Abbildungen der Seite

the afflicted wife, however, recovers a little
even causes the company to shed tears:
when it is time, according to their custom,
to go round the table with her husband,
and pledges every one of the company. On
his occasion, the guests, by some little

the dunghill. If it is carelessly thrown toa young man looks for a bride, he examines gether, he concludes that there is nothing there for him; but if it is put up in an orderly manner, he goes into the house, begs permission to spend the evening with because there is a girl to be married, and the family: this permission is seldom refused, they answer by these words, Benian sin vot; Be welcome with us.



this has gone out of fashion, the musicians precede the company; then follow the bride and bridegroom; after whom come the young people, who hold their sweet-hearts by the hand, and do not fail to shout and to discharge their pistols, and that as near as possible to the bride; for these demon-joke, try to comfort the young wife. Postrations of joy please them very much, liteness requires that during supper, which and are an honour to the young couple. generally lasts very long, every young man The old people conclude the procession. In the same commune it is the custom, sweetmeats into the glass of the girl whom should put by stealth, from time to time, when the priest has blessed the wedding- he has accompanied to the wedding. As ring, for the sister of the bridegroom, or her best friend, to receive it out of his appear, the young men take out the bride soon as the meal is finished, the musicians hand, draw a black ribbon through it, and to dance: usually every one of them dances put it with the ribbon on the finger of the KING'S THEATRE.-Garcia's second disbride, saying, "I give you this ring in the waltzes, bourrées, and quadrilles. a minuet with her; besides this, they dance play has been in the Clemenza di Tito, and name of my brother; remember, my dear dances in the mountains of the Vosges are his having found a part so strikingly fitted The he has reason to congratulate himself on sister, that you owe him love and constancy.' The young wife wears this ribbon till the with serious modest looks, and with their tainly does not lie in his singing. His navery decent, and are performed by the girls for his peculiar talent. That talent cerfirst Sunday after her marriage; on that eyes cast down upon the ground. In the tural voice has been admirably assisted by day it disappears, after the celebration of middle of the revels, the young couple art, and no performer of his day has learned mass. With this very old custom they seem slip away together. Towards, or after to run its cadenzas with more taste and to unite the idea of the indissolubility of the midnight, the company look for them, and facility; but his chief power over the aumarriage tie: the black colour of the ribbon when they are found, begin to play all dience still lies in his acting, his impasis to signify, that the business of the young kinds of tricks to plague them; but at sioned, animated, vigorous representation wife begins to be serious, and that duties last are conciliated, and bring them milk of strong feeling. His Sesto was very finely must take place of youthful amusements. We must not forget to observe, that it is ing, and the old people take care that they The rest of the company toiled and trilled or wine; meantime the girls go on danc- played, and honoured with loud applause. still generally believed, that whichever first do not come into the bed-room of the new through their vocation nearly in the usual rises after they have received the nuptial married couple: probably that their ears benediction, will be master of the house. may not be offended by the rather rude nitescens," was chiefly remarkable for a way. FODOR," pinguedine unctuosissima The bride is generally in a great hurry to jokes of the young men. rise first. After the ceremony in the church is over, and the company retiring, the as a disguise; CRIVELLI was inexorably grasped at in her emergency, and put on dingy coverlet, which she seemed to have bride endeavours to escape, and to return clamorous, and to her father's house; however the young groundlings." people watch her closely, and prevent her and shared the cry without the ridicule. split the ears of the The rest did their best, flight. Sometimes she succeeds in getting The delightful Ballet of Zephir followed. away; but as soon as this is discovered, they pursue and fetch her back again. This running away and fetching back is sometimes often repeated, and lasts till the company arrive at the husband's house. Here the bride receives the blessing from her a parents-in-law. If she has escaped on the way, they do not go to supper till she is brought back again.‡

In some communes they present the new married couple, before they go to supper, with milk porridge; and where the custom of carrying the white hen still prevails, it is killed after they come from church, and served up for this repast.

There is another custom: Before supper, the young couple receive from the company the usual presents, which consist of money or household furniture. After every one has offered his gift, they go to supper; but the newly married pair do not partake of it: the young wife cries bitterly, and at the desert she places herself next the old people, while one of the girls sings to her a very melancholy song, in which the loss of the virgin zone is lamented: this song, which is sung to a mournful tune, redoubles the tears of the young wife, and sometimes

Decorum requires this affectation; a girl who does not earnestly try to run home, gets no good name.

§ Among the ancient Russians also, and other nations, the bride took no part in the marriage fast, but wept bitterly.

soon as the bell chimes at seven o'clock for
At day-break they go to rest; but as
mass, all the company return to church.
As this mass is read for their deceased re-
lations, they would look upon it almost as
sacrilegious not to attend it: * after divine
service every body goes home.

and friends do not call a girl thou after she
In the commune La Bresse the parents
has received the nuptial benediction.

girl of another village, the young men of
If a young man of a village has married
the latter intercept the way of the bride
with a ribbon, when she is on her way to
mission to pass by money, and some bottles
church, and she is obliged to purchase per-
of wine.

have a singular way of refusing a young
The girls in the mountains of the Vosges
man who asks their hand: they send him

elsewhere. (See No. 17 of the Literary
a cat; therefore a cat is used, as a basket
Gazette, note to Mours Francaises.')

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Neither of the principal Theatres have produced any novelty worthy of remark, cical larceny imputed to him with respect since our last. Mr. Penley denies the farto the Sleeping Draught; but the coincidence appears too strong to have been acthat Mr. Bayne's Love and Laudanum at cidental, and we cannot help thinking Woolwich is the original, though unacknowledged, of the Farce now acting at station, and was most heartily welcomed. Drury Lane.-Miss Kelly has resumed her

Mr. Ma

MR. MATHEWS AT HOME.The manner in which the young men and thews, the comedian, and, if we may add in these mountains is likewise singular. On retired from Covent Garden theatre, has women form acquaintance with each other without offence to him, the mimic, having Saturday or Sunday after vespers, they first, undertaken a new species of public enterten or twelve in number, visit the girls, tainment, which he entitles, Mail Coach who assemble in the same number. such companies they play, sing, and dance. English Opera House, about four nights in In Adventures," and exhibits singly at the But if one of them pays his court to a girl, the week. We have had the pleasure of he goes alone. Whether there are any girls hearing him once, and certainly conceive to be married in the house, is to be seen from that his performances are without parallel; the dunghill before the door; therefore if at least we can say that nothing of the

|| This dance is said to have had its origin in
Auvergne, where it is much in vogue.

Vide Memoirs de l'Academie Celtique, No. 6,
This custom prevails also in Lower Bretagne.
page 362, &c.

kind which we ever saw comes near the

excellence of his imitations, his multiplied

powers, and versatile talent.

which affords great delight. It resembles There is something in good mimicry humorous satire; it levels the most lofty,

and lashes the most ridiculous. It is perhaps not attributable to one of the kindest principles in the human mind, that mankind are so much amused with the display of his art; for all enjoy it except the person who is said to be taken off. Yet it is but fair to observe, that in Mr. Mathews' imitations there is no ill-nature. The peculiarities of men, of nations, are exquisitely represented, and so little caricatured, that if ever an individual could bear to see his own, or his country's distinguishing features made a subject for laughter, we think he must even join in the risibility which the efforts of this admirable mimic excites. Any description of these entertainments must of necessity be flat and wearisome. We can only say that we were heartily amused with them, and laughed an hour by St. Martin's clock at the changes, personations, drollery, songs, and ventriloquy, of which they were composed.

The performer, to whom, if ever to any, Shakspeare's line is applicable

"And one man in his time plays many parts," opens the business with an Address, in which he explains the reasons for his leaving Covent Garden, the principal of which is his not having been cast into legitimately comic parts, and being not only rarely employed, but always in characters of buffoonery and imitation. Thus baffled in his ambition, he has been driven to-make a fortune by the art of which he is so perfect a master, and which he yet affects to underrate. There is some little inconsistency in this, but it is nevertheless true, that Mr. Mathews' talents were neither displayed frequently enough, nor to advantage, in the large theatre to the corps of which he belonged. He may therefore without a murmur unite with the public, who crowd to him every night, in saying, "Tis better as it is.'

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and naturally coloured. In the end, Ham-
let's advice to the players is delivered; and,
as in the former parts, the French Tragedy
and its supporters constitute a consider-
able feature of the entertainment; we
have here the characteristics of most of
our own actors, Kemble, Young, Kean,
Fawcett, Blanchard, Pope, Munden, Incle-
don, Cooke, &c. imitated with a degree of
skill that places each of them before us in
propria persona, and causes us to doubt our
senses when they inform us, that all these
varieties are ONE.

The very extraordinary nature of these
performances will excuse the length of our
criticism (if it may be called so, when we
have only to express our approbation;) and
as we consider it not very probable that
our readers may ever have it in their
to behold such an exhibition again, we
finish with recommending to them, by all
means, to see this clever and unique
At Home.




L'Orphelin Soldat, a Melo-drama, in
three acts.

This orphan, named Albert, is the natu-
ral son of M. de Senneville; his mother
died of a broken heart soon after his birth,
on learning that her seducer was married.
Lieutenant Duplessis, the maternal uncle
of Albert, under the assumed name of
Saint Felix, takes charge of his education,
and places him as a private soldier in his
regiment. He however intends ultimately
to obtain his discharge, and to marry
to the daughter of a rich merchant.




Our political department is, like many others, almost a sinecure. As we do not adopt any side or party, excepting always the single party of our country, we have really nothing to say about the disputes between Spain and Portugal, the contradictory statements from South America, the rival pamphlets of Ultras and Jacobins and Moderés in France (we only wish they Germany or Italy. When any of these were all moderé,) or the factions of boil up into action, we shall record their exploits. In the interim, we can only notice, that their Budget continues to occupy the French Legislature; and that in our House of Commons the proposed repeal of the leather tax has been negatived by 136 votes to 130; and some important financial measures, touching also the circulation of our paper currency, been proposed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The Bank Restriction Act to continue one year longer in force, and country bankers not to issue notes below 51.

unless on Government security.

On Tuesday the marriage of the Princess Elizabeth and the Prince of Hesse Homberg was celebrated with considerable pomp at the Queen's House. The Gazette announces that the title of Royal Highness has been accorded by the Prince Regent to Prince Leopold of Coburg.

An atrocious attempt was made on Wednesday to assassinate Lord Palmerston, the Secretary at War. A man of the name of Davis, a half-pay lieutenant of the 62d regiment, waited for his Lordship at his office, and shot him with a pocket pistol as he ascended the stairs. The wound is severe, but not dangerous. It is strange to observe by what sympathy these phrenzied acts never occur singly. This attempt follows closely upon that directed against the Duke of Wellington. with the latter, several arrests have taken place in the Netherlands.

After this introduction, there is an ac- Such is the situation of the orphan when count of a journey to the North in the Mail M. de Senneville is appointed commanCoach, with the company in which, their dant of the citadel in which the regiment tones, manners, and habits, we are speedily of Saint Felix is quartered. Saint Felix, brought acquainted, and recitation and who has sworn to be revenged on his sissong agreeably diversify the descriptions ter's seducer, challenges M. de Senneville. and imitations. There is much fun in this In the meanwhile Saint Felix himself reportion of the evening's amusements. The ceives a challenge from Albert, who has next part consists of Ventriloquy, in which been persuaded that his friend and benea sick man, a French valet, a cook, a but-factor intends to carry off his mistress. In ler, a little boy, &c. are all represented by a moment of ungovernable passion, the Mr. Mathews, whose imitative powers are young man loses sight of his subordination. wonderfully displayed in giving an identity For this fault, so unpardonable in the milito these very different characters, and in tary profession, he is arrested: he, how those vocal deceptions in which this strange ever, escapes from prison, and chance leads faculty consists. The third, and last part, him to the spot appointed for the duel beis a whimsical series of songs and stories. tween Senneville and Saint Felix, and he arA law trial is admirably delineated, and in rives at the very moment when the latter the pleadings and charge to the jury some receives a mortal wound. At this terrible well-known counsel and judges are recog-sight all resentment is forgotten; he offers nised. A drunken man lighting his pipe his unfortunate benefactor all the assistat a candle, is capitally done; and, not to ance in his power. He is surprised, in the enumerate the many attractions of this fulfilment of this pious duty, and is tried to the frontiers in Autumn. scena, we shall conclude with noticing the and condemned to death as a murderer. similitude of an old Scotch minister's wi- M. de Senneville now discovers that Albert dow telling a tale, beyond which, we are of is his son, and the General, on being in. opinion, it is impossible for the mimic art formed of the circumstances of the affair, to go. Face, voice, look, and manner, are gives orders for suspending the execution of the king


It is reported that some exchange of territory has been agreed on between the Allies and France; and that the army of occupation will be withdrawn


The subject of the Copyright Acts was appointed for discussion last night in the House of Commons; the result

inimitably copied ;-the portrait is as per- of the sentence, in order to await the mercy of which it will be too late for us to

fect as one of Vandyke's, and as forcibly


ascertain before submitting our pub-teristic. When the French were in Berlin, | energy, which belongs to the genius of lication to the press. We cannot help, Jahn went with his scholars to exercise on liberty. Should the freedom of the press not however, expressing a hope, that a tax the heath out of the city. On his return, be established among us (as our good miniso injurious as that now existing to the he took it into his head, to ask a boy who sters have promised) the English language, interests of literature, and so unfair in used to stand upon this gate" loitered under the Brandenberg gate, What which every one wishes to learn, on account The Vic- of that liberty, will become universal on principle, will be abolished. Having tory,' "What is become of her?" The the Continent, and France will thus lose the prepared something of an historical French have carried her to France! "What only pre-eminence which remains to her.” view of this question, and looked to its do you think of it?"Nothing at all.' various bearings, we confess that we Upon this Jahn gave him a hearty box on "She are at a loss to discover one tenable the ear, with the serious admonition, argument by which the continuance of was there, and may be fetched back again, The school never every one help!" the imposition can be supported. It is forgot it, though the citizens of Berlin a partial impost for a general purpose; thought the Professor mad, because he reit is the reverse of what it purports to quired that a boy should think something be, and acts in every point to discou- at seeing the gate without the Victory, while rage literature; it is detrimental to the thousands passed through it every day public revenue, and the worst mode without thinking any thing. that can be devised for the advantage even of the public bodies in whose behalf it is meant to operate.



latin verse, composed with much ingenuity,
affords two very opposite meanings by
merely transposing the order of the words.
Prospicimus modo, quod durabunt tempore longo
Fœdera, nec patriæ pax cito diffugiet.
Diffugiet cito pax patriæ, nec fœdera longo
Tempore durabunt, quod modo prospicimus.

Some one said to Dufresny," Poverty
is no crime." It is a great deal worse,'
said he.

sident in Oxford, of the name of Ducane,
Many years since, a French teacher, re-
called on Mr. Wickham, a mercer, who
lived opposite University College, for a
waistcoat-piece, but could not recollect the
naine of the material he wished for. He
said that "he thought it was de English for
de Diable." Mr. Wickham mentioned the
several names of his infernal Highness, such
as Old Nick, Beelzebub, &c.-" No, no,
it was not dat," was the reply. At last
Mr. W. thought of Satan.

TOUR OF THE CROWN PRINCE OF BAVARIA. The of all the lovers of antieyes quity and the fine arts are with reason turned upon the remarkable journey which His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Bavaria has undertaken to the classic ground of Greece. This august patron and enlightened judge of the arts, having first visited all the most remarkable places in Sicily, and its noblest ruins of antiquity, returned to Rome, where he has dedicated some time to profound study, preparatory to his intended tour. It is his Royal Highness's intention to depart from Rome to Greece in the beginning of the present month of April. The Prince has sent for M. Klenze, architect to the court of Ba-I vant," said Ducane, "I vant a Satan varia, to accompany him in this tour. vestcoat."-Oxford Herald. goes first through the Peloponnesus, and all Ionia, to Athens, perhaps to Asia Minor, and probably by way of Constantinople back to Bavaria.


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WINCKELMANN.-The family of Albani at Rome has recovered the plates of the fine work of Winckelmann, Monumens inedits. These plates were carried off when the Albani library was plundered in 1799, and were taken to Naples. As the valuable work of Winckelmann has become ex

tremely scarce, the lovers of the fine arts will be happy to learn that the possessors of the plates will soon be able to gratify their wishes by publishing a new edition.

ANECDOTE. The following anecdote of Professor Jahn, in Berlin, whose system for making youth perfect in gymnastic exercises, has given rise to endless disputes in Germany, is highly charac


O dat is vat



The English Tragic drama is chiefly
known in France through the translation of
M. le Tourneur. It is reported that M. de
Chateauneuf is about to publish a selection
of English Comedies. To judge of it by
the fragments which the author has given
his translation will be faithful as well as
in the French journals published in London,
elegant. In his prefatory remarks, he says,


I have studied the English Drama for three years; and whenever I may venture to criticise it, I shall perhaps do so with the prejudices of a Frenchman. I conceive the reading of twenty comedies, gives me a better idea of a people than a hundred volumes of travels. In comparing the comic drama of the two countries, some idea may be formed of the astonishing contrast which exists between two such near neighbours. The English language possesses a certain superiority with which no modern tongue can vie. It is that lofty


Thursday, 2-Thermometer from 35 to 46.

Barometer from 30, 50 to 30, 48. Wind N. and NE. 4.-A little sunshine about noon, the day generally cloudy.-Worms worked much in the night.

Friday, 3-Thermometer from 37 to 45.

Barometer from 30, 54 to 30, 59. Wind N. and NE. 1-Sun shining at times in

the morning, but generally cloudy: afternoon and evening clear. The tortoise opened his eyes to day for the first time.

Saturday, 4-Thermometer from 30 to 48.

Barometer from 30, 57 to 30, 48. Wind N. and NE. -I think the wind was SE. as it veered round once in the afternoon. Clear the whole day. Ice on puddles this morning. Sunday, 5-Thermometer from *24 to 53.

Barometer from 30, 32 to 29, 95.
Wind S. and SE. -The early part of the
morning clear, hazy by eight, and remained so
Monday, 6-Thermometer from 39 to 52.
till the evening, when it became quite cloudy.

Barometer from 29, 46 to 29, 72.
Wind SW. and W. 3.-Generally cloudy,
raining all the morning.
Rain fallen, 05 of an inch.
Tuesday, 7-Thermometer from 34 to 50.

Barometer from 29, 92 to 29, 71. Wind E. 4.-Raining generally through the day.

Wednesday, 8-Thermometer from 37 to 62.

Barometer from 29, 68 to 29, 59. Wind S. and S. b. W. 4.-Morning and noon generally fine, afternoon very rainy, evening cloudy. Rain fallen, 475 of an inch. Latitude 51. 37. 32. N. Longitude 3.51. W. JOHN ADAMS.

Edmonton, Middlesex.

* This I think must have been a sudden fall, and but for a short time, as no vegetable appears to have felt it.

We are happy to announce for our next Number, the continuation of the interesting Tour of their Imperial Highnesses the Austrian Archdukes.


Of a multitude of Literary Annunciations sent to us for insertion in the Gazette, we have to state, that all those which are Advertisements, are necessarily omitted.

The Editor thanks J. G. for his communications, which do not seem to require a particular answer. Any future hints from him will be acceptable.

Several articles intended for publication, are again unavoidably postponed.

BENSLEY and SONS, Bolt Court, Fleet Street.


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