Abbildungen der Seite
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That all Horfe-kind, and other Creatures rateable by Law, that are put up

the owners.

on any Farms in this State, out of the Town where the Owners dwell, and un- Horse-kind, der the Care, Occupancy and Improvement of a Tenant there, fhall be put into &c. in towns the Lift of the Owners of fuch Creatures in the Town where fuch Farm lieth; remote from and in all other Cafes, all Horfe-kind and other Creatures rateable by Law, shall be put into the Lift of the Pots and rateable Estate of the Owners thereof, in the Towns where they dwell.

All Ministers of the Gospel that now are or hereafter shall be settled in this State, during their Continuance in the Ministry, shall have all their Eftates ly- Certain exing in the fame Society or Town wherein they dwell, and all Polls belonging emptions. to their feveral Families, exempted from being put into the Lift. And also the Prefident of Yale College for the Time being, his Eftate fhall be under the fame Regalations as Ministers of the Gospel. As alfo in like Manner shall all Lands and Buildings in this State, fequeftered to, and improved for Schools, or other public or pious Ufes.

That all Ships and other Veffels in employ, or that have been within one Year next before the twentieth Day of August annually, fhall be fet in the Lift Shipping. at Fifteen Shillings per Ton, according to their true and juft Barthen, to be computed by the Carpenter's Rule.

That each Coach fhall be fet in the Lift at Twenty-five Pounds; each Cha

riot at Taventy Pounds; erch Phaeton at Fifteen Pounds; each Curricle at Ten Coaches, &c. Pounds; each Chaife or other riding Wheel-Carriage with a covered top, at Five Pounds; and every open Chair and other open-top riding Wheel-Car

riage at Three Pounds.


Each Gold Watch, at Five Pounds; all other Kind of Watches, at One Pound Watches and Ten Shillings each; all fteel and brass-wheeled Clocks, at Three Pounds each; wooden wheeled Clocks; at One Pound each.

All wrought houshold Silver Plate, at fix per Cent, on the just Value thereof Silver plate. in Lawful Money, at Six Shillings and Eight-pence per Ounce; all Monies at Intereft on good Security, except Monies loaned to this State or the United Monies. States, more than the Owners thereof pay Intereft for, at fix per Cent. on the juft Value in Lawful Money.

Each Dwelling Houfe in good Repair, at Fifteen Shillings for each Fireplace

therein: The Lifters may abate for old and decayed Houfes, one Quarter, one DwellingHalf or three Quarters of the Sum aforefaid, according as the Houfes fhall ap- houfes, &c. pear to them to be more or lefs-decayed, or depreciated in Value.

Directions to

Be it further enaded by the Authority aforesaid, That after making up the Lift of (pecific Articles aforefaid, the Lifters fhall proceed to make the following Affements, to wit. Each Attorney at Law (the leaft Practitioner) at Fifty Pounds, larger Practitioners higher in Proportion; each Phyfician or Surgeon (the leaft Practitioner) at Ten Pounds, and others in Proportion; each Shop- lifters how to keeper or Trader whatfoever (the lowest Clafs) at Twenty-five Pounds, and all affefs, &c. others in due Proportion; that each allowed and licenced Tavern-keeper be let at Fifteen Pounds, and to be added to in Proportion to their Situation and Profits, according to the beft Judgment of the Lifters: That each and every Perfon that followeth any mechanical Art or Miftery, fuch as Black-fmiths, Shoemakers, Tanners, Gold-fmiths or Silver-fmiths, and every other HandyCraft, fhall be fee in the Lift at least Five Pounds, and to be added to at the beft Difcretion of the Lifters; each Corn-mill standing on a Stream fufficient to carry the fame through the various Seasons of the Year, and fo fituated that they are conftantly fupplied with Cuftom, fhall be fet in the Lift annually at Eighty Pounds, and others of leffer Advantages, whether Wind-mills or others, at a lefs Sum in Proportion, according to the best Judgment of the Lifters. And that the Lifters fhall affels Owners of Iron-works, Oil-mills, Saw-mills, and all other Water Works by which Profits arife; and that all other

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Works and Occupations followed or purfued by any Perfons by which Profits arife, and which have not been enumerated in this A&t (except Business in any public Office, Hufbandry, and common Labour for hire) shall be affeffed by the best Judgment of the Lifters in due Proportion to the Rules given in particu lar Instances in this Act. And all Bulls, more than One owned by one Perfon, fhall be fet in the Lift at the Rate of Steers or Oxen of the fame Age, And that the Affeffments made by the Lifters by Virtue of this Act, fhall be fo returned to the General Affembly in Odober annually, that the Affembly may judge whether on the whole Justice has been done by the Lifters: And the Lifters fhall carefully return the Names of thofe of all Denominations who shall be affeffed, and the Sums annexed at which they are respectively assessed, to said Assembly. Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Lifters in the femitted to the veral Towns in this State, fhall receive, make up and tranfmit to the General affembly, &c. Affembly, and lodge with the Town Clerk the Lifts of fuch Towns relpectively, in the following Form and Order of Arrangement, viz.

Lifts tranf

A true Lift of the Polls and Estate of the Town of
Law, on the 20th Day of August, 1 7

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rateable by

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The form of lifts.

Swine of one Year old, at

Acres of Plow-land, at

Acres of Upland, Mowing & Clear-pasture, at
Acres of Boggy-meadow mowed, at

Acres of Boggy-meadow not mowed, at
Acres of Meadow-land in Hartford County, at
Acres of other Meadow-land, at

Acres of Bush-pafture, at

Acres of uninclosed Land, firft Rate, at
Acres of uninclosed Land, fecond Rate, at
Acres of uninclosed Land, third Rate, at

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Whereas fundry Perfons have from Time to Time, after the twentieth of Auguft, come into this State for the Purpose of vending their Goods, Wares and Merchan- Preambles dize, and to avoid the Payment of axes have, before the Time of giving in Lifts, removed out of this State, whereby they have reaped all the Profits of Trade, without contributing any Thing to the public Burthens of this State.

Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Lifters in the feveral Towns in this State, together with two Juftices of the Peace, and two Select-men be, and they are hereby authorized and impowered to affefs any fuch Itinerant Trader or Merchant who hath come into any fuch Town fince the twentieth- traders afDay of August laft, and refided one Month therein, and hath not given a List in feffed. any Town in this State, in fuch Sum as they shall judge juft and reasonable, according to their Gains, as in Cafe of other Traders, and from Month to Month, and at the expiration of every Month until their giving in a Lift in the ufual Manner, may affefs fuch Perfon or Perfons as are already in this State, or fhall hereafter come into this State an carry on any Trade or Merchandize as aforefaid, in fuch Sum as they shall think juft and reasonable, according to their Gains as aforefaid; and said Juftices are forthwith to iffue out their Warrants for collecting fuch Affeffment, directed to the Collector of fuch Town, who is hereby impowered and directed to collect and pay the fame into the Town Treatury where fuch Affeffment shall be made, for the Ufe and Benefit of fuch Town.

An Act for the Encouragement of Literature and Genius.

WHEREAS it is perfectly agreeable to the Principles of natural Equity and

Juftice, that every Author fhould be fecured in receiving the Profits that may arife from the Sale of his Works, and fuch Security may encourage Men of Learn- Preamble. ing and Genius to publish their Writings; which may do Honor to their Country, and Service to Mankina.

for the termi of 14 years.

E it enacted by the Governor, Council and Representatives, in General Court Authors of affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Author of any Book books, &c. to or Pamphlet not yet printed, or of any Map or Chart, being an Inhabitant or have the fole Refident in thefe United States, and his Heirs and Affigns, fhall have the fole right of pub. Liberty of printing, publishing and vending the fame within this State, for the lining, &c. Term of fourteen Years, to commence from the Day of its first Publication in this State. And if any Perfon or Persons within faid Term of fourteen Years as aforefaid, fhall prefume to print or re-print any fuch Book, Pamphlet, Map or Chart within this State, or to import or introduce into this State for Sale, any Copies thereof, re-printed beyond the Limits of this State, or fhall knowingly publish, vend and utter, or diftribute the fame without the Confent of the Proprietor thereof in Writing, figned in the Prefence of two credible Witneffles, Penalty for every fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall forfeit and pay to the Proprietor of fuch publishing, Book, Pamphlet, Map or Chart double the Value of all the Copies thereof, to &c. without printed, imported, diftributed, vended, or expofed for Sale; to be recovered the proprieby fuch Proprietor in any Court of Law in this State, proper to try the fame. Provided nevertheless, That no Author, Affignee or Proprietor of any fuch Book, Pamphlet Map or Chart fhall be entitled to take the Benefit of this Statute, until he shall duly regifter his Name as Author, Affignee, or Proprietor, Provifo. with the Title thereof, in the Office of the Secretary of this State, who is hereby impowered and directed to enter the fame on Record.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforelaid, That at the Expiratien of faid Term of fourteen Years, in the Cafes above mentioned, the fole

tor's confent.


Further term.

Proprietor neglecting to

furnish the puclic with fufficient editions, &c.

Penalty on


Right of printing and difpofing of any fuch Book, Pamphlet, Map or Chart in this State, fhall return to the Author thereof, if then living, and his Heirs and Affigns, for the Term of fourteen Years more, to commence at the End of faid first Term ; and that all and every Perfon or Perfons, who fhall re-print, import, vend, utter or diftribute in this State, any Copies thereof without the Confent of fuch Proprietor, obtained as aforefaid, during faid fecond Term of fourteen Years, shall be liable to the fame Penalties, recoverable in the fame Manner as is herein before enacted and provided.

And whereas it is equally necessary, for the Encouragement of Learning, that the Inhabitants of this State be furnished with useful Books, &c. at reasonable


Be it further enacted, That whenever any fuch Author or Proprietor of fach Book, Pamphlet, Map or Chart, fhall neglect to furnish the Public with fufficient Editions thereof, or fhall fell the fame at a Price unreasonable, and beyond what may be adjudged a fufficient Compenfation for his Labour, Time, Expence and Rifque of Sale, the Judge of the Superior Court in this State, on Complaint thereof made to him in Writing, is hereby authorized and impowered to fummon fuch Author or Proprietor to appear before the next Superior Court, to be holden in that County where fuch Author or Proprietor dwells, if a Refident in this State, if not, in that County where fuch Complainant dwells; and faid Court are hereby authorized and impowered to enquire into the Juftice of faid Complaint, and if the fame be found true, to take fufficient Recognizance and Security of fuch Author or Proprietor, conditioned that he fhall within fuch reafonable Time, as faid Court fhall direct, publish and offer for Sale in this State, a fufficient Number of Copies of fuch Book, Pamphlet, Map or Chart, at fuch `reasonable Price as faid Court fhall, on due Confideration affix: And if such Author or Proprietor fhall, before faid Court, neglect or refuse to give fuch Security as aforesaid, the faid Court are hereby authorized and impowered to give to fuch Complainant, a full and ample Licence to re-print and publish fuch Book, Pamphlet, Map or Chart, in fuch Numbers and for fuch Term as faid Court fhall judge just and reasonable: Provided faid Complainant fhall give füfficient Security before faid Court, to afford faid re-printed Edition at fuch reasonable Price as faid Court fhall thereto affix.

And be it further enacted, That any Perfon or Perfons who shall procure and print any unpublished Manufcript, without the Confent and Approbation of the fuch as proAuthor or Proprietor thereof, firft had and obtained, (if fuch Author or Proprieeure and print tor be living, and refident in, or Inhabitant of thefe United States) fhall be liaunpublished ble to fuffer and pay to the laid Author or Proprietor his juft Damages for fuch manufcripts, Injury; to be recovered by Action brought on this Statute, in any Court of without con- Law in this State, proper to try the fame."

fent of the author.


Provided always, That nothing in this Act fhall extend to affect, prejudice or confirm the Rights which any Perfon may have to the printing or publishing of any Book, Pamphlet, Map or Chart, at Common Law, in Cafes not mentioned in this Act, or to fereen from legal Punishment any Perfon or Perfons who may be guilty of printing or publishing any Book, Pamphlet or Paper that may be prophane, treasonable, defamatory, or injurious to Government, Morals or Religion.

Provided alfo, That this Aft fhall not extend, or be conftrued to extend in Favour, or for the Benefit of any Author or Persons refiding in, or Inhabitants of any other of the United States, until the State or States, in which fuch Perfon or Perfons refide or dwell, fhall have passed fimilar Laws in Favour of the Authors of new Publications, and their Heirs and Affigns.

Lotteries. Man-laughter. Marriages.

An Act for preventing and fuppreffing of Lotteries.

Baffembled, and by the Authority of the jame,

E it enacted by the Governor, Council and Representatives, in General Court

whosoever fall prefume,



without fpecial Liberty from the General Court, to fet up any Lottery for the Perfons fetfale of Goods, or to fell, put off, or vend any Parcel, Parcels or Quantity of ing up lotteGoods, Monies, or other Things whatsoever, by way of Lottery; or fhall pre- ries to tell fume by Wagers, Shooting, or any other fuch like Way or Exercise whatsoever, gock, & to offer to fell, vend, put off or difpofe of any Goods, Monies, or other Things for the collected or expofed to be run at fuch Adventures; or to fer up Notifications value of faid to entice People to bring in and depofit, or rifque their Money or Credit for the carrying on the Defigns aforefaid, and be duly convicted thereof before any Court or Authority proper to try the fame, fhall forfeit the Value of fuch Goods or Monies, or Things fo expofed, or proposed to be exposed to Sale, or drawn. for: The one Half thereof to him that shall profecute the fame to Effect, and the other Half to the County Treasury of that County where the Offence shall be committed.

All officers to make pr

And all Officers, as Grand-jurors and others ordered by Law to make Prefentment of Breaches of Law, are directed (when no Informer or Profecutor fentment, &c appears) to make Prefentment of the Breaches of this Act.

An Act for the punishment of Man-flaughter.

Punishment for man

BE it enacted by the Governor, Council and Representatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the jame, That whatfoever Perfon fhat! flaughter, be guilty of the Crime of Man-flaughter, or the wilful killing another Perfon, forfeiture of without Malice forethought, and be thereof legally convicted, by Confeffion or all goods and Verdict, before any of the Superior Courts of this State, fhall forfeit to the pub- chattels, whipping lic Treafury of this State, all the Goods and Chattels to him or her belonging and burnt on at the Time of committing faid Crime; and be further punished by Whipping the hand, &c. on the naked Body, and be ftigmatized, or burnt on the Hand with the Letter M, on a hot Iron, and fhall alfo be forever disabled from giving any Verdict or Evidence in any of the Courts within this State.

Provided nevertheless, That if any Perfon, in the juft and neceffary Defence of his own Life, or the Life of any other, fhall kill any Perfon attempting to rob or murder in the Field or High-way, or to break into any DwellingHoufe; if he conceives he cannot with Safety of his own Perfon otherwife take the Felon or Affailant, or bring him to Juftice, he fhall be holden guiltless.

An Act for regulating and orderly celebrating of Marriages; and for preventing and punishing incestuous and other unlawful Marriages.

Forafmuch as the Ordinance of Marriage is honorable amongst all; fo it is meet it fhould be orderly and decently folemnized:


E it therefore enacted by the Governor, Council and Representatives, in General Court affembled, and by the Authority of the lame, That no Perfons shall Publishment be joined in Marriage, before the Purpofe or Intention of the Parties pro- requifit: beceeding therein, hath been fufficiently published in fome public Meeting or fore marriage Congregation on the Lord's-Day, or on fome public, Faft, Thanksgiving, or Lecture-Day, in the Town, Parish, or Society where the Parties, or either publishing



pointed out.

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