it with impatience from her) to join me - and tell them I have all the confidence in the world she will not spend more than I can afford, and I only mentioned two hundred guineas a year because 'twas right to name some certain sum, for which I begged you to give her credit. I write to you, of all my most intimate concerns, as to a brother: so excuse me, dear Foley. God bless you Believe me Yours affectionately, L. STERNE. Compts. to M. Panchaud, D'Holbach, &c. LII. TO THE SAME. MY DEAR FRIEND, York, Nov. 11, 1764. I SENT, ten days ago, a bank bill of thirty pounds to Mr. Becket, and this post one of sixty - When I get to London, which will be in five weeks, you will receive what shall always keep you in bank for Mrs. Sterne; in the mean time I have desired Becket to send you fourscore pounds., and if my wife, before I get to London, should have occasion for fifty louis, let her not wait a minute, and if I have not paid it, a week or fortnight I know will break no squares with a good and worthy friend. I will contrive to send you these two new volumes of Tristram, as soon as ever I get them from the press. You will read as odd a tour through France as ever was projected or executed by traveller, or travel-writers, since the world began. 'Tis a laughing good-tempered satire against travelling (as puppies travel) - Panchaud will enjoy it - I am quite civil to your Parisians - et pour cause you know 'tis likely I may see them in spring. Is it possible for you to get me over a copy of my picture any how? If so, I would write to Mademoiselle N- to make as good a copy from it as she possibly could, with a view to do her service here and I would remit her the price - I really believe it would be the parent of a dozen portraits to her, if she executes it with the spirit of the original in your hands for it will be seen by many and as my phiz is as remarkable as myself, if she preserves the true character of both, it will do her honour and service too. Write me a line about this, and tell me you are well and happy - Will you present my kind respects to the worthy Baron shall send him one of the best impressions of my picture from Mr. Reynolds's - another to Monsieur P-. My love to Mr. S-n and P-d. I am, most truly yours, I L. STERNE. LIII. TO J- HS, ESQ. DEAR, DEAR COUSIN, Νον. 13, 1764. "Tis a church militant week with me, full of marches, and counter-marches and treaties about Stillington common, which we are going to inclose otherwise I would have obeyed your summons - and yet I could not well have done it this week, neither having received a letter from C-, who has been very ill; and is coming down to stay a week or ten days with me - Now I know he is ambitious of being better acquainted with you; and longs from his soul for a sight of you in your Sentimental Journey, etc. 16 me I own castle. I cannot do otherwise than bring him with nor can I gallop away and leave him in an empty house to pay a visit to from London, as he comes half express to see me. I thank you for the care of my northern vintage - I fear after all I must give it a fermentation on the other side of the Alps, which is better than being on the lees with it but nous verrons yet I fear, as it has got such hold of my brain, and comes upon it like an armed man at nights must give way for quietness sake, or be hag-ridden with the conceit of it all my life long I have been Miss-ridden this last week by a couple of romping girls (bien mises et comme il fault) who might as well have been in the house with me (though perhaps not, my retreat here is too quiet for them), but they have taken up all my time, and have given my judgment and fancy more airings than they wanted. These things accord not well with sermon-making - but 'tis my vile errantry, as Sancho says, and that is all that can be made of it. I trust all goes swimmingly on with your alum; that the works amuse you, and call you twice out (at least) a day. I shall see them I trust in ten days or thereabouts If it was any way possible, I would set out this moment, though I have no cavalry - (except a she-ass). Give all friendly respects to Mrs. C. and Col. H-'s, and the garrison both of Guisbro, and Skelton. I am, dear Anthony, Affectionately yours, L. STERNE. LIV. TO MR. FOLEY, AT PARIS. MY DEAR FRIEND, York, Nov. 16, 1764. THREE posts before I had the favour of yours (which is come to hand this moment) I had wrote to set Mrs. Sterne right in her mistake That you had any money of mine in your hands being very sensible that the hundred pounds I had sent you, through Becket's hands, was but about what would balance with you - The reason of her error was owing to my writing her word I would send you a bill in a post or two for fifty pounds, which, my finances falling short just then, I deferred so that I had paid nothing to any one but was, however, come to York this day, and I have sent you a draught for a hundred pounds - in honest truth, a fortnight ago I had not the cash but I am as honest as the king (as Sancho Pança says), only not so rich. Therefore if Mrs. Sterne should want thirty louis more, let her have them and I will balance all (which will not be much) with honour at Christmas, when I shall be in London, having now just finished my two volumes of Tristram. I have some thoughts of going to Italy this year - at least I shall not defer it above another. I have been with Lord Granby, and with Lord Shelburne, but am now sat down till December in my sweet retirement. I wish you was sat down as happily, and as free of all worldly cares. In a few years, my dear F., I hope to see you a real country gentleman, though not altogether exiled from your friends in London there I shall spend every winter of my life, in the same lap of contentment, where I enjoy myself now - and wherever I go we must bring three parts in four of the treat along with us - In short, we must be happy within and then few things without us make much difference This is my Shandean philosophy. You will read a comic account of my journey from Calais, through Paris, to the Garonne, in these volumes my friends tell me they are done with spirit it must speak for itself. Give my kind respects to Mr. Selwin and my friend Panchaud When you see Baron d'Holbach, present him my respects, and believe me, dear F., I THREATENED you with a letter in one I wrote a few weeks ago to Foley, but (to my shame be it spoken) I lead such a life of dissipation I have never had a moment to myself which has not been broke in upon, by one engagement or impertinence or another and as plots thicken towards the latter end of a piece, I find, unless I take pen and ink just now, I shall not be able to do it, till either I am got into the country, or you to the city. You are teazed and tormented too much by your correspondents to return to us, and with accounts how much your friends, and how much your Theatre wants you so that I will not magnify either our loss or yours but hope cordially to see you soon. Since I wrote last I have frequently stept into your house |