Abbildungen der Seite







Christian Religion.


Of the Existence of God.


The Design of this Section.

Hough the Incredulous of these Times, endeavour to revive Scepticism, thereby to thake the Foundations of Religion, yet it may be said, that nothing shews more their



Error and Weakness than this Universal Doubting, whose mistaken force they fo fondly have recourse to.

'Twould be in vain to imagin, that Nature designing to impose upon our Infirmities, imprinted in our Minds certain false notions, upon which we might argue as upon true principles. For this Metaphisical doubt would soon be destroyed by the irresistible perception of almost an infinite number of particular Truths. An abstracted and remote Speculation cannot be stronger than the Knowledge we have already of the existence of our Soul, which thinks, doubts, reasons and knows that she performs all these Operations, and after a Thousand Chimerical Suppofitions, we shall be forced at length to renounce these general Doubts, that we may receive the evidence of these particular Princiries wiz. Tout the whole is bigger than its parts; thatm equds, you take away equals, what remmans wil as emad. These first Principles of Commns Sont being to evident, as by their bare prowaisi se creme a ffrong assent; and in this refret vaarding the Sun, that cannot borrow wear strand the Universal Light it imparts to ewww thing cine

"T's true indeed, should we stay our Minds upat these general Speculations and this Universal

sod not fuffer them to defcend to more secar Confiderations, we might be Scepticks her & fow Moments, but at the same time we Motd be very extravagant, since it is a kind of e's to doat so much upon one Object, as to thereby rendred incapable of thinking of any elfe. Give the Mind but liberty to confiWAT well the Doubts of a Sceptick, and to compare them with that certainty it is sensible of, as to


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