Abbildungen der Seite


ACKERSON, David, description of Wash-
ington, ii. 380.
Adams, John, moves Washington be
commander-in-chief, i. 131; says
there was opposition to it, 132; dif-
ficulties of Washington's position,
158; sanguine as to prospects of
war, 167; out of sympathy with
Washington, 208, 209; national in
his feelings, 244; views on titles, ii.
51; attacked by Jefferson, 222; in-
auguration of, 271; sends commis-
sion to France, 277; appoints Wash-
ington head of army, 280; yields to
Washington, 282.

Adams, John, Mrs., description of
Washington, i. 134.

Adams, Sam., plans for independence,
i. 128; out of sympathy with Wash-
ington, 208.

Alien and Sedition laws, ii. 291.
Ames, Fisher, speech on Jay treaty,
ii. 207.

André, Major, captured, i. 276; tried
and hanged, justice of sentence,

Armstrong, John, Major, author of
Newburgh addresses, i. 327.
Army, the Continental, popular jeal-
ousy of, i. 324; indignant at their
treatment, 321; able and ready to
have seized government, 331.
Arnold, Benedict, in command of
Canadian expedition, i. 140; sent
against Burgoyne, 204, 205; treason
of, 273; shows Robinson's letter to
Washington, 274; flight of, 276;
Washington's opinion of, 280; in
Virginia, 295.

Asgill, Capt., hostage for murder of
Huddy, i. 320, 321.

BACHE, B. F., publishes Jay treaty, ii.
182; attacks on Washington, 234,
247, 251.

Ball, Joseph, letter as to Washington's
going to sea, i. 48.

Bernard, John, description of Wash-

ington, i. 56; meeting with, ii. 276;
conversation with Washington, 338


Bland, Mary, Washington in love with,
i. 92, 93.

Boston, Washington's first visit to, i.
94-96; capture of, 150; visits as Pres-
ident, ii. 73; mutiny against Jay
treaty, 185.

Braddock, Edw., arrival in America,
i. 79; character of, 80; march of,
81; neglects Washington's advice,
82; surprised, 83; death of, 84; ef-
fects of his defeat, 85.
Brandywine, battle of the, i. 191;
causes of defeat, 192.
Burgoyne, John, Gen., Howe expected
to meet him, i. 189; hemmed in,
204; character of, 205.

CADWALADER, Gen., fails to cross Del-
aware, i. 175; duel with Conway,

Camden, battle of, i. 273.
Carleton, Sir Guy, conduct in Huddy
case, i. 319 ff.; fears American out-

rages in New York, 336; speech to
the Indians, ii. 100, 172, 173.
Carlisle, Earl of, peace commissioner,
i. 227.

Carlyle, Thomas, mistaken opinion of
Washington, i. 14, 332; ii. 327.
Carmichael, William, minister to Spain,
ii. 163.

Cary, Mary, early love of Washington
for, i. 93.

Charleston, taken by British, i. 265,
266, 268.

Chastellux, Marquis de, Washington's
letter to, ii. 346.
Chester, Colonel, researches on Wash-
ington's pedigree, i. 30, 31.
Cleaveland, Rev. Mr., anecdote about,
ii. 354.

Clinton, George, Gov., journey with
Washington through northern and
western New York, i. 335; enters
city of New York, 336; receives

Washington, ii. 44; seizes French | De Grasse, Count, arrival with fleet,

privateer, 151.

Clinton, Sir Henry, relieves Howe,
tries to intercept Lafayette, i. 226;
sends troops to West Indies and
Florida, leaves Philadelphia, 227 ;
at Monmouth, 229; defeated and
escapes to New York, 231; makes
an ineffectual raid, 258; gradually
shut up in New York, 262, 263; re-
turns to New York from Charleston,
268; effort to save André, 278;
convinced that Washington means
to attack New York, 297, 298; jeal-
ous of Cornwallis, 299; deceived by
Washington, thinks Cornwallis in
no danger, 303.

Congress, decline in character of, i.
250; accepts advice of Washington,
286; inability to understand march
of army in Yorktown campaign, 304;
treatment of army, 320 ff; grant
relief, 328; flies before mutineers,
331; refuses to adjourn for Wash-
ington's birthday, ii. 243.
"Conway Cabal," i. 210, 214; failure
in Canada and in providing supplies,
216; weakness in ability, 217; breaks
down, 220.

Conway, Thomas, character and pre-
tensions of, i. 210; hostility to
Washington, 211; letter from Wash-
ington, made inspector-general, 215;
resignation, duel, and departure,

Cornwallis, Lord, pursues Washing-
ton, i. 170; foiled by Washington
at the Assunpink, 176; in com-
mand at Monmouth, 229; fights bat-
tle at Guilford and retreats to Vir-
ginia, 294; harries Virginia and
obliged to remain on Chesapeake,
299; takes post at Yorktown, 300;
surrenders at Yorktown, 309.
Cowpens, The, battle of, i. 293.
Craik, Dr., attends Washington in last
illness, ii. 295; Washington's friend-
ship for, 357.

Creeks, the, negotiations with, ii. 87-


Curwen, Samuel, description of Wash-
ington, i. 134.

Custis, John, death of, i. 314.
Custis, G. W. P., story of the colt,
i. 43.

DAGWORTHY, Capt., affair of, i. 88, 94.
Dallas, Alex., visits Genet as to sail-
ing of "Little Sarah," ii. 152.
Deane, Silas, lavish giver of commis-
sions, i. 185.

De Barras, persuaded by Washington
to go to Chesapeake, i. 302, 303; joins
De Grasse, 304.

i. 297; sails for Chesapeake, 298;
defeats British fleet, 304; meets
Washington, 306; persuaded to re-
main at Yorktown, 307; goes to
West Indies, 314.

De Rochambeau, Count, arrival at
Newport, i. 269; ordered to await
arrival of fleet, 270; refuses to take
offensive, 272; interview with Wash-
ington at Hartford, 274; disap-
proves campaign in Florida, 293.
D'Estaing, Admiral, appears off coast
with fleet, i. 233; goes to Newport,
236; fights Lord Howe and with-
draws to Boston, 237; sails for West
Indies, 239; repulsed at Savannah,

Dinwiddie, Governor, remonstrates
against French, i. 63; appoints Wash-
ington to negotiate with them, 64;
quarrels with assembly, 69; wishes
Washington to march against
French, 77.

Don Count, death of, i. 211.
Dorcuester, Lord. See Carleton.
Dumas, Count, anecdote of Washing-
ton, i. 275.

Dunmore, Lord, arrives in Virginia, i.
119; dissolves assembly, 129.
Du Plaine, French consul, exequatur
revoked by Washington, ii. 156.

EDEN, William, peace commissioner,
i. 227.

Emerson, Rev. Dr., account of Wash-
ington organizing army, i. 137.
Emigrés, Washington's treatment of,
ii. 148, 249.

England, honors to, i. 2; policy to-
ward Ú. S. after the peace, 135, 166,
168; true policy, 170; outrages in
West Indies, 171.

[blocks in formation]


a member of, 264-269; feeling | Giles, W. B., attacks Washington, ii.
about French revolution, 289.
Fishbourne, Benj., rejected by Senate,
ii. 62.

Fiske, John, quotes words of Wash-
ington, from Morris's Eulogy, ii.
32 (note).

Fontanes, M. de, funeral oration on
Washington, i. 1.

Forbes, Gen., expedition against Fort
Duquesne, i. 90.

France, honors to Washington, i. 1;
view of Jumonville affair, 72;
treaty of alliance with, ratified by
Congress and celebrated by army,
234; declines to enter on a Canadian
campaign, 249; policy toward U. S.
after the peace, ii. 136; progress of
revolution in, and effect on public
opinion in U. S., 140, 143.
Franklin, Benjamin, gets wagons for
Braddock, i. 81; opinion of Howe's
taking Philadelphia, 214; national
in his feeling, 244; fears Constitu-
tion will not be made, ii. 35; Amer-
icanism of, 304; Washington's
friendship for, 358, 359.

Frederick the Great, opinion of Tren-

ton campaign, i. 178; of Monmouth
campaign, 232.

Freneau, Philip, editor of National
Gazette, ii. 223, 224, 234.


GAGE, Thos., Gen., conduct at Boston,
i. 123; correspondence with Wash-
ington, as to prisoners, i. 142, 145.
Gates, Horatio, at Mt. Vernon, í. 129:
failure to come up at Trenton, 175;
appointed to northern department,
203, 204; neglect to inform Wash-
ington of Burgoyne's surrender,
206; most conspicuous in cabal,
210; correspondence with Wash-
ington, 215, 220; quarrel with Wil-
kinson, 217; sent to the north, 220;
sent to the south in command, 261;
defeated at Camden, 273, 286.
Genet, Edmond Charles, arrival in U.
S., ii. 146; journey north, 149;
notes to State Department, 150
refuses to detain "Little Sarah,"
152; letter of a case determined on,
155; effects of his insolence, 156;
attacks Washington, 157; military
movements in west and south, 158;
arrival signal for party divisions,
233; originates democratic soci-
eties, 237.

Gerard, M., French minister. i. 239.
Germantown, battle of, i. 194; effect
abroad, 195.

Gerry, Elbridge, conduct in France
disapproved by Washington, ii. 286.

Gist, Christopher, scout for Washing-
ton, i. 64, 66.

Graves, Admiral, defeated by De
Grasse, i. 303, 304.

Greene, Gen. Nath., ill with fever at
Long Island, i. 160; late at Ger-
mantown, 194; quartermaster-
general, 225; choice of Washing-
ton for southern department, 261;
sent to the south, 287; retreat be-
fore Cornwallis, fights at Guilford
and pursues Cornwallis, 294.
Green Springs, battle of, i. 299.
Grenville, Lord, denies Dorchester

speech, ii. 172; reception of Jay,
176; negotiation with Jay, 177.
Grimes, Miss Sally, early love affair
of Washington with, i. 92.
Guilford Court House, battle of, i. 294.

HALE, Nathan, compared with An-
dré, i. 280.

Half-King, opinion of Washington and
the French, i. 74.

Hamilton, Alexander, sent to Gates
for troops, i. 210; gets them, 212;
national interviews, 244; receives
papers taken on André and informs
Washington, 276, 277; letters on
government and finance,

storms redoubt at Yorktown, 308;
urges release of Asgill, 321; efforts
to get justice for the army, 325;
letters on government and banks,
ii. 19, 20; speech on Constitution,
34; character of, 65; report on
public credit, 105; arrangement
with Jefferson on assumption, 106;
argument on bank, 108; report on
manufactures, 110; his protective
policy, 112; imposes excise, 120;
draws questions as to neutrality,
145; wrath against Genet, 151;
wishes to sink "Little Sarah,"
153; argument as to relations with
France, 167; withdraws as candi-
date for English mission, 174; be-
lief that he would have made a bet-
ter treaty, 180; stoned for advo-
cating treaty, 184; defends treaty


"Camillus," 202; hostility of
Jefferson to, 220, 221; replies to
Jefferson's charges, 225; attacks
Jefferson in newspapers, 226; re-
tires, 230; made inspector-general,
281; effect of French revolution on,
289; affection of Washington for,
312, 356.

Hammond, George, British minister,
ii. 166; tone of, 171; gives Fauchet
letter to Wolcott, 192.

Hampden, John, compared with Lin-
coln and Washington, ii. 307, 308.
Hancock, John, desires command of
army, i. 132; affair with Washing-
ton in 1789, ii. 73–75.

Hardin, Col., campaign against Indi-
ans, ii. 91.

Harmer, Col., expedition against In-
dians, ii. 90.

Heath, General, left in command on
Hudson, i. 303.

Henry, Patrick, accompanies Wash-
ington to Philadelphia, i. 125; opin-
ion of Washington, 127; Washing-
ton's appeal to, in behalf of union,
ii. 262; Washington's friendship
for, 357.

Hertburn, Sir William de, i. 33.
Hickey, Thos., hanged for conspiracy
against Washington.

Hobby, the sexton, Washington's
first teacher, i. 46.

Howe, Lord, arrives in New York
with ships and troops, i. 157; tries
to negotiate with Congress, 163;
at Newport, 236.
Howe, Sir William, correspondence
with Washington as to prisoners, i.
145; delay at Frog's Point, 168;
storms Chatterton Hill, and re-
treats, 169; takes forts on Hudson,
170; goes into winter-quarters at
New York, 172; leaves New York,
189; arrives in the Delaware, 190;
fights battle of the Brandywine, 191;
encamps at Germantown, 193; with-
draws to Philadelphia, 196; fails to
bring on general battle, 212; depart-
ure of, 226.

Huddy, Captain, murder of, i. 318 ff.
Humphreys, Col., anecdote about, ii.

Huntington, Lady, corresponds with
Washington, ii. 4.

Indians, Washington's policy towards,
ii. 81-103.

JAMESON, Col., forwards André's let-
ter to Arnold, i. 276.

Jay, John, on existence of cabal, i.
216; made chief justice, ii. 71; pub-
lishes card about Genet, 156; ap-
pointed minister to England, 174;
well received in England, 176; ne-
gotiation, 177; burned in effigy, 184.
Jay treaty, the, ii. 177 ff.
Jefferson, Thomas, attitude on return-
ing to America, 219; dislike of Ham-
ilton, 220; starts a party, 221;
sends "Rights of Man" with note
against John Adams, 222; sets up
Freneau in National Gazette, 223,

224; assails Hamilton to Washing-
ton, 225; letter of explanation to
Washington, 227; continues attacks,
and resigns, 230; desires Washing-
ton reëlected, 231; leader of op-
position to Washington, 252; Wash-
ington's opinion of conduct of, 255;
criticism of Washington, 301, 302;
views on Shays insurrection, ii. 27;
attacks official etiquette, 55; Sec-
retary of State, character of, 67;
substitutes written message for
speech, 77, 78; report on weights
and measures, 79; arrangement
with Hamilton as to capital, 106;
argument against bank, 107; affect-
ed by Genet's arguments, 150; asks
Genet to detain "Little Sarah," 152;
allows "Little Sarah" to escape,
153, 154; wishes Genet mildly treat-
ed, 155; argument on relations with
France, 167; fears Hamilton's de-
fence of treaty, 202.
Johnstone, Governor, peace commis-
sioner, i. 227.

Jumonville, De, death of, i. 72.

KENTUCKY resolutions, ii. 261.
King, Clarence, charge that Washing-
ton was not an American, 303.
King, Rufus, joins in card against
Genet, ii. 156.

King's Bridge, skirmish at, i. 165; the
British repulsed, 165.
Kip's landing, battle at, i. 163.
Knox, Henry, gets guns from Ticon-
deroga, i. 148; sent to get aid from
the States, 287; Secretary of War,
character of, ii. 64; hostility to
Genet, 151; anger at being put be-
low Hamilton and Pinckney, 281,
283; Washington's affection for,
312, 356.

LAFAYETTE, Marquis de, Washington's
regard for, i. 187; opinion of troops
on arrival, 190; sent to Canada by
cabal, 216; sent to watch Philadel-
phia, 226; narrowly escapes being
cut off, 227; in advance at Mon-
mouth, 228, 229; Washington's opin-
ion of, 242; desires a campaign
against Canada, 246; arrives with
good tidings from Paris, 266; cam-
paign in Virginia, 299; helps Wash-
ington with De Grasse, 307; Wash-
ington's friendship for, ii. 359, and
for family of, 360, 361.
Laurens, Henry, sent to Paris, i. 290.
Lear, Tobias, account of Washington's
last illness, ii. 294 ff.

Lee, Charles, at Mount Vernon, i.

129; at Boston, 137; capture, 171; in
command of advance, 228; averse

to attacking British, 229; rebuked | Monroe, James, appointed minister to
by Washington, leaves service, 230.
Lee, Henry, captures Paulus Hook, i.
262; Washington's regard for, ii.

Lee, Richard Henry, hostility to Wash-
ington, i. 209.

Lincoln, Abraham, compared with
Washington, ii. 303–308.

Lincoln, Benjamin, sent against Bur-
goyne, i. 204, 205; obliged to sur-
render at Charleston, 265, 266.
Lippincott, Capt., hangs Capt. Huddy,
i. 319.

"Little Sarah," the, affair of, ii. 152.
Livingstone, Edw., moves call for
papers in Jay treaty, ii. 203.
Logan, Dr. George, interview with
Washington, ii. 258.
Long Island, battle of, i. 160.

Loudon, Lord, inefficiency of, i. 88.
Lovell, James, hostile to Washington,
i. 208, 209; letter against Washing-
ton, 216.
Lowell, James Russell, implication
that Washington was not an Amer-
ican, ii. 303.

MADISON, James, Washington's choice
for French mission, ii. 207.
"Magnolia," a pet colt, i. 96; ii. 375.
Marshall, Chief Justice, anecdote of
Washington, ii. 385.

Mason, George, friend and neighbor,
consulted by Washington, i. 116,
117, 118; Washington's friendship
for, ii. 356; controversy with Wash-
ington about church site, 375.
Mason, S. T., senator, gives Jay treaty
to Bache, ii. 182.

Massey, Lee, Rev., rector of Pohick
Church, i. 42.

McHenry, James, at West Point, i.
276; Secretary of War, ii. 242.
McMaster, John B., Washington an
unknown man, i. 7; charge that
Washington was cold, ii. 327; story
of the poor mason, 347.
Meade, Col. Richard, anecdote about,
ii. 330.

Mercer, Hugh, killed at Princeton, i.

Mifflin, Thomas, hostility to Washing-
ton, i. 210; on board of war, 215;
put under Washington's orders, 220;
receives Washington's commission
as president of Congress, 340; con-
duct in affair of "Little Sarah," ii.

Mischiauga, The, i. 226.
Mississippi, Washington's views as to,
ii. 15, 161, 162.

Monmouth, battle of, i. 229 ff.; re-
treat of the enemy, 230.

France, character, ii. 208; perform-
ances in Paris, 209; disgusts Wash-
ington, 210; publishes a book in de-
fence of his course, 211.

Morgan, Daniel, sent north, i. 202; at
Saratoga, 205; wins battle of the
Cowpens, 293.

Morris, Gouverneur, quotes speech of
Washington in his Eulogy, ii. 31;
unofficial mission to England, 135;
comprehension of French revolu-
tion, 137; recall demanded and
agreed to, 207; Washington's friend-
ship for, 358.

Morris, Robert, financial ability, 251;
considered for secretary of treasury,
ii. 65; Washington's friendship for,

Moustier, Count, refused special privi-
leges, ii. 58, 132.

Murray, Wm., appointed minister to
France, ii. 287.
Muse, Adjutant, i. 63.

NAPOLEON, orders mourning for Wash-
ington, i. 1; last campaign_before
Elba, 178; compared with Trenton
campaign, 178.

Newburgh addresses, i. 327.
New England, feeling toward Wash-
ington, i. 135; condition of army of,

Newenham, Sir Edward, Washington's
letter to, on true policy of United
States, ii. 131.

Nicola, Colonel, urges Washington to
seize supreme power, i. 328.

O'FLINN, Captain, Washington's friend-
ship for, ii. 312.

PARKINSON, statements as to Washing-
ton's treatment of slaves, i. 102;
stories about Washington, 347-349;
opinion of Washington, 350.
Parton, James, criticism of Washing-
ton, ii. 325.

Peace commission sent by England, i.


Pendleton, Edmund, accompanies

Washington to Philadelphia, i. 125.
Philipse, Mary, early love affair of
Washington with, i. 96, 97.
Phillips, General, in command in Vir-
ginia, i. 295.

Pickering, Timothy, letter of, recall

ing Washington on Randolph affair,
ii. 191; criticism of Washington, 301,

Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, ap-
pointed minister to France, ii. 210;
accepts subordinate rank, 285; Wash
ington's friendship for, 357.

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