Book V. ver. 637. ,, They eat, they drink, and with refection sweet Are fill'd, before th' all-bounteous King, &c. were thus enlarg'd in the second Edition. They eat, they drink, and in communion sweet Book XI. ver 484. after, ,, Intestine stone, and ulcer, cholic-pangs, these three verses were added. Demoniac phrenzy, moaping melancholy, And ver. 551. of the fame Book (which was originally thus, Of rend'ring up. Michael to him reply'd) receiv'd this addition, Of rendring up, and patiently attend To what I have said in the Life, of our Author's having no Monument, it may not be improper to add; that I defir'd a friend to inquire at St. Giles's Church; where the Sexton shew'd him a small Monument, which he said was suppos'd to be MILTON's; but the Inscription had never been legible since he was employ'd in that office, which he has poffess'd about forty years. This, fure, cou'd never have happen'd in so short space of time, unless the Epitaph had been industriously eras'd: and that supposition carries with it fo much inhumanity, that I think we ought to believe it was not erected to his memory. a IN IN PARADISUM AMISSAM SUMMI POETE JOANNIS MILTONI. UI legis AMISSAM PARADISUM, grandia Qui legis magni Carmina MILTONI, quid nifi cuncta legis? Res cunctas, & cunctarum primordia rerum, cæca; Quæque colunt summi lucida regna poli. Et quodcunque ullis conclufum est finibus usquam, Et fine fine CHAOS, & fine fine DEUS: Et fine fine magis, (fi quid magis eft fine fine) In CHRISTO erga homines conciliatus amor, Hæc qui speraret, quis quis crederet effe futura? Et tamen hæc hodiè terra BRITANNA legit. O quantos in bella Duces! quæ protulit arma! Quæ canit, & quantâ prælia dira tuba! Cœleftes acies! atque in certamine Cœlum! Et quæ cœleftes pugna deceret agros! Quantus in ætheriis tollit se LUCIFER armis ! Atque ipso graditur vix MICHAELE minor! Quantis ? |