Abbildungen der Seite

of major importance. Trieste, Venice, Ancona, Bari and Brindisi. Trento and Trieste. which formed the "Italia Irredenta." were annexed to Italy as a result of the World War. Fiume, after a bitter quarrel, was annexed (1924) through the inspiration and efforts of Gabriel D'Annunzio, Italy's famed poet and soldier. Its annexation was acknowledged by Yugo-Slavia (April 5, 1925) in a treaty which also granted Hungary free port rights in Fiume.

The climate of Italy is sunny, although northern Italy has a cold winter: snow is rarely seen in Naples, and olives, oranges, lemons, figs, cotton and pomegranates flourish in Calabria. The soil is fertile. Italy, though drained before the war by emigration, is one of the most densely populated states in Europe, having a population of 371-2 (1939) to the square mile.

It is a country of immense interest to the tourist, with its lively landscape and picturesque people, its masterpieces of ancient, medieval and modern art. Here are awe-inspiring works of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael, in churches and galleries that look back through the centuries. The glory that was ancient Rome may still be seen in the Catacombs and Coliseum. St. Peter's Church-a masterpiece of architecture and the mecca of Christian pilgrimages for hundreds of years-is the largest church in the world; and the Vatican, the home of Roman Catholicism, the largest residence extant.

The population is unusually homogeneous. In pre-war Italy there were about 85,000 of French origin, in the Val d'Aosta, 10,000 Teutonic. There were about 250,000 German (Austrians) in the South Tyrol (ceded to Italy in 1919). They are being transferred to Germany according to a plan by which the evacuation will be completed by 1941. 81,000 Albanian in Calabria and Sicily, 29,000 Greek, 43,000 Slav, mostly in Cividale, and 12,000 Spanish (Catalans) in Sardinia. In the "redeemed" provinces, formerly Austrian, annexed after the war, there were 215,345 Germans, 326,715 Slovenes, and 141,663 Croats. Rome (1940) had a population of 1,338,074.

The Governments of Italy and of Germany reached an accord (Dec. 31, 1939) whereby the German population of the former Austrian provinces got the option of remaining in Italy. after accepting Italian citizenship, or of emigrating to the Reich. Of the 229,500 who were present in the area, 166,488 decided in favor of emigration: 27.712 preferred to remain in Italy as Italian citizens; and 35.300 did not turn in a ballot and therefore, according to the terms of the agreement, acquired Italian nationality. The exodus, which is still under way, is taking place at the rate of 200/300 individuals per day and, according to the prearranged schedule, should be completed by December, 1942.

The religion of the great majority is Roman Catholic, the census of 1936 returning 41,017,369 Catholics (99.6%), 83,618 Protestant, 47,825 Jews. Italy has 26 universities, with ten of them dating from the 13th century or the first years of the 14th. Famous among these are Bologna (founded 1200); Genoa (1243); Naples (1224); Padua (1222); Pisa (1338); Rome (1303), and Turin (1404). Primary education is compulsory between the ages of six and 14. Much progress has been made in combating illiteracy, especially in Calabria and other southern provinces.

Agriculture is the chief industry, with an area (1939) comprising 70,548.131 acres with 8,756,848 engaged in it (1936). The principal crops are wheat, barley, oats, rye, corn, rice, beans, potatoes, sugar beets, grapes and olives.. Dairy farming and cheese making are important in Northern Italy.

Italy is not rich in mineral deposits, and is especially lacking in coal, although she is a large producer of sulphur, chiefly in the volcanic regions of Sicily. Other minerals are iron, manganese, mercury, lead, zinc, antimony and bauxite.

The largest and most important industry, aside from agriculture. is the manufacture of textiles. Silk culture is carried on extensively in Lombardy. Piedmont and Venetia. Other principal manufactures are chemicals (sulphuric acid, superphosphate and copper phosphate); sugar; cheese, and macaroni.

It is estimated that Italy has water power sites that would yield 9,000,000 horsepower, but only one half of this has been harnessed.

Italy's principal exports in the order of their monetary value are-vegetables and fruit: cotton; vehicles: artificial silk: cereals and roots; wool and hair: hemp, linen and jute: stones, earths and minerals; silk; machines and apparatus: dairy products: iron and steel. Imports, in order, arestones, earths and minerals: cereals, roots; mineral oils; iron and steel; wool and hair; machines and

apparatus; seeds and fruits: copper: skins and furs; paper and cardboard.

Air travel is greatly developed in Italy with the aviation companies subsidized by the State. Divided, dismembered even for centuries, Italy began to take shape as a unity when, following the war of 1859, Lombardy, by the peace of Zurich, came under the crown of King Victor Emmanuel II, of Sardinia of the house of Savoy. By plebiscite (1860) Parma, Modena, the Romagna and Tuscany joined, to be followed at once by Sicily and Naples, and by The Marches and Umbria. The first Italian Parliament assembled (February, 1861) and (March 17, 1861) declared Victor Emmanuel King of Italy. Mantua and Venetia were added (1866), an outcome of the Austro-Prussian war. The papal States were taken possession of by Italian troops (Sept. 20, 1870) after the withdrawal of the French garrison in the Franco-Prussian war (see Index, VATICAN CITY), and by plebiscite (Oct. 2) were annexed to the kingdom, thereby rounding out United Italy. The Papal States were Marches, Romaqua and Umbria, which were annexed previously. What was occupied in 1870 was the city of Rome and environments, long known as the "Patrimony of St. Peter."'

Since the advent of Fascism, the government of Italy has consisted of a Sovereign, a Senate and a Chamber of Deputies, whose activities have all been subordinate to the Grand Council of Fascism. (A decree signed by the Grand Council (Oct. 8, 1938) effective (March, 1939), abolishes the Chamber of Deputies and substitutes a Chamber of Fasces and Corporations composed exclusively of government and Fascist party appointees, without benefit of election. Laws passed by the new Chamber are transmitted to Premier Mussolini in his capacity the Duce of Fascism and head of the State. and he submits them to the King for his signature). The Senate-whose members are appointed for life by the King-is composed of princes of the royal house and persons of fame in science, literature or in a pursuit particularly beneficial to the nation. The number (1939) was 543.

The Chamber of Deputies-the most democratic of the Fascist governmental agencies-contained 400 members, elected for five years. Candidates for the Chamber were proposed by the "National Syndicate Confederation" (representing labor and industry jointly), and by several other associations of a national character, including the representatives of the judiciary. Candidates were presented to the electorate for acceptance or rejection only after the Grand Council had first approved of them.

The Grand Council of Fascism is composed of the original leaders of the Black Shirt party, ministers and other high dignitaries of the government, and of an undetermined number of members appointed by the Premier for a term of three years. The Council co-ordinates the work of the absolute power in questions of a constitutional Sovereign, the Senate and the Chamber, and has


The King of Italy is Victor Emmanuel III (born Nov. 11, 1869), who succeeded his father. King Humbert I (July 29, 1900). He married Helena, daughter of Nicholas, King of Montenegro (Oct. 24. 1896). The Crown Prince, Humbert, Prince of Piedmont (born Sept. 15, 1904), and was married (Jan. 8. 1930) to Princess Maria Jose of Belgium (born Aug. 4, 1906). They have a daughter, Princess Maria Pla, (born Sept. 24, 1934), and a son, Victor-Emmanuel, Prince of Naples (born Feb. 13, 1937), a daughter, Maria Gabriella (born Feb. 24, 1940).

The daughters of the King and Queen of Italy are-Princess Yolanda (born June 1. 1901), married (April 9, 1923) Capt. Count Carlo Calvi di Bergolo; Princess Mafalda (born Nov. 19, 1902), married Prince Philip of Hesse (Sept. 23. 1925): Princess Giovanna (born Nov. 13, 1907), married (Oct. 25, 1930) King Boris III of Bulgaria; and Princess Marie (born Dec. 26, 1914), married (Jan. 23, 1939) Prince Louis of Bourbon-Parma.

The Italian Cabinet follows:

Prime Minister, Chief of the Government and Minister of the Interior, of War, of the Navy, of the Air and Justice-Benito Mussolini. Minister of State-Alfred Baelolio. Minister of Italian Africa- Attilio Teruzzi. Foreign Affairs, Count Galeazzo Ciano di Cortellazzo.

Corporations, Renato Ricci.
National Education, Giuseppe Bottal.
Agriculture and Forests, Guiseppe Tassinari.
Finance, Count Paolo Thaon di Revel.
Justice, Count Dino Grandi.

Communications, Giovanni Host Venturi.
Popular Culture, Alessandro Pavolini.
Public Works, Giuseppe Gorla.

Trade and International Payments, Raffael Riccardi.

Minister-Secretary of Fascist Party, Adelchi


Bottai, Ciano, Gorla, Grandi, Farinacci, Ricci Riccardi, di Revel and Pavolini were called to active war duty (1940).

Four Under-Secretaries of State were named to carry on the work of superiors or predecessors called to the front. The appointees named for the duration of the war are:

Public Works, Pio Calletti; Finance, Pietro Lissia; Education, Emilio Bodrero; Trade and International Payments, Salvatore Gatti. Bodrero shares the Education post with Riccardo del Guidice.

The original Fascisti-called Black Shirts because of their garb-were a group of ex-soldiers (150 in number) organized (March 23, 1919) into an association against Communism and Socialism by Benito Mussolini, himself an ex-Socialist and former newspaper editor, who had fought and been wounded in the World War. The organization grew in numbers and power until (Oct. 24, 1922). following a general strike (Aug. 22, 1922) and chaotic conditions in the capital, it marched on Rome and in a bloodless revolution took over the government at the invitation of the King.

As leader of the Fascisti and head of the government. Mussolini, the son of a poor Socialist blacksmith and school teacher mother, has acquired dictatorial powers over the life of the country. The Fascist party exercises virtual control over every private and public activity of the nation. Industry, labor, agriculture, commerce, the professions, the arts, the press-all are controlled by the Fascisti.

Under the terms of a decree issued by the Fascist Grand Council (Oct. 6, 1938) no Italian is permitted to marry a Jew, whether or not the Jew is a citizen of Italy, and no Italian is allowed to marry a foreigner unless the marriage is specifically approved by the Ministry of Interior Affairs.

The Fascist party membership (as of Oct. 28, 1939) follows:

Fasces (Fasce di Combattimento) 2,633,514. Women groups (Fasci Femminili) 774,181. University Group (Gruppi Universitari) 105,883. Youth Organizations (Gioventù Italiana del Littorio) 7,891,547, divided as follows:


4-5 Figli della Lupa, 1,546,389.
6-14 Balilla, 1,746,560.
14-18 Avanguardisti, 906,785.
18-21 Giovani Fascisti, 1,176,798.
Piccole Italiane, 1,622,766.
Giovani Italiane, 441,254.
Giovani Fasciste, 450,995.

The teachers in all Italian schools, both men and women, are ordered to wear the uniform of officers of either the Balilla or the Fascist militia. In secondary schools and colleges, army officers in uniform now occupy the platforms of teachers during the period of compulsory military courses (military history, military mathematics. geography and tactics and manoeuvres) prescribed by a decree (Sept. 18, 1934). No student can be promoted or graduated unless he has satisfactorily completed his military course.


Military service is compulsory between the ages of 18 and 55. The normal period of training service in all branches is 18 months, after which the recruits are transferred to the reserve where they remain until 55. Military expenditures (1941-1942) are estimated at 12,210,400,000 lire for all three services.

The monetary unit is the lira with an average value of $.0526.

The budget (1941-1942) estimates receipts of 31.082,400,000 lire and expenditures of 39,876,500,


Italian Colonies


Italy's colonial venture in Africa began (1870) when the port of Assab, in the extreme southern part of Eritrea, was purchased. Lagging interest was revived (1885), when the colonial project was vigorously pushed. An effort to establish a' protectorate over Abyssinia (now called Ethiopia) was made in (1889) but was upset by King Menelek, who, with an army of 80,000, annihilated a force of 12,000 Italians at the Battle of Adowa (1896). Eritrea was constituted a colony (1890).

Eritrea stretches for 670 miles along the African coast of the Red Sea from Cape Kasar to Cape Dumereh. To the west it is bordered by the Soudan, on the south by Ethiopia, and French Somaliland, a small section of which bordering on the Gulf of Eden was transferred to Italy by France (1935) when an interest in the railroad from Djibouti to Addis Ababa was also transferred to her. The total area (1931) was 15,754 square miles and the population 600,573, including 4,188 Italians. The Italian government (June 1, 1936) transferred the districts of Tigry (Tigrai), Danakilland (Dancalia) and Haussa (Aussa), all formerly a part of Ethiopia, to Eritrea.

Eritrea was occupied by British Colonial Forces (April, 1940).

The lowlands along the coast are hot and malarial, but the uplands are cool, sometimes cold.

Irrigation is necessary to supplement rainfall for the crops, and the soil is poor. Agriculture and stock raising are the chief industries. There is a railroad 75 miles long connecting the seaport Massawa (population. 12,277) with the capital, Asmara (altitude 7,765 ft.). thence 65 miles to Cheren, thence 53 miles to Agordat. It is being constructed to Tessenei to open up a cotton-growing district. Gold is mined in Hamassen and petroleum is found but there has been as yet no development. The monetary unit is the Italian lira.

Italian Somaliland (area, 194,000 square miles; population, (est. 1936) 1,300,000) extends along the Indian Ocean from the Gulf of Aden to the Juba River. The coastline extending in a northeast-southwest direction, is 1,100 miles long, with no indentation of importance.

Italian Somaliland was occupied by British Colonial forces (April, 1940).

Italian Somaliland is the source of half the world's supply of incense. Other exports are oil, gum, hides, kapok, resin, and ivory. The principal imports are cottons, sugar, rice, tea, coffee, iron. machinery and timber. The Italian lira is the monetary unit. The budget (1935-36) showed receipts of 70,750,000 lire, including a contribution of 47,190,000 from the Italian Government; expenditures were 70,750,000, of which 29,960,000 defrayed military expenses.


(Libia Italiana)

Italian Libya in North Africa extends along the Mediterranean Sea from Egypt on the East to Tunis (French) and Algeria on the West. On the south Libya extends to Algeria, to French West Africa and the Soudan. Libya for administrative and military purposes is divided into four provinces (Tripoli, Misurata, Benghazi and Derne) and into a military territory in the South having jurisdiction over the southern sections of the four provinces. The area of the territory is estimated at 679,358 square miles with a population (1939) of 888.401. The capitals are Tripoli and Benghazi. Tripoli, formerly one of the Barbary States and independent (since 1714) was reconquered by Turkey (1835). During the Turko-Italian war (191112) Italy proclaimed the annexation of Tripoli, which was recognized by the great powers in the Treaty of Ouchy (Oct. 18, 1912). The oasis of Jarabub, on the eastern side of Cirenaica, was ceded to Italy by Egypt (1926).

The legislative power is reserved to Rome. and the governors have purely administrative functions. Italian courts have final jurisdiction.

The prevailing religion is Mohammedan, and Arabic is generally spoken.

The country is rather barren, but has date palm orchards. olive groves, lemon, almond and fig trees, and vineyards. Other products include tobacco. matting, carpets. leather articles, and fabrics embroidered with gold and silver.

The Italian lira is the monetary unit. Governmental receipts and expenditures (1939-1940) were balanced at 600,115,000.

Fourteen Aegean Isles were occupied by Italy during the war of 1912 with Turkey and though claimed by Greece have been retained by Italy. Rhodes has been fortified. The area is 1,035 square miles, and population 140,848. Rhodes (population, 56,754) is the capital. It is heavily fortified and was made in 1935 a hospital and munitions center.

Tientsin, an Italian concession (since June 7, 1902) lies on the left bank of Hai-Ho and consists of about 130 acres with a population (1936) of 7.953 (Chinese, 7,411; Italians, 358; other Europeans, 184).



Capital, Tokio-Area, 148,756 square miles-Population (est. 1939), 72,875,800 The island empire of Japan lies in the north Pacific Ocean off the coast of China and Siberia from 21° 46′ north latitude, the southern point of Formost (Taiwan), due east of Hong Kong, to 50° 55' north latitude, the last of the Kurile Islands. a few miles south of Kamchatka. It includes also the southern half of the island of Sakhalin, and the ancient Kingdom of Korea (annexed Aug. 22, 1910) on the mainland. Japan also holds the Kwantung peninsula (Port Arthur and Dairen) on a 99-year lease, and has the mandate for the Marshall, Caroline. Ladrone and Pelew Islands. former German possessions in the Pacific.

wool, wrought iron, mineral oil, machinery, beans, crude rubber, wood, iron ore and coal. Exports comprise. in order, cotton tissues, raw silk, rayon cloth. machinery, canned goods, silk tissues. knitted goods, potteries, wrought iron, cotton yarns, toys and vegetable oil.

The southernmost island is subtropical: the northernmost subarctic. Were the empire stretched out in the Atlantic off the coast of the United States at the same latitudes, Formosa would lie across Cuba and Southern Florida. Tokio would be due east of Norfolk, Hakodate due east of New York, and Sakhalin would be athwart Newfoundland with the northernmost island. Paramushir. off Labrador.

The Japanese Empire has a total area of 260,644 square miles and a population (est. 1940) of 105.226,101.

While nominally an independent State. Manchukuo (formerly Manchuria, a Chinese province) is in reality a Japanese possession with Nipponese advisers in practical control of the government. The Sino-Japanese conflict has brought other large sections of China under Japanese tutelage.

The Japanese coast is deeply indented, its coast line measuring 17,150 miles. Few places in Japan are far removed from the mountains or really distant from the sea. The northern islands are a continuation of the Russian Karafuto chain running down through Yezo and the mainland. The continuation of the Kuentin mountain range of China appears in the southern islands, the ranges meeting in the grand Japanese Alps. In the vast transverse fissure crossing the mainland from the Sea of Japan to the Pacific rises a group of volcanoes, mostly extinct or dormant, with the majestic sacred mountain Fujiyama lifting its white cone 60 miles west of Tokio to an altitude of 12,425 ft. The earthquake zone-where the average is said to be four slight ones a day, with serious ones every six or seven years-has its greatest center along the Pacific Coast near the Bay of Tokio.

Tokio (1939) had an estimated population of 7,094,600. The city absorbed (Oct. 1. 1932) 82 suburban boroughs and villages, increasing its area 214 square miles (137,190 acres), about the size of Chicago.

Separating the islands of Shikoku and Kiushiu from the mainland is the famous Inland Sea, opening both into the Sea of Japan and the Pacific. It is 255 miles long and 56 wide. with a coast line of 700 miles and a surface expanse of 1,325 square miles.

Heavy snowfalls are frequent on the Japan Sea slopes of the mountains of Yezo, while the Pacific side, by which flows the Japan Current, enjoys pleasing winter weather. There is an abundant rainfall. The streams are short, swift and often unruly, of little value for transportation, yet offering a vast but as yet little developed supply of hydroelectric power.

Myriads of waterfalls add their charm to the magnificent scenery. The "Splendor of the Sun" at Nikko makes an unbroken plunge of 350 ft. There are a thousand mineral springs.

Three-fourths of the mountain land is uncultivable, and the soil of the rest is only moderately fertile, yet by intensive cultivation, hard work and great frugality more than half the people wrest their living from the soil. There is a rich supply of fish of many kinds in the sea, and fish is a staple diet.

About three-fifths of the arable land is cultivated by small peasant proprietors, the rest by tenants. More than half the land is used for growing rice. the chief food of the country. Wheat, barley, rye, tobacco, tea, beans, peaches, pears, apples, grapes. persimmons and mandarins are also produced. Mulberry trees are widely grown, and the annual output of silk is huge (three-fourths of the world's total). The country possesses of variety a minerals including gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, iron, chromite, white arsenic, coal, sulphur, salt and petroleum.


After agriculture and the making of silk, the principal industries the manufacture of woollens, cottons. paper, pottery, vegetable oil. leather and matting. The chief imports in the order of their monetary value are-raw cotton,

Japan's trade (1939) was distributed among these nations in the following order: ImportsUnited States, Manchukuo, British India, China and Germany, Exports-Manchukuo, United States China, British India, and Netherlands Indies. There are 67 ports open to foreign trade, the most important being Yokohama, Kobe and Osaka on the Pacific Coast of the main island, and Nigata on the Japan Sea Coast, the port of trans-shipment for Vladivostok.

The monetary unit is the yen with an average value of $.2344.

The budget (1941-1942), including war expenditures. is 13,875,000,000 yen, of which 7,574,000,000 yen must be borrowed. The extraordinary war expenditures, including the affair in China." is 4,880,000,000. The budget shows an increase of 2,241,000,000 yen over the preceding fiscal year.

The cabinet, at a special meeting (July 12, 1941) decided on an extension of government control over finance, industry, production and distribution in line with the wartime planned economy. A capital mobilization plan is to be formulated each year on the "composite basis of the total production of the nation's economy." Available capital is to be allocated rationally" under government control.

Japan put herself on a full economic war footing (Aug. 11, 1941) by invoking the terms of the general mobilization act of 1938. This act provides a parallel, in an economic sense, of military mobilization. It confers on the Government unlimited power to draft man power for industry and to draft all economic resources. The act virtually permits all constitutional checks on executive action to be set aside.

The government of Japan rests in an Emperor and an Imperial Diet consisting of a House of Peers and a House of Representatives. There are 404 members of the House of Peers composed of princes, marquises, counts, viscounts, barons and persons of great distinction or wealth. The 466 members of the House of Representatives are elected by direct suffrage for terms of four years. The Emperor exercises complete executive power with the advice and assistance of Cabinet Ministers appointed by him and responsible to him, and (in important matters of State) with the help of a Privy Council. The Emperor exercises legislative power with the consent of the Imperial Diet. He may declare war, conclude peace and consummate treaties; and give sanction to legislation enacted by the Houses of the Diet. in either of which it may originate, and he may dissolve, prorogue, open and close the Diet.

The Emperor is Hirohito (the 124th of his line, born April 29, 1901). He succeeded his father, Yoshihito (Dec. 26, 1926); was crowned (Nov. 10-14. 1928): constituted Regent (Nov. 25, 1921) because of his father's ill health; was married (Jan. 26, 1924) to Princess Nagako Kuni. The Crown Prince is Akihito Tsugu No Miya (born Dec. 23, 1933). Other children are Princess Shigeko (born Dec. 6, 1925), Princess Kazuko (born Sept. 30, 1929), Princess Atsuko (born March 7, 1931), Princess Masahito (born Nov. 28, 1935). A daughter, the sixth child, was born (March 2, 1939) and christened Takako Suganomiya (pure and noble princess). She is known as Princess Suga.

The Emperor has three brothers-Prince Yasuhito Chicibu (born June 25, 1902), married Miss Setsu Matsudarra (Sept. 28, 1929); Prince Nobuhito Takamatsu (born Jan. 3, 1905), married Princess Kikuko Tokugawa, granddaughter of the last of the Shogun of Japan (Feb. 4, 1930), and Prince Takahito (born Dec. 2, 1915).

The succession to the throne is fixed by Imperial House Law upon the male descendants; in case of failure of direct descendants, the throne passes to the nearest prince and his descendants.

The political affiliation of the members of the Diet (elected April 30, 1937) is-Minseito, 179; Seiyukai. 175: Labor, 36; Independents, 29; Showakai. 18: Kokumindome. 11; other groups. 18.

The Cabinet (organized July 16, 1941) follows:
Premier-Prince Fuminaro Konoye.

Foreign and Overseas Affairs-Vice Admiral

War-Lieut. Gen. Eiki Tojo.

Navy-Admiral Koshiro Oikawa.
Home Harumichi Tanabe.

Commerce and Industry-Vice Admiral Masazo Sakonji.

Communications and Railways-Shozo Murata.
Welfare-Lieut. Gen. Chikahiko Koizumi.
Finance Masatsune Ogura.
Education-Kunihiko Hashida.

'Agriculture and Forestry-Hiroyasu Ino.
Justice-Michiyo Iwahura.

Ministers Without Portfolio-Baron Kiichiro Hiranuma, Lieut. Gen. Heisuke Yanagawa, Major Gen. Teiichi Suzuki.

As scion of one of Japan's five noblest houses, Prince Konoye is exempt from personal criticism sometimes directed at premiers.

Prince Konoye, in an address (Aug. 22, 1940) at the first session of the Prepatory Committee, announced a plan for a new national structure. His principal points follow:

(1) The basis of the proposed new national structure is the reorganization of the people with the object of the whole nation assisting the Throne in the conduct of State affairs.

(2) There must be both a vertical and horizontal unification of economy and culture on a nationwide scale.

(3) There must be provision for the people to participate in the establishment of national


(4) The movement for the proposed national reorganization cannot be a so-called political movement, and it must, therefore, not attempt to find expression in a single party for the nation.

(5) The proposed national organization must be of a permanent nature.

Japan has no State religion and all faiths are tolerated. The principal forms of religion are Shintoism with 13 sects and Buddhism with 12 sects. There are 110,431 Shinto shrines, 106.634 Buddhist temples and 2,104 Christian Churches. The Roman Catholics have an archbishop and three suffragan bishops.

Elementary education is compulsory. There are six imperial universities, as follows-Tokio, (founded 1877), Kyoto ((1897). Tohoku at Sendai (1907), Kyusho at Fukuoka (1910), Hokkaido at Sapporo (1918) and Osaka (1931). Illiteracy is only 10% in the nation. English is the language of commerce and a required study in the high schools.

Japanese baseball players, swimmers and tennis Western athletic games have become popular and players have made reputations all over the world. A stadium with seats for 65,000 was opened (May 10, 1931) in a Tokio park.

Military service is compulsory and universal, liability beginning at the age of 17, though active service commences at 20. Conscripts are divided into two clasess-the "fit" and the "absolutely fit." Actual service is for two years with five years and four months in first line of reserve and 12 years and eight months in second line reserve and home defense. Liability continues to the age of 40.

Parliament passed (March 26, 1940) a eugenics bill providing for the compulsory sterilization of mentally deranged and physically unfit persons, including lepers.

KOREA (Chosen)

Korea is an ancient kingdom with a history extending back to the 12th century B. C., and known in recent centuries as the "Hermit Kingdom." It occupies a peninsula in northeastern Asia dividing the Yellow Sea from the Sea of Japan. The boundaries on the mainland are the Yalu River and the Tamean Rivers. Its coastline is more than 6.000 miles long. Southern Manchuria lies along its northwest frontier for 500 miles and it touches Siberia for a few miles, a scant 100 miles from Vladivostok, in the extreme northeast. Situated between that Russian port and Port Arthur, then a Russian leasehold and subject to diplomatic control and penetration by Russia, Korea became to Japan "a dagger pointed at her heart"-the chief immediate cause of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. After this war the "complete independence" of Korea that had been recognized in the treaty following Sino-Japanese War of 18941895 (which also was for the control of Korea) gave way to a recognition by Russia of Japan's paramount interest in Korea. Japan continued her military occupation of the country, and (Aug. 22, 1910), annexed Korea outright.

The area of Korea is 85,246 square miles; the population (1939) was 22,633,857.

Confucianism. Buddhism and Shintoism are the chief religions and Christianity has grown greatly. Many modern schools have been established by the Japanese. There is a university in Seoul (Keijo), the capital.

The country is mountainous, especially in the north, where the forests are of great value, and there is much mineral wealth awaiting development. The climate is dry and bracing. The mulberry tree thrives. 60,000 acres being planted with by the Japanese and the quality of the cocoons imthem. Silkworm culture has been much encouraged proved. Some 786,000 families are engaged in the industry. Rice is an important crop. The cultivation of tobacco is also fostered. Barley, wheat and beans also are grown,

There has been considerable development of cotton spinning, cotton, silk and rayon weaving industries in recent years. Fertilizer and chemical works have been developed; also cement, paper, pottery, electric bulbs and enamelled ironwares. Mining concessions covering 270,000 acres, mostly gold-bearing, which had been in the hands of about 15 foreign corporations (four American) and individuals (four Americans) before annexation are respected, but the law of April 1, 1916, prohibits foreigners from acquiring mining rights. Silver, zinc, copper, lead, iron, tungsten, graphite, anthracite coal and kaolin are present.

Trade is chiefly with Japan. The principal imports are cotton goods, iron, machinery. silk and rayon, timber, mineral oil, millet, sugar, paper, flour, fertilizers and coal. The main exports are rice, beans, copper, iron and silk.

The monetary unit is the Japanese yen. Government revenue (1940-1941) is estimated at 874,745 yen and expenditures 873,095.


Kwantung is the southern part of the Liaotung peninsula. the southernmost portion of Manchuria, which has the Bay of Korea on the east, the Yellow Sea to the south and the Liaotung Gulf on the west. Japan has taken it as spoils of war from China by the Treaty of Shimonoseki but was forced to turn it back by diplomatic pressure from Russia. Germany and France. Russia then leased it for 25 years from China, and constructed the strongly fortified city of Port Arthur and the nearby commercial ice-free port of Dalny (now Darien). the capital. The area is 1,438 square miles; the population (Oct. 1. 1935), 1,656,726.

Japan took Port Arthur by siege (1905), and at the close of the Russo-Japanese War took over the lease in the Treaty of Portsmouth (1905). The lease was extended (May, 1915) to 99 years by China.

Kwantung by Imperial Ordinance (April 12, 1919) has a civil government superseding the former military government.

Darien is the chief seaport of Manchuria and the southern terminus of the South Manchurian Railroad, which connects with the Peiping and Korean lines at Mukden and with the TransSiberian at Changchun, now Hsinching.

Manufactured salt is the chief product of the territory, and the salt deposits are enormous. Principal agricultural products are corn. millet, beans, wheat, buckwheat, rice, tobacco and hemp. Trade is mostly with Japan and China, about 40% with the former and 25% with the latter. A Japanese governor rules the territory.

The budget (1938-1939) is estimated to balance at 23.021,024 yen.


Formosa is an island lying between the Philippines on the south and Japan to the north, with the China Sea on the west and the Pacific Ocean on the east. A range of mountains from north to south forms the backbone of the island (highest peak, Mt. Niitaka, 14.500 ft.); the eastern half is exceedingly steep and craggy, but the western slope is flat, fertile and well cultivated, yielding two rice

crops a year. The temperature rarely falls below 96 F. Rain is abundant. The area is 13,880 square miles: the population (Oct. 1, 1935), 5,212,426. Taihcku is the capital.

are tea, sugar, sweet potatoes, ramie, jute, turmeric Besides rice, the principal agricultural products and camphor. Minerals include gold, silver, copper and coal. Trade is mainly with Japan. Formosa was ceded by China (1895) after the

Sino-Japanese War and Japan has made it a source of profit. Japanese colonists were encouraged, schools established, railroads built, telegraph and telephone lines laid, harbors improved. industries aided and much done in public works. The aborigines, who in the north are savage headhunters, gave much trouble, and the government (1910) began a thorough subjugation program.

The monetary unit is the Japanese yen. The governmental budget (1938-1939) was estimated to balance at 183.014,971 yen.

The Pescadores (Pheng-hu), a group of islands with an area of 50 square miles and a population of about 60,000, are between Taiwan and the coast of China, by whom they were ceded to Japan in 1895. The islands are under the government of Taiwan.

Japanese Sakhalin (Karafuto) is the southern half of the island of that name. below the 50th parallel, which was ceded by Russia (Oct. 1905) in the Treaty of Portsmouth. The area is 13,930 square miles, and the population, (Oct. 1, 1935) was 331.949. The country is mountainous, and primeval forests cover 70% of the land. Coal output is considerable. Fisheries are important. In an effort to colonize the island. 9.988 families, numbering 42.683 persons, have been placed on the land. The budget (1939) was balanced at 46,747,712 yen. Japanese Mandates in the Pacific extend for 1.200 miles north from the equator and for about 2.500 miles from east to west. The total area of land in this immense expanse of seà is only 829 square miles. The islands, formerly German possessions, number 623; the groups are the Marianne. or Ladrone (except Guam, U. S.), population. 44,205 (1935); the Marshall Islands, population, 10,

439, and the Caroline Islands, population, 30,915. The chief islands in the group are Ponape, Yap and Parao. Each group has a language of its own. The principal resources are phosphorous ores (chiefly in the Carolines), cocoanut and copra. The seat of government is in Paro (Palaou) in the Carolines.

Japan opened a commercial air service from Yokahoma to Palaou in the South Sea mandated islands (April 6, 1939). The distance is 2,595 miles, with a halt at Saipan. The flying time is approximately 15 hours.

The budget (1937-1938) was estimated to balance at 8,682,482 yen.

The Spratly Islands, 7 in number and consisting of 247 acres of coral reefs in the South China Sea, 700 miles southwest of Manila, P. I.. were annexed by Japan (March 31, 1939). The annexation was extended (April 18) when Japan included the entire group of reefs and islets in the South China Sea, 300 miles long, in her plans. The islands are about 700 miles south of Hainan, an important island off the coast of French-Indo China, 500 miles west of the northern Philippines. islands are about 300 miles from French-Indo China, 350 miles southward from British Sarawak and 600 miles from the great British naval base at Singapore.


France occupied the islands (1933), making the first formal claim to their ownership since discovery (1867). Previously Britain had regarded the islands as British. Japan protested, implying a claim to sovereignty because Japanese traders had tried to exploit the phosphate deposits (1925). The islands have no great commercial value but might be useful as an observation station in a Far Eastern war or as a ship or air base.


Capital, Monrovia-Area, 45,000 square miles-Population (est.), 1,500,000 Liberia lies on the southwest (Guinea) coast of Africa between Sierra Leone (British) on the west and the French colony of the Ivory Coast on the east, with a coast line on the South Atlantic of about 350 miles. It extends inland 75 to 150 miles. Most of the country is covered with tropical forests, rich in timber and oil nuts but lacking in transportation. There were estimated (1937) to be 10,000,000 rubber trees. There are no railroads but 180 miles of motor road can carry light traffic.

eight years; a Senate of eight, elected for six years, and a House of Representatives of fifteen, elected for four years. The President is Edwin J. Barclay: he was elected (May, 1931) for a four-year term; re-elected (May 7, 1935) for an eight-year term. All citizens from 16 to 50 years and capable of bearing arms are liable to military service. The militia numbers approximately 4,000 with a border force of 750.

The population is entirely of the African race; about 100,000 of the dwellers along the coast may be considered civilized. The number of American Negroes is estimated at 20.000. Liberia was founded (1822) when a settlement was made at Monrovia by Negro freedmen from the United States with the assistance of American colonization societies. It was declared a republic (July 26, 1847). Its Constitution is modelled on that of the United States. Electors must be of Negro blood and owners of land. The Government rests with a President elected for

The control of customs (since 1912) has been in the hands of the General Receiver and Financial Adviser, designated by the United States. Liberian mints make silver and copper pieces although the money chiefly used is British silver. Official accounts are kept in dollars and cents; commercial accounts in British currency.

The budget (1941), estimated revenues and expenditures balancing at $674,800.

Coffee, rubber. oil, nuts, raffia, ivory and ginger are the chief exports; and textiles, hardware, glass and earthenware, tobacco. spirits, rice and foodstuffs are the principal imports.


Capital, Vaduz-Area, 65 square miles-Population (est. 1938) 12,000 Liechtenstein is on the Upper Rhine between Austria and Switzerland. It was (until 1866) a member of the German Confederation. It was practically a dependency of Austria until the Diet declared its complete independence (Nov. 7, 1918). By treaty with Switzerland (1920) that country administers its posts and telegraphs and by treaty (March 29, 1923) it was incorporated in the Swiss customs territory. Its foreign interests are represented by Switzerland.

The people are agricultural; stock raising is highly developed. The monarchy is hereditary. By the Constitution (1921) legislative powers rest in a Diet of 15 members, elected for four years by direct vote, on a basis of universal suffrage and proportional representation. The reigning prince is Franz Joseph II. He succeeded his uncle, Prince

Franz I, on the latter's abdication (March 30, 1938). The ruler of Liechtenstein makes an annual contribution to the public treasury (about $110.000 a year). The country is virtually taxless, not only by reason of the ruler's contribution but through the fact that, because they are tax-exempt. large international corporations set up headquarters there, pay nominal fees for the privilege and escape the taxes in their own countries.

Liechtenstein has no military forces. Owing to an oversight in the drafting of the treaties after the War of 1870, Liechtenstein is still technically at war with Prussia, although she managed to remain out of the World War.

The country is predominantly Catholic. Government revenues (1940-1941) are estimated at 1,937,000 francs, expenditures 1,918,705.


Capital, Luxemburg-Area, 999 square miles-Population (1938) 301,000 Luxemburg is a European Grand Duchy, fourfifths the size of Rhode Island, bounded by Germany on the east, Belgium on the west. and France on the south. Its integrity and neutrality were guaranteed by the Treaty of London (May 11, 1867), having been previously (since 1815) a part of the Germanic Confederation. The population is almost entirely Roman Catholic. Education is compulsory between 6 and 13. The nation has several colleges and higher institutions of learning.

As a Grand Duchy Luxemburg was governed under a Constitution (1868), modified (1919). Legislative power rested with a Chamber of Deputies elected by universal suffrage with executive power held by a Minister of State and a Cabinet of four or five ministers. As a Grand Duchy Luxemburg was ruled by Grand Duchess Charlotte (born Jan. 23, 1896), who succeeded on the abdication of her sister, Marie Adelaide (Jan. 9, 1919) and was married (Nov. 6. 1919) to Prince

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