INDE X. N. B. The XII Books are denoted by the numeral letters of the Alphabet: The other numbers denote the verses. A. A Aron and Mofes, their mission to Egypt sing the Abdiel (a Seraph) oppofes Satan promoting the Angels revolt, v 803. his reply to Satan's anfwer v 877 His fidelity, c. celebrated v 896. His retreat from Satan's party vj 1. His foliloquy I. His foliloquy on view of him at their bead vj 114. His fpeech thereon vj 130. His reply to Satan's answer vj 171. He encounters him in the battel vj 189. He vanquifbes Ariel, Arioc and Ramiel, fallen Angels vj 369. Abel and Cain, their story related xj 429. Abraham's and the patriarch's story xij 113. All nations his fons by faith xij 446. Acheron, a river of hell ij 570. Adam and Eve defcrib'd generally iv 288. particularly iv 295. Their state of innocence iv 312. 492. 738. V 211. 303. viij 510. Vide Innocence. Their night oraifon iv 720. Morning oraifon v 153. Preparations to entertain the Angel Raphael v 313. The table and entertainement defcrib'd v 391. Their nuptial bed iv 708. Nuptials celebrated viij 510. Parting preceding the temptation ix 385. Behaviour after their fall ix 1004. Find themfelves naked ix 1051. Make themfelves coverings of fig leaves ix 1099. Recriminate on, and reproach each other ix 1187. Hide themfelves from God (the Son) x 97. Appearance before him x 109. Repentance x 1098. Expulfion from paradife xij 625. Vide Similies. Adam, Adam, bis difcourfe with Eve on the prohibition of the tance) x 1028. Speech to Eve on the efficacy of 'Adonis (or Thammuz) a fall'n Angel i 46. Air first clouded on Adam's fall xj 182. Amarant, a flower transplanted from Paradife to Heaven 7 Ambition cenfured ij 482. A caufe of Satan's fall iv 86. Vide God the Father and Son. Vide Similies. Angels (fallen) their after-flate i 50.339. Numbers i a 2 jj 528. -- ij 528. Lofs fupply'd by man's creation iij 677. m battel'd against the Angels cœleftial vj 79. Engagement vj 202. Defeat vj 386. Difpofition to re-engage vj 507. Their artillery, cannon, vj 572. Prevail vj 597. Entire defeat, and expulfion from Heaven vj 831 to 877. Transformed to ferpents x 519. Further punifh'd with an illufion of the forbidden fruit x 547. Both annually continued x 575. Vide Satan. Similies. Vide Apoftles, their miffion, &c. xij 439. Gift of the Holy Ghoft xij 497. Succeffors (wolves, false teachers, &ç) defcrib'd xij 508. Argument of the Poem i 1. ix 1. Ariel, Arioc and Ramiel (fall'n Angels) vanquish'd vj 369. Ark, its building by Noah, defcrib'd xj 728. Vide Noah. Ark of the covenant defcribed xij 249. Afhtaroth and Baalim (fall'n Angels) i 422. Aftoreth, or Aftarte (a fall'n Angel) i 431. Author's hym'n on conjugal love iv 750. To light iij Invocations i 6. iij 61. vij . xj 20. Reflection, in prospect of Adam's fall ij 380. On Satan's premediated attempt iv I. On Eve's parting with Adam preceding it ix 404. On their nakedness after the fall ix 1114. On his own blindness, &c. iij 22. Azazel (a fall'n Angel) Satan's ftandard bearer i 534. B. Baalim and Afhtaroth (fall'n Angels) i 422. Babel, the city and tower, built by Nimrod, &c. xij 38. The confufion of languages there describ'd xij 48. Baptifm, what the fign of xij 442. Baptiz'd, the Holy Ghost given primitively to all fuch xij 497. Battel, &c. between the cæleftial, and fallen Angels, (God the Son concluding it) defcrib'd vj 202 to 877. Vide Angels cœleftial, and fall'n. Beafts, part of the fixth day's creation, describ'd vij 453. Bel |