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is the general plan of operation here - except that I have some thoughts of spending the winter at Florence, and crossing over with my family to Leghorn by water

and in April of returning by way of Paris home but this is a sketch only, for in all things I am governed by circumstances so that what is fit to be done on Monday may be very unwise on Saturday - On all days of the week, believe me yours,

With unfeigned truth,


P. S. All compliments to my Parisian friends.



Toulouse, April 29, 1763.

LAST post, my agent wrote me word he would send up from York a bill for fourscore guineas, with orders to be paid into Mr. Selwin's hands for me. This he said he would expedite immediately, so 'tis possible you may have had advice of it, and 'tis possible also the money may not be paid this fortnight; therefore, as I set out for Bagnieres in that time, be so good as to give me credit for the money for a few posts or so, and send me either a rescription for the money, or a draught for it at the receipt of which, we shall decamp for ten or twelve weeks You will receive twenty pounds more on my account, which send also - So much for that - as for pleasure

you have it

all amongst you at Paris we have nothing here which deserves the name I shall scarce be tempted to sojourn another winter in Toulouse - for I cannot say it suits my health as I hoped - 'tis too moist

Sentimental Journey, etc.


and I cannot keep clear of agues here - so that if I stay the next winter on this side of the water - 'twill be either at Nice or Florence and I shall return to England in April. - Wherever I am, believe me, dear Foley, that I am,

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Madame and Mademoiselle present their best compliments - Remember me to all I regard, particularly Messrs. Panchaud and the rest of your household.



Toulouse, May 21, 1763.

I TOOK the liberty, three weeks ago, to desire you would be so kind as to send me fourscore pounds, having received a letter the same post, from my agent, that he would order the money to be paid to your correspondent in London in a fortnight. It is some disappointment to me that you have taken no notice of my letter, especially as I told you we waited for the money before we set out for Bagnieres - and so little distrust had I that such a civility would be refused me, that we have actually had all our things packed up these eight days, in hourly expectation of receiving a letter. Perhaps my good friend has waited till he heard the money was paid in London but you might have trusted to my honour - that all the cash in your iron box (and all the bankers in Europe put together) could not have tempted me to say the thing that is not. I hope before this you will have received an account of the money being paid in London. But it would have been taken kindly if you had wrote me word you would transmit me the money when you had received it, but no sooner: - for Mr. R- of Montpellier, though I know him not, yet knows enough of me to have given me credit for a fortnight for ten times the sum.

I am, dear F-, your friend,
and hearty well-wisher,


I saw the family of the H--- yesterday, and asked them if you was in the land of the living -they said yea for they had just received a letter from you. After all, I heartily forgive you for you have done me a signal service in mortifying me, and it is this, I am determined to grow rich upon it.

Adieu, and God send you wealth and happiness. All compliments to --. Before April next I am obliged to revisit your metropolis in my way to England.

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consequently the

I THIS moment received yours moment I got it I sat down to answer it. So much for a logical inference.

Now believe me I had never wrote you so testy a letter, had I not both loved and esteemed you and it was merely in vindication of the rights of friendship that I wrote in a way as if I was hurt for neglect me in your heart I knew you could not, without cause; which my heart told me I never had or will ever give you: I was the best friends with you that ever I was in my life, before my letter had got a league, and pleaded the true excuse for my friend, "That he was

oppressed with a multitude of business." Go on, my dear F., and have but that excuse (so much do I regard your interest), that I would be content to suffer a real evil without future murmuring but in truth, my disappointment was partly chimerical at the bottom having a letter of credit for two hundred pounds from a person I never saw by me nicety of temper, I would not make any use of set out in two days for Bagnieres, but direct to me to Brousse, who will forward all my letters. Dear F., adieu. Believe me,

but which, out of

Yours affectionately,





Toulouse, June 12, 1768.

LUCKILY just before I was stepping into my chaise for Bagnieres, has a strayed fifty pound bill found its way to me; so I have sent it to its lawful owner enclosed - My noodle of an agent, instead of getting Mr. Selwin to advise you he had received the money (which would have been enough) has got a bill for it, and sent it rambling to the furthest part of France after me; and if it had not caught me just now, it might have followed me into Spain, for I shall cross the Pyreneans, and spend a week in that kingdom, which is enough for a fertile brain to write a volume upon When I write the history of my travels Memorandum! I am not to forget how honest a man I have for a banker at Paris - But, my dear friend, when you say you dare trust me for what little occasions I

may have, you have as much faith as honesty, and more of both than of good policy. I thank you, however, ten thousand times and except such liberty as I have lately taken with you and that too at a pinch - I say beyond that I will not trespass upon your good-nature or friendliness, to serve me. God bless you, dear F-,

[blocks in formation]

I AM ashamed I have not taken an opportunity of thanking you, before now, for your friendly act of civility, in ordering Brousse, your correspondent at Toulouse, in case I should have occasion, to pay me fifteen hundred livres which, as I knew the offer came from your heart, I made no difficulty of accepting. In my way through Toulouse to Marseilles, where we have been, but neither liking the place nor Aix (particularly the latter, it being a parliament town, of which Toulouse has given me a surfeit), we have returned here where we shall reside the winter. My wife and daughter purpose to stay a year at least behind me, and, when winter is over, to return to Toulouse, or go to Montauban, where they will stay till they return, or I fetch them. For myself I shall set out in February for England, where my heart has been fled these six months, but I shall stay a fortnight with my friends at Paris; though I verily believe, if it was not for the pleasure of seeing and chattering with you, I

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