Number of Death. THE following DEATHS, Occurring in or about MINES, have been reported to me during 1905, but were found, on investigation, not to be due to ACCIDENTS comprised within the meaning of the MINING ACTS: Date of Name and Description* of Name of Owner or Name of Person, Age, and Occupation. Cause of Death and Remarks, Wm. Thompson, 50, Thowas Lowther, —, Joseph Hodge, 15, William Duun, 40, Christopher Liddle, 61, W. D. Maddison, 55, Thomas Barren, —, R. H. Hackworth, Joseph Wood, 15, George Woodhall, 57, W. D. Gascoigne, 20, Died from natural causes as he was about to enter the mine. Had an apoplectic seizure whilst in the mine, and died the same day. Injured by a fall of stone, 7th May, 1903. Died 11th February, 1906. Poisoned by gases issuing from a burning rubbish heap adjacent to his house. Death from heart failure when about to leave work. He ran after a rat in the mine and bumped his head against a stone. Death due to exhaustion following upon diarrhoea, coupled with fatty degeneration of the heart. Hand slightly injured on 6th March, 1902. Died 28th April, 1906. Death from heart failure when walking across the pit yard after finishing his shift. Received a slight injury to his hand on 30th September, 1902. Died 17th June, 1906. Attempted to jump on to a railway van, but was crushed and killed. Had an apopletic seizure whilst at work in the mine and died the following day. Found dead in a field where he had gone from his work. Electrocuted by touching a wire rope stay hanging from a pole carrying electric cables in the Colliery village. Death due to natural causes. When walking in bye on 8th April, 1903, he stumbled against a sheave and cut his face. Died 6th September, 1906. Fell off a truck on which he was riding when returning from work and was run over. Death due to natural causes. Jumped down the shaft when temporarily insane. Had an apoplectic seizure whilst in the mine and died the following day. Received an injury to his back on 3rd February, 1893, whilst at work in the mine. Died 26th November, 1906. * All mines are coal mines unless otherwise specified. Registered No. of Accident. LIST of FATAL ACCIDENTS at QUARRIES under the QUARRIES ACT in the DURHAM (No. 4) DISTRICT during 1906, He was struck on the head by a piece of stone which fell from 80 to 90 ft. above where he was working, and received injuries from which he died two days later. He was killed by a fall of ground from above where he was working. Very heavy rains probably loosened the ground. He was knocked off the bench upon which he was working by a stone which fell from a point about 6 ft. above the bench. When, with others, removing over-burden, a fall of clay came away at a "slip" and killed him. Emerson Bell, 36, Quarryman. He was killed by the premature explosion of a charge which he was putting into a hole. Oct. 8 Dec. 21 ... Newlandside (limestone), Durham. ... Forcett (limestone), Yorkshire (North Riding). BY BLASTING. George Wilkinson, 26, Quarryman. A previously "cracked" shot exploded prematurely, and threw him from the ledge on When kneeling on the buffers between two moving wagons trying to uncouple them, he fell between, and was run over by the last wagon. N.B.-NO FATAL ACCIDENTS Occurred in the METALLIFEROUS MINES in this District in the year under notice. |