Abbildungen der Seite

The Buffalo, N. Y., Museum of Science

Source: Officials of the Institution

muda Coral Reef group with its dancing beam of sunlight, the Hall of Conservation with its famous spring and autumn wax flowers executed by the Marchand brothers, and the collection of Milestones of Science embracing first and early rare editions of the books epochal in the several fields of science.

The Buffalo Museum of Science, in Humboldt | Hoffman bronzes of selected racial types. the BerPark, was the first to plan and execute its exhibits so that they would tell a continuous and related story of man's scientific knowledge; it was the first to pioneer in work with children. It was the first museum in the country to devote halls exclusively to physics and chemistry, to astronomy, to genetics, and to public health, and it is the first to develop such an exhibit of prehistoric and primitive peoples as the Hall of Primitive Art. It is a pioneer in adult museum education and in evening exhibit hours to make the Museum available to business people.

Some of the outstanding points for visitors to see are: The Transparent Man, the Malvina

The organs of the Transparent Man are separately illuminated, enabling the observer to visualize human anatomy as though possessed of an Xray eye. The many other exhibits in that hall explain in a graphic way the mechanisms and functions of the human body and its organs and point the way to longer life and greater efficiency.

Albright Art Gallery

Source: An Official of the Institution

The Albright Art Gallery and the Buffalo, N. Y., Fine Arts Academy are under the same corporate ownership. The gallery is noted for its sculpture, including the original Lehmbruck Kneeling Woman; a 10th Century Cambodian Buddha Nagha; Rodin's Age of Bronze; Emil A. Bourdelle's Virgin of Alsace; and Ivan Mestrovic's Innocentia, a Yugo Slav work.


Among the paintings are Madonna and Child, by Luca Della Robbia; Gabriel Manigault, by Gilbert Stuart; Mrs. Gabriel Manigault, by Gilbert Stuart; Femme Cousant, by Berthe Morisot; Head of a Woman by Thomas Couture; Eleanor Jean and Anna, by George Bellows; Sycamores, Daniel Garber; Boy and Angel, by Abbott H. Thayer; The Wedding, by Gari Melchers; Deux Danseuses en Jupes Vertes, by Edgar Degas; Promenade Au Bood de la mer, by Paul Gaugin; Algerian Girl, by Edy Le Grand. Dr. Stresemann, by Augustus John; The Sisters, by Giovanni Romagnola. A Gobelin tapestry shows Diana persuading Meleager to present the Boar's Head to Atalanta.

The Academy has set aside a particular room in the Albright Art Gallery dedicated to the continuous display of contemporary art. Special do

nations are being obtained which will form principal sum that may be used over a period of years to acquire a collection representative of the best work of these times.

It is realized that such a room will succeed in its purpose only if it is understood from the beginning that its collection is experimental, Purchases are "on probation" and will be looked upon as subject to exchange, sale or other disposal according to the dictates of the room's administrators. No restrictive regulations will be considered desirable where they may prove embarrassing in later years. Indeed the whole worth of such a room will depend on recognition of the fact that buying in the modern field can succeed only when flexibility of movement is assured and rectification of error is possible.

The Academy conducts a professional art school which has reached thousands of young people and started many well-known artists on their artistic careers. It has furnished hundreds of talented men and women for the advertiing agencies of this and other cities. It has furnished about 85% of the teaching force of the public school drawing departments of the city.

Rochester, N. Y., Museum of Arts and Sciences

Source: An Official The Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences in 1929 began to assemble complete collections which, step by step and grade by grade, would illustrate the school curriculum of the City of Rochester. The selection of material, motion pictures, models and actual raw material is so arranged that it fits into the immediate classroom needs of the teacher; 60,000 to 90,000 children are helped every month by this service.

The Museum, which is in Edgerton Park, is administered by the Municipal Museum Commission of the City of Rochester and the fields of interest covered by the activities of the museum, under the Commission, are those of: Industrial Science, Natural Science, Social Science and Education.

(a) Industrial Science covers the field of com

of the Institution

mercial and industrial activity within the region and is designed to illustrate the processes, products and uses of industrial articles produced within the area.

(b) Natural Science includes geology and the biological sciences.

(c) Social Science includes the study of civil history, culture history, industrial geography and civics.

(d) The Educational division of the museum is largely carried on through extension work with adult and juvenile groups.

The Commission has authorized its museum to publish original articles covering the fields of research, general guides to the museum and to scientific subjects, and special monographs. The institution conducts expeditions in the field of geology, archaeology and biology.

Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences

Source: An Official The Brooklyn Museum on Eastern Parkway at Washington Avenue (Brooklyn Museum-Eastern Parkway Station of the IRT) is a general art museum arranged historically and geographically to illustrate the fine arts and other cultural products of world civilizations. Extensive South, Central and North American Indian collections. Collections of the Primitive Cultures of Africa and the Pacific Ocean. Assyrian, Greek and Roman material; one of the three best Egyptian collections in the country, which includes the Egyptian Loan Collection of the New York Historical Society. Medieval study collection, including both Byzantine and European objects. Renaissance collection illustrating the chief schools of Italy. The Department of Painting and Sculpture has an outstanding collection of American water colors, a comprehensive collection of American oils, and a comprehensive selection from European schools; also, European and American sculpture. Special collections of Chinese, Japanese, Indian and Near Eastern objects. Also textile and print collections. Free concerts, moving pictures and art coures are offered. Free services of the Industrial Division

of the Organization

The Museum

for designers in modern industries.
is open daily from 10 to 5, Sundays from 1 to 6.
Admission is free at all times.

The Brooklyn Children's Museum occupies two buildings on Brower Park and is accessible from the I.R.T., B.M.T., Independent and surface lines. In addition to work with school classes, the Museum specializes in free playtime activities for children in after-school hours, and on week-ends and holidays. Museum collections are not so much exhibited as placed in the hands of the children in shops, studios, playrooms, and on loan in homes and schools. Children are encouraged and assisted to make their own natural history collections pn field trips organized by the Museum. Fine arts,' history, geography, mineralogy and biology are the subjects of children's clubs, supported by study collections, laboratory work, lectures, moving pictures, a library and other aids to educational and recreational work. The Museum is open free daily from 10 to 5: Sundays 2 to 5. The Institute also operates the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens and offers entertainment and courses of instruction at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.

Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago

Source: Officials of the Institution

Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, is, appear in life. A feature of this hall is a large at Roosevelt Road and Field Drive, Chicago.


diorama reproducing part of an alpine meadow in the Rocky Mountains with its characteristic vegetation. Two halls are devoted to plant economics (food plants, palms, and plant materials used in industry), and two to woods (North American, and foreign).

The exhibits, and the scientific study collections, are divided into four Departments-Anthropology, Botany, Geology and Zoology. Each of these includes many subdivisions such as archaeology, ethnology, plant economics, paleobotany, meteoritics, mineralogy, paleontology, mammalogy. The Department of Geology's exhibits are classinithology, ichthyology, herpetology, etc. The N. W. fled in two groups, one illustrating the scientific, Harris Public School Extension, a separately en- the other the economic and industrial relations of dowed department of the Museum, circulates more mineral products of the earth. The department is than 1,200 traveling exhibits among the schools, especially notable also for its great hall of and the James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond paleontology, and for possession of the most comFoundation for Public School and Children's Lec-plete collection of meteorites in the world. In the tures, likewise separately endowed, provides lec- division of paleontology, in addition to a large and tures, motion pictures, guide-tours, and other important collection of fossil skeletons of preservices supplementing the educational work of historic animals, there is an extensive series of the schools, both within and outside the Museum. large mural paintings by Charles R. Knight showFor the benefit of scientists, and the public at ing these extinct creatures as scientific research inlarge as well, the Museum maintains a library of dicates they must have appeared in life, and several more than 118,000 volumes. three-dimensional exhibits restoring important species in life-size. There is also a large exhibit representing in life-size a section of a forest of the Coal Age.

The Museum has recently opened a new Hall of Babylonian Archaeology containing the results of ten years' collecting and eight additional years of research on the site of the ancient city of Kish in what is now Iraq.

A unique exhibit, occupying an entire hall, is the famous Races of Mankind series of sculptures in bronze and stone, representing types of the principal living peoples in all parts of the world. These are the work of the noted sculptor Malvina Hoffman. Complementing this series is the Hall of the Stone Age in which types of prehistoric men, from the Chellean period (about 250,000 years ago) down to the dawn of history (about 6,000 B. C.) are restored, life-size, in dioramas depicting scenes and activities of their times. The Department of Anthropology includes also exceptionally extensive archaeological and ethnological collections representative of the Indians of North. Central and South America; ancient Egypt, Babylonia, Etruria and Rome; China, Tibet, and other parts of Asia; Africa; and the various island groups of the South Pacific.

Field Museum is the first general natural history museum to give to the science of botany attention and space comparable to that of other departments. Its botanical exhibits, occupying five large halls, give a general idea of the plant world, its range of forms, and its relation to human life. In the Hall of Plant Life is a display of characteristic forms of plants from the lowest minute species such as bacteria and algae (represented as they would be seen through a microscope) to the highest forms reproduced in meticulous detail as they

Exhibits in the Department of Zoology include a classified series where each important animal can be found in its proper place; special habitat groups of the animals of different countries showing their habits and natural surroundings; and preparations of animals or parts of animals to illustrate facts. and theories, about them in their relation to each other and to man. The habitat groups are outstanding in number and variety, interest and beauty. Five entire halls are devoted to these, and others are in preparation. The largest, Carl E. Akeley Memorial hall, devoted to African game animals, contains the principal taxidermic masterpieces of the well-known naturalist and sculptor for whom it is named. Among the groups in the hall of Asiatic animals is one of giant pandas, containing the first specimens of this animal ever to reach the United States or to be obtained by white hunters (they were collected in 1928 by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt and Kermit Roosevelt, while leading a Field Museum expedition). Other halls are devoted to groups illustrating the ecology of North and South American mammals, marine mammals, and birds.

Admission is always free to children; to adults Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays; other days the entrance fee is 25 cents. Hours 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. in November, December, January and February; 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. in March, April, September and October; 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. in May, June, July and August.

Oriental Institute

Source: An Official of the Organization

The Oriental Institute of the University of implements-Pleistocene-go back to the beginning Chicago is a research laboratory for the investigation of the early human career, which is now believed to have occurred in the ancient Near East, the region folded like a horse shoe around the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.

The Institute operates from its American headquarters at the University, where it carries on researches of its field expeditions.

Somewhat east of its earliest course the Nile drainage began to cut a channel which finally deepened and expanded into the present Nile Valley. Along this later Nile the Institute's Survey discovered a stretch of over 60 miles of former Nile bed (now dry) some 60 feet in depth, and at the bottom of this gravel bed they found stone implements wrought by the hands of man and marking the advent of man in Egypt. The age of these

of the European Ice Age, and are therefore the oldest human implements yet found in the Near East. They may date, the Survey says, anywhere from several hundred thousand to a million years ago. It was in the Nile Valley that the earliest known society arose at the dawn of civilization. The oldest centers of early civilization in Western Asia were along the east end of the Highland Zone (the zone extends from the Aegean Sea eastward and southeastward to Persia), and in Babylonia and Syria.

In the Institute headquarters there is a series of five exhibition halls in which are displayed representative collections of objects from the field, some acquired by purchase but most of them drawn from the Institute's field expeditions.

There is a roll of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and many Arabic and other manuscripts.

Museum of Natural History, Eugene, Ore.

Source: Officials of the Institution

The Museum of Natural History is connected with the University of Oregon, in Eugene. It has collections relating to geology, botany, zoology and anthropology.

Included in the Condon Museum of Geology is material from the John Day fossil beds in central Oregon; collections of minerals arranged according to the Dana classifications; an educational set of rocks and minerals, given by the U. S. Geological Survey; suites of fossils, both vertebrate and invertebrate, from various regions in the western part of the American continent; a complete skeleton of the saber-tooth tiger from the Rancho La

[blocks in formation]

Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C.

Source: Officials of the Institution

1 The collection of paintings is particularly representative of American artists. The sculptures include casts from the antique and Renaissance, as well as original works in marble and bronze. There are over 100 original bronzes by Antoine Louis Barye, French sculptor, of animals.

The W. A. Clark Collection, received in 1928, contains paintings by Dutch, French, English and other masters; a fine collection of Persian rugs, especially Ispahan; tapestries; laces; faience; anti

quities; furniture; stained glass windows; etc.
The building is open to the public on Mondays
from noon to 4:30 P. M., other week days 9:00
2:00 to 5:00 P. M.
A. M. to 4:30 P. M., Sundays and holidays from
The institution is located at
New York Avenue and 17th St. N.W.

The Corcoran School of Art, also endowed by the founder, is open from October to May, inclusive, with no tuition fee, the only expense being an annual entrance fee of $25 and the cost of the student's materials.

Alabama State Museum

Source: Officials of the Institution The State Museum, University, Ala., contains in | State. the geological section, 20,000 specimens and samples of the ores and minerals of that State and over 7,500 specimens from all over the world. There is a large collection of fossils from the Cretaceous and Tertiary ages of Alabama and the Gulf Coast, and others from abroad. Of marine shells there are over 300,000, native and foreign. The herbarium of 2,500 species of ferns and flowering plants is practically complete as to Alabama. Colombia is represented by 150 species of ferns. Also in the museum are more than 9,000 species and 80,000 specimens of beetles; 900 specimens of 216 species of Alabama birds; and 1,400 specimens of the reptiles and batrachians of that

A tract of 175 acres of land comprising the archaeological relics at Moundsville is owned by the museum. There are 36 mounds in the area, which have yielded many thousands of objects and a quantity of skeletal material during the past six years; also collections of both artifacts and Iskeletons, with accompanying data, from northeastern Arkansas, secured during comparative studies of cultures similar to those in parts of Alabama; King collection of stone objects from Kentucky, numbering 2,000; Fletcher collection of objects from northeast Arkansas, numbering 300 specimens most of which are pottery; 30 burial urns. with accompanying data.

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

Source: An Official of the Institution

The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, in Richmond, opened to the public on Jan. 16, 1936, is located on the R. E. Lee Camp Soldiers' home grounds. Among the founders was the late John Barton Payne who gave money and his collections of pictures, etchings, books, furniture, and carvings. Among the paintings in the permanent collection in the museum are:

Holy Family (Andrea del Sarto); Landscape and Cattle (Nicolaas Berchem); Portrait of a Scholar (Ferdinand Bol); Pocahontas (Richard N. Brooke); Grand Canal Venice (Antonio G. Canaletto); Wind in the East (Emil Carlsen); Hilda Spong (William M. Chase); Crossing the Stream (Walter Clark); Portrait of a Lady (Claudio Coello).

Lord Spencer (John Singleton Copley): Interior of Kitchen (Jacob Carnelis Delff); James Barbour (Chester Harding); Looking Into the Little South Room (Childe Hassam); Separate Portraits of John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay, Henry W. Longfellow, Daniel Webster, Mrs. Lucy Page White

head, the Bryan family, Mrs. John Barton Payne,
Philip P. Barbour and the artist (G. P. A. Healy);
John Elliott (Cornelis Janssens: Janssens van

Landscape (H. Bolton Jones); Ecce Homo (Jean Jouvenet); Sylvan Landscape (William Keith); Evelyn Byrd (Sir Godfrey Kneller); Portrait of a (Gentleman (Nicholas de Largilliere); Lord Byron (Sir Thomas Lawrence); Portrait of a Lady (Sir Peter Lely); Judge Payne; Madonna of the Rappahannock; the Last Supper (Gari Melchers); Betrayal of Christ (Adam F. van der Meulen).

Isle in the Seine (Claude Monet) adoration of the Shepherds; Adoration of the Magi (Murillo); Italian Landscape (Gaspard Poussin); Madonna of the Cherries (Raibolini); Magdalen (Guido Reni); Lady Doubleday (Sir Joshua Reynolds); Rescue of St. Catherine (Peter Paul Rubens); Italian Seaport (Claude Vernet); Gentleman With a Goldheaded Can (Gilbert Stuart). There are two portraits by Thomas Sully.

Mint Museum of Art
Source: An Official of the Institution

The Mint Museum of Art, Charlotte, N. C., is a rebuilt structure, in Eastover Park. It was the first mint in the United States, established in 1835. At that time the Southern Appalachian Region was the only gold mining area in this country.

Thomas A. Edison came to Charlotte in 1901 to look into the subject of gold in the South. He worked in the building for two years, making experiments in the process of separating gold from ore by means of electricity, but he became discouraged because he found that gold did not exist in sufficient quantity to warrant the kind of operations in which he was interested.

The Museum has a promising beginning of a permanent collection of art objects. A few of the paintings are listed as follows: "Madonna and Child," by Francesco Granacci; "Queen Charlotte," by Allan Ramsay; "Woman in Black," by John W. Alexander; "Quiet Corner," by John W. Alexander, "The Golden Hour," by William Hart; "Stone House, Old Lyme, Conn.," by Childe Hassam; "The Baptism of Virginia Dare," by George Ade; "Spring," by Bolton Jones, and a portrait of Flora Macdonald, gift of friends of the museum. The eagle from the facade of the old building has been restored by Mrs. S. B. Alexander and is held as one of the museum's choicest treasures.

The Mariners' Museum, Newport News, Va.

Source: Officials The Mariners' Museum, Newport News. Va., a tract of nearly 1,000 acres which includes Lake Maury, formed by damming an estuary (Waters Creek) of the James River. The museum founded by Archer Milton Huntington and was chartered (June 2, 1930). The park and lake are stocked and are a game sanctuary.


A model-making shop equipped with modern tools was installed at the Museum. The output of this shop now on display at the Museum consists of models of Fulton's Clermont; Tug John Twohy, Jr.; Morgan Liner El Sud; Dollar Liner President Coolidge; Freight Steamer Agwidale; U. S. Ironclad Monitor; U. S. Frigate Merrimac; C. S. Ironclad Virginia; River Steamer Jamestown, Yacht Viking; Confederate blockade runner Hope; Standard Oil tanker John D. Archibald; a Confederate blockade runner.

There has been accumulated a sharpie from New Haven, a sponge fishing boat from Florida, a sampan, a Tahitian pirogue. a small Dutch sailing yacht, a felucca from San Francisco Bay,

of the Institution

fishing boats from Portugal and Spain, a typical Yankee whaleboat made by Beetle of New Bedford, a Chesapeake Bay log canoe and a 50-ft. "bugeye"; an Indian war canoe from Vancouver, and other wood canoes, kayaks and dugouts from the West Indies, Canada, Florida and other lo calities.

Bronze and iron cannon and small arms are well represented, as are swords, cutlasses, knives, boarding hatches and pikes.

The navigational instruments include astrolabes, cross staffs, various forms of quadrants and sextants, compasses, barometers, hour glasses, watches. clocks and chronometers.

The hand tools used by ship carpenters, coopers, riggers, sail makers, rope makers and chronometer makers illustrate the great changes which have occurred in a relatively short time when these tools are compared with the modern equipment of shipyards and of the makers of auxiliaries.

The influence of the sea is illustrated by ship decorated china, postage stamps, medals, coins and paper money.

Boston Museum of Fine Arts

Source: Officials of the Institution

The most distinguished Department of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, on Huntington Ave., is the Asiatic and the collection of Chinese and Japanese sculpture and painting is the most important in the Occident and outside of Tokyo. Certain pieces like the Chinese Dragon Roll of the thirteenth century or the so-called Keion Roll of the same period in Papan are well known.

textiles seeking information and inspiration. The Department of Decorative Arts contains sculptures, furniture, and minor arts, from the beginning of the Middle Ages to the present day. Its best known display, however, is probably the series of American Period Rooms of the seventeenth to the early nineteenth century. There are also other fine Period Rooms, French and English, and a very important collection of English and American silver. Among the latter are many famous pieces by Paul Revere.

The Indian collection is, too, probably the most distinguished one outside of India. There is a smaller but very important collection of the arts of the Near East. Many of the objects were obtained by the Museum's excavations. The collec-important collection of prints in the United States tions of the Egyptian Department were obtained almost entirely through excavation, especially at Gizeh where the Museum has been at work for thirty years. Thanks partly to the skill and tact of the Curator, Dr. Reisner, and partly to the good fortune of having obtained a most fruitful Old Kingdom site, the quality of the best pieces is on a par with those of the Cairo Museum, and in actual quality, probably ahead of any other collection outside of Cairo. The majority of the pieces in the Classical Collection go back to the early years of the Museum when it was especially active in that field. A few, like the two fourth century heads, the Eros Relief, the Chryselephantine Statuette, and the Gold Bowl would equal in importance anything in the Acropolis Museum. There is a large and growing Department of Textiles, especially strong in the French and Flemish Art of the Middle Ages, and in Asiatic and Peruvian Textiles. It is constantly used by students of Design and by workers in modern

The Print Department is one of the most active in the Museum. It has the most extensive and and its study rooms are constanly in use. One of the largest Departments and most active is that of Western Painting. It contains important pieces of the artists of all the important schools from the early Sienese and Florentine to the present day. Certain pictures like Velazquez' Infanta with the Dwarf, El Greco's Fray Paravicino, Van der Weyden's St. Luke Drawing the Virgin Rembrandt's St. John, Ambrogia Lorenzetti's Madonna, Canaletto's great View of Venice, Gaugin's Que Sommes-Nous?, and Renoir's Bal à Bougival make the Department a place of pilgrimage. The European section is especially strong in the French, nineteenth century. The American collection is particularly distinguished in the work of Copley and Stuart, and other Colonial portrait painters. The Athenaeum portraits of Washington and Martha Washington by Gilbert Stuart are perhaps the most popular in the Museum. Among the later Americans, the best represented are Whistler, Sargent and Winslow Homer.

Bourne Whaling Museum, New Bedford, Mass.

Source: Officials of The Bourne Whaling Museum of the Old Dartmouth Historical Society, in New Bedford, Mass., was founded by Miss Emily H. Bourne, as a memorial to her father, the late Jonathan Bourne, one of the most successful whaling merchants. the Museum is the largest model in the world, that of his favorite vessel, the Lagoda.


Among the exhibits is the crew list of the whaleship Acushnet, which bears the name of Herman Melville, who gathered experience for "Moby Dick" on the voyage. He was 21 years old. The ship hailed from Fair Haven, Capt. Valentine Pease. She cleared from New Bedford, Dec. 30, 1840.

the Institution

In the Museum are models of other whaling ships, frigates and other craft; articles made from whalebone; ship figure heads; whale's teeth; skull of a sea elephant; model of a Chinese junk; bone lantern; whale ivory and bone canes; sled made of whale bone.

Also in the Museum is a London-made British drum captured at the Battle of Bunker Hill. The drummer had been killed by an American soldier. The drum was given to a drummer boy from Rhode Island. Levi Smith. Repaired and restored it was the legacy of the late Israel Smith.

Another treasure of the museum is a pitcher with a portrait of the ship Rebecca, built by George Claghorn who built the Constitution.

Worcester, Mass., Art Museum

Source: An Official of the Institution

The Worcester Art Museum was founded in 1896 by Stephen Salisbury.

The permanent collections contain selections of European, American and Asiatic art of all periods. They are notably strong in paintings of the Italian, French, Spanish and American Schools. Painting, sculpture and decorative arts of Egypt, Mesopotamia and the ancient East, and of Classical and Mediaeval times are also represented, as well as the art of Asia and the Near East. Separate departments are maintained for the study and display of prints and engravings, textiles, metalwork, glass and domestic crafts.

The Library of the Museum contains over 12,000 books and periodicals on art and related subjects which may be consulted by the public. It also contains a loan collection of about 27,000 mounted photographs and 16,000 lantern slides covering subjects in art-architecture, sculpture, painting and minor arts-history and travel, and exhibitions

for elementary and secondary schools.

The School of the Worcester Art Museum occupies the Salisbury House at 24 Highland Street. Recently reorganized and operated under the direct supervision of the Museum, the School now offers a general course in fine and commercial art. The curriculum is designed to develop the individual creative ability of the student and provide him with technical proficiency in the various media of art expression. Special emphasis is laid upon current commercial and industrial problems with a view to making the student, as rapidly as possible, a self-sustaining member of the community.

Among the religious paintings in the Museum, acquired in 1938, is the Man of Sorrows raised from the tomb and supported by two angels. The representation is the familiar one associated in the late middle ages with the legend of the Vision of Saint Gregory and which was in constant demand for objects of special prayer and indulgence.

Currier Gallery of Art

Source: An Official

The Currier Gallery of Art, Manchester, N. H., contains the Howe collection of early American antiques-furniture, household accessories, pottery and glass, textiles; pewters and rugs, bedspreads, table cloths, shawls, needlework.

Household utensils on exhibition include a Connecticut oven; tin hot dish cover; iron boiling pot for doughnuts; two brass kettles; copper warming pan; two metal oil lamps; rope tightener for poster bed; oil lamp with sandwich glass bowl; painted tin tray; eight pairs of steel-bladed, bone-handled knives and forks; two salt-glaze jugs; early sewing machine; hand-wrought nails; steelyards or scales; two yarn-winders or "niddy-nodders".

of the Institution

There are 276 glass cup plates; also collections of early American glass, chiefly of the present variety.

English pie-crust plates and platters; English printed-ware cups and saucers.

Among the paintings are examples of Copley, Sargent, Raeburn, Stuart, Clays, Alma-Tadema, Isabey, Bonheur, Bougereau, Corot, Cuyp, Daubigny, Gainsborough, Inness, Schreyer, Wyant, Ziem.

Etchings and engravings, Chinese prints, Goya block prints, sculptures, bronzes, carvings, American Indian relics, tapestries, vases, weapons, medals, and coins, are shown.

Texas Memorial Museum, Austin

Source: Officials of the Institution

The Texas Memorial Museum on San Jacinto Boulevard, Austin, was opened to the public January 15, 1939. The directors are the Regents of The University of Texas. Exhibits cover anthropology, botany, geology, history, and zoology. The Museum is open to the public weekdays 10-12 a.m. and 2-5 p.m.; Sundays, 2-5 p.m. The entrance to the Museum is into Memorial Hall designed to commemorate notable events in Texas history. History exhibits are on this floor.

The anthropology exhibits are on the fourth floor. The tools, utensils, weapons, ornaments and costumes of several races of man and many tribes are represented. The north half of the exhibit hall contains ethnological materials and the south half archaeological materials. Interesting collections of objects of the Chinese, Japanese, Javanese, African


Negro, and American Indian are shown.
cases are devoted to the stone and flint work of the
Texas Indians. Others contain numerous specimens
of Caddoan and Asinai pottery, smoking pipes, and
shell ornaments. Seven dioramas in an alcove of
this room represent the domestic life of some of
the better known tribes of Texas Indians.

The botany and zoology exhibits are on the third floor. These represent various phases of plant and animal life, particularly as found in Texas. Illustrations of Texas wildflowers in natural colors are on this floor.

The geology exhibits, including fossils and minerals, are. on the ground floor. In a room at the north on this floor are five dioramas illustrating types of oil fields in Texas. In the recess at the east side of this room is the skeleton of one of the largest of the bony fishes.

The Museum of New Mexico

Source: An Official The Museum of New Mexico, a state. institution, has its headquarters in the historic Palace of the Governors, the oldest public building in the United States, built in 1610, on the Plaze of Santa Fe. The exhibits of the Museum are almost entirely confined to the Southwest. The Palace proper contains the archaeological exhibits and a section on the post-Spanish periods, under the direction of the State Historical Society.

A second building, an Art Museum, contains permanent and temporary exhibits of the work of Southwestern artists.

A third building, the Hall of Ethnology, has a series of exhibits on the evolution of the human

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race and its implements.

The main room illustrates the living Indian of the Southwest and his cultural attainments.

The Museum is also engaged in extension work, and has developed branch museums in several other New Mexico cities. The Museum also adminsters the State Monuments, four of which contain ruins of early Spanish Missions.

The management of the Museum is provided by the School of American Research, a corporation under the direction of the Archaeological Institute of America.

The School of American Research also carries on research in South America, Central America and in the Southwest.

Museum of Navajo Ceremonial Art

Source: An Official of the Institution

The Museum of Navajo Ceremonial Art, founded by Miss Mary C. Wheelwright, is located on the Camino Lejo, near the Old Pecos Road, two miles southeast of the Santa Fe plaza. The site, comprising 10 acres in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo mountains, is the gift of Miss A. E. White. The architect was Wm. P. Henderson.

Designed as an interpretation in modern form of a Navajo ceremonial Hoghan, the building itself is an integral background for the exhibition of sand paintings, as well as a repository for the myths. music, poetry, sacred lore and objects connected with Navajo religion.

The purpose of the Museum is thus to perpetuate for the general public, for research students, and for the Indians themselves, this great example of a primitive people's spiritual culture.

The extraordinary beauty achieved by Navajo sand paintings, in what is probably the most ephemeral of all forms of graphic art, entitles them to an enduring record. Both because of their highly developed symbolism, and because of the interesting parallel they afford to present-day

forms of the art in India, Tibet, and China-and possibly far earlier Asiatic sources-they are a unique contribution to the art of the Americas. The importance of these paintings for the student of primitive art and religion is that they are myths and rituals the only example of such a comgraphic symbols of the thought embodied in Navajo plete record in this respect among American Indians.

In the Research Department, the Wheelwright Collections include over 300 sand paintings transcribed from the originals by various recorders on different parts of the Navajo Reservation; music records of approximately 2000 Navajo chants: ceremonial objects, baskets, blankets and silver; and an extensive library of books and manuscripts on Navajo art and religion. Comparative material from Asia and other countries is also represented. The collections are constantly being augmented by field work, purchase and gifts.

The facilities of the Research Department and Library are available, under the rules of the Museum, to members and accredited research students.

Denver Art Museum

Source: Officials of the Institution

The Denver Art Museum, in its Indian Art Department, which is being constantly enlarged, is rich in the products of the Southwest tribes. The Pueblo pottery collection is one of the best in the country. It contains hundreds of specimens of every sort of modern work. The collection of Navajo blankets is also outstanding. Almost all other types of Indian weaving are represented. The basket collection of several hundred items makes possible a survey of the entire field, since very few types of basketry are not included.

The wood carver's art of the Alaska and British Columbia Indians is well represented as is the

beadwork of the Plains and Great Lakes tribes.

Another outstanding collection is that of modern Indian Pueblo water colors, probably the largest in any museum. Equally important is the collection of plates of Indian designs. These plates are made by the department's artists as part of the Museum's educational work and to give an opportunity to local students to study Indian art. This collection numbers well over one thousand and is constantly being increased.

Other objects in the Museum galleries include the permanent collections of paintings, sculpture. water colors, prints and drawings.

Arizona State Museum

Source: Officials of the Institution

The Arizona State Museum, a department of the University of Arizona, in Tucson, was established as a Territorial Museum in 1893 and was installed in a separate building in 1935, with the Department of Anthropology of the University in the same building.

The Museum is chiefly anthropological, stressing particularly the archaeology and ethnology of . the Southwest. However, there are historical and

natural history materials. There are about 25,000 specimens in the Museum. Outstanding exhibits and collections include the following:

Set of 6 original Navaho Indian sand paintings. Excellent Western Apache exhibit, perhaps the most complete in existence.

Tree ring exhibit, including a 10-foot section of Giant Sequoia with over 1700 annual rings.

Prehistoric Southwestern textile, pottery, stone and bone work.

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