A Sentimental Journey Through France and ItalyAlan Rodgers Books LLC, 2005 - 108 Seiten
CALAIS When I had fished my dinner, and drank the King of France's health, to satisfy my mind that I bore him no spleen, but, on the contrary, high honor for the humanity of his temper, -- I rose up an inch taller for the accommodation. -- No -- said I -- the Bourbon is by no means a cruel race: they may be misled, like other people; but there is a mildness in their blood. As I acknowledged this, I felt a suffusion of a finer kind upon my cheek -- more warm and friendly to man, than what Burgundy (at least of two livres a bottle, which was such as I had been drinking) could have produced. -- Just God! said I, kicking my portmanteau aside, what is there in this world's goods which should sharpen our spirits, and make so many kind-hearted brethren of us fall out so cruelly as we do by the way? |
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... woman than of her good advice . - - As this was the real truth - she took it , as every woman takes a matter of right , with a slight curtsey . - Attendez ! said she , laying her hand upon my arm to detain me , whilst she called a lad ...
... woman's pulse . " But a grisette's ! thou wouldst have said , — and in an open shop ! Yorick - - - - --- So much the better : for when my views are direct , Eugenius , I care not if all the world saw me feel it . THE HUSBAND . PARIS . I ...
... woman's paper lantern at the end of the bridge happening to be blown out , she had borrow'd the sentry's match to light it : - it gave a moment's time for the Gasçon's blood to run cool , and turn the accident better to his advantage ...