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VOL. 52.-No. 9.] LONDON, SATURDAY, Nov. 27, 1824. [Price 6d. Published every Saturday Morning, at Seven o’Clock.

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shape; from the very moment that

the thought of living upon tithes

On the alarm which the Fireshovels in England, and, in-enters their heads, empty as those deed, the whole body of tithe heads may be, they begin to think and tax- eaters, feel at the Proceedings of the Irish Catholics; and particularly on the ravings of the JOHN BULL, or Smutty Gazette.


about the dangers that do, or may, ..
threaten those tithes. They know
well what sort of claim they have
to these good things: they know
what justice and reason say upon

Kensington, 24th Nov. 1824. the subject: they know whence YOUR proceedings, which, at the good things came: they know first, were a subject of laughter, the value of the snug house, nice or at least, affected laughter, with fields and meadows of glebe, and the whole crew of tithe and tax- the tenth of every man's crop: eaters, have now become subject they look over the hedges of their of alarm with them, and especially neighbours, see them ploughing with the Fire-shovels, who, of all and sowing, and say to themselves, the animals of the creation, have" There they are, working for us," the finest nose, and smell danger But, in the midst of all this, they at the greatest distance. The cannot help thinking of the way fact is, they, from the moment in which they became possessed


Printed and Published by C. CLEMENT, No. 183, Fleet-street.


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of all these good things! They how decidedly the people at large cannot help thinking of the tick-are against the continuation of lishness of their tenure. They this system of good things: and, have it "by law." Aye; but, they must know, that your present what law has given, law can take proceedings tend directly and away; and, what is more, the most powerfully to strengthen and Fire-shovels know, and well know, confirm and give effect to this that if the nation were polled, general desire of the people.

there would be a thousand to one For, what do those proceedings

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Therefore the Fire-shovels are who have scarcely any flocks, uncommonly watchful and sen-while the Irish people have a sative as to all movements that priesthood, whom they pay out of seem to forebode changes of any their own pockets; not only that sort in Church or State; and par- these revenues are enjoyed by ticularly when those changes must men who are of a different relinecessarily compel people to look gion from that of the people at back, and naturally lead them to large; but that the English are make inquiries respecting how, taxed to the amount of millions when, and wherefore, the Fire- a year, to keep up a force, in shovels got the good things above order to compel the Irish people to yield these revenues to these men!

mentioned. They know, that the

people in general wish for the

abolition of tithes and church taxes: they know, that the people in general look with envy at the condition of the French people in

Such being amongst the first and most obvious effects of your proceedings, no wonder that they have excited alarm amongst the

this respect: they know, in short, Fire-shovels here as well as in


Ireland. For, mind, they all have the American Magazines and Re noses much too keen not to have views and other publications, have smelled, long and long ago, that not forgotten to record the deeds if once the carcass be touched, of Father in God JOCELYN, though but in the nail of its great and to draw conclusions from the toe, the whole dissolves in a mo- miraculous vanishing of JouN ment. The Fire-shovels are but MOVELLY of the Guards! These low in the scale of influence, things work their way in time. compared to what they used to] They act first at home, then at be. They have not the means of a distance, and then from a rousing the English now by the distance. ery of "No Popery." If SNAP PERCIVAL were alive, he would try that in vain. The fact is, that

amongst many other good things,

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Then, observe, the Fire-shovels have not the Ministry wholly with them, as they used to have, when, in order to halloo the people on to

war, it was necessary to put "ou

to be able to see quite clearly into the wisdom of giving eight mil lions a year, in church revenues, to men who collect money from

that the falsely accused, baselybetrayed, and most unfortunate holy religion" in the foreground! QUEEN did for us, she gave the All that matter is now seen well Fire-shovels a good pull down-into; and there are some of the wards; or rather, their conduct Ministers who are supposed not with regard to her placed them in a proper light before the people Then, again, certain acts of certain Fire-shovels, since the time of the poor Queen, and which their parishioners to send to acts need not be more particuJOSHUA WATSON, wine and spirit larly mentioned here, have had merchant, that he may lay it out their due weight with the public in giving the people a "religious in this country, and indeed in education." Mr. CANNING is one foreign countries; for I see, that who is supposed not to be able to


see the wisdom of this; and the charges, to throw out insinuations, Fire-shovels hate him most mor- to give significant hints; in short, tally accordingly. The Fire-to blacken the characters, to blast shovels have, therefore, but a the reputations of all those ladies small part of the press decidedly who might so visit; and indeed, for them, wholly and firmly on in cases where the ladies did not their side. The base Borough-visit, or offend these devils in any mongers, though their fate is in-way, the object of this paper was separable from that of the Fire- to proceed to blast their characshovels, do not always see this, ters in order to punish their male and they sometimes seem to cast relations who might have offended! the Fire-shovels off. In short, So infamous an enterprise neither these latter, what with their jus- this nor any other country ever ticeships and one thing and before witnessed; and, in order another, are much lower than they have ever been before, since they first came into possession of the endowments of our Catholic forefathers.

that all might be complete, the base tools who put the thing forth, placed at the top of it a Crown and a BIBLE !

This paper, which is called by some the "Fire-shovel Gazette,” is read by the most worthless and corrupt part of the nation, men

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There is, however, one London newspaper decidedly for them: I mean a weekly paper, called the "JOHN BULL." This paper and women. Its base malignity was set up for the express pur- serves to feed the gall of the huspose of publishing private family | bands; while, for only seven-pence anecdotes of all those of the no-halfpenny, it furnishes the wives, bility and gentry, who dared to free of postage, with seven days visit the late Queen after her ac- of scandal, puns, and smut; and quittal! It was the express pur-it proves, doubtless, a most excelpose of the paper to prefer lent manual for preparing the

daughters for the Piazzas of Drury-1 1. A few weeks only have

lane and Covent-garden.

elapsed since we incurred the cen→ sure and ridicule of the Ministerial papers for daring to suggest the possibility of the existence of any enemies to the Chuch and State in

This infamous paper has put forth a declaration of war against your ASSOCIATION, which declaration I shall insert here, in order the present happy time of peace and that you may see what impression plenty; the COURIER laughed im

moderately at us, and talked of you have produced upon the bit- the folly of watching, when there terest of your enemies; and, was no foe to look after.-That a in order also, that you may see

10 what a state of desperation those enemies are reduced. When I have inserted the whole of the

contemporary should hold such language would of course affect us neither one way or anotherbut when we know that the CouRIER talks as much after the Go

article (numbering the paragraphs vernment as possible, it pains us to see in its columns such selfas I proceed), I will answer the complacent congratulations upon article: not for the purpose of the perfect tranquillity of " things counteracting its effects; because in general," and the undoubted it will have been read by nobody security of the Constitution.--Did the COURIER know at the moment in which these sweet and soothing assurances graced its columns, that the Catholic Association was about to open a new session ?—

but the worthless people abovementioned; but, for the purpose of showing what fools and knaves, but especially what fools, are the

editors of this weekly collection of malice and obscenity, sent forth under the picture of the Crown

and the BIBLE! I will expose

Did it know that Catholic rent was about to be collected?-Did it know that the trade of pikemaking was in full vigour in Ireland?-Had it read the various productions issued from Stonytheir stupidity, their brutal igno-burst ?-Had it received any of rance, in order that my readers those French and Italian tracts may hold their readers in due which are circulated every hour contempt and scorn.

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so profusely in the metropolis?

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