Oman, Joseph W. (76), U. S. real admiral; London, | July 1. O'Melveny, H. W. (81), lawyer, financier; Los Oppenheim, C. J. Sr. (81), New York City mer- Oxenham, John (W. A. Dunkerley) author; in Pace, C. A. (71), banker, educator; New York City, Dec. 12, 1940. Paderewski, I. J. (80), ex-Premier of Poland, pianist; New York City, June 29. Paderewski-Wilkonska, Mme. Antonina (83), sister of the late Polish pianist; Pelham Manor, N. Y., Oct. 6. Page, B. A. (68), insurance executive; Hartford, Conn., July 30. Page, G. T. (82), ex-Chicago U. S. jurist; in Calif., Nov. 4. Palmer, J. L. (76), painter of horses; in England, June 22. Pancoast, T. J. (76), developer of Miami Beach; Moorestown, N. J., Sept. 16. Papi, Gennaro, (53), opera music conductor; New York City, Nov. 29. Pardee, Dr. G. C. (84), ex-Governor; Oakland, Calif., Sept. 1. Parke, William (68), actor; New York City, July 28. Parmoor, Baron (Charles A. Cripps) (88), lawyer, pacifist; in England, June 30. Pavenstedt, A. J. (87), von Bernstorff aid in World Peace, Col. W. G. (64), said to have ordered last shot in World War; Laguna Beach, Calif., Feb. 11. Pease, Dr. C. G. (86), anti-tobacco crusader; New York City, Oct. 7. Penn, A. A. (65), composer, song writer; New London, Conn., Feb. 6. Penner, Joe (Josef Pinter) (36), actor; Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 10. Pennock, S. S. (72), horticulturist; La Jolla, Calif., April 12. Peixotto, E. C. (71), painter; New York City, Dec. 6, 1940. Peoples, Rear Admiral C. J. (64); Washington, D. C., Feb. 3. Perkins, D. H. (74), Chicago architect; in New Mexico, Nov. 2. Perkins, Miss Emily S. (75), hymn composer; New York City, June 27. Perry, R. H. (71), sculptor, painter; New York City, Oct. 27. Petersen, C. O. (44), Byrd antarctic explorer; Portland, Me., Nov. 10. Phelan, M. F. (66), ex-Congressman; Lynn, Mass., Oct. 12. Phillips, Dr. P. K. (68), dog breeder; Cranbury, N. J., Oct. 20. Pidgeon, E. E. (75), newspaper man; New York City, Aug. 30. Pilcher, L. F., ex-New York State architect; Overbrook, Pa., June 14. Pitman, Richard (67), actor; Jamaica, N. Y., Nov. 13. Pitts, E. C. ("Alabama") (30), ex-Sing-Sing football champion: Valdese, N. C., June 7. Plant, P. M. (40), sportsman; New York City. June 18. Plaskett, J. S., astronomer; Eskimalt, B. C., Oct. 17. Pocock, Capt. Roger (76), traveler, author; in England, Nov. 12. Porter, E. S. (71), film fiction; New York City. April 30. Portney, J. K. (69), President Jewish Socialist Party of Poland; New York City, Sept. 27. dePourtales, Count Guy (57), novelist; in Switzerland, June 13. Powers, H. J. (81), Chicago theatre manager; Prevost, Marcel (78), novelist, playwright, member Price, C. F. (85), horse race judge; Louisville, Ky., Prugh, Rev. B. E. (^), Prohibition leader; Harrisburg, Pa., April 28. Purvis, A. B. (51), head of British Supply Council in North America; British airport plane crash, Aug. 14. Quidde. Ludwig (82), Nobel Peace Prize (1927); Geneva, March 4. Quist, Hugo (51), Finnish athletic trainer; New York City, Feb. 14. May 17. Rea, J. A. (92), newspaperman, oldest Cornell graduate; Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 20. Reed, C. A. (83), lawyer, ex-president State Senate; Plainfield, N. J., Dec. 17, 1940. Rees, A. C. (65), printer. "father of the open shop'; Salt Lake City, Utah, July 26. Reid, Helen R. (76), Canadian author, social worker; Montreal, June 8. Rennell, First Baron (JR. Rodd) (82), British diplomat; in England, July 27. Reuter, Gebriele (82), novelist; in Germany, Nov. 15. Revel, Bernard (55), president Reshire College; New York City, Dec. 2, 1940. Reverman, Rev. T. H. (??), Roman Catholic bishop; Superior, Wis., July 18. Reyes, Juan, pianist; Buenos Aires, Jan. 21. Rhoads, H. E. (58), ex-newspaper executive; San Diego, Calif., Nov. 2. Richards, C. R. (70), educator; Minneapolis, Minn., April 17. Richards, J. G. (77), ex-Governor; Liberty Hills, S. C., Oct. 9. Rickert, T. A. (65), vice president A. F. of L.; New York City, July 28. Ridge, Lola (Mrs. David Lawson) (57), poet; Brooklyn, N, Y., May 19. Riegelmann, Edward (71), jurist; Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 15. Rigling, Alfred (72), Franklin Institute librarian; Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 8, 1940. Ripley, W. Z. (73), Harvard economist; in Maine, Aug. 16. Ripple, Pacie, opera singer; New York City, April 16. Roberts, Miss Elizabeth Madox (55), poet, novelist; Orlando, Fla., March 13. Roberts, Prof. G. L. (81), educator; Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 26. Roberts, Dr. S. R. (62), heart specialist; Atlanta, Ga., April 14. Robertson, W. H. ("Sparrow") (83), "Paris Herald" sport columnist; Paris, June 10. Robinson, F. B. (58), ex-president City College; New York City, Oct. 19. Robinson, Miss Margaret A. (73), actress; New York City, March 27. Rogers, Arch (42), foreign editor United Press; Mt. Vernon, N. Y., Oct. 14. Rodriguez, J. L. (111), a promoter of CentroAmerican Union; San Salvador, Sept. 21. Rogers, Prof. R. E. (53), language expert; Cambridge, Mass., May 13. Rollet, Gen. Paul (72), of French Foreign Legion; Paris, April 16. Roosevelt, G. H. (50), brother of Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, consulting engineer; Washington, D. C., Sept. 25. Roosevelt, Mrs. James (Sara Delano) (86), mother of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Hyde Park, N. Y., Sept. 7. Roosevelt, P. J. (49), banker, yachtsman; drowned in Oyster Bay, N. Y., Nov. 8. Rourke, Miss Constance M. (55), author; Grand Rapids, Mich., March 23. Rousseau, Paul (73), boxing executive; in France, May 5. Rowell, N. W. (74), ex-Chief Justice of Ontario; Rubens, Col. H. R. (71), Cuban 1895-'98 junta Countess ("Elizabeth") (74), novelist; Charleston, S. C., April 9. Russell, P. W. (63), New York stock broker; New Haven, Conn., Aug. 24. Sabatier, Paul (86), scientist, chemist, 1912 Nobel Prize Winner; in France, Aug. 14. Sackett, F. M. (72), ex-Ambassador to Germany, ex-U. S. Senator from Kentucky, lawyer; Baltimore, Md., May 18. Sakatani, Viscount Yoshiro (79), financier; Tokio, Nov. 14. Salinger, Charles (69), Schuylkill navy commodore; Philadelphia, Pa., April 28. Samary, Marie (93), actress; Paris, June Sanborn, J. Pitts (61), music critic; New York City, March 7. Sanders, A. D. (84), ex-Congressman; Rochester N. Y., July 15. Sanders, Capt. W. S. (70), Parliament labor leader; in England, Feb. 4. Saunders, Peggy (Mrs. L. R. C. Michell (36), tennis | Stamp, Josiah (60), financier, economist; London, player: London, June 21. Saxon, Marie (Mrs. Sidne Silverman) (37), actress; Harrison, N. Y., Nov. 12. Scaffa, N. C. (53), New York private detective; Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 31. Schaeffer, J. A. (54), educator; Lancaster, Pa., April 6. Schertzinger, Victor (52), song writer; Hollywood, Calif., Oct. 26. Schilder, Dr. P. F. (54), Bellevue psychiatrist; New York City, Dec. 8, 1940. Schlacks, C. H. (75), industrialist; Pasadena, Calif., March 3. Schoener, Rev. G. M. A. (79), rose breeder; San Jose, Calif., Feb. 10. Schoenheimer, Prof. Rudolf Yonkers, N. Y., Sept. 11. (43), biochemist; Schroder, Baron Bruno (73), banker; in England, Dec. 10, 1940. Schuelke, Eric (51), inventor of tracer bullet; Hackensack, N. J., Jan. 28. Schulte, Karl (69), Roman Catholic archbishop of Cologne; there, March 11. Schweppe, C. H. (60), banker; Chicago, Ill., Aug. 26. Schwerin, R. C. (41), polo player, yachtsman; San Francisco, Calif., April 4. Schwert, P. L. (48), Buffalo, N. Y., Congressman, ex-baseball player; Washington, D. C., March 11. Scribner, S. A. (82), showman; Bronxville, N. Y., July 8. Secor, A. J. (83), art collector, donor; Toledo, O.. July 27. Severance, H. C. (62), New York architect; Neptune, N. J., Sept. 2. Sewall, W. G. (67), rubber grower, African game hunter; New York City, July 14. Shakzky, Prof. Boris (51), Kerensky aid in Russia, jurist; Santiago, Chile, Jan. 22. Shamberg, A. J. (70), exporter, Port Authority officer; New York City, Nov. 20. Shannon, Peggy (31), actress; Hollywood, Calif., May 11. Shannon, Mrs. Walter (Leona Lannar); Englewood, N. J., April 22. Shawkey, M. P. (72), W. Va. educator; in Georgia, Feb. 6. Shelton, D. O. (73), founder National Bible Institute; Briarcliff Manor, N. Y., Jan. 29. Sheppard, Morris (65), U. S. Senator from Texas; Washington, April 9. Sherley, Swagar (69), ex-Kentucky Congressman, lawyer: Louisville, Ky., Feb. 13. Siemers, C. F. von (68), electrical industrialist; Berlin, July 10. Bikes, E. W. (72), educator, author; Clemson, S. C., Jan. 8. Simon, Heinrick (61), German refugee newspaperman; Washington, May 6. Simonds, F. W. (87), geologist; Austin, Tex., March 27. Simonds, G. K. (60), industrialist; Brookline, Mass., March 20. Simons, Rev. Minot (72), Unitarian; New York City, May 25. Simpson, Mrs. E. A. (Mary Kirk) third wife of Ernest A. Simpson, former husband of the Duchess of Windsor; in England, Oct. 2. Simpson, Kenneth F. (45), lawyer, Congressman, ex-Chairman New York County Republican ComImittee; New York City, Jan. 25. Skilton, C. S. (72), composer; Lawrence, Kan., March 12. Smith, Hamilton (54), movie novelist; Hollywood, Calif., Oct. 29. Smith, Prof. Preserved (60), historian; Louisville, Ky.. May 15. Smith, Tony (Anthony Stelmachowski) (63), clown, acrobat; Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 14. Smith, Maj. Gen. W. R. (73); West Point, N. Y.. July 15. Smoot, Reed (79), U. S. Senator from Utah 1903 33, Mormon leader; St. Petersburg, Fla., Feb. 9. Snowden, Mrs. Joanna (72), Negro social worker: Chicago, Ill., Oct. 11. Snyder, H. S. (72), steel manufacturer; Bethlehem, Pa., Oct. 1. Soberances, Pearl (Mrs. G. E. Linn) (65), singer; Santa Barbara,. Calif., Feb. 22. Soloveitchik, Prof. and Rabbi (62), Moses Talmud expert; New York City, Jan. 31. Sombart, Prof. Werner (79), economist; Berlin. May 19. Soutar, Andrew (61), novelist, aviator; in Wales, Nov. 24. Spafford, E. E. (63), New York lawyer; Annapolis, Md., Nov. 13. Speers, J. M. (79), New York City liner merchant; Laconia, N. H., July 24. Speyer, James (80), banker; New York City, Oct. 31. April 16. Stanley-Brown, Joseph (83), banker of Kew Gardens, New York City; Pasadena, Calif., Nov. 2. Stanton, W. T. (64), jurist; Chicago, Ill., Nov. 8. Starr, Rev. E. C. (97), oldest Yale graduate: Cornwall, Conn., Jan. 16. Stearly, Rev. W. R. (72), Protestant Episcopal Church bishop; Montclair, N. J., Nov. 8. Steel, Willis (75), playwright, critic; New York City, Jan. 31. Stelzle, Rev. Charles (72), Labor Temple founder; New York City, Feb. 27. Stephenson, James (41), actor; Santa Monica, Calif., July 29. Stern, Louis (81), actor; Hollywood, Calif., Feb, 15. Stevens, W. A. (61), ex-New Jersey Attorney General; Philadelphia, Pa., March 9. Stevens, Landers (63), actor; Hollywood, Calif., Dec. 19, 1940. Stewart, Robert (68), checker champion; in Scotland, Aug. 11. Stewart, W. G. (72), actor; Glendale, Calif., July 16. Stiles, Dr. C. W. (73), hookworm discoverer; Baltimore, Md., Jan. 24. Still, Sir Fredíric, physician to the King, Children's diseases expert; in England, June 30. Stillwell, L. B. (77), of Princeton, N. J., electrical engineer; Baltimore, Md., Jan. 19. Stockbridge, Frank P. (70), author, journalist; Stockbridge, Mass., Dec. 7, 1940. Stoddard, Henry (97), oldest practicing lawyer in U. S.; Woodbridge, Conn., Feb. 9. Stolz, Rev. Joseph (79), dean of Reformed Rabbis in U. S.; Chicago, Ill., Feb. 7. Stone, C. A. (74), civil engineer; New York City, Feb. 25. Stone, Dr. H. M. (Hannah Mayer) (47), birth control pioneer; New York City, July 10. Stonehaven, Viscount (J. L. Baird) (67), ev-Gov. Gen. of Australia; in England, Aug. 20. Strawbridge, Miss Anna W. (58), painter, author, flier; Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 9. Strong, L. A. (54), U. S. Government entomologist; Madera Canyon, Ariz., June 2. Strong, W. M. (42), New York advertising executive; Pasadena, Calif, March 23. Stroock, S. M. (67), New York lawyer, president American Jewish Committee; in W. Va., Sept. 11. Stuart, Prof. D. R. (67), Princeton, N. J., Latin scholar; in Vermont, Aug. 29. Stuart, J. E. (88), painter; San Francisco, Calif., Jan. 1. Suffolk, Earl of (C. H. Y. Howard) (35); in England, May 12. Sulzer, William (78), ex-Governor, ex-Congressman, lawyer; New York City, Nov. 6. Swift, E. J. (58), Red Cross executive; Washington, D. C., Oct. 19. Sydell, Rose (Mrs. W. S. Campbell) (76), actress; Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 4. Symmonds, Brig. Gen. C. J. (74); Chevy Chase, Md., July 16. Taberski, Frank (52), pocket billiardist; Schenectady, N. Y., Oct. 23. Tagore, Sir Rabindranath (80), poet; Calcutta, Aug. 7. Tague, P. F. (70), Boston postmaster; Boston, Mass., Sept. 17. Tarafa, J. S. (84), Puerto Rico sugar cane grower; San Juan, P. R., July 12. Tassin, Prof. A. deV. (72), New York educator; Montclair, N. J., Nov. 3. Tauscher, Capt. Hans (73), arms dealer; New York City, Sept. 5. Taylor, C. H. (73), newspaper owner; Boston, Mass., Aug. 18, Taylor, E. T. (73), Congressman; Denver, Colo., Sept. 3. Taylor, H. O. (84), historian; New York City, April 13. Teleki, Count Paul (61), Premier of Hungary; Budapest, April 3. Thayer, J. V. B. (88), banker; Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 5. Thomas, Elton (Kenneth Davenport) (63); Hollywood, Calif., Nov. 16. Thompson, G. L. (76), State Senator; Kings Park, N. Y., Sept. 1. Thompson, J. W. (72), educator; San Francisco, Calif., Sept. 30. Thompson, Prof. R. C. (64), archaeologist; London, May 25. Thomson, F. G. (67). Philadelphia financier and benefactor; New York City, Sept. 13. Thorne, J. C. (68), hotel owner, industrialist; New York City, Sept. 16. Timberlake, C. B. (86), ex-Congressman, farmer; Sterling, Colo., May 31. Tinkham, H. L. (72), shoe manufacturer; Brockton, | Titulescue, Nicholas (67), ex-Foreign Minister of painter; Northport, N. Y., Torrey, Dr. R. G. (62), ex-college football star; Towne, Percy (66), newspaper owner, traffic ex- Trafford, Mrs. Raymond de (Alice Silverthorne); Trautmann, Mrs. Ralph, leader in health pro- Treanor, Vincent (64), New York sports news- Treat, Maj. Gen. C. G. (81), Washington, D. C., Tremaine, M. S. (70), of Buffalo; New York State Udet, Col. Gen. Ernst (45), German flying war Underhill, Evelyn (Mrs. H. S. Moore) (65), mystic Ussishkin, M. M. (78), Zionist leader; Jerusalem, Van Devanter, Willis (81), exjustice U. S. Supreme Van Gelder, Martinus (87), pianist, composer; Van Horn, Brig. Gen. R. O. (64), World War Velez-Perez, ex-Consul Gen. of Colombia; New Venturi, Prof. Adolfo (84), art historian; in Italy, Veragua, Duke of (Ramon Colon Carvajal), de- Verona, Jane (Mrs. J. P. English) (55), actress; Vincent, G. E. (76), educator, ex-head Rockefeller Von Wise, L. B. (55), baseball club owner; Mont- Wakefield, Viscount (81), oil, ex-Lord Mayor of Walker, Stuart (53), actor, playwright; Beverly Wallace, Capt. Euan (48), ex-Minister of Trans- Waller, D. J. (95), educator; Bloomsburg, Pa., Walpole, Sir Hugh (57), novelist; in England, Walter, Eugene (64), playwright; Hollywood, Calif.; Walter, Wilmer (57), actor; New York City, Walz, W. L. (67), banker; Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. Warden, W. G. (73), Philadelphia, Pittsburgh in- Warren, Miss Mary C. (103), educator, oldest Mt. Watkins, Rev. A. S. (77), Prohibition candidate Webber, John (103), mine owner: Toronto, Dec. 5. Welch, Michael (82), ex-pitcher for New York Calif., Aug. 21. Los Angeles, Wells, R. S. (86), Mormon leader; Salt Lake City, Welsh, Herbert (89), Philadelphia, Pa., artist, West, J. M. (70), Texas newspaper owner and oil Wexler, Jacob (58), actor; New York City, Jan. 16. White, A. B. (84), ex-Governor, newspaperman; Whitney, Mrs. Caspar (62), civic leader; White Whitney, Mrs. G. E. (80), novelist; Augusta, Ga., Whittelsey, Mrs. Andrews (92), Ventnor, N. J., Wilberforce, Sir H. W. W. (77), tennis executive; Wile, F. W. (67), newspaperman; Washington, Wiles, J. H. (80), biscuit manufacturer; Kansas ex-German Kaiser (Emperor) and King of Prussia (Wilhelm Hohenzollern) (82); in exile. Doorn, the Netherlands, June 4. Wilkins, Brig. Gen. H. E. (80); Des Moines, Ia., Aug. 15. Wilkins, Prof. T. R. (49), atom researcher; Wilkinson, Sir N. R. (71), First Herald of Ireland, Williams, Craig (64), actor; New York City. Williams, J. D., theatrical producer; New York Williams, W. T. B. (74), Tuskegee vice pres.; Willington, Marquess of (F. Freeman-Thomas) Winn, Maj. Gen. F. L. (76), Palo Alto, Calif., Winston, F. D. (83), jurist; Chapel Hill, N. C.. Whorf, B. L. (44), Aztec culture expert; Wethers- . Worthington, W. J. (69), actor, play producer; Wright, Huntley (71), actor; in Wales, July 10. Young, Miss Rose, feminest, author; Mt. Kisco, Yukselen, Mehmet Ali (51), Turkish Consul Gen.; Zahle, Herluf (68), Danish Minister to Berlin; The Oxford Group and Buchmanism The Oxford Group, now at work in more than 50 countries, seeks to solve personal, national and international problems by bringing men and women everywhere back to the basic principles of the Christian faith, enhancing all their primary loyalties. It is not an organization, sect, society or denomination. It has no membership list, subscriptions, badge or rules. It includes a large number of persons, members of all the recognized Christian churches throughout the world, representing almost every creed, political party, class and color. According to the founder, Dr. Frank N. D. Buchman, their aim is "a new social order under the control of the Spirit of God, making for better human relationships, for unselfish cooperation, for cleaner business, cieaner politics, for the elimination of political, industrial and racial antagonisms." Dr. Buchman was born in Pennsburg, Pa., in 1878, son of a business man of Swiss descent. In 1921 he arrived in Oxford University with his message of "absolute honesty, purity, unselfishness and love," "listening to God," and "world-changing through life-changing. From its beginnings at that time in the rooms of an undergraduate, the Oxford Group has spread in post-War years: Dr. Buchman and other leaders of Moral ReArmament in the United States can be reached at the Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, and at 61 Gramercy Park North, New York City. These many advances in science and technology during 1941 have been reported by Science Service. Most of them are described in the pages of the weekly magazine published by Science Service, SCIENCE NEWS LETTER, to which you can refer in your local library. If you wish more information about any particular report, you may find it through the SCIENCE NEWS LETTER index contained in the issues of June 28 and Dec. 27, or if you have difficulty in finding the issue you want, send your request, with two 3-cent stamps for each inquiry, to Science Service, 1719 N Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. AERONAUTICS The world's largest bomber, the 212-foot wingspread, 82-ton Douglas B-19, took to the air. A 2,000 horsepower single-seater interceptor plane, powered by one 14-cylinder motor, was produced by Republic for the Army, its mission being to climb fast to sub-stratosphere altitudes and attack bombers with its exceptional strong fire power, A new four-engined bomber, Boeing B-17 E, equipped with superchargers for high altitudes, self-sealing tanks, armor, retractable power turrets and increased fire power, was announced by the Army Air Corps A twin-engined monoplane constructed of resin-bonded plywood was successfully flown. A helicopter was successfully kept in the air for a short time in the United States. An airplane instrument consisting of a neon tube and micrometer connected to a pointed tungsten rod picked up electrical discharge from a cloud and warned the pilot to change his course when he was approaching too close to lightning. The exhaust-gas turbosupercharger which packs the thin air of high altitudes into engine cylinders density was produced in mass for lend-lease planes. until their oxygen is the equivalent of sea-level A method of preventing air locks in fuel lines and accumulation of gasoline vapors in fuel tanks was developed as a modified centrifugal pump attached directly to the fuel tank. Methods for contact, projection, and electrolytic printing directly onto metal patterns or templates speeded airplane production. A new technique for spot-welding aluminum alloys speeded aircraft production. Explosive rivets, set off by a heat unit gun. were used in the thousands of fastening points on airplanes which are accessible from only one side, to speed production. Equipment was furnished for meteorological observations of the upper air to be made from steamships over a route from New York to Lisbon for the benefit of transatlantie flying. Bullet-sealing fuel hose was used with selfsealing fuel tanks to prevent leakage and fire in the air. A new speed record for a west-east crossing of the Atlantic was set in delivering an American plane to Great Britain. ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY Life two to three miles above sea level has transformed Andean people into a distinct physiological variety of the human species, was the report from Peru. The Government's first scientifically designed functional fashions for women in defense industry and farm work were launched. Found in Siberia, a unique statuette representing an Old Stone Age woman in costume was pronounced by an American archaeologist to be striking evidence of style survival, since northeast Siberian natives wear the 15,000-year-old type of garment. A blood test given to Wah, 4,000-year-old Egyptian mummy, showed his blood to be type B, like that of many modern Egyptians. Australia's first people were probably pigmies who occupied the entire continent was the new theory advanced by a scientist who told of measuring and observing inherited traits in 2,500 natives and half-castes in 100 living Australian tribes. Word came from unoccupied France that a magnificent 30,000-year-old gallery of prehistoric cave art was discovered near Montignac, southwest France Soviet archaeologists opened tombs in the great mausoleum of Tamerlane and his descendants at Samarkand, and examined the kneecap damage causing Tamerlane's lameness. The first full account was published of the flying explorations which Americans undertook in 1935 to 1937, surveying Iran archaelogically from the air. That Iraq's earliest people, the Sumerians, ate pork, mutton, beef, and some game and fish was determined by study of animal bones from ruins of Tell Asmar near the Tigris. Jesus Christ was not 33 but a middle-aged man nearly 50 years old when he died, an American scholar concluded from new studies of the Babylonian calendar. remarkably large tower of the famed Third Wall fortification built by King Herod Agrippa came to light during excavations in northern Jerusalem. New light on evolution of architecture of Jewish synagogues was gained from a report on ruins at Dura, Syria, where early synagogues had living quarters attached. Older than America's Folsom Man type, Sandia Man emerged as a type that lived in caves, hunted now extinct animals. built fires, cooked his food and wore clothes, probably more than 25,000 years ago, according to geologists, and revealed through five seasons of excavation in Sandia Cave, New Mexico. Rough stone knives and other tools used in the beach life of Canadians apparently more than 10,000 years ago were discovered near Lake Huron in Ontario. A large collection of 500 skeletons was unearthed at Point Hope, Alaska, where previous digging had unearthed a well-planned town of the prehistoric Arctic, abandoned about 2,000 years ago. First detected by a schoolboy, cliff shelters at Bear Mountain, N. Y., yielded quantities of pottery and artifacts left by the Algonoquian Indians who preceded the Iroquois in the Hudson Valley, Some of the Mississippi Valley's progressive Indians of the Hopewell Mound Builder culture migrated as far east as Pennsylvania was the deduction from finding there a well-preserved skeleton of Hopewell type with Hopewell objects. A presidential proclamation authorizing addition of five acres to the Acmulgee National Monument near Macon, Georgia, made it possible for CCC boys to evacuate an Indian stockade and provide data for reconstructing an old Creek Indian town. Resembling previous discoveries in Texas caves, skeletons and artifacts of a primitive type of cavedwelling Indian were found in northern Mexico, indicating that several thousand years ago this culture was spread over a considerable area. Homes of plain citizens of the Mayan Indian world were examined in the ruined "Oity of the stone lady in British Honduras, showing a wide social gap between lower and upper classes. As a good neighbor project, the United States launched ten archaeology expeditions in Latin American countries, joining hands with scientists of these lands to fill in missing data regarding America's prehistoric past. Explorers found two lost Incan cities 12,000 feet high in the Peruvian Andes, and evidence that Indians occupied a network of high altitude cities in what is now rank wilderness. The opportunity to unearth stratified burials in Peru's northern coast aided archaeologists in fitting little-known peoples of pre-Inean times into Peru's prehistory. For the first time, an anthropologist measured bare bones of some of Peru's gorgeously wrapped mummies from Paracas, as a step toward understanding their relationship to other ancient Indian of Peru. ASTRONOMY One of the most brilliant displays of aurora observed in the United States occurred Sept. 18 in connection with large sunspot groups, accompanied by magnetic storms and interrupted radio and wire communications. The presence of the chemical element thulium in the sun's atmosphere was demonstrated. The temperature in the sun's core was computed to be 25,700,000 degrees Centigrade. "Coronium" causing mysterious solar spectral lines, was ascribed to "broken atoms" or ionized iron, calcium, and nickel, especially Fe XIV with loss of 13 electrons Temperatures in excess of 1,000,000 degrees Centigrade just above the sun's surface, instead of 10,000 degrees previously measured, were proposed to accord with the new ideas about the origin of the sun's "coronium" lines. A more accurate solar parallax was determined from observations of the 1931 opposition of Eros, corresponding to a mean sun-earth distance of 93,003,000 miles, with the small probable error of only 8,000 miles. Actual motion of solar prominences was made possible of determination by a new instrument that gives radial velocity. A brilliant eruption of hydrogen gas from sunspots was associated with severe radio disturbances of July 4. The sun sweeps up about 110,000,000 tons of hydrogen from space each second and uses it as fule, according to a new theory. Stars were calculated to change shape while revolving in elongated orbits around their companions, stretching to egg-shape and at other times being more round. The star Sheliak (beta Lyrae) was described as involving a gigantic pinwheel of red, yellow and green gases, spiralling outwards for 50,000,000 miles from a double star. Star 26 in Draco was found to be a triple system like alpha Centauri. The Andromeda galaxy was shown to be about as big as our own galaxy or Milky Way. Spectra of supernovae were interpreted without the assumption of an excessively high temperature, indicating they are similar fundamentally to ordinary novae. A force 200 times gravity, caused by light pressure and acting on dust particles between the stars, was discovered. Planets may be born of a triple star constantly picking up matter from cosmic clouds in space, planetary systems less rare than previously thought. according to a new theory that would make Because meteors passing through the atmosphere many miles above the ground leave behind for many minutes a mirror for radio waves, consisting of broken atoms, experiments show the possibility of counting meteors in daylight or cloudy weather by radio echoes. Some of the glow of the night sky was shown to be due to the magnetic activity of the earth and its atmosphere. Atmospheric pressure causes meteors to fly apart as they plunge to earth, studies of their trails showed A vanishing kind of matter, contraterrene, which explodes devastatingly in contact with ordinary matter, was postulated to account for meteor craters in which meteorites are not found. New comets discovered included: Friend-Reese, Paraskevopoulos, Van Gent, du Toit-Neujmin. Cunningham's comet discovered in 1940 reached naked eye brilliance at the beginning of 1941. Periodic comets resighted were: Encke, first Schwassmann-Wachmann, second SchwassmannWachmann (1929 I). The first Schwassmann-Wachmann comet ex perienced a remarkable temporary increase in brightness. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Radioactive "tagged" carbon atoms made it possible to follow food substances through a plant's whole nutrition cycle. Plant tumor tissue, free of the bacteria that originally accompanied its growth, was grafted into healthy plants and grew there. Seeds buried in bottles 60 years ago were resurrected and found still viable. Seedless watermelons were produced by treating unpollenated flowers with growth hormones. There was a very large increase in waterfowl population. The U. S. bird population was estimated as at least five billion. A natural growth-promoting substance, more powerful than synthetic chemicals, was found in ripening pollen. Colchicine injected into incubating eggs produced chickens with double-sized combs. Sulfanilamide was found to have somewhat the same effects as colchicine, in speeding evolutionary changes in plants. Hormone modification of sex after birth was accomplished in experiments on opossums Week-old mouse embroyos grew successfully when grafted on three-day-old chick embryos. Success in transplantation of eyes of tailed amphibians with return of vision was announced. Vitamin B, was found concentrated in tree buds. Wax from a green-linted cotton variety was investigated as a possible ingredient for polishes. A new species of white blackberry was discovered in Florida. It was demonstrated that tobacco plants produce nicotine in their roots. Pressures on the order of 5,000 pounds per square inch were found to have a paralyzing effect on protoplasm in movement. Fly larvae that, like spiders, catch other insects in webs, were discovered in the Southern Appalachians. The parasitic dodder vine was proved capable of carrying disease viruses from plant to plant. A one-dose vaccine for hog cholera was announced. Arsenic was found to be a good antidote for selenium poisoning in animals. Effective contact sprays were discovered for combating Japanese beetle, and distribution of the "milky disease" bacteria that kill their larvae was undertaken on a large scale. Chloropicrin, tear-gas of World War I fame, was found a good preventive of eelworm damage to several crops. To Prof. D. R Hoagland and Dr. D. I. Arnon, University of California, were awarded the $1,000 prize of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for revolutionary discoveries regarding plant nutrition. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS American commercially built electron microscopes, magnifying 10,000 to 125,000 diameters, were used to probe minute structural secrets of rubber, plastics, industrial dust, smoke, rouge, face powder, radio tube laments, and even biological tissues, cells, bacteria, viruses; it is believed organic molecules have actually been photographed. The surface of steel and other materials opaque to electron rays were nevertheless studied with the electron microscope by the device of making a thin plastic replica of the surface. Extraction of magnesium from sea water was begun commercially. Synthetic rubbers finally got into quantity production, and one type, combining the coldresistant powers of natural rubber with the oilproofness of the synthetic, was found useful for automobile and airplane tires. A new process of making chlorine without the use of electricity was discovered, thus saving large quantities of electrical energy for the manufacture of aluminum and other vital defense purposes. A new process was developed for the working of low-grade manganese ores, to render this country independent of overseas sources. Cotton plants were found to be as good a source of cellulose, much used in plastics, as wood. A synthetic method of making glycerine from petroleum refinery gases was discovered. Starch was synthetically produced from glucose for the first time without aid of living organisms. X-rays disclosed that the hardness of a plastic depends upon the degree of orderliness in the arrangement of its molecules and this can be regulated by the heat treatment. The theory that cosmic rays are born of the suicide atoms in outer space received confirmation in new evidence that the rays before entering the earth's atmosphere have energies corresponding to the annihilation energies of the most common atoms. Evidence that cosmic rays in outer space are protons (the heavy parts of atoms) was also found. A new measurement of the speed of light gave its velocity as 186.272 miles per second, 12 miles per second less than the previously accepted value. The speed of radio waves was proved by direct |