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they are hereby impowered to iffue forth a Writ or Writs for the bringing beMe him or them any fufpected Perfon or Perfons, and examine him or them concerning fach Disorders and Damages.

perfons Lable unless, &c

And if fuch fofpected Perfon or Perfons, upon fuch Examination. cannot give a fatisfactory Account to the Authority before whom fuch Examination is had, where he or they were when fuch Diforders and Damages complained of Suspected were committed or done, and that he or they had no Hand in doing the fame, he or they fhall be liable to pay and apfwer all fuch Damages as the Perfon or Perfons complaining fhall have fuftained or fuffered as aforesaid, and alfo fuch Fine or Punishment as the Court, Afhiftant or Juftice, before whom the Trial is had fhall fee Cause to order; not exceeding the Sum of Five Pounds.

An Act for preventing, punishing and removing Nufances in High-ways, Rivers and Water-courses.

BE it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Reprefentatives, in General Court Perfons guit

ty of a ru

affembled, and by the Authority of the jame, That if any Perfon or Perfons whattoever, fhall block up or lay, or caufe to be laid in any High-way, any fance to pay Stones, Tree or Trees, or Timber, or fhall by Digging or any Means obftruct, &c. hinder or indanger the Paffage of Travellers in fuch Ways; being thereof duly And alfo fub convicted, fhall pay the Charge of repairing, clearing or filling up the fame, jet to 205. and alfo incur the Penalty of Twenty Shillings; one Half to the Treasury of be recovered, that Town, and the other Half to the Informer who thall profecute the fame to &c. Effect, together with the Charges of Profecution.

penalty, to

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Nufances in Perfons shall erect or fet up any Gates, Bars, Rails or Fence upon, or acrofs any highways High-way, Country Road, or Street, or continue any fach, to the Annoyance may be reand Incumbrance of the fame, it fhall be deemed a Common-Nufance; and it moved, &c, fhall and may be lawful for any Person or Perfons to pull down and remove the fame as fuch.

Provided, This Act shall not be construed to the Prejudice of fuch as have obtained Liberty or shall obtain Liberty from the County Court to fet up Gates Provifo. or Bars in High-ways.

And whereas the damming of Rivers and Brooks, and turning of Water-Courles

ut of their natural and original Courles, is often prejudical to many Towns, Proprietors and particular Perfons:"

For preventing of which;

Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon within this State, fhall ftop, dam or obftruct any River, Brook, Stream or Run of Water,

out of its natural Course, without Liberty of the Town in whofe Bounds the Naufances in faid Streams or any of them are. And if any Perfon or Perfons shall dam, ftop rivers, &c. or obftruct any River, Brook, Stream or Run of Water, or fhall by damming, digging or the like, turn them out of their natural Courfe, to the Prejudice of any Town, Proprietors or any particular Perfon or Perfons, the fame fhall be deemed a common Nufance, and may be removed as fuch: And the Perfon or othe Perions doing or procuring fuch Nufance to be done, fhall remove the fame, upon Penalty of forfeiting the Sum of Five Shillings per Week for every Week fuch Nufance fhall remain after due Warning given to fuch Person to remove the fame; one Half whereof fhall be to the Complainer and Profecutor, and the other Half to the Treasurer of the Town where the Offence fhall be committed.

Provided nevertheless, That this Act, nor any Thing herein contained, fhall be understood or intended to hinder any Dam for any Mill, or for other Ufe, Provifo. in cafe no fpecial Damage accrues thereby to any Perfon.




Provided alfo, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall remove, or break, or injure any Mill-Dam, as a public Nufance, and it fhould ultimately upon Trial at Law turn out not to be fuch, the Perfon or Perfons fo offeading fhall, upon Conviction, pay to the Party aggrieved, double Damages and double Cofts. And it is further Enacted, That if any Perfon or Perfons who fhall pull Plead the ge- down, remove or demolish any of the Nufances aforefaid, fhall be fued therefor, he or they may plead the general Iffue, and give this Act in Evidence.

neral issue,


Forms of oaths.

Oath of fide




Lt. Governor


An Act for prescribing and establishing Forms of Oaths in this


E it Enacted by the Governor, Council and Representatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the jame, That the feveral Forms of Oaths here following, be, and they are hereby established, to be taken by, and adminiftred unto the several and respective Officers and Perfons for whom they are appointed, as followeth.


Oath of Fidelity.

A. B. do fwear by the Name of the Everliving GOD, that you will be true and faithful to the State of Connecticut, as a free and independent State, and in all Things do your Duty as a good and faithful Sobjec of the faid State, in fupporting the Rights, Liberties and Privileges of the fame. So help you GOD.


For the Freemen, viz.

For the Governor, viz.

TOU A. B. being by the Providence of God, an Inhabitant of this State of Connecticut, and now to be made Free of the fame, do wear by the Name of the Everliving GOD, that you will be true and faithful to faid State, and the Constitution and Government thereof, as a free and independent State, and whenfoever you shall be called to give your Vote or Suffrage touching any Matter which concerns this State, you shall give it as in your Contcience you fhall judge will conduce to the best Good of the fame, without refpect of Perfons or favour of any Man. So help you GOD. chofen to be Governor over this State of Connecticut, for this Year enfuing, and until a new be chofen and fworn, Do fwear by the Everliving God, to promote the public Good and Peace of the fame, according to the best of your Skill; and that you will maintain the lawful Rights and Privileges thereof as a fovereign, free, and independent State; as alfo, that all wholesome Laws and Orders that are or shall be made by lawful Autho rity here established, be duly executed; and will further the Execution of Jaf tice, for the Time aforefaid, according to the Rules of God's Word, and the Laws of this State. So belp you GOD. YOU M. G. now chofen to be Lieutenant-Governor over this State of Connecticut, for this Year enfuing, and until a new be chosen and fworn, Do fwear, &c.---as in the Oath for the Governor, mutatis mutandis. For the Affiftants, viz.


For the Lieutenant Governor, viz.

ου TOU7. H. being chofen an Affiftant over this State for the Year enfuing, Do fwear by the Everliving God, to promote the public Good and Peace of the fame, according to the beft of your Skill; and that you will maintain the lawful Privileges thereof, according to your Understanding; and alfo affift in the Execution of all fuch wholesome Laws and Orders as are or shall be made by lawful Authority here eftablished; and will further the Execution of Justice for the Time aforefaid, according to the righteous Rules of God's Word and the Laws of this State. So help you GOD.

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For the Judges of the Superior, and County Courts, mutatis mutandis, viz. OU being appointed Judges of the Superior Court over this State, for the Year enfuing, Do fwear by the Name of the Everliving GOD, that as judges of the faid Court, you will faithfully and impartially adminifter Juftice according to Law, take no Bribe, give no Council in Judges of fu pe ior an! any Matter that shall come before you, nor deny Right to any; but well and. truly perform your Office of Judges, as aforefaid, according to your bett Skill and Judgment. So help you GOD. .

For Justices of the Peace, viz.

fwear by the Name of the Everliving GOD, that as Juice

Yof the Peace in the County of H. according to the Commiffion given you,

you will adminifter Juftice equally and impartially in all Cafes, and do equal Right to the Poor and to the Rich, after your bett Skill and Power and according to Law: And you fhall not be of Counfel in any Quarrel that fall. come before you, nor let for Gift or other Caufe; but well and truly do your Office of Juftice of the Peace, taking only your lawful Fees. And you shall not direct or caufe to be directed, any Warrant by you made, to the Parties, but you shall direct your Warrant to the Sheriff, his Deputy or Conftable, or other Officer proper for the Execution of the fame, in the County, or to fome indifferent Perfon; and this you fhall do without fovour or refpect of Perfons. So help you GOD.

For the State Treasurer, viz.

county courts


Treasurer of

You. 7. L. being chofen Treasurer for this State of Connecticut, for the Year enfuing and until a new be chofen, Do fwear, that you will, according to the best of your Skill, attend the Place and Office of a Treasurer, for this. State, in fending out your Warrants for collecting all fuch Sums of Money as the ftatc. are due to this State, by Fines, Rates or otherwife; and that you will pay out of the fame in fuch Sums and in fuch Manner as you fhall be appointed to by the Court, as you fhall have it in the common Treafury: And that 'you' will, according to Law, fee the Conftables make up their Accompts with you, or fine. them according to Law for their Neglect: And that you will render count of all Things concerning your Office when you are called thereunto by the General Court. So help you GOD.


For the Secretary, viz.

true Ac

YOU G. W. being chofen Secretary of this State of Connecticut, for the Year enfuing, and until a new be chofen, do fwear, that you will keep the Secrets of the Court, and carefully execute the Place and Office of a Secretary Secretary; according to the best of your Skill and truly and faithfully record all Acts" and Orders of the Court, and deliver true Copies and Certificates when they fhall be neceffarily required of you.

For the Sheriffs, viz.

So help you GOD.

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OU E. W. being appointed Sheriff for the County of H do fwear that. you will with all Faithfulness and Diligence ferve all fuch Writs and Attachments as thall be directed to you, (and conie to your Hand) by lawful Authority, and return them to the Court where they are returnable ; and also that' you will ferve all fuch Executions, granted by the Secretary, Treafu er, or other Clerk authorized thereunto, delivered into your Hands, and collect or lévy the Goods you are directed to, according to the faid Execations, whether it be for the public Treatury or particular Perlons; and that you will with convenient Speed, deliver fuch Goods as you fhall levy as aforesaid, into the Hands of the Treasurer or other particular Perfon or Pertons to whom they do be-" long; and that you will do and execute all fuch lawful Commands, Directions, and Warrants as you fhall receive from the Governor, or any Magistrate, Magiftrates, or Juftice of the Peace, Court or Courts, according to your Office; and Ce







For the Deputies or Reprefentatives, viz.

thus during the whole Time you fhall continue in your Office, you will demean yourself without Refpe&t of Perfons, or Favor of any Man; But in Cafe you meet with any Difficulty, which you cannot resolve, you may suspend until you can have Advice therein from Authority. So help you GOD. Reprefenta. You do fwear by the Everliving God, that in all Cafes wherein you are to deliver your Vote or Sentence against any Criminal Offence, or between Parties in any Civil Cafe, you will deal uprightly and juftly, according to your beft Judgment without refpect of Perfons; and that you will according to your Skill and Ability affift in all other public Affairs of this Court faithfully and truly, according to the Duty of your Place, when you fhall be prefent to attend the fame. So help you GOD.




For the Grand-Jurors, viz

YOU do fwear by the Name of the Everliving God, that you will diligently
enquire after, and true Prefentment make of all Breaches of Law that
fhall come to your Knowledge, according to your Charge, (uniefs fome religi
ous Tye of Confcience furely bottomed upon the Word of God, bind you to
fecrecy) the fecrets of the Cause, your own and your Fellows you will duly ob-
serve and keep: You will prefent no Man for Envy, Hatred or Malice, neither
will you leave any Man unprefented for Love, Fear, or Affection, or in hope of
Reward; but you will prefent Things truly as they come to your Knowledge,
cording to the best of your Understanding, and according to the Laws of this
So help you GOD.

For the Petit-Jurors, viz.

OU fwear by the Everliving God, that without refpect of Perfons, or favour of any Man, you will well and truly try, and true Deliverance make, Petit-Jurors. between the State of Connecticut, and the Prifoner at the Bar, whom you fhall have in Charge, according to your Evidence, and the Laws of this State.

Jurors in cival cales.

Jury of inquest.



For the Jurors in Civil Cajes, viz. So belp you GOD. YOU fwear that you will duly try the flue or Iffures now to be given you in Charge, between the Plaintiff and Defendant, or Plaintiffs or Defendants, according to the Evidence given you in Court, and the Laws of this State; and accordingly a true Verdict give: Your own Counsel and your Fellows you fhall duly observe and keep: You fhall fpeak nothing to any One of the Bufinefs and Matters you have in Hand, but among yourfelves, nor fhall you fuffer any to fpeak unto you about the fame, but in Court: And when you are agreed of any Verdict, you fhall keep it fecret till you deliver it up in Court. So help you GOD.


For the Jury of Inqueft, viz.

OU fwear that you will diligently enquire, and true Prefentment make, how and in what Manner A. B. (here lying dead) came to his Death; you fhall deliver up to the next Affiftant or Juftice of the Peace a true Verdict thereof, according to fuch Evidence as fhall be given you, and according to your Knowledge. So help you God.

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For Witnesses, viz.

OU fwear that the Evidence you fhall give to this Court concerning the
Cafe now in Queftion, fhall be the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing
but the Truth.
So help you GOD.

For Cenftables, viz.

YOU 4. B. fwear by the Everliving God, that for the Year enfuing, and until new be chofen and worn, you will faithfully execute the Place and Office of Conflable, for and within the Town of H. and the Limits thereof; and that you will endeavour to preferve the public Peace of the faid Place and this State; and will do your beft Endeavours to fee all Watches and Wards ex-▸ ecuted and duly attended; and obey and execute all lawful Commands and

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Warrants that come from any Magiftrate or Magiftrates, Juftice of the Peace,
or Court; and execute all fuch Orders of Court as fhall be committed to your
Care according to your best Skill.
So belp you GOD.

For Deputy-Sheriffs, viz.

OU A. B. being appointed a Deputy-Sheriff within the County of H.

do fwear, that you will truly and faithfully discharge the Duties of faid Office, during the Time you fhall continue therein; and that you will not Deputy fhe write or fill up any Writ or Writs against any Perfon or Perfons whatsoever, riffs: except you are a Party in the Action, nor cause the same to be wrote or filled up,

or direct any Person therein..

So help you GOD,

For the Clerks of the Superior and County Courts, mutatis, mutandis, viz.

YOU 4. B. being appointed to be Clerk of the Superior Court, do fwear

rior & coun

ty courts.

that you will carefully, faithfully, and diligently attend and execute the Place and Office of fuch a Clerk: That you will truly enter and record all Ac- Clerks fupetions, Verdicts, Sentences, Orders and Determinations of the faid Court, and ́ deliver trae Copies when they fhall be required of you, taking no more than your lawful Fees therefor: And that you will perform and execute your Office, and Duty therein according to the beft of your Skill, and the Laws of this State. So help you God.

For the Clerks of the Courts of Probate, viz.

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YOU A. B. being appointed to be Clerk of the Court of Probates in the D.trict of H. do fwear that you will carefully, faithfully, and diligently Clerks proattend and execute the Place and Office of fuch a Clerk; and that you will truly record all Wills and Inventories as shall be exhibited into faid Court, and by laid Court be ordered to be recorded'; as also all Orders, Sentences and De- ! terminations of faid Court; and deliver true Copies when they shall be required of you, taking only your lawful Fees therefor; and that you will perform and execute your Office, and Duty therein, according to the beft of your Skill, and the Laws of this State. So help you God. i

For Town Clerks, viz.

YOU A. B. being chofen and appointed to be Town Clerk or Register of the Town of H. do fwear that you will truly and faithfully attend and execute the Place and Office of a Town Clerk for the laid Town of H. according Clerks town. to your best Skill; and make true Entries of all fuch Grants, Deeds of Sale, or of Gift, Town Votes, Mortgages and Alienations or Difpofitions of Land as shall be compleated according to Law; and of all Births, Deaths and Marriages; and of all other Writings and Agreements as fhall be brought to you to record; and you will deliver true Copies of the Records in your Hands when they fhall be required of you, taking only your lawfu! Fees. So belp you GOD.

.For Packers, viz.

DU and appointed to be Packer of Beef, Pork, and

YOU 4. B. being chofenwn of H. do fwear, that you will well and truly pack packers.

all Beef, Pork and other Goods and Commodities when you fhall be thereto re
quired; that you will pack no kind of Goods or Provifions but fuch as are good,
found, fortable and merchantable, nor in any Cat that is not full Gage; and
that you will fet your own particular Mark upon all Cafk packed by you; and
all Things proper to your Place and Office of Packer you thall faithfully per-
form and discharge according to your best Skill, Judgment and Confcience.
So help you GOD.

For Fence-Viewers, Leather-Sealers, Gagers, Sealers of Weights and Meajures,
Lifters, Tything-men, Surveyors of High-ways, Surveyors and Packers of To-
bacco, Haywards, Town Treasurers, Society-Treasurers, Scavengers Commiff.
oners of Sewers; Clerks of the Owners of Sheep, &c mutatis mutandis.
YOU fwear that you will diligently and faithfully perform, difcharge, and Fence view-
execute the Office of
within the Limits whereto you are apiers, &c.


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