| George Fox - 1694 - 508 Seiten
...bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness, out of the prison-house. I am the Lord, that is my name, and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images." ver. 6, 7, 8. So Christ the light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen;... | |
 | sir Matthew Hale - 1699 - 638 Seiten
...unto them, 1AM hath fent me. Sometimes to fignifie the greatnefs of his Authority, Ifa. 42. 8. I am the Lord, that is my Name, and my Glory will I not givt to another. Sometimes to fignifie his his Power, Jer.io; 16. The LordofHofts is his Name. Sometimes... | |
 | Samuel White - 1709 - 542 Seiten
...Prifoners out of Prifon. . •••.,:• Ver. 8, 9. / am the Lcrd, that if my namr+ And my gl&ry will I not give to another, neither my praife to graven images. Behold, the former things are come to pafs, and ntw . things do I declare : before they ffring forth I tell you of them.~\ Here the Prophet... | |
 | George Fox - 1709 - 634 Seiten
...Pr if oners from ' //_><? Prifon, and them that fit in Darknefs, out of tbe ' Prifon-houfe. I am tbe Lord, that is my Name, and ' my Glory will I not give to another, neither my Prjij'e ' to graven Images, ver. 6, 7, 8. So Chrift the Light is c ' come, and the Glory of the Lord... | |
 | Jesus Christ, John Henderson Thomson - 1871 - 720 Seiten
...their confusion, and for His own glory now trampled upon, and lying so low ; for He has said, ' I am the Lord, that is My name ; and My glory will I not give to another ' (Isa. xlii. 8). " Now I am to lay down my life, and indeed I do it willingly, and not by... | |
 | John Ray - 1714 - 430 Seiten
...glorifieth me. So Praife is called a Sacrifice, and the Calves of the Lips, Hofea 14. 2. Efay 42. 8. / am the Lord, that is my Name, and my Glory will I not give to another. Efay 48. II. And I .will not give my Glory to another. The Scripture calls upon the Heavens... | |
 | John Ray - 1717 - 430 Seiten
...glorifieth me. So Praife is called a Sacrifice, and the Calves of the Lipr, Hofea 14. 2. Efay 42. 8. I can the Lord, that is my Name.) and my Glory will I not -give to another. Efay 48. ii. And I will not give my Glory to another. The Scripture calls upon the Heavens... | |
 | Daniel Waterland - 1719 - 530 Seiten
...you Jhall approach to any that is near of Kin to Him / am Jehovah, Lev. 18.6. I am the Lord (Jehovah) that is my Name, and my Glory will I not give to another; neither my praife to graven Images, If4x.8. * many more Places of like nature might be cited. But I chule to refer you to a Concordance... | |
 | William Burnet - 1724 - 190 Seiten
...True God, in Oppofition to Idols. Ifaiah xlii. "I am the Lord, that is my Name, and my vcrf- 8* « Glory will I not give to another, neither my « Praife to graven Images. v " Behold, the former Things are come to pafs, cc and New Things do I declare , before they (< fpring... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 Seiten
...bring out the PRISONERS from the Prifon, and them that fit in DARKNESS out of the Prifon-houfe. 8. I am the LORD, that is my NAME, and my GLORY will I not give to another. 10. Sing unto the Lord a new So NO, and his PRAISE from the End of the Earth : ye that go... | |
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