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Christian Religion,


Objections of all Modern Opposers.

Written in French by James Abbadie, D. D.
Jacques Gnis

Render'd into English by H. L.

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Printed for Jonathan Robinson, at the Golden-Lion, Fobn
Taylor, at the 'Ship, John Wyat, at the Rofe, and Richard
Wilkin, at the Kings-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard,

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Dr. Henry Beeston, Warden of New-College in Oxford.

Reverend Sir,


His Book (the Translation of which I first undertook at the perswasion of fome worthy Persons, and with the permission of the Author,) having been some Years in much Credit and Repute in its own Country, appears now in an English Dress, and defires your Approbation and Countenance to favour its first coming Abroad.

The Author is the Reverend Mr. Abbadie, a Person very eminent both for his Learning and Piety; which Qualifications are sufficient to recommend him to the World; and the near reSemblance of his Character to yours in both these respects must needs procure him your particular esteem.

But the Book, Sir, requires your Patron. not so much for the Author's Sake, as its o Its Subject is Religion; its chief Business Design to vindicate the Best of Christian, against the greatest C it, Atheism, Deism, and Juda ving been Victorious in France, 1 to engage the Adversaries of

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and I would to God the Impiety and Atheism of the present Age, did not make its appearance necessary. 'Tis true indeed, several Treatifes have been writ of this Argument, by able and learned Pens in English, as well as in Foreign Languages. But as it can never be throughly enough inforced, so it will be found, that none have hitherto illustrated and evinced this truth with that Evidence and Accuracy as our Learned Author. However it be, his Design being pious and beneficial towards the advancing true Religion, it cannot fail of your furtherance and incouragement.

As for the Translation it felf, its confess'd, 'Sir, you cannot stand in need of any assistance of this kind, having without doubt perused it in the Original; yet all Men have not those Advantages, and therefore it may be presumed this work will receive a kind acceptance from you, though for no other reason but the sake of the publick good. I could wish I had been a better Master of the English, both for the Author and the Arguments fake: But as it is, I hope there will be found very few confiderable Errors, having used the greatest Sincerity and Industry in representing the Author's Sense.

And lastly, as for the Translatour, you made him wholly yours, when you admitted him a Member of that happy Society of which you are the prudent and careful Governour. For though be be a Refugee, and has for Religion forsaken

Countrey, Friends, and Estate, you have in some measure

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