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then observed the body of her master on the floor; did not stop to examine whether there were any marks of violence; he was covered with blood; went down and saw the prisoner in the servant's hall; he wrapt up some sheets in another sheet; the prisoner said Mrs. Bonar was living, and begged her to go up stairs-he went up-she followed: he got into the room by the time she got to the door: he took a blanket from the floor, and covered the body of her master; does not recollect any thing else there saw him with the sheets in the hall before this--the sheets were bloody he took a sheet from hisown bed, and put them in it; he put them on the floor.

Thomas Foy, constable of Great Marlborough-street, on Tuesday after the murder, went down to Chislehurst; found some shoes in a wood closet near the servants' hall-(produced them)-there appeared to be blood on the upper leather and the soles: compared the shoes with the bloody footsteps, they corresponded exactly: the shoes are right and left-one with a spring-heel-one without: one worn at the toe, had left a particularly strong impression; showed the shoes to the prisoner in the evening, who said they were his received some sheets from Susannah Curnick; (she was called, and said those produced were the sheets): one was fine, the other


Susannah Curnick said, she gave him the sheets from the floor, they were very bloody-(the sheets were produced)-the coarse sheet was more stained than the fine one. In the prisoner's bed was a nightcap, which at first he denied, but afterwards acknowledged: there were appearances of blood, which,

the prisoner said, he supposed came on it when he took the sheets from his master's room: there were no sheets on the prisoner's bed.

Foy (cross-examined) said the prisoner did not appear intoxicated when he spoke to him.

Eleanor Thomas was cook in the family: on the 30th of May, made the prisoner's bed, and put on two coarse sheets: saw the bloody sheets, one was coarser than the other, and was like that she had put on the prisoner's bed(she looked at the sheet, and said it was the same.)

Susannah Curnick said, no draw. ers nor any thing had been disturbed: the watches were at the head of the bed-one hanging, the other under the pillow: no appearance of breaking into the house.

Stephen Lavender went to Chislehurst; saw a sheet at the foot of the prisoner's bed; some blood on it. [Mrs. Thomas said the sheet, with the other coarse sheet, made the two sheets of the prisoner's bed.] He arrived at Chislehurst about one o'clock; went to Mr. Bonar's bed-room: saw his skull fractured, and a poker lying by, bloody and bent, [It was produced.] By the side of Mr. Bonar's bed was a candlestick broke and bloody, as if trampled on by a bloody foot: saw the prisoner on Tuesday, about four o'clock, at Chislehurst; between eleven and twelve saw the prisoner with his throat cut; the wound was sewed up by a surgeon in the house; from the day after for several days he had the care of him : on the 8th of June the wound broke out afresh: the prisoner sent for Mr. Bonar: no promise nor threat was used to induce him to confess: what he said was re duced to writing by Mr. A.

Cooper :

Cooper: it was then read to the prisoner, who signed it in the presence of Mr. Hott, Mr. Bonar, and himself, and was signed by them: Mr. Wells then came: the paper was read again: the prisoner went over his name with a dry pen; and Mr. Wells the magistrate then signed the paper.

Lavender cross-examined-said, the prisoner appeared disturbed, but his intellects not at all deranged.

The confession was here read


I, Philip Nicholson, to clear the innocence of others, and tell the truth of myself,-I committed the murder.

Question by Mr. B.-Had you accomplices?-No, sir, I would tell you if I had.

I do not mean accomplices in the room, but others?-No, sir, I did not know it myself five minutes be fore.

Explain how it happened.-I was sleeping upon the form, and waked about three o'clock; I put the sheet around me, and took the poker from the hall grate, and a lighted candle in my hand from the hall. I entered the room, I looked about when I entered, and gave my mistress two blows; she never moved. I left her, and went round to master and gave him two or three blows; and he said, "Come to bed, my love," and then he sprung from the bed and seized hold of me. I hit him in the struggle about the arms and legs; we struggled fifteen minutes or better, he was very near getting the better of me; I got him down by force, and left him groaning. I went down to wash my hands in the sink of the butler's pantry, and then opened the housedoor and drawing-room windows.

What motive had you?--I had no bad intention: I did not know what provoked me to do it more than you do.

You were heard to complain of going so much behind the carriage; -Yes; but I never thought of doing it from that.

Did you ever feel resentment for going so much behind the carriage? No, sir: I never thought much about it.

Had you thought or talked of this murder when you were drinking with the groom the night be. fore in the hall?-No: I never thought of it myself, or had any idea of it myself.

How long was it after you waked that you went up stairs?—I jumped up: I was half undressed when sleeping upon the form: I undressed, and put the sheet about me.

Why did you put the sheet about you? That they might not know


When did you drop the sheet ?In the struggle: I had it on when I gave the first blow.

By Mr. A. C.-Did Dale, the butler, know any thing about it?— No, sir.

Did any of the maid-servants know any thing about it?-Not a word.

Why did you go to Dale in London?-Nothing particular. Was it your intention to take any thing away?—No, sir.

What was your intention ?-Nothing particular: but when I went into the room I saw my master and mistress asleep, and I gave her two blows.

Were you drunk when you went to bed?-No, sir, I had drunk nothing but beer. I had not had a drop of spirits all day.

Had you at any former time (G4) thought

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thought of the murder -No, sir, I never thought of such a thing in my life.

What did you do with your bloody things?-My shirt, neckcloth, and stockings, I put opposite the hall-door in the shrubbery, under some leaves, near the little gate. The breeches I kept on all day. When I waked from the form I only took off my waistcoat.

What did you wipe your hands with-With the sponge in the sink, which I left there.

What did you do with your shoes? Did you put them into the wood closet?-I might; but I do not remember.

What did you do with the rush light? I threw it into the coal closet.

Why did you take the rush-light? It was dark in the house. Why did you think it was three o'clock-By the break of day.. Why did you open the shutters of your room?-To shew me light. Was it to see your clothes?-No, I had seen them by the rush-light in coming down stairs.

Did you go to sleep after committing this act?-I went to bed, but could not sleep. I was awake when King entered the room.

In the presence of Almighty God, thinking I am on my death bed, I hereby declare this to be my voluntary confession, to prevent innocent people being accused of this circumstance.

(Signed) PHILIP NICHOLSON. Acknowledged as the signiture of Philip Nicholson, before me,

(Signed) JOHN WELLS.

June 8, 1813. Lavender, after the confession, searched and found the clothes nearly in the place described: (the shirt was much torn and bloody,

and also the stockings); they were produced.

Thomas Hott, surgeon, was then called. On the 31st of May he went to Chislehurst: went into Mr. Bonar's room; saw his skull fractur ed, the teeth loosened, and jaw broken: saw a poker, which he had no doubt was the instrument of his death.

The prisoner being called upon for his defence, merely asked whether Mr. Hott had any doubt of the truth of the confession?

Mr. Hott. Certainly not.

The prisoner then called Mr. Frederick Tyrrell as a witness to his character, who said he was the son of the City remembrancer: the prisoner had lived three years with his father, and his conduct during that time was humane and gentle: he appeared to be a man of kind disposition. Cross examined by Mr. Guerney, said the prisoner was turned away from his father's service for frequent drunkenness : he had frequently seen him drunk, but not outrageous: it was not considered safe to retain him. Reexamined as to this last point-he said that he was no further unsafe than any other drunken person on account of the risk from lights, &c.

Mr. justice Heath then summed up the evidence: he said he never knew a case more clearly proved: even of circumstances there was so well connected a series as must carry conviction independently of the confession: the bloody footsteps: the conduct and demeanour of the prisoner; his taking off the sheets; his night-cap stained with blood, which could not have happened in the way he said, because when he brought down the sheets in the morning he was dressed and had no night-cap; and the bloody shoes,

which exactly corresponded with the footmark. All these things seemed to remove all doubt; and then the confession confirmed all these circumstances. If however the jury had any doubt, they would acquit the prisoner.

The jury immediately returned a verdict of Guilty.

The prisoner was then addressed in the usual form, and asked what he had to say why sentence of death should not be passed upon him. He said, "he had nothing to offer."

shall be given to be dissected and anatomized."

Mr. justice Heath then proceeded to pass sentence nearly in the following terms:-" Prisoner, after a minute trial, you have been convicted by a jury of your country of. traitorously murdering your master; whom instead of attacking it was your duty to protect at the peril of your life. What was your motive for so atrocious a crime does not appear it does not seem to have been revenge; you were not intoxicated, nor offended at your master, against whom it was impossible to feel resentment, for his whole life was a series of kindnesses and beneficences, for which he is now gone to receive his reward. You, Nicholson, must soon appear before a tribunal more awful than this; and I solemnly recommend you to employ the short interval which remains to you, in making your peace with heaven. Nothing that I can say can aggravate the sense of your guilt in the minds of this assembly. I shall therefore proceed to discharge my duty in passing upon you the sentence of the law, which is, That you be taken hence to the place from whence you came, and on Monday next be drawn on a sledge to the place of execution, and there hanged till you are dead, and then your body

Immediately after the sentence, the prisoner put in a paper and desired it to be read. The judge said this was irregular, but looked at the paper, and told the jury that it contained a confession of crime, which was imputed to excessive drinking. The prisoner, during his trial and the sentence, appeared more sorry and ashamed than agitated: his face is of a feeble cast; his manner was at once dejected and firm. He was immediately after the trial re-conveyed to prison.


The paper which he put in and desired to be read was as follows: I acknowledge with the deepest contrition the justice of the sentence unto death which has been just passed upon me. My crimes are indced most heavy; I feel their weight, but I do not despair-nay, I humbly hope for mercy through the infinite mercy of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who bled and died for me. In order to have a well grounded hope in him, my allmerciful Redeemer, I know that it is my bounden duty not only to grieve from my heart for my dire offences, but also to do my utmost to make satisfaction for them. Yet, alas! what satisfaction can I make to the afflicted family of my master and mistress, whom without any provocation I so barbarously murdered? I can make none beyond the declaration of my guilt, and horror of soul that I could perpetrate deeds so shocking to human nature, and so agonizing to the feelings of that worthy family. I implore their forgiveness for God's sake; and fully sensible of their great goodness, I do hope that, for

his sake, they will forgive me. I freely give up my life as a just forfeit to my country, whose laws I have most scandalously outraged. Departing from this tribunal, I shall soon appear before another tribunal where an eternal sentence will be passed upon me. With this dread sentence full in my view, I do most solemnly declare, and I desire this declaration to be taken as my dy. ing words, that I alone was the base and cruel murderer of my master and mistress; that I had no accomplice; that no one knew, or possibly could suspect, that I intended to perpetrate those barbarities; that I myself had no intention of committing those horrid deeds, save for a short time, so short as scarcely to be computed, before I actually committed them: that booty was not the motive of my fatal cruelties; I am sure the idea of plunder never presented itself to my mind: I can attribute those unnatural murders to no other cause than, at the time of their commission, a temporary fury from excessive drinking; and before that time to the habitual forgetfulness for many years, of the Great God and his judgements; and the too natural consequence of such forgetfulness, the habitual yielding to the worst passions of corrupted nature; so that the evil that I was tempted to do, that I did: the Lord in his mercy has nevertheless spared until now my life-that life which I, in an agony of horror and despair, once most wickedly attempted to destroy he has most graciously allowed me time for repentance; an humble and contrite heart must be his gift that gift I hope he has granted to my most ardent supplications: in that hope, and bearing in mind his promise that an hum

ble and contrite heart he will not despise, I, freely offering up to him my sufferings, and my life itself, look forward, through his most precious blood, to the pardon of all my crimes, my manifold and most enormous crimes, and most humbly trust that the same mercy which he showed to the penitent thief who was crucified with him, he will show me. Thus meekly confiding in Thee, O Jesus! into thy hands I commend my spirit. Amen.

PHILIP NICHOLSON. This 20th August, 1813. The signature was in Nicholson's hand-writing: the rest appeared to be written by another hand.


Nicholson was removed on the 17th instant from the house of correction in Cold-bath-fields; and at the instance of Mr. Bonar, governor Adkins sent down to Maidstone his principal assistant (Joseph Becker), who had very particular instructions respecting the care and treatment of the prisoner. After sentence of death was passed, Nicholson was placed in the con. demned cell, which in the Maidstone gaol is under ground, and the approach to it dark and dreary down. many steps. In this cell Mr. Bonar had an interview with the prisoner at half past five on Monday morn ing last. On his approaching the cell he found Nicholson on his knees at prayer.

At about twelve o'clock the preparations for the removal of Nicholson being nearly completed, Mr. Bonar, accompanied by his brother and Mr. Bramston, the catholic clergyman, had another interview with the unfortunate man; soon after which the hurdle or sledge, which was in the shape of a shallow

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