Whereto with look compos'd SATAN reply'd. Not uninvented that, which thou aright Believ'st so main to our success, I bring. Which of us who beholds the bright furface Of this ethereous mould, whereon we stand; This continent of spacious Heav'n, adorn'd With plant, fruit, flow'r ambrofial, gems, and gold, Whose eye fo fuperficially furveys These things, as not to mind from whence they grow Deep under ground; materials dark and crude, Of spiritous and fiery spume, till touch'd With heav'ns ray, and temper'd they shoot forth 480 So beauteous, op'ning to the ambient light? These, in their dark nativity, the Deep Shall yield us, pregnant with infernal flatne: Which into hollow engins, long and round, Thick-ramm'd, at th' other bore with touch of fire Dilated, and infuriate, shall fend forth From far, with thund'ring noise, among our foes Such implements of mischief, as shall dash To pieces, and o'erwhelm whatever stands Adverse: that they shall fear we have disarm'd 490 The Thunderer of his only dreaded bolt. Nor long shall be our labor; yet e're dawn, Effect shall end our wish. Mean while revive; Abandon fear; to strength and counsel join'd Think nothing hard, much less to be despair'd. 495
He ended, and his words their drooping cheer Inlighten'd, and their languish'd hope reviv'd. Th' invention all admir'd, and each, how he To be th' inventor miss'd, fo easy it seem'd Once found, which yet unfound most would have Impoffible. Yet haply of thy race In future days (if malice should abound) Some one intent on mischief, or inspir'd With dev'lish machination, might devise Like inftrument, to plague the fons of men
For fin, on war and mutual flaughter bent. Forthwith from Council to the work they flew, None arguing stood: innumerable hands Were ready; in a moment up they turn'd Wide the cœleftial foil, and faw beneath
Th' originals of nature in their crude Conception: fulphurous and nitrous foam They found, they mingled, and with fubtile art,
Concocted and adufted they reduc'd
To blackest grain, and into store convey'd. Part, hidden veins digg'd up (nor hath this earth Entrails unlike) of mineral and stone;
Whereof to found their engins, and their balls
Of mifive ruin: part, incentive reed
Provide, pernicious with one touch to fire. So all e're day-spring, under confcious night,
Secret they finish'd, and in order fet,
With filent circumspection unespy'd.
Now when fair morn orient in Heav'n appear'd,
Up rose the victor Angels, and to arms The matin trumpet fung: in arms they stood Of golden panoply, refulgent hoft ! Soon banded: others from the dawning hills. Look'd round, and scouts each coaft light-armed scour Each quarter, to descry the diftant foe, Where lodg'd, or whither fled, or if for fight In motion or in halt: him foon they met Under spread ensigns moving nigh, in flow But firm battalion: back with fpeedieft fail ZOPHIEL, Of Cherubim the swiftest wing, Came flying, and in mid-air aloud thus cry'd.
Arm, warriors, arm for fight! the foe at hand, Whom fled we thought, will fave us long perfuit This day; fear not his flight; so thick a cloud He comes, and fettled in his face I fee Sad refolution, and fecure. Let each
His adamantine coat gird well, and each Fit well his helm, gripe faft his orbed shield, Born ev'n or high; for this day will pour down, If I conjecture * ought, no drizling show'r, But ratling storm of arrows barb'd with fire.
So warn'd he them, aware themselves; and foon
In order, quit of all impediment, Instant without disturb they took alarm, And onward move embattell'd: when behold! Not diftant far with heavy pace the Foe Approaching gross and huge; in hollow cube Training his devilish enginry, impal'd On every fide with shadowing squadrons deep, To hide the fraud. At interview both flood A-while; but fuddenly at head appear'd SATAN; and thus was heard commanding loud.
Vanguard to right and left the Front unfold; That all may fee who hate us, how we feek Peace and compofure, and with open breaft Stand ready to receive them, if they like Our overture, and turn not back perverse; But that I doubt: however witness Heav'n! Heav'n witness thou anon! while we difcharge Freely our part: ye who appointed stand, Do as you have in charge, and briefly touch What we propound, and loud that all may hear.
So scoffing in ambiguous words, he fcarce Had ended; when to right and left the Front Divided, and to either Flank retir'd: Which to our eyes discover'd, new and strange! A triple mounted row of pillars, laid On wheels (for like to pillars most they feem'd, Or hollow'd bodies made of oak, or fir, With branches lop'd, in wood or mountain fell'd)
* Perhaps it should be, right.
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