Abbildungen der Seite

when a plane from that city, bound for Lake Delton, Wis., fell near Sharon, Wis. The others were R. E. Holly, Vice President of the School; Miss Beverly Mortensen and Rosaline Tolley. July 31-In Germany, Chancellor Hitler has ordered a ban on Christian Science "for protection of the public and the State." -Switzerland began celebration of its foundation as a republic. Messengers carried torches from the three original Cantons-Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden-and were made to set fire to a pyre in the middle of the glade near Brunnen where 33 men held their historic gathering 650 years ago.


Aug. 1-In the U. S. Court in Camden, N. J., Enoch L. Johnson, 58, Atlantic City Republican leader, was sentenced to ten years in prison and $20,000 fine. He had been convicted of evading payment of $38,700 on an unreported income of $124,000 derived from the numbers racket in 1936 and 1937.

Aug. 2-In anticipation of the ban on processing of raw silk, due at midnight, the U. S. Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply ordered the rationing of rayon yarn "to avert complete dislocation of silk hosiery and civilian silk weaving industry," in which 175,000 workers are employed.

Aug. 3-A robber with a pistol killed three men and wounded seven others, including two policemen, in a raid on a club in Seattle, Wash. He was shot and arrested.

-A typhoon swept the Island of Guam at 100 knots, causing heavy damage to crops. Warnings sent out 25 hours in advance saved the lives of inhabitants.

Aug. 5-In Arizona, the bodies of six men and a woman who perished of heat, thirst and hunger were found on the desert between Yuma and San Luis, Mexico; two others of the party were alive in critical condition. They had been returning by truck from Santa Ana, Mexico, to their homes in Brawley, Calif. Aug. 7-Capt. Bruno Mussolini, 23, son of Premier Benito Mussolini, was killed while experimenting with a bomber that had been assigned to the squadron he headed. The crash happened as the plane was preparing to land near Pisa, Italy. Aug. 9-Peruvian armed forces attacked the Ecuadorian town of Zapotillo, near the frontier. Aug. 10-In McAlester. Okla., four persons were killed when four convicts made an armed getaway from the State Prison. The dead were: Warden Dunn, Tab Ford, Pittsburg County jailer; Claude Beavers and Roy Magee, escaping convicts. Aug. 11-Richard Whitney, 53, former president of the New York Stock Exchange, whose brokerage firm failed, and who had pleaded guilty to taking $214.000 of his clients' money, was released from Sing Sing prison, on parole, after 40 months' incarceration.

Aug. 13-In Chile, 60 or more persons were killed during an eight-day storm, disrupting railroad and airline communications and power services. -An Executive Order has suspended the eight-hour day for mechanics and laborers employed by the U. S. War Department on public works necessary to national defense. -The United States exchanged ratifications of treaties for peaceful settlement of disputes with Canada, Australia and New Zealand. They were signed Sept. 6, 1940, and now come into force. The new pacts are known as Treaties for the Advancement of Peace.

Aug. 14 In Tokyo, Vice Premier Baron Kiichiro Hiranuma, 75, was shot and wounded in his home by a man who called for an interview. He ran out of the house but was caught. -The Japanese now are using their French IndoChina bases from which to send planes to bomb the Burma Road by which Chiang Kai-shek gets his war supplies and provisions from abroad. -In Buffalo, N. Y., the United Automobile Workers (C.1.0.) convention adopted an amendment to their constitution barring from any elective or appointive position in the Union any person who "is a member of, or subservient to, any political organization such as the Communist, Fascist or Nazi organization which owes its allegiance to any foreign government, directly or indirectly.' Aug. 17-In Harlem, New York City, on the West 132d Street pier, three Negro women were trampled to death and 42 others injured in the rush of several thousand persons to get aboard a steamer chartered for a Hudson River excursion.

Aug. 18-Fire of undetermined origin destroyed East River Pier 27, Brooklyn, and the freight steamship Panuco, with several barges alongside laden with goods to be put aboard. The quick

spread of flames caught some workers below deck; many on deck jumped into the water; 33 lost their lives. The Panuco was towed to the Gowanus flats where it burned for many hours; a representative of the New York and Cuba Mail Line estimated the loss on ship and cargo at $2,000,000 or more.

-An airplane from the United States hit a mountain in Brazil, 15 miles south of Sao Paulo, and was crushed; eight of those aboard were killed. Aug. 19-Lieut. G. E. Meeks, U. S. N., was killed in a plane crash in Iceland.

Aug. 20-In Detroit. 1,000 street cars and 2,700 buses were tied up by an A. F. of L.-C. I. O. jurisdictional row, which lasted five days. Aug. 21-In Paris, German and French police arrested 6,000 or more Jews in a continuing new drive that brought to 150,000 the number of persons in France deprived of their liberty because they were Jews, foreigners or political suspects.

Aug. 23-By Executive Order the United States Government took possession of the plant of the Federal Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., at Kearny, N. J., where construction of naval and merchant vessels had been held up by a C. I. O. strike. Work was resumed on Aug. 26.

Aug. 24-Joseph Bason, of Jersey City, was crushed to death, his brother William died later, and six others of his family, three women and three children, were burned to death when the car in which they were homeward bound from Greenwood Lake., N. Y.. was hit in the rear by a Central Greyhound bus, at Waldwick, N. J. Aug. 25-The U. S. War Department cut to three years the ten years-nine months court martial sentence which had been imposed on Private John Habinyak, who had been inducted by the draft from a $10-a-day job in a coal mine at Central Gity. Pa.. to a $21-a-month job in the Army. He had been convicted of insubordination -spitting on the messroom floor, refusing to clean up around his bed and refusing to pick up concrete blocks littering the road.

Aug. 27-Ex-Vice Premier Pierre Laval, 58, and Marcel Deat, 47, a pro-German Paris journalist. were shot and seriously wounded in Versailles at a review of a French volunteer corps which was abcut to depart for Poland to train for "combat against Bolshevism." The assassin, Paul Collette. 21, of Normandy, wounded also Col. Durvy, Commander of the barracks, and one 'of the members of the Volunteer Corps.

-Japanese planes bombed Yenan, in Shensi Province, headquarters of the Chinese Communist party.

Aug. 29-The legal controversy between the United States Government and the Northern Pacific Railway Co.. over the ownership of 2,900,000 acres of land granted to the company by Congress in 1864 and 1870, has been settled by mutual consent. The railroad agrees to convey to the United States approximately 363,000 acres of land valued at $1,200,000 and to pay the government $300,000 in cash.

-A collision at Demby Wielkie between a freight train and a military transport train killed 36 Germans and injured 70 others.

1941-SEPTEMBER Sept. 1-The Labor Day weekend celebration brought a death toll of more than 550 persons, 370 of whom perished in motorcar accidents; 65 were drowned. Traffic was increased to an unprecedented size by the furloughs of hundreds of thousands of draftees at the Army Camps. In France, 13 persons were killed and three others injured seriously in the wreck of a commercial airline plane en route from Marseille to Toulouse and Vichy.

Sept. 2-In Hempstead, L. I., N. Y., three children playing in a street were burned to death when an Army pursuit plane fell and broke to pieces, scattering flaming gasoline. The pilot, Lieut. R. W. Scott, who had bailed out, landed in a tree a block away.

Sept. 3-Having destroyed, they said, an important supply route to Chungking, Japanese armed forces evacuated Foochow, which had been occupied since April 21. The Chinese battled the departing troops.

Sept. 4-A mile-a-minute wind and rain storm killed two persons in the St. Paul-Minneapolis area, injured 75, destroyed 50 buildings and damaged the Minneapolis Soo Line railroad shops.

Sept. 6-With the laying of the keel of the 10,000ton cruiser Wilkes-Barre, the 111-year-old Cramps shipyard in Philadelphia, was formally reopeed.

Sept. 7-MS. James Roosevelt, 86, mother of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, died in

her summer home, Hyde Park, N. Y. Her son and the latter's wife were by the bedside at the end. The cause of the demise was an acute circulatory collapse caused by old age. She was burled in St. James's Church Yard in Hyde Park. Her maiden name was Sarah Delano, and she was born in Newburgh, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1854, daughter of Warren Delano and Catharine Robbins Lyman Delano. She was a direct descendant of Phillippe De la Noye, a Huguenot. of Leyden, Holland, who came to the United States and Americanized his name to Philip Delano. Mrs. Roosevelt willed the Hyde Park estate to her son.

Sept. 8-In Hanover, Germany, authorities began assembling the Jews into the mortuary hall of the Jewish cemetery, following the Mayor's order evicting them from their homes on 24 hours' notice. The eviction orders also provided for the sale of their property, the proceeds to be turned over to them "at a given time." The orders mentioned, as one reason for the ousters, a book written by a Jew in New York City, demanding "sterilization of all Germans and employment of German soldiers as coolies in foreign lands."

Sept. 9-Owing to the activity of the Matupi volcano, the capital of the Island of New Britain has been moved from Rabaul to Lae, 18 miles away, on the coast at the mouth of the Markham River in Huon Gulf.

-An Army bombing plane with six men aboard left Tacoma, Wash., and was not heard from after 4:59 A. M.; on Sept. 22, the wreckage was found on the 7,000-foot level of Mount Constance, on the Olympic Peninsula. The plane appeared to have exploded.

Sept. 10-Under a provision of the Railway Labor Act, President Roosevelt put off for at least 60 days a strike of 1,250,000 railway workers by creating, by executive order, a fact-finding board. to investigate the wage dispute. Warren L. Morse of the University of Wisconsin Law School was named as chairman. The strike had been called by the "Big Five" operating and the 14 non-operating unions.

Sept. 11-An earthquake in Eastern Turkey destroyed 40 villages in Van Province.

was destroyed and no trace of the driver was found. J. C. Martin, an oil operator, following the truck, was killed in the wreckage of his auto. The blast leveled trees on both sides of the highway for 100 yards, and ripped a crater 10 feet deep and 25 feet long in the concrete road. Sept. 20-President Roosevelt signed at Hyde Park. N. Y., and thereby put into effect at 1:15 P. M. the biggest tax bill in the nation's history, calling for new and higher levies all down the line as a means of raising $3,553,400,000, thus Corporation income, including excess profits, $1,382,100,000; Individual income, $1,144,000,000; Capital stock tax, $22,300,000; Estates and gifts. $157,600,000; Excise and miscellaneous taxes, $846,800,000 Total, $3,553,400,000.

Sept. 21-Millions of Hindus flocked to the seaside and to sacred rivers and tanks throughout India for the solar eclipse. They offered prayers, distributed alms to the poor and bathed in the holy waters. More than 500,000 from all parts of India bathed in the sacred tanks at Kurukshetra.

Sept. 23-Government troops took control of Argentine air fields, including El Palomar, just outside Buenos Aires; General Urquiza Urquiza airdrome in Parana; El Plumerillo in Mendoza, Coronel Pringles in Villa Mercedes, San Luis Province. The military airplane factory at Cordoba also was under guard.

In a rebuffed effort to lay their grievances personally before President Camacho at his home in a Mexico City suburb, nine labor union marchers were shot to death by soldiers. -The Duke and Duchess of Windsor flew from the Bahamas to Miami, Fla. The Duke went to the University of Miami to visit R. A. F. cadets undergoing advanced flight training under the direction of Pan American Airways instructors; on Sept. 25 they arrived by train in Washington, where cheering crowds followed them everywhere. They made a brief call on the President and were guests-he of the National Press Club, she of the Women's National Press Club. The couple went by train to Canada by way of Chicago, crossed the border on Sept. 28, at North Portal, Sask., thence to Aldesyde, whence they motored to the Duke's ranch in Alberta.

Sept. 12-The Canadian Cabinet agreed to let the Dionne quintuplets reunite with the rest of the-In New York City, at Flushing Meadow Park, a family on the completion by the father of a new home in Callander, Ontario.

Sept. 13-The New Zealand Parliament has ended the death penalty, also flogging. -The Duke of Kent returned to England by plane from Canada and the United States. Sept. 14-In Zagreb, Croatia, bombs attributed to Communists exploded in the central telephone exchange injuring a German major and at least 13 other persons. In another quarter of the city Croat soldiers were wounded by machine-gun fire.

Sept. 15-Derailment, near Columbus, Ohio, of 10 cars in a 60-tank-car train bound for Philadelphia, caused loss by fire of 100,000 gallons of crude petroleum.

-Alfred Charles Nunez Arnold, believed to be the oldest man in Great Britain, died in a Liverpool convalescent home at the age of 112. He habitually rose at 8:30 A. M., drank tea and did one hour of exercises.

Sept. 16-At a Fordham University symposium, New York City, Prof. V. F. Hess, Nobel 1936 Physics Prize Winner, said that, assuming the earth's center is liquid and contains radio-active matter, the end of the world could be brought about 2,000,000,000 years from now by liquefaction. Prof. Joseph Lynch, another physicist, said evidence from thermodynamics, terrestrial magnetism and part of the evidence from seismology indicated that the earth had a solid core, which would offer escape by conduction for any radioactive heat generated within the core. Sept. 17-In Copenhagen harbor an explosion on the destroyer Goeteborg spread to the destroyers Klas Horn and Klas Uggla, and all three went to the bottom; 31 Swedish sailors were killed and 12 were injured.

-A strike of electrical workers gave Kansas City a four-hour blackout. -In Nanking, capital of the Japanese-sponsored National Government of China, a bomb explosion at the railway station killed eight persons and wounded 35; over 20 persons were killed by bomb explosions.

Sept. 18-The Court of Political Responsibilities in Spain passed a sentence of 15 years exile and inflicted heavy money fines on ex-Premier Juan Negrin and Luis Jiminez, ex-Vice President of the Cortes. Both are fugitives, Negrin in Mexico. Sept. 19-A truck load of nitro-glycerin exploded on the highway near Bradford, Pa. The truck

6-ton black granite monument was unveiled; 50 feet below it lies buried the Time Capsule, a record of the World of Today to be uncovered and opened in the year 6939, in the World of Tomorrow. The capsule was buried there Sept. 23, 1938. -The Rajah of Sarawak changed his government from an absolute to a constitutional monarchy. Sept. 24-The Supreme Soviet abolished German Volga Republic, the inhabitants of which had been ordered to Siberia to prevent any subversive activity. The Soviet awarded 15 administrative districts to the Saratov region and seven to the Stalingrad region.


Sept. 25-In China, Japanese troops bombed Changsha, capital of Hunman Province, south of Hankow, and began a battle of annihilation" against 300,000 troops defending the city. They claimed its capture Sept. 28. Parachute troops were used.

-The freighter, Ethel Skakel (formerly the Libby (Maine) laden with steel rails for the Puerto Rico Naval base, sank in a storm; 20 lives lost. Sept. 26-At their convention in Lansing, Mich.. the State. County and Municipal Workers of America, C. I. O. union of civil service employees, revised its constitution to establish machinery for strikes in government departments and public and private hospitals. Sept. 27-The President of Ecuador, Carlos Arroyo de Rio, announced in a letter to the Governors of all States that extraordinary powers had been conferred on him by Congress and the State Council. He declared he would not use them unjustly nor despotically, but only to prevent political use of the international situation to undermine the government.

-Mexico and Central America were swept by hurricanes and floods; 100 fishermen were drowned and much livestock destroyed.

Sept. 28-Miss Marion Miley, 27, golf player, was shot to death by masked burglars, at the Country Club, Lexington, Ky., and her mother was fatally wounded.

Sept. 29-Special examiner, Judge Charles B. Sears, who heard the evidence in the Harry R. Bridges case at San Francisco, recommended in a report to U. S. Attorney General Biddle, that the West Coast labor leader be deported, inasmuch as the testimony indicated membership in and affiliation with the Communist party. The House of Representatives, on Oct. 6, with less than 50 members

present, voted to deport Bridges. The House, on June 13, 1940, voted by 330 to 42 to deport him, but the Senate pigeonholed the measure. -Col. Sir John Laurie was elected Lord Mayor of London. He was an Alderman and Sheriff in the City of London Administration. He is a bachelor. His great uncle, Sir Peter Laurie, was Lord Mayor of London in 1831.

Sept. 30-Flooded rivers of southern New Mexico inundated widely separated towns and cities tonight, causing heavy damage to crops and highways before rolling into neighboring Arizona and Texas.


Oct. 1-William C. Brooks, 49, a pioneer American air pilot, and Frank C. Burgess, geologist, of Utica, N. Y., were two of five persons killed in an Andes plane crash in Bolivia. -In Oita prefecture, Japan, 75 to 100 persons, mostly middle-school students, were drowned when a passenger train toppled from a bridge into a storm-swollen river.

Oct. 2-The Massachusetts Senate convicted State Executive Councillor Daniel Coakley, 75, on misconduct and maladministration. He was ousted from office and barred for the future from "holding any position of profit or honor or trust under this Commonwealth." It was charged criminals obtained pardons through fraud. Oct. 5-The Chinese Central News Agency reported that Chinese forces had evacuated Chengchow, railway center in North Honan Province, after "inflicting 5,000 casualties on the Japanese." Oct. 6-Pamela Hollingsworth, 5, of Lowell, Mass., who had been wandering eight days in a White Mountain wilderness in New Hampshire, without food, was found by a CCC worker as she was trudging along Middle Sister Trail, about two miles from the White Ledge National Forest grove where she had disappeared on a family picnic. Able to walk and talk, the little girl mumbled to her father through swollen lips: "Daddy, I've been waiting for you." Her toes had been frost bitten. Hundreds of persons had taken part in the search. Her frosted feet kept her in the hospital until Oct. 27. -Federal Judge F. G. Caffey, in New York City. denied the request of the U. S. Government for an order dissolving the Aluminum Company of America. He ruled that the charges of monopoly concerning the 12 branches of the company had not been proven, and that its dissolution would be "greatly contract to public interest." -The new Prime Minister of Australia, John Curtin, set up a Laborite Cabinet. -George Hopkins, 30, a parachute jumper who had landed six days previously atop the 1,280-ft. volcanic spire near Endurance, Wyo., was rescued by mountain climbers who anchored ropes in rings in the sides of the peak.

Oct. 9 The U. S. Supply Priorities and Allocation Board prohibited the start of any more nonessential public or private construction projects requiring "appreciable quantities of critical materials."

Oct. 11-The Duke and Duchess of Windsor were welcomed by thousands of persons when their special train arrived in Baltimore, the native city of the Duchess. More than 250,000 lined the streets two days later while the couple drove to the City Hall for an official welcome. Oct. 12-Four of eight buildings in Fall River, Mass., of the Firestone Rubber and Latex Co., were swept by fire. The loss of crude rubber was estimated at 15,850 tons, and the total loss at $13,000,000. Oct. 13-An emergency bill to permit 3,000 to 5,000 naturalized Americans residing abroad to retain their citizenship was rushed to the White House in time to beat the deadline at midnight when provisions of the new nationality act went into effect which would have deprived them of their citizenship.

Oct. 14-The 3,198 Danish steamship Bonita sank in one minute, after a collision with the 1,046ton Swedish steamship Bojan off the southern tip of Sweden, and 21 of her crew were missing; four were rescued.

-Argentina and the United States signed the first trade treaty between the two countries in almost a century. Oct. 15-In the Federal Court in Philadelphia, the Government dismissed three indictments and two criminal information complaints against Grover Cleveland Bergdoll, a World War draft dodger who is serving a 72-year sentence at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan.

Oct. 16-Ex-Premiers Edouard Daladier and Leon Blum and Generalissimo Maurice Gamelin, former allied commander in chief, were sentenced

by Marshal Henri Petain to imprisonment in the fortress of Portalet, in the Pyrenees, until their trial for their responsibility for France's entrance into the war in 1939 and for her defeat. Oct. 20-On the way home from their ranch in Western Canada the Duke and Duchess of Windsor visited New York City.

Oct. 21-Mexico and Great Britain resumed diplomatic relations broken in 1938 when the Cardenas Administration expropriated British oil properties in Mexico.

-A decree in Unoccupied France banished all automobiles made before 1925, under a penalty of a fine of 5,000 francs.

-The British Ministry of Agriculture made an error in announcing a plan to "improve a considerable area of land in the neighborhood of Llanfairpwillgyngyligerchwrndrobwlllandsiliogogogoch,' Wales. The name should have been spelled "Llanfairpwillgwyngyligergerychwyrndro


Oct. 22-In the British Columbia Provincial election the Liberals failed to keep their majority in the Legislature.

Oct. 23-Mrs. Florence Maybrick, 80, was found dead in bed in South Kent, Conn., where she had lived since 1920 under her maiden name of Florence Chandler. She was a native of Mobile, Ala., daughter of a banker. Her mother was the former Carrie Holbrook of New York. When Florence was 18 her mother, who had become the Baroness de Roques, took her to England where she met James Maybrick, a Liverpool cotton broker. They were married next year. After his death from arsenic, in 1889, his widow was convicted of his murder and was sentenced to be hanged. Public clamor on both sides of the Atlantic led to a change of the sentence to life imprisonment. She was released at the close of 16 years in a cell, and she returned to the United States, living outside Chicago, in Florida, and finally in South Kent. -Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes ended the gasoline curfew in the East.

Oct. 24-The 1911 U. S.-Japan seal protection treaty expired. Japan gave as reason for abrogating the pact that damage had been inflicted on the Japanese fishing industry by the increase of fur seals. It is estimated that the seal herds increased during the period of protection from about 125,000 in 1911 to 2,300,000 at the present time.

-The Duke of Windsor inspected airplane equipment defense shops at East Hartford, Conn. Oct. 25-An Army plane crashed in a fog against a hill in Suisum Valley, Cal.; five persons were killed.

Oct. 26-Near Clanton, Ala.. 15 persons were burned to death and eight others were injured when a bus struck a bridge.

Oct. 27-An explosion in a coal mine near Nortonville, Ky., killed 15 workers. -Lieut. Commander William K. Vanderbilt, retired, presented to the Navy the yacht Alva, which has 4,200 horsepower Diesel motors and has circled the globe three times.

Oct. 28-In New Mexico five Army fliers were killed in a crash 150 miles southeast of Albuquerque; two others died in a fall near Woodville, Cal.

-The Duke and Duchess of Windsor lunched in the White House, with the President, and the latter's daughter-in-law. Mrs. James Roosevelt, who served as hostess for the First Lady, who had left by plane an hour earlier to keep a lecture engagement in Chicago. Before going she and the Duchess met for the first time in the White House and were together for half an hour.

Oct. 29-The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) signed a contract lasting until Dec. 31, 1949, by which 1,250,000 tunes are available to the National and Columbia Broadcasting Systems.

Oct. 30-A plane of Northwest Airlines, from Chicago for Seattle, cracked up in "thick weather with a freezing temperature," about at Moorhead, Minn., two miles from its next scheduled stop, Fargo, N. D., just across the Red River. Of the 15 persons aboard all were burned to death except the pilot, Clarence Bates, of Minneapolis, who was thrown clear. There were 12 passengers and a crew of 3, including the co-pilot, and the stewardess.

-A plane of American Airlines, from New York for Chicago, fell in a field near Lawrence, 14 miles west of St. Thomas, Ontario, soon after 10 P. M. None of the 20 persons aboard-17 passengers and crew of 3-survived the flames. The pilot was David I. Cooper of Plandome, N. Y. The stewardess, Miss Mary E. Blackley.

The plane, the New Yorker, had left LaGuardia Field at 5:50 P. M. -A cadet of the Royal Air Force and an American flying instructor were killed and another cadet seriously injured when two planes collided at the municipal airport at Albany, Ga.

-The Duke of Windsor lunched with Henry Ford and inspected automobile and defense plants in the Detroit area.


Nov. 1-The 950-foot span-Rainbow Bridge-was
opened to traffic over the Niagara River below
the Falls. The former one, built in 1898, was
destroyed by an ice jam in January, 1938.
Nov. 3-Six Norwegians were executed by a
German firing squad for "assisting enemies"
and the Norwegian fishing fleet of 70,000 vessels
was placed under State control, to prevent
further escapes to Britain, dispatches said.
-The Duke and Duchess of Windsor left New
York City by train.

-H. C. Hopson, ex-head of the Associated Gas
and Electric Utilities System, pleaded guilty in
the U. S. Court, New York City, to cheating the
Government of $1,885,405 in his 1929 income
tax. He was sentenced to two years in prison,
to be served concurrently with a 5-year sentence
for mail fraud which he began to serve on Jan.
10 last at Lewisburg, Pa.
Nov. 4-Mayor F. H. LaGuardia was re-elected for
a third term as Mayor of New York City, on a
four-ply ticket-Republican, Fusion, American
Labor and United. His Democratic opponent
Was William O'Dwyer, District Attorney
Brooklyn Borough (Kings County). The official
vote was, LaGuardia, 1,186,291; O'Dwyer, 1,054,-


No. 6-Milt Taylor, 47, a clown attached to the
Ringling circus, died of arsenic poisoning in At-
lanta, Ga. This was followed by the death of 11
of the show's elephants from the same cause.
-William Bioff and George E. Browne, leaders of
the International Alliance of Theatrical State
Employees, who, it was testified, had got $550,-
000 or more from motion picture concerns by
strike threats, were convicted in the U. S.
Court in New York City, and were sentenced
respectively to ten and eight years in prison and
were fined $20,000.

--The eighth National Eucharistic Congress opened
in Santiago, Chile. It closed 3 days later with a
broadcast message from the Pope, who said he
hoped for world peace and preservation of Chile's
religious faith against "false doctrines, im-
morality, disbelief and reborn paganism."
Nov. 7-Harold L. Ickes, Secretary of the Interior,
and Petroleum Coordinator, was named Coordi-
nator of Solid Fuels.

Nov. 8-A woman was killed in an automobile acci-
dent near Monterrey, Mexico, who was identified
by her companion, Dr. Arthur F. Torrance, as
his bride. She was the widow of a man named
Loveland. She was married to Torrance on
Oct. 18, in Williamsburg, Ky. She had died
from a head wound, it was alleged, when the car
upset in a ditch.

Nov. 9-A half-ton cylinder head blown from a passing freight locomotive into the path of the Pennsylvanian, a Chicago-New York express, at Dunkirk, Ohio, wrecked the forward part of the latter train, killing 12 and injuring more than 40 persons...

Nov. 10-In Chile, President Pedro Aguirre Cerda, 62 and sick, turned the (Popular Front) government over to Vice President Geronimo Mendez, leader of the Radical party. He died two weeks Iater.

Nov, 11-Voters in the Philippines reelected President Manuel Quezon and Vice President Sergio Osmena.

Nov. 12-Executives of the "big five" railroad union brotherhoods met in Chicago and fixed a strike deadline for 6 A. M. Dec. 7, to enforce demands for a 30 per cent wage increase. The strike would be effected in three consecutive days, Dec. 7, 8 and 9, unless the White House intervenes.

-Abe Reies, a police "guest" under guard in the Half Moon Hotel, Coney Island, New York City, fell, broke his back and died when his bedsheet-radio lead-in wire, down which he was trying to escape, broke. Reles had been held in the hotel as a witness in District Attorney WilIlam O'Dwyer's campaign against murder, Inc. Nov. 13-In Chicago. 14 unions of non-operating employees, representing 900,000 workers in the railroad industry, issued a joint statement rejecting the recommendations of President Roosevelt's Emergency Board for settlement of their wage dispute with the rail lines.

-H. W. Lord, 67, died in Springfield, Mass. He slumbered from Oct. 26, 1926, to one day in 1930; and in three months slept again, until March, 1936, but soon relapsed.,

Nov. 14-The Los Angeles area was shaken by earthquakes which mostly centered in suburban Torrance and Gardena. Property damage was put at $1,000,00. Reinforced concrete buildings erected since the 1933 quake appeared undamaged.

Nov. 18Fire destroyed one of the dormitory buildings of the Brunswick Home, a private hospital in Amityville, L. I., N. Y.; seven inmates were killed.

-In Colombia, a landslide destroyed the village of Mongua, killing 100 persons.

Nov. 19-The Workers Alliance, a national organi-
zation engaged in unemployment relief, with
headquarters in New York City, has been dis-
solved, it was officially announced. It has had
200 branches in 25 states.

-The United States agreed with Mexico to sta-
bilize the peso, buy fixed amounts of silver and
finance road building. Mexico agreed to pay
$37,000,000 over a period of 14 years to settle all
agrarian and "general" claims of American
nationals, to make a trade agreement and to at-
tempt to negotiate a settlement of the petroleum
expropriation controversy.
-Snapping of a coupling between two cars of a
96-car freight train in the 7,000-foot long Hasson
Tunnel of the Southern Pacific, 39 miles north
of Los Angeles, caused a fire in the locomotive;
five of the crew and cattle in cars were killed
by fumes or flames.

Nov. 21-In San Quentin, Calif., prison, Mrs. Ethel
Leta Juanita Spinelli, 52, known as "The
Duchess," died in the lethal gas chamber, the
first woman to pay the legal death penalty in
California. She was put to death for her part
in the slaying of a member of her own gang.
-The United States discharged the Grand River
Authority, a State agency, which has had charge
of the $25,000,000 Grand River power project in
Oklahoma, and put a Federal official in control.
It aims to end difficulties which have beset the
work since it was started, technically under con-
trol of Oklahoma but financed wholly by Federal
loans and grants.
-Warren Davis, of Philadelphia, a retired judge
of the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals. resigned.
The indictment against him was dismissed. He
was tried twice on conspiracy charges in con-
nection with the bankruptcy proceedings of Wil-
liam Fox, the motion picture producer. In both
cases the jury disagreed.

Nov. 23-Numerous arrests were made in Panama
by the Government in order to halt a plot to put
Anibal Rios, Third Vice President and former
Minister to Peru, in the Presidency, it was de-

Nov. 24-The U, S. Supreme Court unanimously barred, as unconstitutional, the California AnuMigrant (Okie) Law, used sometimes during dust storm years, to check the increasing influx of homeless farmers and other workers into that State. The statute was rejected on several grounds, among them that the right to move freely from State to State was a right of national citizenship protected by the 14th Amendment. -Lisbon, Madeira and Azores, were shaken by an earthquake, at 12:20 P, M., E.S.T.

Nov. 27-Derailment of two southbound passenger
trains of the Atlantic Coast Line, one near
Hortense, Ga., the other near Dover, Fla.,
resulted in the death of one passenger and
injuries to over 20 others.

-The U. S. Senate ratified a treaty with Canada
allowing diversion from the Niagara River of
additional water for power purposes. The treaty
was revised by the Foreign Relations Committee
to make it clear that it did not grant authority
for development of the St. Lawrence Seaway.
Under the agreement, the United States could
divert an additional 7,500 cubic feet of water a
second and Canada an additional 6,000 cubic
feet. The water would be taken out of the
river above the falls.
Nov. 30 Louis (Lepke) Buchalter, Emanuel
(Mendy) Weis and Louis Capone, were con-
victed by a jury in Brooklyn, N. Y., of murder
in the first degree and sentenced to death in
the electric chair.

-Richard Krebs, who writes under the name of
Jan Valtin, was pardoned by Governor C. L.
Olson of California, having been on parole since
1929 after serving three years of a 10-year prison
sentence imposed in 1926 when he pleaded guilty
to a charge of assault with a deadly weapon
upon a merchant.

Death Roll of 1941

Abell, W. W. (69), newspaper owner; Baltimore, Md., Jan. 20.

Adams, Dr. J. H. (74), oil-cracking inventor; Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb.

Aked, Rev. C. F. (76) a Baptist leader; Los Angeles, Calif., Aug. 12.

Aldrich, C. H., director Amer. Acad. in Rome; in that city, Dec. 26, 1940.

Alexander, Maj. Gen. Robert (77), New York City, Aug. 25.

Alfonso, XIII (54), ex-King of Spain; Rome, Feb. 28.

Andersen, H. C. (68), sculptor, planner of a "Universal City"; Rome, Dec. 19, 1940.

Anderson, H. M. (64), newspaperman; New York City, Dec. 26, 1940.

Anderson, J. E. (86), art dealer; Brooklyn, N. Y., July 11.

Anderson, Sherwood (64), fiction; Colon, C. Z., March 8.

Annenberg, Max (66), newspaper circulation promoter; Phoenix, Ariz., Feb. 7.

Argento, Valentino (45), fencer; Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 8.

Armington, F. M. (65), painter, etcher; New York City, Sept. 21.

Armour, A. V. (77), plant expert; New York City. March 6.

d'Arsonval, Prof. J. A. (89), electrotherapy discoverer; in France, Dec. 31, 1940.

Ascenzi, Sante (92), last "Huntsman" of the
former Papal Army; Rome, Jan. 13.
Ashley, C. S. (82), "perpetual" Mayor (27 terms).
New Bedford, Mass., Feb. 6.

Atwood, M. V. (55), newspaperman; Rochester,
N. Y., Nov. 3.

Auckland, Lord (F. C. G. Eden) (46), war aviator; London, April 16.

Austin, F. B. (55), author, playwright; in England. March 12.

Austin, Lord (74), automobile manufacturer; in England, May 23.

Ayres, Agnes (42), actress; Hollywood, Calif., Dec. 25, 1940.

Baca, Flor (72), Peruvian painter; near Paris, May 19.

Bada, Angelo (65), opera singer; in Italy, March 24. Baden-Powell, Lord Robert (83), soldier, Boy Scout promoter; in Nyeri, Africa, Jan 8.

Baer, W. J. (81), painter; East Orange, N. J.. Sept. 21.

Baez, Cedilio (79), ex-Pres. of Paraguay, jurist; Ascuncion June 18.

Bagby, A. M. (81), pianist, concert manager; New York City, Feb. 26.

Ball, John (79), champion golfer; in Wales, Dec. 2, 1940.

Banting, Sir F. G. (49), co-discoverer of insulin;
in Newfoundland plane crash, Feb. 21.
Barbanell, Solon (81), Brooklyn newspaper editor;
Hempstead, N. Y., Nov. 29.

Barbour, Miss Anna Mary, novelist;
Minn., May 10.

St. Paul.

Barclay, Sir Thomas (87), lawyer; Versailles.

France, Jan. 18.

Barnard, Emile (73), painter; Paris, April 19. Barnes, Mrs. W. S. (Hattie Delaro) (80), opera singer; New York City, April 18.

Barr, J. W., Jr. (77), financier, lawyer; Louisville, Ky., March 4.

Barrett, Mrs. Loucia Longfellow (81), niece of the poet; Portland, Me.. Dec. 17, 1940.

Barringer, P. B. (83), educator; Charlottesville, Va., Jan. 9.

Beard, D. C. (90), Boy Scout leader; Suffern, N. Y., June 11.

Beavers, Lt. Col. George (56), Albermarle, N. C.. Nov. 22.

Bell, Alex (54), head of Scotland Yard; London, July 5.

Bell, Rear Admiral Hemphill (68), Chevy Chase, Md., Nov. 11.

Bell, Irene Perry (Irene Perry) (75), actress; New York City, May 29.

Bellinger, F. C. (47), New York lawyer: Brewster, N. Y., Sept. 9.

Benedict, Mrs. J. H. (Mme. Billoni) (84), European opera singer; New York City, April 21. Benjamin, E. S. (79), executive Baron de Hirsch Fund; New York City. June 21.

Berg, E. G. (70), electro-physicist; Schenectady, N. Y., Sept. 9.

Berg, Prof. and Rev. I. H. (63), of New York City: New Rochelle, N. Y., Aug. 29.

Bergen, M. V. (69), lawyer, ex-college athlete: Philadelphia, Pa., July 8.

Bergh, Miss Lillie (87), singer: New York City, July 11.

[blocks in formation]

Bernecker, Lieut. Gen. Erick; in Germany Oct. 28. Berry, Brig. Gen. C. W., ex-New York City controller; Charlottesville, Va., April 30.

Besson, P. H. M. ("Incredible Philibert"), exmember of Chamber of Deputies in Riom prison, France, March 16.

Beye, William (60), steel executive; Pittsburgh, Oct. 27.

Bibesco, Prince George (60), aviator; Bucharest July 3.

Bickel, G. L. (78), actor; Los Angeles, Calif.,

June 5.

Bijay Chand Mahtab (60), Hindu Prince of Bengal; Bombay, Aug. 29.

Birkhead, Miss May (55), newspaper woman; New York City, Oct. 27.

Birch, Stephen (68), copper producer; New York City, Dec. 30, 1940.

Bissell, R. M. (79), Hartford insurance executive; Farmington, Conn., July 18.

Blackton, J. S. (66), painter, film producer; Hollywood, Calif., Aug. 13.

Block, Paul (63), newspaper publisher; New York City, June 22.

Blumenthal, George (83), president Met. Museum of Art banker; New York City, June 26. Blumenthal, Hart (81), collector of Lincolniana, merchant; Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 3.

Bole, B. P. (68), newspaper owner; Cleveland, O., Nov. 27.

Bolles, Stephen (75), Wis. Congressman, newspaperman; Washington, July 8.

Bond, E. J. (53), insurance executive; Baltimore, Md.. Nov. ?

Borglum, Gutzon (69), sculptor; Chicago, Ill., March 6.

Berislavsky, Col. Michael, Russian torpedo niventor; New York City, Feb. 23.

Bosley, Mrs. E. C. (Elizabeth Cromwell) (45), race horse trainer; near Baltimore, Md., Dec. 9, 1940. Bostick, C. J. (78), newsaperman; New Orleans, La., Jan. 1.

Bottger, O. C. (60), rifle trapshot champion; Fairfield, Ia., July 12.

Bouck, Chief Justice F. E. (68), Denver, Col., Nov. 24.

Bouton, A. L. (69), New York educator; Pasadena, Calif., April 18.

Bowers, L. M. (94), business aide of the late John D. Rockefeller; Binghamton, N. Y., June 2. Bowes-Lyon, Lady Maude (71), aunt of Queen Elizabeth, Worcester, England, March 1. Bradshaw, Mrs. Kenneth (Jeannette Despres) (59), actress; New York City, May 25.

Braganza, Princess (Venada Stoody); Tampa, Fla., Jan. 11.

Braisted, Rear Admiral W. C. (77), West Chester, Pa., Jan. 17.

Branson, Leon (72), lawyer, ORT leader; Marseille, France, March 2.

Brandeis, L. D. (84), ex-Associate Justice, U. S. Supreme Court; Washington, D. C., Oct. 5. Breckenridge, Dr. S. D. (59), ex-U. S. fencing champion; Lexington, Ky., Aug. 1.

Brennen, J. D. (81), actor; Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 10, 1940.

Brett, F. J. (49), power executive; New Rochelle, N. Y., March 23.

Brewster, Benjamin (80), Episcopal bishop: Portland, Me., Feb. 2.

Brewster, Rev. C. B. (92), retired Protestant Episcopal bishop; Hartford, Conn., April 9. Bridges, Robert (83), author; Shippensburg, Pa., Sept. 2.

Briggs, Lieut. Gen. Sir C. J. (76), British World War (Salonica) commander; in England, Nov. 27. Brite, L. C. (81), cattle raiser, college founder; El Paso, Tex., Sept. 14.

Brockbank, Mrs. Mary (99), last of Utah Pioneers of 1847; Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 18. Brower, Col. Gerald (47), U. S. military and air observer; El Obeid, April 20.

Brown, G. S. (70), jurist: Baltimore, Md., Nov. 11. Brush, G. de F. (85), painter; Hanover, N. H., April 24.

Brusie, Harry (68), harness horse owner; Boston, Mass., June 16.

Boyan, W. G. (63), Greenwich Village publisher; New York City, March 1.

Bryson, Brig. Gen. J. H. (65), Chief of Staff, 3rd U. S. Army, World War; San Antonio, Tex.. Nov. 24.

Byles, A. J. (60), president American Petroleum Institute; Ardsley, N. Y., Sept. 28.

Byram, H. E. (75), rail executive; Fairfield, Conn., Nov. 11.

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