Abbildungen der Seite

wait and to abstain. In this capacity, gentlemen, we can never step out of the strictly legal path; and an opposite course would be still worse, if, as you maintain, we still preserve our trust as deputies. Our assemblies, on the contrary, have nothing in them, in any degree, hostile to the government; since we are desirous of calming the agitation of the capital, and obtaining, at the same time, some concessions from the Government. This, Gentlemen, is our position, at once legal and patriotic; and one from which, gentlemen, we should be cautious not to misplace ourselves."

M. Mauguin combated this opinion with great energy, and thus concluded: "For myself, I declare, that I conspire as the people conspire, and I suspect, that you who listen to me are of the same way of thinking."

M. Lafitte. -" M. Mauguin is, in truth, right. We cannot deny, M. Sebastiani, that there is a complete schism between us and the King's government, for we have declared to the Marshal, that, if the ordonnances are not withdrawn, we shall throw ourselves, body and soul, into the Movement."

M. Bavoux." A messenger from the Hôtel de Ville. The tricolor flag is unfurled, planted, and flying; but the troops will attack us again

to-morrow: the people do wonders; but they require orders, chiefs."

MM. Mauguin, Lafitte, Lafayette, Chardel, Delaborde, simultaneously proposed to constitute a government at the Hôtel de Ville.

A Deputy to the Citizens. "Have you seen any tricolor cockades?"

A Citizen." Everywhere."

The Deputy. "We must mount it ourselves


M.Sebastiani (with precipitation). - Gentlemen, have you any prudence! Do you, indeed, meditate changing the national colour! Our position is instantly compromised. I solemnly declare, that if the discussion proceeds in this vein I retire immediately."


A voice from behind. — " Very well; go to the devil then."—" Gentlemen," continued M. Sebastiani, "once more I adjure you to profit by the position in which we find ourselves. Whatever M. Mauguin may affirm, trust me, it is a perfectly lawful one."

M. Mechin." I entirely agree with M. Sebastiani: our commission is a lawful one; our office that of mediators. But, Gentlemen, it is late; we had better retire."

It was midnight.

MM. Guizot and Gérard, who were silent in a corner, with their hats drawn over their faces, now muttered, "Yes, yes, it is very late; we had better go."

M. Lafitte.

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"But, Gentlemen, once more are

we to part without deciding any thing: without even making an appointment for to-morrow! This wretched incertitude must cease; and at such a peremptory crisis — "

MM. Mechin and Sebastiani.

row, at noon."

"Well, to-mor

A Citizen. "At noon! before noon all may

be finished."

Sebastiani." What then?"

The Citizen.

"What then! conquerors, or

conquered, we shall know who you are.”

M. Sebastiani shrugged his shoulders, and quitted the room, with a few deputies.

Lafayette then rose, and said, that he had listened to M. Sebastiani with surprise and grief. "At this crisis, our honour and our dignity both impel us to join our fellow-citizens in the struggle. For two days they have faced the cannon and the musket; and we stand here huckstering about even giving them orders. My decision is taken I join them, and this very night."

"Bravo! bravo! Vive Lafayette !"

Lafitte.—“Although there are only five of us, we can still, if we are forced, manage the affair; but it may be politic not to appear to have any violent collision with our colleagues. To-morrow morning, or rather this morning, for it is past midnight, meet at my house at six."

M. Audry de Puyraveau. "With our muskets no more words."

Lafitte and Mauguin shook hands with Audry, exclaiming, "My dear colleague, depend upon


Lafayette. "This sounds well: to-morrow we will once more unfurl our glorious tricolor flag, or die with our brave fellow-citizens." They all shook hands and separated.




BEFORE dawn the report was circulated throughout Paris, that Lafayette and his friends had visited the barricades in the night, and put themselves at the head of the people. The spirit of the populace was immediately revived. "There will be warm work to-morrow," was the general observation.

Dawn broke: the combat recommenced, the line fraternised, the populace everywhere triumphant, the guard concentrated in the Louvre and Tuilleries.

About nine o'clock, I happened to meet M. Casimir Perier, leaning on the arms of two friends, who assisted him in passing through the barricades. There was a great crowd.

"Is he wounded?" asked one.
"No! no! it is a deputy."
"Who? who?"

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