Abbildungen der Seite


Accounts to


Tendance and other Assistance and Neceffaries for them, if need be, all at the Charge of the Parties themselves, their Parents or Mafters, (if able) otherwise at the Charge of the Town or Place whereto they belong.

The Accounts to be adjusted by the Authority who granted the Warrants : be adjufted, The Money to be levied by Diftrefs, figned by fuch Authority.


Perfons vifited with fickness in any other

town than

that they belong, to be relieved, &c.

Town to re. over the shar. ges, &c.

When the

That in Cafe it happen that any Perion or Perfons be visited with any Kind of Sickness, (whether of an infectious Nature or not) in any other Town or Place than that whereunto they belong, and by that Means occafion a Charge to fuch Town, the Select-men of fuch Town fhall lay the Account thereof be. fore the County Court of that County wherein fuch Town is to which fuch Perfon or Perfons belong; which Court having adjusted the Accounts of fuch Charge, and allowed the fame, or so much thereof as they shall judge juft and reasonable, fhall order Payment thereof to be made by the Treasurer of fuch Town, or in Want of fuch Treasurer by the Select-men of the fame, and award Execution accordingly (when the faid Court fhall judge that the Perfons themfelves, their Parents or Masters, or other Relations which by Law are obliged to fupport them in Cafe of Need, are not able to make Payment.)

And in cafe of the Death of the Person who should have ftood charged with the Debt, the Town fhall recover the fame of the Executors or Adminiftrators of the Deceased, and for the want of Affets in their Hands, of his Heirs, if any be.

And when it fhall happen any fuch fick and indigent Persons prove not to fick is not an be Inhabitants of this State, or belong not to any Town or Place within this inhabitant of State, and are not by Law the proper Charge thereof, or of any particular this ftate, Perfon, and need Relief, then the Charge of fuch Perfon's Sicknefs fhall be defrayed out of the public Treasury of the State, by order of the Governor and Council: The Account of fuch Charge being first laid before, and allowed by them.

charges to be paid out of the ftate treafury.

Bick how to be taken care of, &c.

Nurfes and

That whenfoever it fhall be neceffary, for the taking care of the fick, any two Affiftants, or Juftices of the Peace, or one in cafe two cannot be had in the fame Town where the Occafion shall happen, may make out a Warrant directed to the Sheriff of the County, his Deputy, or Conftables of the Town, requiring them, or any of them, in the Name of this State, (with the Advice and Direction of the Select-men of the faid Town) to impress and take up convenient House or Houses, Lodging, Nurses, Tendance and other Neceffaries for the accommodation of the Sick.

That if any Town or Place vifited with Sickness, as aforefaid, be in Danneceflaries to ger of Suffering for want of fuitable Nurfes or Tenders, which cannot be probeimpreffed cured in the fame Town, then a Warrant shall be granted by the Authority by warrant if aforefaid, at their Difcretion, for the impreffing any meet Perfon or Perfons, neceffary, &c. and other Neceffaries, out of any other Towns.

Perfons, &c.

coming from

infectious places, &c.

how to be proceeded with.

That if any Perfon or Perfons, Seamen or Passengers belonging to, or traníported in any Ship or Veffel, arriving at any Port or Harbour within this State, happen to be vifited with the Small-Pox, or other contagious Sickness during the Voyage, or come from any Place where fuch Sickness prevails and is common; or if any Perfon whatsoever shall come from any Town or Place, either in this, or any neighbouring Government where any fuch Infectious Disease doth prevail or hath lately prevailed; or when any Perfon or Family may be justly fufpected and feared to have taken the Infection of any fuch-like contagi, ous Sickness, it shall be in the Power of the Select-men of the Town, to order fuch Perfon or Perfons, or Family, to Confinement in fuch Veffel, and fuch Place as they fhall think proper ; or in fuch Houfe or Place, and for fo long a Time as they shall think most convenient and fafe; and if Need fo require, upon their Application to one Affiftant, or Juftice of the Peace, or more if readily to be come at, he or they may, and are hereby authorized to make out a


Warrant to the Sheriff or Constable aforefaid; or in want of fuch Officers, or for any other fpecial Reafon, to fome other fuitable Perfon, (who is accordingly hereby impowered with the fame Authorities, and required upon the fame Penalties as the proper Officers are invefted with, and liable to) both for the remanding fuch Perfons on Board again, and confining them to the Places affigned them on Board or on the Shore; and alfo for preventing Perfons com. ing to, or going from them contrary to the Orders given.


That in cafe the Distress and Difficulties thall be fo great in any Place or That in fpePlaces, that any further Provifiop shall be found neceffary than is in this Act cial cafes of provided, upon Application to the Governor or Commander in Chief for the diftres not specially pro ̧ Time being, he is hereby impowered to make and give fuch further Orders and vided for apDirections therein, with the Advice and Confent of his Council, as they fhall plication to think fit, for the preventing the fpreading of fuch Infection, or any Thing re- be made to lating thereto.

the governor,


not conform

That if any Perfon or Perfons whatsoever shall willingly tranfgrefs against any Rule or Method made by this Act, or provided by Virtue thereof, to prePenalty for vent the fpreading of fuch Diseases, whether by refusing to nurfe or tend fuch fick Perfon; or by reforting to any fuch fick Perfons, or to the Places where ing to this act. they are; or fhall (without Licence first had and obtained, from an Affiftant, Juftice of the Peace, or Select-men) come on Shore from fuch Ship or Veffel; or go from any other infected Place where they are confined as aforefaid; or being appointed to tend or be with fuch fick Perfons, fhail dare to go abroad from the Houfes where fuch fick Perlons are kept, and go into any other House or Company, every fuch Perfon tranfgreffing as aforefaid, fhall incur a Penalty or Fine to the Town Treasurer where any fuch Offence fhall be committed, as the County Court of that County wherein fuch Town is, fhall judge meet; not exceeding the Sum of Eight Pounds.

tend the fick

That if any Perfon or Perfons being impreffed as aforesaid, to nurfe or tend, Perfons infhall neglect or refufe to enter upon the faid Service, that it fhall be lawful for preffed to the Authority who granted the Warrant by which fuch Perfon or Persons were refusing, &. impreffed, (if fufficient Excufe to fuch Authority fatisfying be not fhewn) to to be com commit him, her, or them, so neglecting or refufing to the common Goal of mitted, &c. the County wherein the Cafe happens, there to remain at his, her, or their own Charge, till he, fhe or they better conform themselves, or the Occafion of their Impreffing fhall be over, and fignified by fuch Authority under his or their Hand to the Keeper of the Gaol for their Release.

That when and fo often as it shall happen, that any Perfon in any House, Family, or Veffel in any Township, Harbour or Road within this State, fhall When & what be taken fick, and do fear and fufpect it to be the Small-Pox, or other conta- hung, up, &c, fignals to be gious Sicknefs, as aforefaid, it fhall be the Duty of the Head of fuch Family, or Mafter of the Veffel, immediately to put forth a Signal, viz. At every fuch Houfe a white Cloth of two Feet fquare or larger, extended on a Staff or Pole at leaft ten Feet high, by the Houle, between the House and the Street or High-way: And on Board a Veffel the Signal fhall be the fame hoifted on the Shroads.

Which Signal fhall be fo continued till by order of a Juftice, or the Select- To continue men of the Town they fhall be discharged therefrom.

until, &c

And on Failure hereof the Head of fuch Family, or Maker of fuch Veffel, on Conviction thereof before the County Court in the County where fuch Penalty. Omiffion fhall be, fall incur fuch Penalty as the faid Court shall judge proper;

not exceeding 9welve Pounds.

And that in every Town and Place where any fuch infectious Disease shall break out, to prevent the fpreading thereof, all Owners of Dogs fhall deftroy Dogs to be their Dogs or caufe them to be killed; and in Neglect thereof, it fhall be killed. lawful for any Perfon to kill the faid Dogs.

[blocks in formation]

Goods, &c.

es, not to be

Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon fhall bro't from in- bring into any Town in this State, either by Land or Water, from any Place fectious plac infected with the Small-Pox or any other mortal contagious Diteate, any Goods, Wäres or Merchandize, and land them or expole them to Sale without landed, &c. without leave Liberty from two or more of the Select-men of faid Town first had and obtain&c. on Pen- ed in writing under their Hands, fuch Perfons fhill forfeit the Sum of twenty ity of 201. Pounds lawful Money; one Half of faid Penalty to the Informer who thall profecute the fame to effect, the other Half to the Treafury of the Town in which fuch Goods are landed or exposed to fale.

Select men's duty, &c.

Duty of maft

ers of veffels,

&c. to make

report, &c. in 12 hours.

Be it is further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it fhall be the Duty of the Select-men, upon Application to them made, to make speedy Examina tion whether it be neceffary to air fuch Goods, Wares, or Merchandize brought in as aforefaid; and if they judge it not neceffary to air them, they shall then give a Certificate to the Perfon or Ferfons applying therefor, and Liberty to Land and fell the fame. And whenfoever any Goods, Wares or Merchandize brought in as aforefaid, and are fuitably aired, faid Select-men fhall' give a Certificate thereof to the Perfon whofe Goods, Wares, or Merchandize are thus aired, with Liberty to land or fell the fame accordingly.

Be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That when it fhall happen that any Ship or Veffel fhall come from any Place where the Small-Pox, or other contagious Sickness is prevalent, it thall be the Duty of the Mafter of fuch Ship or Veffel, and in cafe of Inability in the Mafter, it mali be the Duty of the next Officer fucceffively upon their Arrival in any Harbour, Road or Creek in this State, forthwith to give Information to one or more of the Select-men of fuch Town where fuch Veffel fhall firft arrive, from whence they came, and the true Circumftances of the People and Cargo on Board. And whatever Matter or other Officer on Board fuch Veffel, thall for the Space of twelve On penalty of Hours after his Arrival as aforefaid, neglect to give Information as aforesaid, or fhall neglect to wait for and pun&tually obey fuch Orders as shall be given in fuch Cafe according to Law, or fhall fuffer any People belonging to fuch Ship or Veffel to go on Shore (except to give Information as aforefaid) fhall forfeit to the Treasurer of fuch Town where fuch Offence shall be committed, the Sum of fifty Pounds lawful Money, to be recovered by Bill, Plaint or Information in any Court proper to try the fame.


And if any Paffenger or other Perfon on Board fuch Veffel, fhall prefume to Paffengers &c go on Shore from any fuch Veffel (except as before exempted before Informanot to go on tion as aforefaid, has been given, and order thereon made,) fuch Person shall incur upon himself a Fine of ten Pounds lawful Money, to be recovered as aforefaid.



And be it further enacted by the Authority aforejaid, That no Perfon hereafter within the limits of any Town in this State, thall receive, give or commanot to be per nicate the Infection of the Small-Pox by Way of Inoculation, or in any fuch mitted with- like Method, without firft obtaining a Certificate from the major Part of the out certificate civil Authority and of the Select-men of fuch Town, approving of and permitof civil autho- ting the fame; nor fhall any Perfon be aiding or affifting therein without fuch rity, &c. Liberty first obtained as aforesaid.

of the confent

And be it further enacted, That the civil Authority and Select-men in any Town in this State, shall not grant Permiffion for the Small-Pox to be comApprobation municated by Inoculation, until the Approbation of fuch Town be firft had and of the town to obtained by the Vote of two-thirds of the Voters affembled in legal Meeting, be previously excepting it be unto Perfons belonging unto the Continental Army, Officers or

had, &c.

Soldiers, and alfo in fuch Cafe where any Person thall make it appear fully to the fatisfaction of the said Authority and Select-men, that he or the hath been involuntarily expofed to take the Infection, and probably hath thereby taken and received the fame in the natural Way.

[blocks in formation]

Jecimen to

Be it further Enacted, That when ever the Civil Authority and Semen Civil autho fhall grant Liberty and Permiflion to inoculate as aforefaid, they are directed rity and feand required to affign the Place, House, or Houses where it fhall be carried on, affign the and the infected Perfons fhall be kept ; and to appoint or approve of the Nar- place where fes or Tenders imployed, give Orders refpecting the Time, the Perfons infect- &c. for inoed, their Nurses and Tenders shall continue in the Places appointed, and also culation. refpecting their Cleanfing and coming out, and fuch other Orders and Directions as fhall be judged meft expedient, for preferving the Inhabitants from taking the Infection, for which Service a meet Recompence fhall be paid by thofe concerned, or fome of them, to faid Authority and Select-men.

culation, &c.

That in Cafe any Perfon fhall prefume voluntarily to receive, take, give or Penalty of communicate the Small-Pox, directly or indirectly, contrary to the true Intent Solation, c and Meaning of this Act, or be aiding and affifting therein, fuch Offender fhallforfeit and pay to the Treasurer of this State, the Sum of Fifty Pounds, for every fuch Offence.

Penalty for And if any Perfon fhall tranfgrefs any of the Rules or Orders made or transgreffing given in pursuance of this Act, fuch Tranfgreffors fhall forfeit and pay to the any orders Treasurer of the Town where the Offence shall be committed, the Sum of Eight Pounds.

made, &c.


And whenever any Perfon fhall be brought to Trial for the Breach of this Burden of A&t, in communicating or receiving the Small-Pox, aiding or affifting therein, proof to lay fuch Perfon fhall be deemed and adjudged guilty thereof, although the Com- on the delinplainant shall not be able to produce any other Proof than to render it proba- quent. ble; unlefs fuch Perfon fhall make Oath before the Court before whom fuch May exculPerfon is on Trial, that he or she have not voluntarily, directly or indirectly, pate himself given or received said Infection, either by Inoculation or any Way or Means on cath. whatsoever: Which Oath the said Court are hereby impowered to administer. And all Informing Officers are hereby impowered and required to inform against all and every Perfon and Perfons who thall tranfgrefs this Act, or any Rules and Orders made in Pursuance of this A&.

Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That where-ever any Sol- Sick foldiers dier, Sailor, or Marine belonging to the Army or Navy of the United States, and mariners who is not an Inhabitant of this State, fhall become fick in any Town within how relieved this State, under fuch Circumstances that he cannot be removed, and unable &c. to provide Things neceffary for his Support, or procure the fame from some Hofpital or Perfon imployed in the Hospital or Medical Department of the United States, it fhall be the Duty of the Select-men of fuch Town to provide the Neceffaries for the Support and Relief of such Soldier, Sailor, or Marine Accounts to in his Sickness, and the reasonable Expences thereof, properly authenticated, be liquidated being laid before the Governor and Council, with the Name of fuch Soldier, and payment, Sailor or Marine, the Company, Regiment, fhip or other Veffel, and state ordered by to which he belonged, they are hereby authorized to order Payment of the governor and amount of fuch Expence, or fo much thereof as shall be by them allowed, and of ftate treacharge the fame to the Account of the United States.

An Act for erecting and continuing a Sign-Post in each Town


in this State.

council, out

fury, &c.

every town.

E it Enated by the Governor, Council and Representatives, in General Court A fig"-poft to affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That near the Center of every be kept rear Town in this State, there fhall be a fign-Poft fet up at the Town's Charge, the center of and maintained in fufficient repair, on the Penalty of ten Shillings per Month for any Town that shall neglect the fame: One Half to the Complainer that fhall profecute the fame within fix Months after fuch Neglect, and the other Penalty for Half to the County Treasury; which Fine fhall be recoverable of the selectmen of the Town fo neglecting.

I i



Ufe of fign. posts.




At which fign-Pofts, Proclamations fent forth to be fet up and published, Notices of ftrays, fales of Houses and Lands, and Advertisements of fuch like Occafions, fhall be fet up to be read.

Provided nevertheless. That there fhall be erected and maintained for public. Ufe, by the Town of Watertown, a fign-Poft in each of the focieties of Webury and Northbury, in faid Town, under the fame Penalties which any other Town in this state is liable to, in fimilar Cafes, upon non-performance; any Thing in this Act to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding.

An Act to promote the making of Raw-Silk within this State.
WHEREAS by the Experiments which have been made, it is highly probable that
the making of Raw-Silk will be attended with much Advantage to the good
People of this State.


E it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Reprefentatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the first Premium for Day of March, Anno Domini, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-four, planting mul- to the firit Day of March, One Thoujand Seven Hundred and Ninety-three, whoberry-trees, ever fhall plant One Hundred thrifty fhrubs or faplings, of three or more Years Growth, of the white Mulberry-Tree, within this ftate, on his, her or their Land, at fuch Diftances from each other as will be favourable for their Growth and for collecting their Leaves, fhall receive at the end of every Year, and dur ing the Term of three Years from and next after the Year in which fuch faplings shall have been planted as aforesaid, Ten Shillings lawful Money, and so in Proportion for every Hundred of fuch faplings planted as aforefaid, upon Proof and Certificate thereof, as hereafter directed, that fuch faplings were, at the end of every three Years after they were fo planted, in a thrifty Condition; every fuch Certificate fhall be given at the end of every of the three Years as aforefaid; and no Certificate shall be given for any Number of fuch faplingsbut for one or more entire Hundreds, as the Cafe may be.

zos. per dred,


Premium on filk raised,

Be it further Enacted, That whoever fhall make any Raw-Silk, from Worms and Mulberry-Trees of his own Raifing, within this ftate, by properly wind. ing the fame from the Balls or Cacoons, after the said firft Day of March, and for fifteen Years next thereafter, fhall have and receive three Pence lawful Mo3d. per ounce. ney, for each Ounce of fuch dry filk, which he, fhe, or they fhall make as aforefaid; every of which Bounties given by this Act, shall be paid out of lome Tax which has or shall be granted for the support of the Civil Government of this state.

taining the


To be paid

out of the tax

for civil lift.

Be it further Enacted, That it fhall be the Duty of any two Juftices of the Mode of ob- Peace, upon the Application of any Perfon or Perfons claiming any Bounty by this Act, carefully to examine fuch Claim, and upon Proof that the fame is well founded, fhall give a Certificate to fuch Perfon or Perfons claiming as aforefaid, living within their County, fpecifying on what Account fuch Bounty becomes due; and shall include in fuch Certificate, an Order on the Collector of that Town in which fuch Claimant or Claimants live, to pay fuch Bounty out of fuch Tax in his Hands for the fupport of Civil Government, as they shall direct; and every fuch Collector shall receive and pay fuch Order, and shall deliver the fame over into the Hand of the Treasurer of this State, who shall thereupon discharge fuch Collector to the Amount of faid Order on faid Tax. And iftuch Collector fhall not be able to pay fuch Order, he shall certify fuch Inability on the Back thereof; and in that Case the Treasurer of this State fhall pay the fame out of any Monies in his Hands for the fupport of Civil Government: And the Treasurer of this State shall keep a feparate Account of all Monies paid by Virtue of this Act.

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