORM.The long- then made by that gentleman; if the expected Meeting for the prosecution of reader thinks, that these are proofs of the this great object is to take place on Mon- contrary of amendment, then he must say, day next, the 10th of June, and, therefore, that there is more necessity of reform now, this seems to me to be a proper occasion than there was in 1793; and he will, of for making some observations upon the course, have a right to ask Earl Grey, subject. It is one of the means used by Mr. Tierney, and others, what can be the the enemies of Reform to represent it as reason of their present silence upon the something newly thought of; something subject; and, indeed, how it came to pass, that nobody of any weight or consequence that they did nothing in the way of reform, in the country ever thought of; something when they were in place and power. that has existence only in the mind's of let us now go back a little and see what demagogues and visionaries.. I have, have been the effects, or, at least, some of therefore, in this Number, inserted two the effects, of the want of reform.- -For documents, in which, from the present many years previous to 1792, there had conduct of some men, one would hardly been a conviction in the minds of all disbelieve in the existence. I mean, the interested men, that a reform of the Com. Address of the "Friends of the People" to mons' House of Parliament was necessary the People of Great Britain, in 1792; and to the well-being of the nation. This had the Petition of the same Association to the been declared, in the most solemn manner, House of Commons, in 1793. These do- by many of the greatest men in the kingcuments originated with, and were put dom. Indeed, there was scarcely a man forth by, some of the men, who still make distinguished for his superior wisdom and a figure in politics; for instance, the public spirit who had not declared it. Duke of Bedford (then Lord J. Russell), But, in 1792, when the French Revolution Mr. Sheridan, Mr. Whitbread, Earl Grey had set men's minds at work, it became (then Mr. Grey), Mr. Tierney, Lord Lau- more evident, that something in the way derdale, Sir Arthur Pigot, Mr. Dudley of reform was necessary, in order to preNorth, General Tarleton, Sir Ralph Mil-vent the people of England from seek bank, and many others, amongst whom ing for redress though the means of were 27 Members of Parliament, and of revolution, as the people of France had done. the other Gentlemen not in Parliament, -The subject was, therefore, revived Sir John Throckmorton, who is the Chair-with great zeal and ability by the Society man of the Committee for calling the pre- of Gentlemen, who took the name of sent Meeting, was one. And, as to the "Friends of the People, associated for Petition, it was presented to the House of the purpose of procuring a ParliaCommons by MR. GREY, now Earl Grey.mentary Reform." At the same time, -Let the reader, then, when he has gone through these documents, ask himself, whether the representation has been amended since that time; and, if he finds that it has, then he will, of course, be of opinion, that reform may possibly be unnecessary; but, if he finds that it has not, and if he thinks that the facts brought to light by Mr. Maddocks, on the memora

there were other Societies; the Society
for Constitutional Information; the Cor-
responding Society; and some others,
the object of the whole of which appears
to have been the procuring of a reform in
the Commons' House, and upon the same
principles as those set forth in the Peti-
tion of the Friends of the People.
PITT, the Minister, who had been one of

the loudest in the cause of Reform, and be impossible.The 3rd was adopted who had, by that very means, gained the by PITT and his colleagues; and, of the popularity that enabled him to retain his consequences we are now tasting, and our place as Minister in spite of the Aristo- children's children will taste. That cracy, was now become the enemy of that this was the real source of the war cause; and was disposed to do all that there can be no doubt in the mind of lay in his power against it. But, the any man of sense, who looks back to cause was now more formidable than it what passed in the years 1792 and had ever been before. The French, a 1793. There unquestionably was, on people who had always been, by the the part of the French revolutionists, English, considered as slaves, had now the most ardent desire to remain at peace declared themselves free; they had abo- and upon good terms with England. The lished the feudal system in France, and proofs of this are so clear and convincing, all the artificial inequalities amongst that it is impossible for any man, capable men; they had curtailed the power of of judging, to entertain a doubt upon the their sovereign, and, from an absolute subject. They put up with slights and af despot, had reduced him to a first magis- fronts of all sorts from our government; trate with known and determinate pow- and did not, at last, declare war 'till after ers. -This was a change that could they saw that it was resolved on that they not fail to produce great effect upon should not have peace upon any terms. the minds of Englishmen, and especial-The king of France, who was put to ly as the French, in their new constitution, had proceeded upon the principles of the English constitution, those very principles for which the Reformers had been so long contending in vain. The French people had declared, and it had become a fundamental law of France, that no man should be taxed without his own consent; that this consent should be given by representatives; and that, in the choosing of these representatives, every man who paid taxes should have a voice. This was the grand point, for which the Reformers in England had been so long contending; and, for which they had so long contended in vain against the Borough patronage and influence.- -It was no wonder, therefore, that they hailed the French Revolution; that they applauded it; that they discovered a strong partiality for the persons engaged in it; and that they endeavoured by all the means in their power, to assist and uphold the cause of the Revolutionists in France, which cause, for a length of time, was the cause of the Reformers in England.The ministry in England, and the whole of the Borough faction, could not fail to be alarmed at this. It was, indeed, quite clear, that one of these things must take place: 1. such a Parliamentary Reform as would satisfy the people of England; 2. A revolution like that which had taken place in France, or even of a more republican cast; or, 3. A suppression of the Reformers, which necessarily included a war against France, because while a comDiunication with France was left open, to suppress the reformers would manifestly

death in January, 1793, and who assur
edly owed his death, at that time, to the
conduct of those who called themselves
his friends, had sent a Minister to Eng.
land, and this Minister was sent out of the
country by order of the government in
that same month of January.
After this
it was impossible that war could be avoid.
ed. Indeed, it was, in most respects, wat
before; for, there was an Alien Act and
an Act against passing French assignats, long
previous to the sending away of the
French Minister. And, in short, it was
as clear as daylight, that the government
of England was resolved not to be upon
friendly terms with the revolutionary go
vernment of France. And why not?
Why, the reason alledged was, that, if we
had peace and a free communication with
France, there would be also a communi-
cation of French principles. This was
openly avowed; and, not only in news-
papers and pamphlets, but in speeches in
parliament, the war was asserted to be ab-
solutely necessary upon this ground. Upon
this ground the war was justified; and,
indeed, every act of the government, whe
ther affecting the liberty of speech and
the press, or liberty in any other way, wa
defended upon this same ground: that is
to say, as being absolutely necessary
to keep out French principles.
need was there so to dread these French
principles? Were they so amiable? Were
they so very bewitching? What should
induce Englishmen to run so eagerly
after these French principles? After
principles taught by a nation whom
the English had always despised? If I an


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not solely, in view. Hundreds of writers had appeared against him; but, though all these asserted, that they had truth on their side, their writings were unavailing; the people were so perverse as still to read Paine, and, notwithstanding that it was asserted, that he was a contemptible


told that the principles were absurd and yet dangerous, that is no answer to my question; nor does it render the question less necessary; for, the more absurd the principles, the greater must be the wonder, that the people of England should have been so enamoured of them. And, if I am told, that it was only a small and con-wretch, and his works full of gross falstemptible part of the people of England hoods and ignorance, it was thought safest who were enamoured of these principles, I to prohibit the reading of them, and to leave ask how it then came to be necessary to the people at full liberty to read the writenter into a war to keep out these princi-ings of his answerers. This was thought ples The truth is, that the French re- safest, and, therefore, this course volution had awakened the cause of Reform adopted.- -But, there was a something in England; the boldness of the French in this proceeding that did not contribute Revolutionists offered an example to the much towards the producing of conviction Reformers in England, and their success that PAINE was wrong; and especially as held out the strongest encouragement. The it was remembered, that the controversy communication which took place between did not originate with him, but with his opthe English Reformers and the National as- ponent, BURKE, who had, without any apsemblies of France, while it failed not to parent provocation, written and published urge on the former to new efforts, clearly a severe attack upon the French Revolushowed that nothing but a war with tion, and all those who had taken a share France could prevent reform or a rcvoin it. In answer to this attack, PAINE wrote lution in England. This communica- his famous work, the "RIGHTS OF MAN;" tion was direct, open, and without the and, BURKE replied, from his seat in the smallest disguise, and the parties spoke in House of Commons, where he recom a language that no one could misunder- mended his Antagonist to the care of the stand; but, if a reform had been granted Attorney General, who was then Sir JOHN in England, there does not appear the SCOTT, now lord Eldon, and who answered smallest reason to suppose that any danger Paine in an eloquent and convincing little to the kingly office here would have arisen publication, called an INFORMATION from a communication with France.- EX-OFFICIO, to which the latter did not But, it was resolved not to grant this re- choose to stay to offer a rejoinder. PAINE form; and, in order to put its advocates to went to France, and here was a striking insilence, a war against France was necessary. stance of what was apprehended; namely, To enter upon this war, however, without that while the communication with France plausible grounds, was not adviseable. It was open, it would be impossible to put a was expected, indeed, to be a sort of holi- stop to, or to check, the propagation of opiday war; a sort of jubilee campaign or two; nions dangerous to the system in England. but, it might possibly be otherwise; and,The proceedings in France favoured the as the people in general were very averse views of the Anti-Jacobins in England (for from war, it required some time to pre- that was the name that the enemies of reform pare them for it, and also some favouring afterwards assumed;) the King, who had events. When, therefore, the Refor- become suspected and odious from the conmers began to appear in considerable duct of those who professed to be fighting strength, and it was seen that their ad- for him against the people or part of the dresses and other publications produced people in France, and especially from the great effect in the minds of the people, a menaces of the Duke of Brunswick, was cry was set up, on the other side, against dethroned in August 1792, and put to death Republicans and Levellers, who aimed at in the next January, the nation having, in the destruction of Liberty and Property, under the interim, been declared a Republic. the pretence of seeking for A REFORM This was held to be a confirmation of the IN PARLIAMENT. PAINE, whose pow-charge against the reformers; and, as great erful pen was converting millions to his alarm had been excited in the country, principles, was prosecuted as a libeller and amongst weak minded people, who are alout-lawed; and, such dread had his writ- ways the most numerous, to speak any ings inspired, that in May 1792, a PRO- longer of reform was to speak of republiCLAMATION was issued, which had the sup-canism, and to wish for the overthrow of pression of those writings particularly, if all order, law, rank, and property.-

after they had presented their petition to the House of Commons, in May, 1793, published an address to the nation, in which was contained the passage taken for my motto; and, there can be no doubt at all, that the alarm, at that time existing in the country, had been excited and in flamed for the purpose of checking the progress of reform and calumniating the charac ters of its promoters. I shall be told, perhaps, that this was a very laudable pur pose; for, that, if a parliamentary reform had taken place, it would have ruined the country. But, how is the country now? What state has it been placed in by the refusal of reform? Is it now in a good situ

The industry that was made use of to raise this alarm is incredible. The people were told all sorts of stories. Plots and conspiracies were talked of. In some parts of the country it was believed, that the Levellers were actually upon the eve of coming into the towns and villages to divide the property of the rich amongst the poor. The people were induced to arm and accoutre themselves. And all this from no other earthly cause than the dread which the Anti-Jacobins had of a Reform of Parliament, that very reform, which Pitt himself had asserted to be absolutely necessary to the very existence of the nation as an independent state, an assertion the truth or falsehood of which we are now in a fairation? Is it happy and safe? Are there way of seeing ascertained and proved to the whole world; for those are weak politicians indeed, who imagine that the "Victories" which we are now gaining in the Peninsula have any tendency at all to decide the contest between France and us. Here we are, then, at the end of an eighteen years war! Here we are, with six hundred millions added to our national Debt; with the annual interest of that Debt swelled from nine millions to thirtyfive millions; with our taxes augmented from fifteen millions to seventy millions; with our gold and silver converted into paper, which paper has, even in the House of Commons, been declared to be worth no more than fifteen shillings and ten pence in the pound; with our paupers trippled in humber, and with a commerce and with manufactories said to be perishing.-Here we are, then such is our state at the end of an eighteen years war against Republicans, Jacobins, Levellers, and Reformers of all sorts and sizes.- I pass over the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act for so many years, the trials of MR. TOOKE and others for high treason, all the restraints upon the press and upon the use of speech; these I pass over; these the Antijacobin will look upon as a great blessing; but, will he say the same of the income tax? If he has place, or pension, or any means whereby he gets a share of the taxes, he will; because he, in fact, by such means, gains instead of losing; but, if he be a fool Anti-jacobin; a gull Anti-jacobin; then the ten per cent. taken from his income will have some weight with him; and, if it has, I beg him to bear in mind, that the income tax was an invention of PITT, and that it arose out of the war waged against the Jacobins and Levellers.The "Friends of the People,"

no apprehensions for its security against
enemies of any sort ?-Reader, when de
you read a debate; when do you read a
trial for libel; when do you read about any
measure of war expenditure, without seeing
it stated, that we are now contending for our
very existence as a nation? Everlastingly
are we told of the crisis in which we are;
the crisis of our fate; our awful situation.
This is the language we continually hear.
Well, then, this is the situation, in which
we have been placed by the war. New
laws of treason; laws about sedition; law
upon laws laying restraints upon the press.
Ask the cause. Oh! they are necessary in
these critical times for the safety of the
country. Complain of the enormous load
of taxes. They are necessary to the safety
of the country. Why, if this be true,
then, the state of England is changed since
this war began. The war against Jaco-
bins and Levellers has not insured its
safety. It is not pretended that the Jaco-
bins and Levellers have any power. They
never had any in England, except with
their tongues and pens; and, in France,
they have been totally destroyed by
"gular Government and Social Order."
What, then, are you afraid of? Why
not do away the laws intended for the
crisis? Why, sure, you are safe now?
Who, or what, is it that you fear now!
What is it, in short, that makes the crisis?

-Very much puzzled would any AntiJacobin be to answer me these questions. He has seen the Jacobins and Levellers overthrown and destroyed, and yet he s as much afraid as ever.—I shall be told, perhaps, that whatever the situation of the country may be, it is better than it would have been if reform of parliament had been granted in 1793. To be sure, it is not possible to say precisely what would

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