Abbildungen der Seite

commanded by the emperor Alexander and the king of Prussia. You have added a new lustre to the

glory of my eagles. You have shown every thing of which French blood is capable.

"The battle of Lutzen will be placed above the battles of Austerlitz, of Jena, of Friedland, and of Moskwa.

"In the past campaign the enemy found no refuge against our arms but in following the ferocious method of his barbarous ancestors; armies of Tartars burnt his fields, his towns, the holy Moscow itself. Now they arrive in our countries, preceded by all that Germany, France, and Italy have of bad subjects and deserters, to preach revolt, anarchy, civil war, and murder. They are, in fact, the apostles of all crimes. It is a moral fire which they would light up between the Vistula and the Rhine, in order, according to the custom of despotic governments, to place deserts between us and them. Fools! they know nothing of the attachment to their sovereigns, the wisdom, the spirit of order, and the good sense of the Germans; they know little of the power and the bravery of the French.

"In a single day you have deranged all these particidal conspiracies. We will drive back these Tartars to their frightful climates, who deserve not to be free.

"Let them remain in their icy deserts, the residence of slavery, of barbarism, and corruption, where man is reduced to the level of the brute. You have deserved well of

civilized Europe.

"Soldiers!-Italy, France, and Germany, render you thanks.

"From our imperial camp of Lutzen, May 3d 1813.

(Signed) "NAPOLEON."

Wardell v. Black.

20. This was an action brought by a gentleman residing at Ux bridge, against the defendant, a veterinary surgeon, to recover sixty guineas, the value of a blood horse killed by his unskilful treatment. In November last the horse was not well, having an inflammation on the kidneys. The defendant was employed to bleed the horse: he could not at first get blood; and, with a view to accomplish his ob ject, struck the bleeding instrument so violently, that he did the animal injury. The neck swelled, and the defendant attempted to pass a seething up the wound. For that purpose he put a birch twig up the vein, which would not do; he then tried a packing-needle, which also failed, and resorted to another piece of birch stick. In the last applica tion the stick broke in the wound. He then said he could not do what was necessary to be done without proper instruments, and he should come next day. The defendant came next day, but could do the horse no good. The animal never ate after the attempt to bleed him, and four days after the neck mortified, and he died.

Mr. Sewell, a veterinary surgeon, stated that the defendant had not used proper instruments; but in want of better he might be justified in using those he did use. It was proved that the horse was sound internally when he died.

There was no defence to the ac tion, and the unskilfulness being evident, the jury gave a verdict

for 631.

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only 25,000,000. The present population of the empire is 42,700,000, of which 28,700,000 are contained in the departments of Old France. This estimate is not founded on mere conjecture, but on accurate census. It is an augmentation of 2,700,000, or more than one-tenth within 24 years.

An awful catastrophe lately happened in the bay of Brackless, county of Donegal. An unusual appearance of herrings (which for several years past had deserted these shores) had collected all the boats of the southern coast to the bay. In the night, when the boats were deeply laden, a storm arose, the boats were unmanageable, in a moment all was confusion, and death spread his terrors around. Nearly sixty boats were wrecked; of some, and of their crews, not a vestige remained! The morning presented a most dismal spectacle of mangled corpses, torn nets, and wrecks of boats. Forty-two industrious fishermen, who had left their families the preceding evening with the cheering prospect of returning with the means of a comfortable subsistence, were brought home corpses.



1. At two o'clock in the morning (May 20) the inhabitants of Plymouth Dock were alarmed by a fire in Hamoaze. The bells of the dock-yard rang, to summon the officers and artificers of the yard to their duty, who promptly attended the call. A fire had broken out on board the Magdalen, a fine large American ship, prize to the Superb of 74 guns; and as a great many other prizes, as well as men of war, were at the time close to, the Magdalen, much apprehension

was entertained lest the conflagration might be communicated to them. It was at length deemed prudent to tow her to the western shore, and scuttle her; which the artificers of the dock effected with their usual alacrity. The Magdalen was a large three-masted vessel pierced for 20 guns, and was laden with brandy from Bordeaux.


Hamburgh has again fallen into the hands of the French. At the very moment when we were led to believe that they were under the protection of an irresistible Russian and Swedish force, their city was occupied, on the morning of the 30th ult. by 5000 Danes, who were followed in the evening of the same day by 1500 French. The city was taken possession of by the French general Bruyere, in the name of Bonaparte, as belonging to the French empire. General Tettenborn and his troops left it the day before; the Swedes had previously quitted it.

The French general, however, has not entered Hamburgh, as it was supposed he would, clothed in all the terrors of martial law, destroying the property of the inhabitants, and sacrificing their lives to his fury. It does not appear that he has even called upon them to deliver up their arms. Instead of giving up muskets and bayonets, bullets and gun-powder, Davoust has, ex virtute officii, issued a criminal information against all those who possess, either for their own private use, or for general dissemination, any libels, books, pamphlets, por traits, pictures, caricatures, poems, verses, &c. which have been published since the 24th of February, when the allies became possessed of the city.-He does not appear (D 8)


to consider the place, as these papers describe it, "a well stored hive of war" filled with a citizensoldiery, and having on its ramparts upwards of 200 pieces of canпоп. No, with that hatred of the liberty of the press, which characterizes Napoleon, and which, of course, his satellites imitate, he contemplates Hamburgh as an immense depôt of inflammatory and seditious publications: inflammatory, because they are calculated to excite a spirit of resistance throughout Germany; and seditious, because, having that effect, they tend to destroy the power of his master. He considers a 48-pounder as an engine less to be dreaded than one of those inflammatory folios; the whole burgher guard affects him less than half a dozen of duodecimos; and the desultory observations contained in various pamphlets "strike more terror to the soul of Richard" than the utmost exertions of a regiment of Cossacks; a pun is more an object of dread than a petard; and the point of an epigram more destructive than the spear of a Polish lancer. A proclamation of Davoust's imposes an extraordinary contribution of 48 millions of francs on the citizens of Hamburgh, as a punishment for their conduct during the absence of the French from that city. The preclamation is dated the 7th inst. and the first instalment on the contribution was to be paid on the 12th. The whole is divided into six instalments, the last of which is to be paid on the 12th of July. The first three instalments were to be paid in money: but for the last three bills would be accept ed, payable at Paris at three months date. The proclamation particularly directs the contribution to be levied on those persons who had

subscribed to the patriotic levies, or otherwite distinguished themselves against the French since the 24th of February.

A recent defeat of the French at Halberstadt appears to have been one of the most brilliant enterprises of the campaign. General Czernicheff, who directed this gallant and skilful operation, having crossed the Elbe on the 28th ult. received information of the passage of a large hostile convoy and park of artillery through the Brunswick territory, as well as of the expected arrival of the whole on the following night at Halberstadt. He instantly formed the determination to surprise this convoy. He had under his orders about 400 regular cavalry and a body of Cossacks; and in thirty hours, in pursuance of his design, executed a rapid march of fifteen German miles (upwards of 70 English). About four o'clock in the morning of the 30th he discovered the enemy encamped without the walls of the town, formed into a square, of which the convoy constituted the centre. Notwithstanding the fatigue of his cavalry from the extraordinary length of march, he attacked the square, which the enemy had strengthened with great art, and defended with 14 pieces of cannon. first with a vigorous resistance; but, having been apprised that another convoy, protected by 4000 men, was approaching, he ordered his men to make a general and simultaneous charge, which ultimately succeeded, just as the head of the second column had arrived. The result of this admirable affair was the capture of 1000 men, 800 draft horses, and 14 cannon, 700 of the enemy killed, besides the destruction of the large park of artillery. The general of division,

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He met at


Ochse, a colonel, and several horses were among the prisoners. This spirited enterprise reflects great honour on the Russian general

Hamburgh and other papers to the 30th ult. bring accounts of the battles of Bautzen and Wurtseen, very different from the statements contained in the French papers.In the affair of the 19th, instead of a trifling loss admitted by Bonaparte, it appears that Lauriston's corps of 12,000 men was routed; that three divisions of Ney's corps were also engaged; and that the final result was a complete victory on the part of the allies,' who took ten pieces of cannon, 1500 prisoners, with two general officers, and completely dispersed a column of 9000 men. In the battle of the 20th, at Bautzen, the French were repulsed in all their attempts to force the position of the allies; and the battle was renewed with the greatest fury at four o'clock the next morning, the 21st. The enemy began by attacking the left wing of the allies; but this was only a feint to cover their main design against the centre and the right. In the centre he was repulsed with great slaughter, where the allies had a most formidable artillery, which did dreadful execution upon the assailants. On the right he appears to have been successful. General Blucher commanded here, and was driven from his position. This was, in fact, the whole advantage obtained by the French; and even this was counterbalanced by a forward movement of the allied left wing, which prevented the French from pressing any further on the right. Night put an end to the conflict; and though the result of the combined attack on the right and centre of the allies was to make such a

change in their position as rendered it advisable for them to remove from the field of battle, yet they took up a new position at a short distance, in the greatest order, and ready for another contest.-That the French ultimately gained the victory in these battles, there is no doubt, because they remained in possession of the field of battle, from which the allies retreated; but it appears to have been in itself a barren triumph. Bonaparte acknowledges a loss of 11,000 or 12,000 men, killed and wounded, and has no trophies to boast of; he says, he could take no colours, because the allies always carry them off the field of battle! and he only took 19 cannon, because he wished to spare his cavalry. These reasons, so curious, and at the same time so unusual in a French account of a battle, evident. ly show that the victory in itself was of little value. It is remarkable also, that he does not estimate the loss of the allies, or state his having taken any prisoners, except wounded. The number of the wounded of the allied force is said in a vague manner to be about 18,000 men, of whom 10,000 were prisoners. The rest, he admits, had been carried off by the allied army in carriages. It is clear, therefore, that he was unable to pursue, and that the allies retreated at their leisure and in good order. On the 22d an affair took place at Reitzenbach, in which the allies were defeated.

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wounded was Duroc, the son of a scrivener, and for many years a servile attendant on the tyrant, who in return had created him duke of Friuli. To this person, in his last moments, Bonaparte paid a consolatory visit; and the poor dying wretch is described as carrying his adulation and servility to the very borders of the grave; much like Pope's courtier, who expires uttering his customary compliment "If where I'm going I can serve you, sir." The scene, however, is too much for the tender nerves of Bonaparte; and he, who could behold unmoved the wanton destruction of so many thousands of his fellow-creatures, for no other object but to gratify his lust of power, this emblem of ferocious and unrelenting cruelty, is overcome by his feelings, and retires to his tent to indulge the luxury of grief alone.

But our readers shall receive the narration in the language of the Moniteur: "As soon as the posts were placed, and the army had taken its bivouaques, the emperor went to see the duke of Friuli. He found him perfectly master of himself, and showing the greatest sing froid. The duke offered his hand to the emperor, who pressed it to his lips. My whole life, said he to him, has been consecrated to your service; nor do I regret its loss, but for the use it still might have been of to you!' -Duroc!' replied the emperor, "there is a life to come: it is there you are going to wait for me, ad where we shall one day meet again! Yes, sire! but that will not be yet these thirty years, when you will have triumphed over your enemies, and realized all the hopes of our country. I have lived an honest man-I have nothing to reproach my


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self with-I leave a daughter behind me-your majesty will fill the place of a father to her!'-The emperor, grasping the right hand of the great marshal, remained for a quarter of an hour with his head reclined on his right hand in deep silence. The great marshal was the first who broke this silence. Ah! sire, cried he, go away; this sight gives you pain! The emperor, supporting himself on the duke of Dalmatia and the grand master of the horse, quitted the duke of Friuli, without being able to say any more than these words: Farewell, then, my friend! His majesty returned to his tent, nor would he receive any person the whole of that night."

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A suspension of arms was agreed to on the 1st inst. and finally, on the 4th, the armistice was signed; a cessation of hostilities having previously taken place. It is to last to the 20th of July; six days notice of the recommencement of hostilities is to be given; and the besieged fortresses are to receive provisions every five days. The terms are such as serve amply to show that Bonaparte, with all his boasting of late, has not been able to dictate conditions to the allies; who, on the contrary, have procured an advan tageous line of demarcation for their armies, at which they will be able to receive all necessary suc cours. As, however, the French reinforcements have the lesser distance to march, we should suppose the armistice necessarily most fa vourable to France, if we did not recollect a decree of the emperor of Russia, dated December 12, commanding a levy of 300,000 men, who were to be drawn, throughout the whole empire, in one month from that date. Al

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