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There are thousands of these PEOPLE WITH GRASSHOPPER MINDS in the world and they do the world's MOST TIRESOME TASKS-get but a PITTANCE for their work. If YOU have a "Grasshopper Mind" you know that this is TRUE-and WHY. Even the BLAZING SUN can't burn a hole in a little piece of TISSUE PAPER unless its rays are concentrated ON ONE SPOT! Yet you KNOW you have intelligence and ability. WHAT'S holding you back? -Just one fact-one SCIENTIFIC fact --PROVEN and stated by the world'sforemost scientists and psychologists. You are using only ONE-TENTH of your real BRAIN-POWER! The mind is like a muscle. It grows in power through exercise and use. It weakens and deteriorates with idleness. Increase your BRAINPOWER and you will increase your EARNING POWER. But HOW? Merely gamble a postage stamp. Send the coupon at the right for a copy of "Scientific Mind Training." 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