Abbildungen der Seite

Pinckney, Thomas, special mission to
Spain, ii. 163 ff.
Princeton, battle of, i. 177.
"Protection," Washington's views on,
ii. 110-119.

RANDOLPH, Edmund, made attorney-
general, character of, ii. 63; drafts
neutrality proclamation, 145; hesi-
tation with Genet, 151; argument
on relations with France, 167; suc-
ceeds Jefferson, 181, 241; letter
from Fauchet to be placed in hands
of President, 193; receives Fauchet
letter and resigns, 197; Mr. Con-
way's views of Washington's treat-
ment of, 198; defence, 199; attacks
Washington, 200.

Rahl, Colonel, death at Trenton, i.

Randolph, John, on Virginian society,
i. 15.

Rutledge, John, rejected by Senate, ii.
62; judge, 71.

port, 236, 237; sent against Indians,


Supreme Court, appointed by Wash-
ington, ii. 71.

TALLEYRAND, report on death of Wash-
ington, i. 1 (note); remark upon
Hamilton, ii. 137; Washington's
treatment of, ii. 249.

Thackeray, W. M., description of
Washington's resignation of his
commission, i. 340.

Thatcher, Dr., description of Wash-
ington, i. 134.

Thomson, Charles, Washington's com-
pliment to, ii. 345.

Trenton, battle of, i. 175; strategic
and political value of battle of, 178.
Trumbull, Jonathan, Washington's
friendship for, ii. 358.

Tryon, Gov., intrigues of, i. 154; raids
in Connecticut, 262.

VALLEY FORGE, wintering the army
at, i. 221 ff.

SANDWICH, Lord, declaration as to Van Braam, Jacob, i. 63; goes with

Yankees, i. 151.
Saratoga, battle of, 197.

Savage, portrait of Washington, i. 13.
Savannah, attack upon, i. 240.
Schuyler, Philip, accompanies Wash-
ington from Philadelphia to New
York, i. 133; in command of north-
ern department, 199; devotion to
Washington's ideas, 201; removed
from command, 203; value of ser-
vices of, 204; would not have per-
mitted conditional surrender at Sar-
atoga, 205.

Shays insurrection, ii. 26.

Shirley, Governor, Washington's visit
to, i. 88, 94.

Short, William, sent as commissioner
to Spain, ii. 163.

Slavery, Washington's views upon, i.

Sparks, Jared, treatment of Washing-
ton's letters, ii. 332, 333.

St. Clair, Arthur, campaign against
Indians, and defeat, ii. 93, 94; Wash-
ington's treatment of, 97.
Steuben, Baron, rightly valued by
Washington, i. 187; inspector-gen-
eral, 225; desires to quit inspector-
ship, 242; special envoy to get sur-
render of western posts, 335.
Stirling, Lord, taken prisoner at Long
Island, i. 161.

Stony Point, capture of, i. 261.
Stuart, Gilbert, portrait of Washing-

ton, i. 13; description by, of Wash-
ington, 55.

Sullivan, John, at Trenton, i. 175; at

the Brandywine, 192, 193; at New-

Washington to France, 64.

Virginia, contrast of society of, in 1732

and now, i. 16; population, 17;
towns, 18; travel and travellers, 19;
slaves and poor whites, 20; middle
class and great planters, 21; occu-
pations of planters, 22; education,
23; habits and life of planters, 24;
luxury and apparent wealth, 25; in-
terests and amusements, 26, 27; lib-
erty-loving and aristocratic spirit
in, 28; thanks of, to Washington
after his first campaign, 77; British
campaign in, 295, 298; free trade
in, ii. 114; nullification resolutions,
261; aristocracy of, 310.

WASHINGTON, Augustine, father of
George, i. 37; death of, 38; char-
acter, 45.
Washington, George, honors to his
memory in France and England, i.
1-3; in the United States, 4; gen-
eral admission of his greatness, 6;
tributes from distant countries, 6;
"an unknown man," 7; minuteness
of existing knowledge, 8; a myth-
ical character, 9; the Weems myth,
10; other myths, 11; no new Wash-
ington, 12; all not told, portraits of
Stuart and Savage, 13; a silent man,
14, 67, 68: pedigree, 29, 32; birth-
place, 37; character of mother of,
39; early stories about, 43; their
character, falsity, and origin, 44, 45;
early teachers, 46; plan for his go-
ing to sea, studies to be a surveyor,
49; rules of behavior in his diary,

51; surveys Lord Fairfax's prop-
erty, 54; appearance at that time,
55; first surveying expedition, 56-
59 life at Greenway Court, 59;
journey to Barbadoes, 60; diary
there, 61; death of Lawrence, 62;
military education, 63; expedition
to negotiate with French, 64-66;
starts with two companies against
French, 69; the march, 70; protests
against treatment of troops, 71; the
Jumonville affair, 72; at the Great
Meadows, 73; surrenders, 74; char-
acter of this campaign, 75; effect
on Washington, 76; retires to Mt.
Vernon, refusing to submit to Eng-
lish officers ranking him, 77, 78;
joins Braddock's staff, 79; treat-
ment of, on staff, 80; advice to
Braddock, 81; delayed by illness,
82; bravery in the battle, 83; con-
ducts retreat, 84; returns to Mt.
Vernon, 85; takes command of Vir-
ginian forces, 86; denounces treat-
ment of troops and conduct of af-
fairs, 87; settles question of rank,
disappointed in Lord Loudon, 88;
replies angrily to criticisms, 89; re-
tires to Mt. Vernon, and joins ex
pedition of Forbes, 90; fall of Fort
Duquesne, close of first period of
career, 91; love affairs, 92; journey
to Boston, 94; dress and appear-
ance, 95; in New York, Philadel-
phia, and Boston, 96; return to
Virginia, 97; meets Martha Custis,
98; his wedding, thanked by assem-
bly, 99; wealth and position, 100;
management of estate, 101; of slaves,
102; opinions on slavery, 103-105;
knowledge of business, 105; care of
old soldiers, 106; care of his step-
children, 108; books and pictures,
109; horses and hounds, 110; fox-
hunting, 111; affair with the poach-
er, 112; hospitality, 113; love of
society, 114; mental and physical
strength, 115; feeling as to stamp
act, 116; expects war, 117; sustains
non-importation agreements, 118;
fasts on account of Boston port
bill, 120; opinion on conduct of Par-
liament, 121; presides at Fairfax
County meeting, 122; opinion of
Gage's conduct, speech in conven-
tion, 123; offers to raise men, elected
to Continental Congress, 124: starts
for Philadelphia, 125; conduct in
Congress, 126; opinion of British
policy, 127; belief that indepen-
dence must come, 128; preparing for
war in Virginia, 129; in Congress
again, 130; wears his uniform, ac-
cepts command, 131; feeling in do-

ing so, 132; starts for Boston, 133;
takes command at Cambridge, 134;
appearance, 135; gets returns of
army, 136; enforces discipline, 137;
obliged to teach Congress, 138; dis-
covers lack of powder, 139; plans
campaigns in Canada and elsewhere,
140; proposes to attack Boston in
September, 141; corresponds with
Gage as to prisoners, 143-145; cor-
responds with Howe as to prisoners,
145; winter difficulties, stops quar-
rel between Marblehead and Vir-
ginia soldiers, 146; suggests admi-
ralty courts, 147; gloom of winter,
resolves to attack, 148; throws up
works at Dorchester, 149; retreat
of British, 150; victory due to
Washington's abilities, 151; enters
Boston, 152; effort to make Con-
gress understand extent of war, 153;
reaches New York, 154; deals with
Tories, 155; conspiracy against, 156;
insists on titles in correspondence
with Lord Howe, 157; allaying state
jealousies, 158; obliged to spare
New York, 159; assumes command
on Long Island, 160; watches the
defeat, 161; withdraws, 162; re-
treats from town of New York, 163;
fury at retreat of troops at Kip's
landing, 164; continues retreat, 165;
writes to Congress, 166; tries to
arouse it to sense of danger, 167;
withdraws to White Plains, 168;
skirmishes successfully, 169; blames
himself for loss of forts, 170; re-
treats through New Jersey, 171;
difficulties of his position, 172; plans
an attack, 173; desperate measures,
174; crosses the Delaware, 175;
battle of Trenton, evades Cornwal-
lis, 176; battle of Princeton, 177;
saves the Revolution, 179; withdraws
to Morristown, 180; fluctuations in
army, 181; persistence in fighting,
delusions of Congress, 182; issues
proclamation to come in and take
oath, 183; questions of rank, 184;
attitude toward appointment of for-
eign officers, 184-187; national spir-
it, 188; baffles Howe advancing from
New York, 189; goes south to meet
Howe, passes through Philadelphia,
190; takes position at the Brandy-
wine and gives battle, 191; is de-
feated, 192; rallies army and pre-
pares to fight again, 193; attacks
at Germantown and is defeated,
194; opinion of battle, 195; Eng-
lish opinion of, 196; foresees and
prepares for northern invasion, 198;
instructions to Schuyler, deter-
mined to hold Howe, 199; fear that

Howe might march north, 200;
plans for campaigns, 201; not dis-
heartened by loss of forts, 202;
slighted by Gates, 206; feeling
against, in Congress, 207, 208; op-
poses Conway's promotion, defends
and loses Delaware forts, 211; re-
fuses battle with Howe, 212; value
and meaning of this refusal, 213;
watches cabal, 214; letter to Con-
way, correspondence with Gates,
215; cannot be driven to resign, tone
in regard to Burgoyne's surrender,
218; does not worry about cabal,
219; defeats cabal, 220; withdraws
to Valley Forge, 221; efforts to
care for soldiers, 222; appeals to
Congress, and reply to legislature
of Pennsylvania, 223; bent on suc-
cess, urges improvements in army
on Congress, 224; persists in his
policy which is partially adopted,
225; watches Clinton in Philadel-
phia, 226, 227; pursues Clinton, 228;
hears bad news and hurries to front,
229; rebukes Lee, 230; rallies army
and defeats British, 231; celebrates
French alliance, 234; difficulty of
task of managing allies, 235; writes
to D'Estaing, 236; difficulties at
Newport, 237; pacifies the French
after Newport, 238; writes to
D'Estaing as to opportunities, 240;
opposes giving excessive rank to
foreign officers, 241, 242; American
feeling, 243; national feeling, 244;
a national leader, 245; opposition
to attacking Canada, 246, 247; cool
judgment as to France, 248; anxiety
as to finances, 251; strives to have
better men sent to Congress, 252;
anger against speculators, 253, 254;
internal troubles the great peril,
255; anxiety on that account, 256;
remains near New York watching
enemies' movements, 257; efforts
to divine their plans, 258; labors at
navy, and sends Sullivan against In-
dians, 259; foresees danger in the
south, 260; plans attack on Stony
Point, 261; contempt for certain
English methods of warfare, 262;
difficulties of wintering army 1779-
80, 263; unable to do anything in
spring of 1780, 264; understands
perfectly what should be done at
Charleston, 265; plans to take ad-
vantage of French forces, 267; holds
firm to the Hudson, 268; sends out
call for aid to States, 269; lack of
supplies, appeals to Congress, 270;
plain statements as to condition of
affairs, 271; tries to get De Rocham-
beau to agree to attack on New York,

272; meets De Rochambeau at Hart-
ford, 274; popular affection shown in
village as he returns, 275; reaches
West Point, 276; discovers treason,
277; feeling as to Arnold, 278;
course in regard to André, 279;
opinion of Arnold, 280; condemned
to inaction, 281; effort to hold army
together, 281-283; suppresses mu-
tiny, 284; greatness in maintaining
army, 285; rebukes Congress, 286;
sends Greene south and Knox to
travel through States, 287; per-
ceives need of better form of gov-
ernment, labors for it, 288-292;
effort to secure action, 293; rebukes
Lund Washington for receiving
British at Mt. Vernon, 295; desire
to get to the south, 296; frightens
Clinton, prepares to act with French
fleet, 297, 298; writes De Grasse to
meet him in Chesapeake, fears a
premature peace, 300; plan of cam-
paign, cannot get money or sup
plies, 301; need of supremacy at
sea, 302; gets De Barras to go to
Chesapeake, starts from New York,
303; difficulties in making arrange-
ments for the march, 304, 305; goes
south, meets De Grasse, 306; per-
suades De Grasse to remain, begins
siege, 307; orders and watches as-
sault on redoubts, 308; analysis of
campaign, and secret of success, 310-
312; does not lose his head in vic-
tory, 313; urges De Grasse to attack
Charleston, grief for death of John
Custis, 314; goes to Philadelphia
and urges preparations for ensuing
year, 315; doubts truth of reports
that English desire peace, 316;
fears that British do not really
mean peace, 317; unable to con-
vince Congress of need of further
exertion, 318; anger at murder of
Huddy, 319; prepares to retaliate,
320; releases Asgill on order of
Congress, 321; refuses to take
credit for it, 322; love for his sol-
diers, 323; effort to get relief for
them, 325; warns Congress of im-
pending danger, 326; takes control
of movement, address to officers,
327; reply to suggestion that he
should seize supreme power, 329;
checks and controls discontents,
330; true view of his action, 332;
chafes under delay after treaty of
peace arrives, 334; journey through
northern and western New York,
335; circular to governors, address
to army, enters city of New York,
336; bids farewell to his officers,
337; settles accounts, 338; resigns

80; character of, 81; fitness to deal
with Indian problem, 85; dangers
from Indians, 86; condition of
tribes west and south, 87; failure
of first commission to treat with
Creeks, 88; treaty with Creeks, 89;
orders expedition against western
Indians, 91; efforts for peace in
north, 92; plans second expedition
under St. Clair, 93; feelings on
hearing of St. Clair's defeat, 95;
treatment of St. Clair, plans an-
other expedition, 97; selects Wayne
as commander, 98; efforts for peace
in north and south, 99; general
results of Indian policy, 102; finan-
cial difficulties, 104; sustains as-
sumption, 105; satisfied with ar-
rangement between Jefferson and
Hamilton, 106; question of national
bank, 107; signs bill, 108; sustains
"implied powers," 109; supports
Hamilton's policy generally, 110;
views as to report on manufactures,
113; Virginian experience, 114;
lessons of the Revolution, 115; ex-
pressions in favor of protection,
116, 119; policy in regard to resist-
ance to excise, 122-124; orders
out troops, 125; overthrow of in-
surrection, 126; effect and mean-
ing of his success, 127, 128; early
determination on American policy
in foreign affairs, 131; knowledge
of foreign affairs, 132; existing re-
lations with other nations, 133; de-
sire for peace, 134; sends Morris to
open relations with England, 135;
comprehension of French revolu-
tion, 137; attitude in regard to it,
139-143; war between England and
France, issues neutrality proclama-
tion, 144; policy declared by it,
145; foresaw need of proclamation,
147; caution in dealing with France,
148; contrasted with Genet, 149;
cool reception of Genet,
anger at escape of "Little Sarah,'
153, 154; determines on recall of
Genet, 155; revokes exequatur of
French consul, 156; refuses to deny
Jay card for Genet, 157; trial to
his temper of Genet business, 158;
Ideals with troubles excited by
Genet in west, 160; sympathy with
Kentuckians, 161; Mississippi pol-
icy, 162; policy toward Spain,
163; successful treaty, 164; atti-
tude toward France in view of trea-
ties, 167; his policy in its effect on
England, 168; despite outrages
means to try for peace, 173; on
Hamilton's withdrawal, appoints
Jay special envoy to England, 174;

his commission, 339; speech, 339,
340; return to Mt. Vernon after
war, ii. 1; gives up hunting, 2;
pursued by artists and visitors, 3;.
correspondence on various subjects,
4; looking after his estate, 5; ad-
vises Congress as to peace establish-
ment, 6; as to posts, 7; broad na-
tional views, 8; takes up scheme of
inland navigation, 9; lays it before
governor and assembly, 10; stock
offered him, 11; takes it, canals
started, 12; effect of this scheme,
13; political purposes in canal pro-
ject, 14; views as to Mississippi, 15,
16; feels need of better union dur-
ing Revolution, 17; principles of
union, 18; addresses urging them,
19; value of these appeals, 20;
expects disasters of confederation,
21; on the evil of disunion, 22;
urges commercial agreement be-
tween Maryland and Virginia, 23;
contempt of foreign nations, 24;
points out designs of England, 25;
watches course of events in States,
26; contrasted with Jefferson, 27;
letters and influence, 27, 28; elect-
ed to Philadelphia convention, 29;
hesitates about going, 30; reaches
Philadelphia, views as to duty of
delegates, speech attributed to him
by Morris, 31; chosen to preside,
33; influence in convention, 34;
signs Constitution, 35; reflects on
the work, 36; efforts for ratifica-
tion, 38-40; talked of for President,
41; elected, 42; speech at Alexan-
dria, 43; journey to New York, 44;
effect of reception upon him, 45
inaugurated, takes the oath, 46;
speech to Congress, 47; compre
hension of situation, 48, 50; official
title, 51; official and social eti-
quette, 52-54; attacks upon forms
adopted, 55, 56; examines thor-
oughly business of all departments,
57; refuses special privileges to
French minister, 58, 59; appoint-
ments to office, 60; character of ap-
pointees, 61; appoints cabinet, 62;
composition of cabinet, 63; regard
for Knox, 64; knowledge of Ham-
ilton, 65; feeling towards and rea-
sons for taking Jefferson, 67; con-
trasted with Jefferson, 68; cabinet
as a whole, 69; party character of,
all of one view as to Constitution,
70; appoints Supreme Court, 71;
illness, 72; journey through New
England, 73; affair with Hancock,
74; success of journey, 75; opens
Congress, 76; speech to Senate and
House, 77; subjects of speech, 79,


Howe might march north, 200;
plans for campaigns, 201; not dis-
heartened by loss of forts, 202;
slighted by Gates, 206; feeling
against, in Congress, 207, 208; op-
poses Conway's promotion, defends
and loses Delaware forts, 211; re-
fuses battle with Howe, 212; value
and meaning of this refusal, 213;
watches cabal, 214; letter to Con-
way, correspondence with Gates,
215; cannot be driven to resign, tone
in regard to Burgoyne's surrender,
218; does not worry about cabal,
219; defeats cabal, 220; withdraws
to Valley Forge, 221; efforts to
care for soldiers, 222; appeals to
Congress, and reply to legislature
of Pennsylvania, 223; bent on suc-
cess, urges improvements in army
on Congress, 224; persists in his
policy which is partially adopted,
225; watches Clinton in Philadel-
phia, 226, 227; pursues Clinton, 228;
hears bad news and hurries to front,
229; rebukes Lee, 230; rallies army
and defeats British, 231; celebrates
French alliance, 234; difficulty of
task of managing allies, 235; writes
to D'Estaing, 236; difficulties at
Newport, 237; pacifies the French
after Newport, 238; writes to
D'Estaing as to opportunities, 240;
opposes giving excessive rank to
foreign officers, 241, 242; American
feeling, 243; national feeling, 244;
a national leader, 245; opposition
to attacking Canada, 246, 247; cool
judgment as to France, 248; anxiety
as to finances, 251; strives to have
better men sent to Congress, 252;
anger against speculators, 253, 254;
internal troubles the great peril,
255; anxiety on that account, 256;
remains near New York watching
enemies' movements, 257; efforts
to divine their plans, 258; labors at
navy, and sends Sullivan against In-
dians, 259; foresees danger in the
south, 260; plans attack on Stony
Point, 261; contempt for certain
English methods of warfare, 262;
difficulties of wintering army 1779-
80, 263; unable to do anything in
spring of 1780, 264; understands
perfectly what should be done at
Charleston, 265; plans to take ad-
vantage of French forces, 267; holds
firm to the Hudson, 268; sends out
call for aid to States, 269; lack of
supplies, appeals to Congress, 270;
plain statements as to condition of
affairs, 271; tries to get De Rocham-
beau to agree to attack on New York,

272; meets De Rochambeau at Hart-
ford, 274; popular affection shown in
village as he returns, 275; reaches
West Point, 276; discovers treason,
277; feeling as to Arnold, 278;
course in regard to André, 279;
opinion of Arnold, 280; condemned
to inaction, 281; effort to hold army
together, 281-283; suppresses mu-
tiny, 284; greatness in maintaining
army, 285; rebukes Congress, 286;
sends Greene south and Knox to
travel through States, 287; per-
ceives need of better form of gov-
ernment, labors for it, 288-292;
effort to secure action, 293; rebukes
Lund Washington for receiving
British at Mt. Vernon, 295; desire
to get to the south, 296; frightens
Clinton, prepares to act with French
fleet, 297, 298; writes De Grasse to
meet him in Chesapeake, fears a
premature peace, 300; plan of cam-
paign, cannot get money or sup-
plies, 301; need of supremacy at
sea, 302; gets De Barras to go to
Chesapeake, starts from New York,
303; difficulties in making arrange-
ments for the march, 304, 305; goes
south, meets De Grasse, 306; per-
suades De Grasse to remain, begins
siege, 307; orders and watches as-
sault on redoubts, 308; analysis of
campaign, and secret of success, 310-
312; does not lose his head in vic-
tory, 313; urges De Grasse to attack
Charleston, grief for death of John
Custis, 314; goes to Philadelphia
and urges preparations for ensuing
year, 315; doubts truth of reports
that English desire peace, 316;
fears that British do not really
mean peace, 317; unable to con-
vince Congress of need of further
exertion, 318; anger at murder of
Huddy, 319; prepares to retaliate,
320; releases Asgill on order of
Congress, 321; refuses to take
credit for it, 322; love for his sol-
diers, 323; effort to get relief for
them, 325; warns Congress of im-
pending danger, 326; takes control
of movement, address to officers,
327; reply to suggestion that he
should seize supreme power, 329;
checks and controls discontents,
330; true view of his action, 332;
chafes under delay after treaty of
peace arrives, 334; journey through
northern and western New York,
335; circular to governors, address
to army, enters city of New York,
336; bids farewell to his officers,
337; settles accounts, 338; resigns

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