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"effects. At the fair on Tuesday "feelings of the county at large "last, which is commonly the" will be roused to devise a plan largest in the year, so little bu-" for mitigating the wretchedness "siness was transacted, that it" which is an inmate of most of "could scarcely be distinguished" the dwellings at Mevagissey." "from an ordinary day. Nor is "the extent of the evil yet fully Now, as far as the fisheries are "known; for every post brings concerned, I am sorry for the dis"back bills drawn by, or accept-tress of these people; but at that "ed through, Messrs. Ball, which distress, that misery, that suffer"had been dishonoured when they ing, however great, which they "should have been paid. endure in consequence of having Mevagissey presents a cast these infamous notes in their pos"of still deeper, it may almost session, I most sincerely rejoice. “be said, unparalleled distress. There is no punishment and no "For seven successive years the degradation that they do not de"inhabitants have had to endure serve. I would with pleasure see "adversity, and sustain privations them each, like the bastard Duke resulting from the failure of the of Monmouth, lying in a ditch, "pilchard fishery. Many families with raw, half-chewed vegetable "who in former years had been in their nearly inanimate jaws. "accustomed to the comforts of Base wretches! Could they not "life, have lately been compelled always, since May 1823, have de"to subsist upon the coarsest fare; manded gold? Why did the base "and of this have often wanted a wretches have the dirty paper in sufficiency. Another unpropiti-preference to the King's golden ous season has set before them coin? The base, the perverse, "the cheerless prospect of en- the slavish, the despicable vermin "countering additional hardships, ought to starve, literally to starve, "and enduring more pressing to die for want of food, and to "wants, alleviated only by the oc- lie out in the open air to be de"casional relief derived from voured by the birds of prey. In "braving the perils of the wintry no country upon earth did there

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ocean; but even this hope has ever exist such base wretches. "been generally rendered abor-They could have had gold, but "tive. By the late storms, the they would not; the base slaves greater part of the boats, nets, were afraid to ask for their own! " and tackle belonging to the fish-They have their reward: let them "ermen was destroyed. To com- perish! and let every just man plete this climax of their wretch-say, AMEN!

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66 edness, and to involve the poor We see that this ruin is not "and their employers in one com- enough to produce a check to the "mon lot, the stoppage of the bank baseness; for, in this very news"whose notes were almost the paper, there is a long list of the "only circulating medium of the names of persons who declare, "place, has reduced the greater that they will continue to take "number of the inhabitants to a the notes of "THE THREE "state of utter destitution. It is TRURO BANKS," which, it "to be hoped that the charitable seems, began to be hard press


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ed upon in consequence of the owing to the stupidity and baseabove failure. These declar-ness of the people; but, beyond a er's are, I suppose, dipped with certain point it cannot go. Every the banks! However, the pa- bank is subject to a demand of nic had, it seems, reached to gold in place of its notes. several parts of the county. I is not gold in the Country Banks should like to know whether the to answer a hundredth part of base creatures, who run to the their notes. The moment a gebanks with the notes, got GOLD neral demand comes upon them in exchange for them; or whether for gold, they break, and the conthe Mother Bank in Threadneedle sequences are those that we have Street has been coining one pound read of above. notes for them for she can now This is only a mere little samdo this if she pleases, in conse-ple of what we shall see take quence of the Small Note Bill place at no very distant day, unof 1822, and which Small Note less the Government repeal the Bill did, in this respect, repeal Small Note Bill. The panic Peel's Bill, in fulfilment of my which has taken place in the Long Island prediction, though neighbourhood of St. Austell, will, the liars of the London press have sooner or later, become general; taken so many opportunities of and the miseries now experienced asserting that that prediction was in that district will be experienced falsified by the event. If there all over the kingdom. Only let be, in the County of Cornwall, us have three or four little panics any man who detests this abomi- like this, and the vortexes will benable system of paper swindling, come wider and wider. Besides, I shall be obliged to him to let fewer and fewer persons in every me know by letter, addressed to part of the kingdom will keep paFleet Street, No. 183, how the per in their possession. We see, Bank fellows went on whether in the above account," that the they gave them Bank of England "farmers and miners, alarmed notes, and what other tricks they by the reports that reach them, played upon this occasion. "became unwilling to receive, or But, the interesting point is the" to retain in their possession the PANIC. To be sure there will notes of other banks, and that be a panic and that panic will"a partial run has been expenow demand GOLD: not, as for-"rienced by some of the most merly, in good anti-jacobin times,"respectable establishments in the only another sort of paper! This county." To be sure! It must demand for gold in the country be a stupid dog, indeed, a most will cause a demand upon the old base and worthless and servile she devil herself; and, then, dog, who would keep a bit of pathere comes a crack: there comes per in his possession when he saw another Bank Restriction, if the the ruin before his eyes, and when paper-money makers shall have he knew that he could get gold left us a sheet of paper to draw for his bit of paper, by only going the Bill upon. Since the Small to the bank. The common people

Note Bill was passed, immense quantities of paper-money have been put forth. It has circulated




have been ignorant of their right to go and demand gold. The influence of the tax and the tithe


eaters has helped the paper ruin and starvation may, at any about; and, indeed, has forced moment, extend themselves over it into circulation. But even every part of the country! Will the common people ought not to that Government have the audahave been ignorant upon this sub-city to talk of "prosperity," ject, seeing the hours, the days, while the whole of the people the weeks and the months that I under its sway stand thus conhave spent in endeavours to warn stantly tottering on the verge of them of their danger. If they be destruction? ruined in consequence of not folAnd, to obviate this constantly lowing my advice, they are enti-threatening danger, what is the tled to no pity from me. That at- Government to do? To what tention which they would not pay means will the Lord CHARLESES, to me, their ruin and starvation and Lord WILLIAMS, and Lord will compel them to pay. JOHNS resort? Will they repeal

A stupid and obstinate beast is to the Small Note Bill, and make be instructed only by blows or by wheat sell for four shillings a hunger. These are the teachers bushel? That would be the wise of the perverse and the base; and way; but that is a way in which these teachers are now most suc- they will never attempt again to cessfully at work in Cornwall. move. Yet, to this they must Feeling the worm gnawing at his come, or they must come again stomach while he has a bank to a Bank Restriction. I am of note in his hand, will teach the opinion, that a couple of years at base wretch to take care another the farthest, even without any extime to have a sovereign in his terior circumstance to create a hand in place of a note. That panic, will force them to one or very selfishness; that very base the other. The partial panic in disregard for country, and for Cornwall has arisen merely out every thing but self; even that of the nature of this banking syswill teach the wretch to assist in tem. Some people had got out putting a stop to the nefarious four times as many notes as they traffic in paper-money, that worst were able to pay for; and, by of all scourges that ever afflicted some accident or other, a demand the human race. was made upon them for the moHere we have before us an in-ney. But, if there were a cause stance of the hollowness, the false- for a general panic, is it to be ness, the precariousness of this believed that there is one single whole system. Here is a district country bank in the whole kingwherein the people are ruined. dom, that would be able to find Here is bankruptcy, beggary, and GOLD to meet a tenth part of starvation spread throughout a its demands? And is there a large part of a county. And, is man so blind as not to see, this a system for a Government to that WAR could not exist for uphold? Will that Government an hour, that it could not even have the audacity to talk of " na- be talked of by the Govern tional prosperity," while a system ment, without producing a general like this exists, and while it is ma- panic. The merchant of scandal, nifest to all the world, that this puns and smut; that exceedingly

stupid vehicle of balderdash, called the country, a restoration of the JOHN BULL, who furnishes the people's rights, a return to someFire-shovels' wives with erudition, thing like happiness for the labourcoolly proposes to us, to " conquering classes, a security for the inIreland again"! This wretchedly dependence of the kingdom, and stupid creature forgets, appa- for the stability and glory of His rently, that this would bring on Majesty's throne. the necessity of a previous con- In the meanwhile, again I exquest; namely, a conquest of this press my heartfelt pleasure at the monster of paper-money. To at- loss, at the ruin, at the misery of tempt a new conquest of Ireland, every one who keeps a bank note would assuredly produce a panic in his possession one moment lonmuch more general than that of ger than is absolutely necessary shutting up a paper-shop in Corn- for the going to a bank and getwall; and thus, at any rate, is the ting it turned into gold. The evil attended with good: this pa- Small Note Bill has done its best per-money, while it keeps all for the THING. It has procured England tottering on the brink of it a respite; but the end must destruction, is a strong bridle in come. And the sooner that end the mouth of injustice, persecu- comes the better. I shall return tion, and hellish cruelty. The sys-to this subject when the next batch tem is now so ticklish, so perfectly of banks produce the next scene and so manifestly rotten, that no- of misery. It is good to know, thing will be attempted that shall that the eyes of foreign nations expose it to the touch of trial. are fixed upon the effects of this Foreign war, however necessary paper-money. Those nations do to assert the interests and honour not see us in possession of the of the country, can never more be SEVEN ISLANDS; of MALTA; of attempted as long as this system TRINIDAD, of DEMERARA; of the shall last; and the moment this pa- CAPE OF GOOD HCPE; of the per-system ceases to exist, comes ISLE OF FRANCE, and of all HINthat REFORM which has been DOSTAN. They do not see this withso pertinaciously refused us, but to out envy: they are preparing their which every man who really loves fleets and their steam-boats: and the country still adheres, while the they have their eye upon our holhope of it is abandoned by those low system of paper-money. pusillanimous and fickle creatures the effects of a panic upon which who, some years ago, called them-paper-money, they have a most selves patriots, because they joined satisfactory instance in the above in adding to the noise of the noisy. article of intelligence from Corn. I call to witness my readers for wall. twenty years past, that I never hoped for success as long as this devil could he kept alive; paper my hopes of success are now I SHALL insert below an admore lively than ever. The paper dress of the Catholic Association devil now stands before us exposed of Ireland to the people of Irein all its weakness. Its destruc- land. It is sensible, and honestly tion is certain; and from that demeant; but, I much doubt of the struction will arise a renovation of propriety of issuing it; because,



I know that the vipers who are the correspondent having called opposed to the Catholic claims, on it to name the last of those will interpret it to mean, that the Church of England Clergymen Association thus takes upon itself who had been seduced from their to direct the people what to do, tithes by the Jesuits, it gives the and what not to do. However, name (I have it not before me the Association are not answer-now) of some curate of a church able for this; and ifit act wisely, in the City of London! The stuit will make itself answerable for pid creature seems not to know nothing that shall take place in that curates have no tithes! And the country. All that it has to this is all it says in defence of its do, is to make the ill-treatment|falsehoods and its follies. and misery of the Irish people It is impossible to withhold an known to the whole world; and expression of admiration from the particularly to make it well known whole of the conduct of Mr. to that middle rank of the people O'CONNELL, whose name will for of England, which, thank God, ages be dear to his country. But has yet very great power. To if there be any part of his conmake them clearly see how much duct more particularly meriting it costs them to perpetuate the ill- our praise, it is that which tells treatment of the Irish people is us at every step, that he is rethe main thing of all. Make them solved to have nothing secret in clearly see the real state of the the proceedings of the Associacase with regard to Ireland, and tion. I was particularly pleased there wants nothing more to se- at his declaration, that he would cure the deliverance of that un-have nothing secret with an agent happy country, in which misery at Paris. Nothing can be more we, ourselves, are now beginning wise than the having of such fully to participate. an agent; nothing more lawful;

That ruffian newspaper, that nothing more purely an act of constant trader in scandal, puns, self-defence. It happens very and smut, that delight of Fire- unfortunately for the cause of shovels' wives, and of harridans truth, that none but our Ministethat keep boarding-schools, has, rial papers are freely permitted it seems, been felled by me at a to go to Paris. These are the single stroke. The wretched avowed enemies of the liberty and thing does not attempt a reply, the happiness of Ireland. It is though, it seems, called upon for therefore necessary to have somethe purpose by a correspondent. thing to counteract them. Ireland This ruffian paper, whose dis- has been murdered by the Engpleasure no man, having a wife, lish press, At Paris, and from a daughter, a sister, a mother, a Paris, the unspeakable cruelties grandmother, an aunt, or a female committed in Ireland will be cousin, though to the distance made known to the whole world, of the fourteenth generation, except in those countries where dared to incur; this ruffian the English language is predomipaper tells its correspondent, nant; and there those cruelties that it cannot "condescend" to are already pretty well understood. read the paper (mine) to which I now insert the Association's the correspondent refers. But, Address to the Irish people.

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