come to pass. It is enough, that the Jews are no longer distinguished from the rest of the World, that the knowledge of the true God is common and has overflown the Earth, that the Gentiles walk in the Light, that came out of Ferufalem, and that the most Barbarous Nations, as fast as they are discovered to us,are replenished with it; so that this Prophecy is daily fulfilled, and fhall continue so to the Worlds end. This Argument may be useful to us on two Accounts, 1. In as much as it justifies the Divinity of the Chrifti - an Religion against the Jews. And 2. In that it proves the Divinity both of the Jewish and the Chriftian Religion against Unbelievers: For if any Doubts arise concerning the Authority of the Old or New Testament, 'tis but con sulting these Prophecies and they will foon put them all to filence. So that you may plainly perceive both by the Works of Nature and Revelation of the Jews, great Preparations made to usher in that fingal Event; for if you follow the Light of natural Religion, it will inform you, that God was either obliged utterly to reject the Heathens, or to en lighten them anew by his Holy Spirit. And if you consult the Scriptures of the Jews, they will tell you that God raised up among the Nations, Meichifedech the Przest of the most high, that he poured out his Spirit upon B4laam, who dwelt at that time among the Pagans, and fen: Jonas to preach Repentance to the Men of Nineweth; giving us to understand by that little Preludium, that he designed one day to unite all Nations to his People Ifrael, whereby they might know him. And indeed so great and advantagious proved that Change then made in the World, that we should make God an Infenfible Being, deprived of all Wisdom, and Knowledge, to imagin, that neither his Goodness, or his Providence had any share in so great an Event, Man had formerly no other Rule for his Religion and and Worship, but the unruly and disorderly Paffions of his own Heart. He deified all his Failings; and, to the Honour of his corrupt Nature, erected Temples. By her, if I may so say, were delivered Oracles, fince from her proceeded Polytheism. What Method then could be taken to reform such Disorders and Irregularities, and reclaim Men from so degenerare a Stare? Religion, as then depraved, would have been very unfuccessful, and would but have encreased their Corruption the more, by representing to them Gods like unto, and more diffolute, than themlelves. And their own Consciences would have been filenced by the Examples they would have alledged of the Deities of their Religion, to authorise their Irregularities. And if we should have set the inferiour Paffions on work, they were enslaved by Superftition, which is always fo much the more powerful, when it acts under the Veil of Holiness. Thus relying on human Afsistance only, it seemed absolutely impossible Men should ever have been rescued from that deplorable Condition they were then in; for Religion seemed inseparately interwoven with Corruption; for Corruption framed what Religion was then in being; and Religion, in Return, confecrated, and, as we may say, deified Corruption. How therefore could they be taken off from that Religion, which their natural Vices and Inclinations made them so paffionately affect? How were they to be cured of a Corruption so highly authorised by their Religion? If you propose to them, the acknowledging of any new Deity, it depends wholly of their capricious Will to receive or reject it. And if you but mention to them the God of the Jews, they abominate all that is esteemed Sacred in that Nation. For Prejudices over-ruled their Understandings; and their Hearts were prepossessed with Paffions and Interest, Custom and Education, Force and Policy, the Magistrates, Magistrates, Priests and People, corrupt Nature and false Religion, shut up all Passages against Truth; and were like so many strong Barriers, which seemed to exclude it from ever finding Entrance and Entertain ment among them. Doubtless, whosoever considers, how difficult it was to convert the Gentiles, must necessarily own it was the Work of God, and not the Work of Men. And he cannot but be further confirmed in this Opinion, if he takes notice of that holy and bleffed Change in Mens Religion, effected in so small a compass of time. How if beretofore the Corruption of their Hearts had established the Rule of their Worship, and was the Original of Polytheism among them, nom the true and found Notion of a God, who was the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and is perfectly just, good, holy and wife, hath reformed and expelled all yitious Inclinations out of Mens Hearts. I fay, he must acknowledge some Almighty Power to have effected that sudden and admirable Change, and fup posing there is such an Intelligent Being that ruleth the World, and confers upon Men all the Good they can enjoy; his Goodness consequently must have had some share in that happy Change. But how ftrangely surprised must he needs be then, to fee that great Event so clearly and exactly foretold bim? Why furely then, he cannot be so senseless as to reject a Truth that offers it felf to his mind, with so many different Dommendations from Senfe, Reafon, Vitnesses, so much e less to be lived long before it came to together, to force him by a te to affent to ir, r CHAP. II. That God designed to make a New Covenant with Men more Perfect than the First. T HE Calling of the Gentiles being thus solidly proved, we have laid the main Foundation upon which the whole Matter of the Affertion depends, which we are now to treat of. The Truths which naturally flow from that prime and capital One being these ; viz. First, That God designed to make a New Covenant with Mankind, more perfect than the first he made with the Family of Abraham. This is equally proved to us both by Reason and Scripture. Our Reason assures us, That a Covenant whose promises concern'd but one Particular Nation, could not be extended to all Mankind in General. For, in effect, all Men could not have the Priviledge to dwell in so small a Country as the Land of Canaan; and the Circumcision a particular distinction of one Nation from the rest, could not be taken for a sign which all Nations should bear in their Flesh. Lastly, Neither could the Temple, Priesthood, nor Gift of Prophecy, imparted only to the Jews, be any ways useful to them all, and consequently a Covenant ef sentially distinct from the former, was absolutely requifire God had before signified by the Mouth bers and Feremiah speaks of it in Chap. 31. verse 31, 32, 33 this wife; Behold the days come, faith the Lord, that I will make a neto Co venant with the House of Ifrael, and with the House of Judah, not according to the Covenant that I made with their Fathers in the day that I took them by the hand, to bring them out of the Land of Egypt; which my Covenant they brake, &c. But this shall be the Covenant that I will make with the House of Ifrael, After those Days, faith the Lord, I will put my Law in their inward parts, and write it in their bearts. Chap. 11. Ezechiel also gives it the following Character, And I shall give them one heart, and I will put a new Spirit within you; and I will take the stony Heart out of their flesh, and will give them a Heart of flesh; The they may walk in my Statutes, and keep my Ordinances and do them: And they shall be my People, and I will be their God. By these and the like Prophecies, it is not only manifeft, That the Covenant God designed to make in common, both with Ifrael and all other Nations, should be new, but also that it should be more perfect than the other, and as such only, it should succeed the former. This the Prophet Jeremiah, above quoted, does so plainly demonstrate, as to convince the most ignorant of it, I will make a new Covenant, &c. Not according to the Covenant that I made with their Fathers, &c. which my Covenant they brake. Who fees not, That this Prophecy promises a Covenant far more excellent than that God had formerly made with the elites-2 But if, after having confulte the Scripture, we thall further confule dhe Light of Reem, it will inform u that this C made up two different Per fections Stion to Pagan Werfi |