Or Humber loud, that keeps the Scythian's name; [The rest was prose.] W AN EPITAPH ON THE ADMIRABLE DRAMATIC POET WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE. WHAT needs my Shakspeare, for his honour'd bones, Or that his hallow'd reliques should be hid Under a star-ypointing pyramid? Dear son of Memory, great heir of fame, What need'st thou such weak witness of thy name? For whilst, to the shame of slow-endeavouring art, ON THE UNIVERSITY CARRIER, Who sickened in the time of his vacancy, being forbid to go to London by reason of the plague. HERE lies old Hobson; Death hath broke his girt. ▾ Or Humber loud, that keeps the Scythian's name. 100 5 10 15 Humber, a Scythian king, landed in Britain three hundred years before the Roman invasion, and was drowned in this river by Locrine, after conquering king Albanact.— T. WARTON. Or Medway smooth, or royal-tower'd Thame. The smoothness of the Medway is characterized in the "Mourning Muse of Thestylis." The royal towers of Thames imply Windsor castle, familiar to Milton's view, and to which I have already remarked his allusions.-T. WARTON. This is but an ordinary poem to come from Milton, on such a subject: but he did not yet know his own strength, or was content to dissemble it, out of deference to the false taste of his time. The conceit of Shakspeare's "lying sepulchred in a tomb of his own making," is in Waller's manner, not his own. But he made Shakspeare amends in his "L'Allegro," v. 133.-HURD. Birch, and from him Dr. Newton, asserts, that this copy of verses was written in the twenty-second year of Milton's age, and printed with the Poems of Shakspeare at London in 1640. This therefore is the first of Milton's pieces that was published. We have here restored the title from the second folio of Shakspeare, printed 1632.-T. WARTON. This epitaph is dated 1630, in Milton's own edition of his poems in 1673.-TODD. y Dear son of Memory. He honours his favourite Shakspeare with the same relation as the Muses themselves: for the Muses are called, by the old poets," the daughters of Memory." See Hesiod, Theog." v. 53.-NEWTON. The leaves of thy unvalued book, "Thy invaluable book." So in Shakspeare, "Rich. III." a. i. s. 4 : Inestimable stones, unvalued jewels.-TODD. Or else, the ways being foul, twenty to one, In the kind office of a chamberlin Show'd him his room where he must lodge that night, If any ask for him, it shall be sed, Hobson has supp'd, and 's newly gone to bed. 10 15 ANOTHER ON THE SAME.b HERE lieth one, who did most truly prove While he might still jog on and keep his trot, Time numbers motion; yet, without a crime Too long vocation hasten'd on his term. a In the kind office of a chamberlin, &c. 10 15 20 25 I believe the chamberlain is an officer not yet discontinued in some of the old inns in the city.-T. WARTON. b Hobson's inn at London was the Bull in Bishopsgate-street, where his figure in fresco, with an inscription, was lately to be seen. Peck, at the end of his "Memoirs of Cromwell," has printed Hobson's will, which is dated at the close of the year 1630. He died Jan. 1, 1630, while the plague was in London. This piece was written that year.--T. WARTON. But, had his doings lasted as they were, Only remains this superscription. 90 ON THE NEW FORCERS OF CONSCIENCE UNDER THE LONG PARLIAMENT. BECAUSE you have thrown off your prelate lord,c To force our consciences that Christ set free, e Because you have thrown off your prelate lord, &c. In railing at establishments, Milton condemned not episcopacy only: he thought even the simple institutions of the new reformation too rigid and arbitrary for the natural freedom of conscience; he contended for that sort of individual or personal religion, by which every man is to be his own priest. When these verses were written, which form an irregular sonnet, presbyterianism was triumphant: and the independents and the churchmen joined in one common complaint against a want of toleration. The church of Calvin had now its heretics. Milton's haughty temper brooked no human control: even the parliamentary hierarchy was too coercive for one who acknowledged only King Jesus. His froward and refining philosophy was contented with no species of carnal policy: conformity of all sorts was slavery. He was persuaded that the modern presbyter was as much calculated for persecution and oppression as the ancient bishop.-T. WARTON. 4 And with stiff vows renounced his liturgy. The Directory was enforced under severe penalties in 1644. The legislature prohibited the use of the Book of Common Prayer, not only in places of public worship, but in private families.-T. WARTON. e And ride us with a classic hierarchy. In the presbyterian church now established by law, there were, among others, classical assemblies: the kingdom of England, instead of so many dioceses, was now divided into a certain number of provinces, made up of representatives from the several classes within their respective boundaries: every parish had a congregational or parochial presbytery for the affairs of its own circle; these parochial presbyteries were combined into classes, which chose representatives for the provincial assembly, as did the provincial for the national. Thus, the city of London being distributed into twelve classes, each class chose two ministers and four lay-elders to represent them in a provincial assembly, which received appeals from the parochial and classical presbyteries, &c. These ordinances, which ascertain the age of the piece before us, took place in 1646 and 1647. See Scobell, "Col." P. i. p. 99, 150.-T. WARTON. Taught ye by mere A. S. The independents were now contending for toleration. In 1643 their principal leaders published a pamphlet with this title, "An Apologeticall Narration of some Ministers formerly exiles in the Netherlands, now members of the Assembly of Divines. Humbly submitted to the honourable Houses of Parliament." This piece was answered by one A. S., the person intended by Milton.-T. WARTON Rotherford. Samuel Rutherford, or Rutherfoord, was one of the chief commissioners of the church Men, whose life, learning, faith, and pure intent May, with their wholesome and preventive shears, When they shall read this clearly in your charge; New Presbyter is but Old Priest writ large.1 of Scotland, who sat with the Assembly at Westminster, and who concurred in settling the grand points of presbyterian discipline. He was professor of divinity in the university of St. Andrew's, and has left a great variety of Calvinistic tracts. He was an avowed enemy to the independents, as appears from his "Disputation on pretended Liberty of Conscience, 1649." It is hence easy to see, why Rotherford was an obnoxious character to Milton.-T. WARTON. b By shallow Edwards. It is not the "Gangrena" of Thomas Edwards that is here the object of Milton's resentment, as Dr. Newton and Mr. Thyer have supposed. Edwards had attacked Milton's favourite plan of independency, in two pamphlets full of miserable invectives, immediately and professedly levelled against the "Apologeticall Narration" abovementioned, "Antapologia, or a full Answer to the Apologeticall Narration, &c., wherein is handled many of the controversies of these Times. By T. Edwards, minister of the gospel. Lond. 1644." However, in the "Gangrena," not less than in these two tracts, it had been his business to blacken the opponents of presbyterian uniformity, that the parliament might check their growth by penal statutes.-T. WARTON. i And Scotch what d'ye call. Perhaps Henderson, or George Gillespie, another Scotch minister with a harder name, and one of the ecclesiastical commissioners at Westminster.-T. WARTON. i Your plots and packing, worse than those of Trent. The famous council of Trent.-T. WARTON. k Clip your phylacteries, though bauk your ears. That is, although your ears cry out that they need clipping, yet the mild and gentle parliament will content itself with only clipping away your Jewish and persecuting principles.-WARBURTON. The meaning of the present context is, "Check your insolence, without proceeding to cruel punishments." To "balk," is to spare.-T. WARTON. 1 Writ large. That is, more domineering and tyrannical.-WARBURTON TRANSLATIONS. THE FIFTH ODE OF HORACE, LIB. I. WHAT slender youth bedew'd with liquid odours, ourts thee on roses in some pleasant cave, Pyrrha? For whom bind'st thou In wreaths thy golden hair, Plain in thy neatness? O, how oft shall he Who now enjoys thee credulous, all gold, Hopes thee, of flattering gales Unmindful. Hapless they, To whom thou untried seem'st fair! Me, in my vow'd My dank and dropping weeds To the stern god of sea. FROM GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH. BRUTUS thus addresses DIANA in the country of Leogecia: To whom, sleeping before the altar, DIANA answers in a vision the same night: FROM DANTE. AH, Constantine! of how much ill was cause, 10 |