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aterson's Improvements in Looms.

Improvements in Dressing Flax; Walton's Imd Wire Cards; and Millichap's Locomotive


Improvements in Propelling Vessels, and Red"s Improvement in Locomotive Steam Engines.

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er of large area, both piston rods being cone cross-head above, which gives motion to the it, by a single connecting rod.

feature of these improvements consists of a adjusting the expansion valves of combined which the period for shutting off the steam, f the stroke, may be regulated in both engines a single movement, whilst the engines are

h feature of these improvements is the pecution of the main beams of the framing that mmer blocks of the main crank shaft to which heels are attached. These beams are formed runks, by the combination of wrought-iron ned to bars of angle iron, in the same way as lers are made; and by that means beams may ed of the largest dimensions, of unlimited l of comparatively small weight.

provements will be more fully understood by the accompanying drawings, and the following hereof, see Plate I., in which fig. 1, is an 【en longitudinally, representing an engine with s, constructed upon the plan described as the of these improvements; fig. 2, is a vertical

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section of the same, taken through the cylinders; fig. 3, is a horizontal view of a pair of engines, in which the situation of the engine, shewn at fig. 1, is seen, as it would appear when looking upon it from above; fig. 4, is a corresponding engine, placed at the other side of the vessel, but represented in section, cut horizontally through the cylinders ; fig. 5, is a vertical section, taken transversely through a steam vessel, shewing the positions of two engines, as in figs. 3 and 4, the one engine being in section, the other an external view, seen upon a plane in advance of the former; and fig. 6, is a plan or horizontal view of a portion of the steam vessel, with the engines and their appendages; and also the framing, by which the crank shafts of the paddle wheels are supported, similar letters referring to the same parts of the machinery in all the preceding figures.

The two connected working cylinders are shewn at a, a; their pistons at b, b; and the piston rods at c, c,—the upper ends of which rods are affixed by keys to the crosshead d. Four vertical rods e, e, e, e, affixed at top to the cross-head d, are connected at bottom to a slider f, which slider is enabled to move up and down on the guide ribs g, g, formed on the outer surfaces of the cylinders.-To this slider f, one end of a connecting rod h, is attached, the other end of that rod being attached to the crank i, of the propelling shaft.

From this arrangement it will be perceived, that by the simultaneous ascent and descent of the two pistons b, b, in their working cylinder a, a, the rods c, c, will cause the cross-head d, to move perpendicularly up and down between its guide bars j, j, and in so doing to raise and depress the slide ƒ, with the connecting rod h, which rod will, by that means, be made to give rotary motion to the crank i, and thereby cause the paddle wheel shaft k, to revolve. A rod 7, connected to the slide ƒ, will, at the same time, work

purpose of keeping the pressure equal at all cylinders.

sion valve is on the steam pipe n, at the enslide valve; the slide is moved by an excendinary way, and the expansion valve is regumeans described hereafter, under the third r invention.

tages proposed by this arrangement, are simstruction, more direct action on the crank, ze and weight of material, offering easy means ger area of cylinder, whereby a given amount be used more expansively than in former , and consequently yield more power and el,-with the further advantage at sea, that gine is reduced in the number of its strokes of coal, as at the commencement of a voyage, inds, more steam may then be given to the 1, under such circumstances, more speed to all the steam generated in the boiler being ed.


d feature of our invention, viz. the improved of steam-engines, having two piston rods ne cylinder, is represented at Plate II., in

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