Love hath abounded more than glory abounds, Therefore thy humiliation fhall exalt
With thee thy manhood alfo to this throne;
Here shalt thou fit incarnate, here fhalt reign
Both GoD and MAN, SON both of GOD and MAN, Anointed univerfal King; all pow'r
I give thee, reign for ever, and affume Thy merits: under thee as Head fupreme
Thrones, Princedoms, Powers, Dominions I reduce: All knees to thee hall bow, of them that 'bide 321 In Heav'n, or Earth, or under Earth in Hell; When thou attended gloriously from Heav'n Shalt in the sky appear, and from thee fend The fummoning Arch-Angels to proclaim Thy dread tribunal: forthwith from all winds The living, and forthwith the cited dead Of all pait ages to the general doom Shall haften, fuch a peal fhall roufe their fleep! Then all thy faints affembled, thou shalt judge 330 Bad men and Angels, they arraign'd shall fink Beneath thy fentence; Hell (her numbers full) Thenceforth fhall be for ever shut. Mean while The world fhall burn, and from her afhes fpring New heav'n and earth, wherein the juft fhall dwell; And after all their tribulations long
See golden days, fruitful of golden deeds,
With joy and love triumphing, and fair truth: Then thou thy regal fceptre fhalt lay by,
For regal fceptre then no more fhall need, GOD fhall be all in all. But all ye Gods, Adore him, who to compass all this dies, Adore the Son, and honor him as me.
No fooner had th' Almighty ceas'd, but all The multitude of Angels with a fhout (Loud as from numbers without number, fweet
As from bleft voices) utt'ring joy, Heav'n rung With jubilee, and loud hofanna's fill'd
Th' eternal regions. Lowly reverent
Tow'rds either throne they bow, and to the ground
With folemn adoration down they caft
Their crowns, inwove with amarant and gold, Immortal amarant! a flow'r which once
In Paradise faft by the tree of life
Began to bloom; but foon for man's offence
To Heav'n remov'd, where firft it grew, there grows, And flow'rs aloft shading the fount of life; And where the river of blifs thro' midft of Heav'n Rowls o'er ELYSIAN flow'rs her amber ftream: With these that never fade the fpirits elect 360 Bind their refplendent locks, inwreath'd with beams; Now in loofe garlands thick thrown off the bright Pavement, that like a fea of jafper shone, Impurpled with cœleftial rofes fmil'd.
Then crown'd again, their golden harps they took; Harps ever tun'd, that glitt ring by their fide Like quivers hung, and with preamble sweet Of charming fymphony they introduce Their facred fong, and waken raptures high,
No voice exempt; no voice but well could join 370 Melodious part, fuch concord is in Heav'n.
Thee FATHER first they fung, Omnipotent, Immutable, Immortal, Infinite,
Eternal King; Thee Author of all Being, Fountain of Light, thy felf invifible Amidst the glorious brightnefs where thou fit'ft Thron'd inacceffible; but when thou fhad'ft The full blaze of thy beams, and thro' a cloud Drawn round about thee like a radiant shrine, Dark with exceffive bright thy skirts appear: Yet dazle Heav'n, that brightest Seraphim Approach not, but with both wings veil their eyes. Thee next they fung of all creation first, Begotten Son, Divine fimilitude!
In whofe confpicuous count'ance, without cloud 385
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