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I should live to hear of its becoming a free and legitimately reformed country. . . It was very amiable to see the Catholic and Protestant Professors, with their respective Doctors of Theology, meeting together with every mark of cordiality.

"My joy at the prospect of returning home is very great; but it is damped by the fear of returning with some of the objects of my journey but imperfectly fulfilled. For my purpose, Leipsic should have been my head-quarters ; it is there, alone, that one can pick up all sorts of books. . . I am anxious to leave Thomas* at Bonn; but there is great difficulty in finding a boarding-house, and he is too young to be trusted in lodgings.

"The public news from England are so disagreeable, that I scarcely like to allude to them. Here we have nothing publicly important, except that the diamonds of the Three Kings of Cologne, valued at 30,000l., were stolen one fine dark night, and all the Catholic world has been terrified at the sacrilege. How long would so many diamonds remain in a church in England, guarded only by religious awe, and a few iron bolts? Now the old women of Cologne go to look at the poor Kings in their niches, bereft of all their finery, and weep, with no consolation, but that the thieves will be roasted in the other world !-We shall set out from this about the 21st, so as to reach London before the month expires, allowing a day or two for bad weather at Calais. T. C."

* It was ultimately arranged that he should live with Dr. Meyer, where he would have all the advantages of private tuition and public instruction.



DURING the last week spent at Bonn, Campbell had the pain of witnessing the suspension, on political charges, of two of the professors who had vied with each other in showing him kindness; and this probably hastened his departure. Placing his son, then in his sixteenth year, under the care of Dr. Meyer, he exchanged a hasty farewell with his friends, and started for England. Of his journey homewards, he has left no particulars; but the following letter to Mrs. Fletcher will in some measure supply the deficiency :


LONDON, November 24, 1820. "From month to month, my dear Mrs. Fletcher, I most culpably broke my intention of sending you an account of my peregrinations in which I had the vanity to think that you might be interested. As if to punish that sin of omission, I now find myself almost disabled from writing. On the 19th, Mrs. C. and I were overturned in the Dover coach; she happily escaped without injury; but my shoulder was so much bruised, that I was confined for days in the first inn to which I could be conveyed. We came to town yesterday; but, without intending a play upon the word, I can give you but a lame account of my

adventures, yet I saw much that interested and delighted


"One of my friends at Bonn is married to an excellent woman, the niece of Dr. Fothergill. At her house I met an English lady whose resemblance to you, it seems, is celebrated her name is Collinson; she was only passing on her way to Switzerland. I always felt I had much affection for you, but then most particularly when Mrs. C. brought you in so lively a manner to my recollection, and as it were before my eyes. Schlegel was of our society, the only evening I spent in Mrs. C.'s company. I was not a little proud of my country-woman, and still more proud when I reflected that her better likeness had been my friend these twenty years. This, said I, is not an old friend with a new face, but a new friend with an old






"After an enchanting journey on the shores of the Rhine, I left Mrs. Campbell and my son to the care of a friendly family at Frankfort, and made a tour as far as Vienna. I was there disappointed in finding all the people to whom I carried introductions either out of town or leaving it; and I remained three weeks with no other society than that of a Jewish poet,+ with whom I was reading Hebrew. This Hebrew bard, by the way, has translated my poems into German, and is publishing them at Vienna. At last Lord Stuart, our Ambassador, came to town; and at his house I had occasional society: but my good fortune was not complete till I got an invitation from the Countess R-ski, whose house is the very focus of literary society. She is a highly accomplished and learned woman-majestic

* What follows in the MS. is a recapitulation of the tour already described in the preceding letters.

+ Herr Cohen, who translated "The Mariners" in one of the Literary Journals of Vienna.



and beautiful in her person, and one of the sweetest and most estimable characters that ever adorned society. Her history is very singular: Her father, a Polish nobleman, perished on the scaffold, under the tyranny of Robespierre. She was thrown an orphan on the streets of Paris. A poor shoemaker took her into his house. One day as she was playing at the door, the Russian Ambassador was struck with the child's beauty, and asked her name. She was but eight years old, but distinctly told him her story. He took her home in his carriage, and recommended her to the Court of St. Petersburg, which immediately provided for her, and on her coming of age gave her a handsome portion. Unhappily she was married very young to a madman, who lives estranged from her, in a very profligate manner in the East. But in Vienna, where female character is not spared, she lives not only respected but revered. I can never forget the friendship of this excellent

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"On my return to Bonn, I resided nearly another month among my dear friends of the University. Their pleasant manner of life-their brotherly affection for each other— their social parties, had afforded me constant pleasure; when, all at once, the general happiness was overcast by a decree from the King of Prussia, suspending Arndt and Welcher from their professorships. By this time I fear poor Arndt may be in a dungeon. His crime is having reminded the king of his promise to give the people a Constitution. He is a man all made of heart and truth; eloquent and energetic as a man, and simple as a child. When the Germans rose against the French, his personal influence was rated at the value of an army, and Buonaparte set a price upon his head. Welcher is an eminent Greek scholar; as a politician, the most moderate and candid I ever heard; and as a man, the most amiable.

I called upon him the day the suspension arrived, when he told me, with tears in his eyes-'I give you my solemn word of honour, that I have not uttered or written one seditious word; and this persecution equals any thing in the records of the Inquisition.' T. C."

With Campbell's return to England commenced the duties of editorship; for, although not called upon for actual service until the new year, he had to make all the arrangements necessary for a fresh start with the periodical; and his responsibilities were in proportion to the high expectations which the public announcement of his name as editor had excited. His first object was to select an efficient staff; and with this view he wrote to many of his old friends, explaining the nature of his undertaking, the terms of remuneration, and soliciting their support. In this way the list of contributors was soon filled up to his satisfaction. A few, however, and these of very high standing in the literature of the day, were not so easily brought over; and among the letters of those who answered his application for "monthly articles," by query, friendly counsel, or delicate evasion, were the following:

"FOSTAN, Dec. 13, 1820.

"What line of conduct do you mean to hold on the subject of religion? I beg you to be quite explicit on this point. One subject it is in your power to treat with great advantage-I mean that of Germany -upon which there is much ignorance and much curiosity. Make the proceedings of Portugal, Spain, and South America, short and separate articles in each number-digesting the important information into your own narrative. Remember, also, that a Mag. is not supported by papers evincing wit and genius; but by the height of the tide at London Bridgeby the price of oats, and by any sudden elevation or depression in the price of boiling-peas. If your Mag. succeeds, it will do so as much by the diligence and discretion you will impress upon your nature, as by the talents with which you are born. As for me, I am rusticated-indolent -cut off from the society of clever men-and engaged in the E. R. But

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