praise of his wife? Few, I trow. M- is out of town vintaging - so write to me, Monsieur Sterne, Gentilhomme Anglais - 'twill find me. We are as much out of the road of all intelligence here as at the Cape of Good Hope - so write a long nonsensical letter like this, now and then, to me in which say nothing but what may be shewn (tho' I love every paragraph and spirited stroke of your pen, others might not), for you must know, a letter no sooner arrives from England, but curiosity is upon her knees to know the contents. Adieu, dear H., believe me, Your affectionate, L. STERNE. We have had bitter cold weather here these fourteen days which has obliged us to sit with whole pagells of wood lighted up to our noses - 'tis a dear article - but, every thing else being extremely cheap, Madame keeps an excellent good house, with soupe, bouilli, roti, &c. &c., for two hundred and fifty pounds a year. XXXIV. - TO MR. FOLEY, AT PARIS. MY DEAR FOLEY, Toulouse, November 9, 1762. I HAVE had this week your letter on my table, and hope you will forgive my not answering it sooner and even to-day I can but write you ten lines, being engaged at Mrs. M-'s. I would not omit, one post more, acknowledging the favour In a few posts J will write you a long one gratis, that is for love. Thank you for having done what I desired you and for the future direct to me under cover at Monsieur Brousse's I receive all letters through him more punctually and sooner than when left at the posthouse. H-'s family greet you with mine we are much together, and never forget you - forget me not to the Baron and all the circle nor to your domestic circle. I am got pretty well, and sport much with my uncle Toby in the volume I am now fabricating for the laughing part of the world for the melancholy part of it, I have nothing but my prayers so God help them. I shall hear from you in a post or two at least, after you receive this -- in the mean time, dear Foley, adieu, and believe no man wishes or esteems you more than your L. STERNE. XXXV. TO THE SAME. DEAR FOLEY, Toulouse, Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1762. I HAVE for this last fortnight every postday gone to Messrs. B- and sons, in expectation of the pleasure of a letter from you with the remittance I desired you to send me here. When a man has no more than half a dozen guineas in his pocket and a thousand miles from home and in a country where he can as soon raise the d-l as a six livre piece to go to market with in case he had changed his last guinea God bless you envy my situation you will not remit me the We are all at balance due upon the receipt of this. H-'s, practising a play we are to act here this Christ mas holidays - all the Dramatis Personæ are of the English, of which we have a happy society living together like brothers and sisters Your banker here has just sent me word the tea Mr. H. wrote for is to be delivered into my hands - 'tis all one into whose hands the treasure falls it the day we get it. we shall pay Brousse for We join in our most friendly respects, and believe me, dear Foley, truly yours, L. STERNE. XXXVI. TO THE SAME. MY DEAR FOLEY, Toulouse, Dec. 17, 1762. THE post after I wrote last, I received yours, with the inclosed draught upon the receiver, for which I return you all thanks I have received this day likewise the box and tea all safe and sound so we shall all of us be in our cups this Christmas, and drink without fear or stint. We begin to live extremely happy, and are all together every night - fiddling, laughing and singing, and cracking jokes. You will scarce believe the news I tell you there is a company of English strollers arrived here, who are to act comedies all the Christmas, and are now busy in making dresses, and preparing some of our best comedies your wonder will cease when I inform you these strollers are your friends, with the rest of our society to whom I proposed this scheme soulagement - and I assure you we do well. The next week, with a grand orchestra, we play the Busy Body - and the Journey to London, the week after; but I have some thought of adapting it to our situation and making it the Journey to Toulouse, which, with the change of halfa-dozen scenes, may be easily done. Thus, my dear F., for want of something better we have recourse to ourselves, and strike out the best amusements we can from such materials. My kind love and friendship to all my true friends my service to the rest. H's family have just left me, having been this last week with us they will be with me all the holidays. In summer we shall visit them, and so balance hospitalities. Adieu, THOUGH that's a mistake! I mean the date of the place, for I write at Mr. H-'s in the country, and have been there with my people all the week. "How does Tristram do?" you say in yours to him faith but so so - the worst of human maladies is poverty - though that is a second lie for poverty of spirit is worse than poverty of purse by ten thousand per cent. -- I inclose you a remedy for the one, a draught of a hundred and thirty pounds, for which I insist upon a rescription by the very return - or I will send you and all your commissaries to the d-1. I do not hear they have tasted of one fleshy banquet all the Lent you will make an excellent grillé. P- they can make nothing of him but bouillon I mean my other two friends no ill so shall send them a reprieve as they -- acted out of necessity - not choice. - My kind respects to Baron d'Holbach, and all his household Say all that's kind for me to my other friends know how much, dear Foley, I am yours, you L. STERNE. I have not five Louis to vapour with in this land of coxcombs. My wife's compliments. XXXVIII. TO THE SAME. DEAR FOLEY, Toulouse, April 18, 1763. I THANK you for your punctuality in sending me the rescription, and for your box by the courier, which came safe by last post. I was not surprised much I in with your account of Lord ***** being obliged to give and for the rest, all follows in course. way suppose you will endeavour to fish and catch something for yourself in these troubled waters at least I wish you all a reasonable man can wish for himself which is wishing enough for you all the rest is in the brain. Mr. Woodhouse (whom you know) is also here he is a most amiable worthy man, and I have the pleasure of having him much with me a short time he proceeds to Italy. The first week in June, I decamp like a patriarch with my whole household, to pitch our tents for three months at the foot of the Pyrenean Hills at Bagnieres, where I expect much health and much amusement from the concourse of adventurers from all corners of the earth. Mrs. M sets out at the same time, for another part of the Pyrenean Hills at Courtray - whence to Italy - This |