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He "walked with God," and it is said "he prophesied." He was a preacher and a saint. Olympas. Do we know any thing about the sermons of Enoch?

Reuben. Jude alludes to the book of Enoch; at least he says that Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, “Behold the Lord comes with his myriads of holy angels to pass sentence upon all and to convict all the ungodly among them of all their deeds of ungodliness which they have impiously committed, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against him."

Olympas. From this sermon or text of Enoch, how many distinct subjects of revelation are intimated, Eliza ?

Eliza. The coming of the Lord—the existence of myriads of holy angels-the providence and supervision of God-human responsibility-a general judgment—and the punishment of the wicked. If each of these may be regarded as a distinct topic, then there were some six or seven very fundamental matters revealed and taught ever since the fall of man.

Olympas. If to the altar, the priest, the sacrifice, the sabbath, we add that knowledge of the principles of general piety and morality which enabled Enoch to walk with God, and to be perfect in his generation; I say, if to these we add his teachings, much more light and knowledge of the being and perfections of God-of his creation, providence, and redemption—the principles of righteousness and piety-of future rewards and punishments, was communicated and possessed in the first ages of the world, than many now seem

to imagine. Of all which the translation of Enoch was a seal and confirmation difficult fully to appreciate. Tell me, Thomas Dilworth, what think you would be the most likely train of reflections to which such an event would give rise?

Thomas. That man is predestined to live again; at least susceptible of a new life in some other world than this. That the transition from this state to that is rapid and direct, and that the virtuous and morally excellent will, on quitting these confines of mortality, be admitted into the presence of the Lord; for it is implied that God took Enoch to himself.

Olympas. It is then presumable that Abel, and Enoch, and Adam, who died in faith, were all taken to the Lord?

Thomas. Being all the children of men and the sons of God, I know no reason nor Scripture that forbids the idea of their all going to one place.

Olympas. Paul says, "Absent from the body, and present with the Lord." But as Enoch was not absent from the body, could he be present with the Lord in the same sense as Abel?

Thomas. The ten thousand angels of whom Enoch preached were present with the Lord. But while in the presence of the Lord there is fulness of joy, there are many ways of being in his presence. We in this family are all in your presence at this time; yet we are not all standing in the same relations, nor performing the same services. I think that Gabriel, Enoch, and Abel are equally in the presence of God, though not sustaining the same rank, nor performing the same services; and though all happy in the ratio

of their several capacities, yet differing in these as much as those who now surround your fireside and enjoy the light of your countenance and instructions.

Olympas. I believe, Thomas, your views are substantially correct and scriptural; for Elijah who was translated, and Moses that died and was buried, appear in the same company, performing the same mission on Mount Tabor; while Peter, James, and John enjoyed their company and heard their communications with each other and the Lord, while conversing about his death at Jerusalem, then soon to happen.

Thomas. It was your remarks on that scene, and on 2 Cor. v. 1-5, that led me to these views and conclusions concerning the righteous dead. But may I ask, for instruction, what difference was there in the character of Abel, Enoch, and Noah, that should have occasioned such a difference in their end. Abel was slain, Enoch was translated, and Noah died, and yet all were perfect in their generation? You say there are no degrees in perfection; and why this difference?

Olympas. But, Edward, are we agreed that these three were all equally excellent persons? Edward. Paul says, By faith Abel offered-by faith Enoch was translated-and by faith Noah prepared an ark. They all walked by faith.

Olympas. Still others as well as these walked by faith, who were in moral excellence much their inferiors such as Samson, Barak, Gideon, &c.

Edward. But more is said of Abel, Enoch, and Noah than of those three; for Abel obtained witness that he was righteous. Noah was declared

to be perfect, and Enoch walked with God. Now it would appear that they were equally perfect men: for if God said in fact that Abel was righteous, and Noah perfect, and Enoch walked with him; they were doubtless of equal moral worth, differing only in times, circumstances, and things purely accidental.

Olympas. So let it be. It will then follow that the wise and benevolent ends of the Father of all required that Abel should be a martyr-that Enoch should carry his own body into heavenand that Noah should be the saviour of a world. The universe required these three distinct services; while the three servants having done their work, were equally acceptable to God— equally perfect in their generation and circumstances; and are now equally, though diversely, blessed in the presence chamber of the King, the Lord of hosts. "One star differeth from another star in glory;" while all are stars in the same heavens, made of the same matter, and serving the same God. Eliza, was not Enoch a prophet?

Eliza. So Jude would intimate; for he says, "Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied." Olympas. Of what, Eliza, did he especially prophesy?

Eliza. Of the coming of the Lord with his angels to judge the world and to avenge his enemies.

Olympas. It is, then, indubitable that the doctrine of a future life, the consummation of all things-the doctrine of the origin and destiny of man, has been taught from the earliest ages of the world. The translation of Enoch was a demonstration of its truth, and a confirmation of its

certainty vouchsafed to all the renouned fathers of mankind before the death of Seth the immediate son of Adam. Did not I request you, Reuben, on a former occasion, to trace the history of tradition, and from the Bible to determine through how many hands the knowledge possessed by the ancients was communicated to Moses?

Reuben. You did, Sir. And from the tabular view I have completed on this subject, I find that all the knowledge, natural and supernatural, which man enjoyed in the first two thousand years of the world came to Isaac through but two persons. Indeed, I have satisfied myself that all nations had one common fountain of knowledge, and that one universal tradition obtained through Methuselah and Shem.

Olympas. This is both curious and edifying; but we must defer the farther investigation of this subject till the evening.

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